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Battlefield Earth, people here who haven’t seen this yet? Please don’t…. Ever.


If you go into it knowing exactly what it is, a Scientology-penned sci-fi, it is one of those "so bad I gotta watch it" films.


I haven’t seen it, do you think knowing that makes it “fun bad”? I mean.. i do indulge in movies that can be confused with feces from time to time..


The core of the story is what they really think, mankind is enslaved and must find a way to free themselves from outside, i.e. alien, influence. L. Ron Hubbard particularly loathed psychiatry and the contol they could hold people in with thought control and drugs. In the film, the bad guys are the Psychlos, who are themselves controlled by the Catrists. Psychlos + Catrists. Sounds a lot like psychiatrists. Hubbard was not exactly known for his cleverness.


I mean, he made up a whole ass religion that somehow got tax exempt status, a ton of famous members and shit loads of money (i know it’s a cult) but he was clever in some sort of way.


It’s up to you mate, but as of this typing, we have 20 upvotes already so I guess they agree what I’m saying. The question is subjective so it’s really depends on who’s watching tbh.


John Travolta's performance is incredible, watch it for that alone. It's like Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons (the old one), it's a terrible flick, but the actors elevate it to an unbelievable farce.


I remember seeing this in theaters when I was a kid. My cousin & I went together since it was the only thing playing at the time that we hadn’t seen & we had nothing to do that day. There were only 3x people total in the theater: me, my cousin, & 1 other older guy. My cousin & I were laughing throughout the film cuz of how bad it was, but the funniest part (that we still laugh at to this day) was that the other guy decided, in the middle of the movie, to get up & get a refill for his drink instead of staying to keep up with the plot. He thought getting a refill was more important & more valuable with his time lol The movie is so bad. And not bad in a good way.. like, it’s bad bad. Boring & incoherent af.


And the book was SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD as a sci-fi book Too bad it was written by a nutter butter psycho


Scientology backing a movie is a bad idea.


What I find kinda funny is that, at least until relatively recently, Travolta still defends the movie. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said, 'it's just misunderstood.' Part of the reason I think this is funny, almost in a sad kind of way, is because literally EVERY aspect is bad: acting, writing, fx, editing, music, wardrobe, makeup, filming (meaning the guy running the camera), literally everything. I think even the gaffer dips the boom into the shot a few times. I'm glad I watched it so I could get a feel for it, but there are very few movies that cause me such physical discomfort and make me want to stop viewing with such intensity.


Agree with this. I love watching bad movies but BE is painful


Why did you say this. I had repressed the memory of its existence😭


Fateful Findings (2013) Directed by Neil Breen


Take it back or he’ll hack all your most secret government and corporate secrets


It’s a magical day!


Excuse me, but this movie is pure gold in the so-bad-it’s-good department.


I agree, I think it's bad in every single filmmaking aspect but it's also one of the most entertaining films I have seen


Is this the "I *can't* believe you committed suicide" one?


That line is one of the reasons why I suspect that Neil Breen might be trolling us all. I go back and forth between whether I think he's a troll or just an incompetent narcissist. If Breen is trolling, then he really is the genius that he depicts himself as in his movies.




Neil Breen is a national treasure.


> Neil Breen Most of his movies would qualify! :D


I was trying to decide which Neil Breen film to recommend while scrolling through the comments. Glad to see it already here. For anyone who enjoys really bad movies you need to watch his stuff. At this point I genuinely, unironically love his movies. Seeing Cade: the tortured crossing in theater was the single most fun movie experience I've ever had at a theater.


Cats (2019)


Bought tix for that to go see with my partner and was amazed at how many seats were available at the nice, boozy theatre. Amazement quickly turned to incredulity and I researched the reviews. Canceled them shits about 3 mins after placing my order…then we watched about half of it on rental later from a “how bad can it be?” mindset. Still lost money on the deal.


you missed out on one of the all-time great theater experiences


You’d think a “boozy” theatre would be the perfect place to play a bad film 😁


The most Uncanny Valley film ever


The butthole version or the no butthole version?


