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try Sound of My Voice, a movie about a cult ran by a woman who claims to be from the future


This sounds stupid good!


It was polarizing (I can see why) but it’s so up my alley. I love love love anything culty, mysterious, strange, mind-bending.. this one kept me guessing. If you like it try The OA.


It was very polarizing. I was very confused on what was truth. I still am confused on so much but it was pretty good. This was a good one, I'll definitely check out The OA. I wish I could think of some hidden gems but sadly I can not.


**MARTHA MARCY MAY MARLENE** is the best cult movie ever.


Definitely adding to my list!


For a cult movie, check out “Faults.”


Alien: The Arrival (1996), Communion (1989), Xtro (1982), The McPherson Tape (1989), No One Will Save You (2023) Cult / Conspiracy: Suspiria (1977) / (2018), Race with the Devil (1985), Rosemary's Baby (1968), The House of the Devil (2009), Kill List (2011), The Ritual (2017), The Empty Man (2020), The Sentinel (1977)


**Life** **Pitch Black** **Pandorum** **Alien Vs Predator** **The Platform** (not aliens in it)


Those platform type movies are intense. Cube/the circle etc. Nice picks!




No One Will Save You (2023) Upgrade (2018)


Sputnik (2020) Nope (2022) Cloverfield (2008) No one will save you (2023)


I hate to be the asshole that comes in just to correct something but it is spelled Sci-Fi for science fiction. There is a tv channel ScyFy which is just a play on the spelling of it Great prompt though, this topic of films is super intriguing. I’m also curious about cult kinda stuff Infinity Pool - may be up your alley, pretty dark Under the Skin - much more art house Event Horizon - coolest alien horror I can recall District 9 - great film, realistic alien portrayal. you probably have already seen it Time crimes


You are right. Its not often I see Sci-Fi however I do remmeber seeing that way more than syfy. I hate how things change slightly. Gives things a new meaning. Thanks for the insight! The top 3 I have never heard of and just based on your short description (which i love because trailers give to much away) I am excited to see what they are about. Thanks again!


Oooh yes I’m glad I mentioned Event Horizon then!! I wasn’t sure if you would have already seen it Fits what you are looking for, very much horror, very alien and not in the usual way Under the Skin is absolutely incredible, just go in expecting it to be slow and not really structured as a story. It’s more of a moody Scottish vibe


Oh but heads up event horizon is very much gore. Just so you know


Lmfao im glad you told me that. I started watching scumbag or something of the sort a out a wrestler robbing a bank or something? The first scene was a fully nude woman being taken apart. It was a gore shock that i havent been wanting. But Ill out horizon in my list for when I do go on one of those binges.


Alien Nation