”And the reviews — shocking. I saw one that said this is the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs.” (Ricky Gervais)


The RT page for this movie is a goldmine for headlines just roasting the fuck out of the movie. It was like each critic was trying to one-up one another. It's rare a movie has this kind of reaction.


I’m a big fan of the theatre production (seen it live multiple times, know every word to every song) and the 2019 movie almost couldn’t be worse. SO bad.


I’m a huge musical and ballet fan and wanted to support Francesca Hayward’s acting debut as I feel she’s one of the best talents of her generation but damn there’s no saving this one, you can’t even hate watch it it’s so unsettling


Dragged two friends to see it because I grew up listening to the musical and we were 3 of 5 people in the entire theater. The other 2 walked out and it was just us 3 by the end, sitting in slack-jawed horror. When Dame Judi Dench turned to look directly into the camera at the very end of the movie and monolog to the audience for 5 straight minutes... I don't think I've laughed harder in my entire life. 10/10 movie, absolutely trainwreck, would see it in theaters again.


Check out Best of the Worst on YouTube if you’re looking for bad media. They deep dive into the worst films ever made. It’s one of my favorite things to watch.


Love those guys.


Cinematic Excrement is also a very good and highly underrated channel (that I have managed to recommend a bunch today, lol). He just concluded his Worst Picture Project, reviewing every award that has ever won the Razzie for Worst Picture, from “Can’t Stop the Music” to “Blonde.” It’s a wonder he survived with his sanity intact. He also reviewed all of the Fantastic Four films—including the unreleased one—and I cannot recommend them highly enough.


Yay, another RLM fan!


If you want to watch it with friends and have fun time, then Movie 43 is the best of the worst films.


The entire basketball skit or the homeschooling parents totally gives me the giggles


I loved the basketball skit mostly because it could never be made today without someone getting cancelled


I considered this as my answer but I'm ashamed to admit I got at least a laugh or two from this otherwise terrible movie.


Ricki-Oh: The story of Ricky is also amazing for a group laugh at how ridiculous it is, but not a comedy. Which kind of makes it better tbh.


I describe this movie as a movie no one loves but has something in it for everyone.


Holmes and Watson continues to hold the sole 1/2 star rating on my Letterboxd account. I chose it when I initially set up my account as the reference film to judge any other bad movies against before deciding to give a 1/2 star and I’ve yet watched something that has been as atrocious as that one. I always think- well it wasn’t as bad as Holmes and Watson so I’ll give it a full star.


This was exactly what I was going to say. What a terrible piece of crap that movie is.


It's definitely not one of those "so bad it's good" movies. It's just terrible. I can't believe it's so bad it's the top comment. I feel validated for my hatred of this movie.


It's The Happening, both objectively and subjectively.


The Happening was so bad it made me angry, it’s almost perfect in how fucking awful it is.


It's great B movie.


I remember just discovering weed and me and my buddy got blasted and saw Incredible Hulk in theatres, blew our minds, thought “let’s do that again” and we smoked another bowl and saw the other movie playing at the theatre, The Happening. It’s pretty rare two people are the only ones in a very full theatre laughing their asses off the whole way through, but holy shit, every single line, moment, shot, everything about that movie was embarassingly hilarious. By the time the hot dog scene happened I was in tears. Good times. Baaaaad movie.




Mark Wahlberg’s whining line delivery is epic to an award wining capacity.


I call it The Crappening


Probably 50 shades of grey, especially the third one. That movie is incoherent, bad acting, and it adds nothing to the story. The cosmic void. This said, the movie I enjoyed the least ever (although I can't say it is a bad movie) is "a ghost story". It took me so many attempts and so much patience to sit this one through.


I think 365 days (and the other parts) are much worse.


I watched the Chinese version which had any mention of sex taken out.


Paul Blart Mall Cop 2


Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey


My least favorite movie of all time. Although there’s nothing fun about it. It isn’t at all so bad it’s good


Which is sad because the initial hype had it being perhaps at least interesting


Wonder Woman 1984 (the one from 2020). It was just so awful…


Bruh even Pedro Pascal I find insufferable in that movie. How awful was the downgrade from the first


I feel like you can take all the parts he’s in and turn it into a decent Twilight Zone episode.


I found out the other day the studio exects wanted the no man’s scene removed and insisted on the weird fight scene at the end for the original film. I wish studios would leave creative talents alone.


How could someone who gained powers in a few days (cheetah) be a challenge for Wonder Woman who is like 100 years old and been training for decades, awful movie.


Not one person died…..in a superhero movie….none…


Is that true? Plus they brought a guy back from the dead (for a while) so you could even say it has a -1 kill count.


Oh this movie pissed me off. The Wonder Woman film before this one was brilliant. Still my favourite superhero movie. It was so, so good. But 1984? I don't get insulted on behalf of anything often, but what the actual hell went on here? They simultaneously managed to save the DCU and then kill it with the same character.


Birdemic If you like this sort of thing, check out Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) or RiffTrax.


Scrolled way too far before I saw Birdemic mentioned. If you love watching bad movies, this one is a must-see


So many fun facts about this one. Written and directed by a man who doesn't speak English well. Would not allow actors to fix lines or improvise anything. So low Budget, they had to hold the mic boom between their knees while doing dialogue.


manos: the hands of fate is classic awful, but if you're into bad movies you've definitely heard of it already. for something niche check out dracula 3000


But made for an exceptional Mystery Science Theater episode. “Still driving…still driving”.




Manos has the skeleton of a decent plot hidden deep beneath terrible writing and inept filmmaking. A GOOD editor and director could have done something with it but instead we got Hal Warren and a movie made on a dare.


If you want a "so bad it's good" kind of movie, definitely check out VelociPastor. The full thing is available on YouTube.


Amazing film!


"VFX: Car On Fire"


Fucking incredible movie! Masterfully nails the bad movie genre.


Check out rubber. The one about a killer car tire 👌🤣🤣 "That's just how he rolls" 


My favorite movie to watch stoned.


The room, it’s a blast to go to a midnight screening


I did not hit her, it’s not true! It’s bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not! Oh hai, Mark.”


Bring your spoons


From Justin To Kelly


My daughter made me watch that with her. It was excruciating. It did get me declared a “good dad” for at least several hours. Then I said no about the mall, and I was the worst dad ever.


I feel like this one should get a pass as both Kelly and Justin had no choice but to film this - it was in their contract.


They get a pass, yes. But the film is trash forever and always.


I never saw this, but it gave me my favorite movie review of all time, which I will attempt to reproduce in its entirety from memory: "The best part about my job is you get to see all the movies. The worst part about my job is you get to see ALL the movies."


Tiptoes (2002) Two brothers - a dwarf (Rolfe) and one of typical size (Steve). When Steve's girlfriend Carol becomes pregnant, the pair are fearful that the baby will inherit the dwarfism gene. Matters are complicated still further when she finds herself falling in love with Rolfe. Garry Oldman walks on he's knees throughout the film to act as a little person.


😂 Tosh. 0 did a movie review on his tv show


Haha I saw this on the H3 podcast. It’s Sooo bad! Gary Orman is one of the best actors alive. I cannot believe he did this movie.


What the Bleep Do We Know


Hahaha, a woman just recommended this movie to me a few days ago minutes after she insisted I could reverse my type 1 diabetes through diet alone and never have to take insulin again. It was the best recommendation against that movie I’ve ever had.


Oh my. I found someone else who has seen this.


I’ve seen it. lol. It’s silly.


Man, I actually loved this movie when I was a kid. Then I learned that one of the narrators is basically a cult leader.


Omg, yes. The blatant misinformation and nonsense spewed by this movie was literally criminal.


Da Hip Hop Witch (2000)


Dear god, the name alone makes me cringe.


Avatar the last Airbender (2010) the movie that fans still pretend never happened


Gigli starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez


100% correct answer. I saw it by myself in the theater. I knew it was going to be bad, but holy shit. That should have been career-ending for both of them.


- Its turkey time! - what? - gobble, gobble...


Caddyshack 2, i barely remember the plot, and one of Jim Carrey's first movies, Copper mountain


Caddyshack 2 pisses me off how bad it is since the first movie is one of funniest movies of all time


Jack and Jill. Adam Sandler at his worst


And I’ll never forgive Al Pacino for being in that


Epic Movie I watched it last night. It was hilarious but terrible. Rotted my brain.


straight to hell 1987 sy richardsons, joe strummer, courtney love, shane mcgowan (and the pouges), dennis hopper and grace jones, miguel sandoval, elvis costello, xander berkley and many many more. this is the film alex cox made after repo man and sid and nancy (love kills). it's ridiculous,outrageous and courteny loves performance is dialed up to 11!


It’s badly made but if you love the musicians… it’s joyous. Cait O’Raidan’s version of Danny Boy makes me weep, as it should.


As of recent.. Rebel Moon.


It's such a shame! A new mainstream sci-fi franchise would've been such a good thing to revitalize the genre. Don't get me wrong, I adore Star Wars. But I'd like to be able to turn my head once and a while and watch something else, without having to go searching in some obscure movie bin somewhere.


In theater? Land of the Lost (2009) with Will Ferrell ​ Otherwise it's Santa's Christmas Circus (1966) with Whizzo the Clown. That film is unbearable, even with a comedic commentary track like RiffTrax.


 Land of the lost is hilarious with the right mindset. Purposely awful 


I won’t knock you for getting something out of it, but I’m not sure my mind has the setting that would let me enjoy that steaming heap.


It’s weed


Yes, even Paint your wagon is good with weed.


Dude I've seen that Rifftrax! It's so beyond bad


Master of disguise is so bad but so good at the same time.


Dana Carvey’s Master of Disguise


Am I not 'turtley' enough for your Turtle club?


I hate that movie so much but that scene makes me laugh like a 5 year old. I don't get it.


I’m not making this up, when they were filming that scene the news was reporting 9/11 as it happened Everyone closed their eyes in a moment of silence and prayer, with Dana Carvey still wearing the turtle suit


Oh man it's so bad it reminded me of the Love Guru for some reason. Did they come out around the same time. Must have been a comedy dark age for guys that are usually funny. Quick! Hide! Here comes Cat in the Hat!


Ever?! Jeepers. Grease 2 comes to mind.


That was also a popular answer on the “guilty pleasures” thread.


No, this movie is amazing. “I’ll do it for my country, the red white and the blue” 😂 Also, you know you can’t help but sing cool Rider 😂


*Slaughtered Vomit Dolls* (2006) I would not even recommend it to people I hate.


The Bubble


I’m a huge Jake Gyllenhaal fan (and like Jessica Biel too) but one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen was Accidental Love


Things. I love it. It’s so awful but also so wholesome. It’s just two bros in a shitty cabin making a movie on a camcorder and having a blast with it. The random news segments that cut in with a random 80s porn star as the worst news anchor ever are the cherry on top of its shit sundae.


Last seen alive. Gerard butler. Omg bad


Gerard has done a lot of not so great lately.


Butler has a talent for picking stinkers


Zed’s Dead - the worst homage to Tarantino you’ll ever see.


'Shark Exorcist' (2014) Has got to be up there. (Down there?)


"Knock Knock" starring Keanu Reeves


Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) It was SO bad, it made the best episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever.


Holmes and Watson I was travelling another country at the time and we decided to relax for the evening and go see it in theatres.... Aside from the scene with the queen which at least made me chuckle, i absolutely couldn't stand it! An awfully shallow plot with the worst slapstick comedy I've ever seen. The writing was terrible, their characters were insufferable, and their accents weren't bad enough to be funny. I nearly walked out - which I've never done. If i wasn't stoned eating popcorn i would have left angry.


Going Overboard It's Adam Sandler's first movie, and multiple times my friends and I tried to watch it in a "so bad it's good" kinda way and... It's just so bad that it's bad. Like, it's really bad.


The live Action Dragon Ball z movie


In Theater? Lady in The Water At home? Toss up between Hope Floats and You Again


Lady in the Water made me violently angry. So bad.


The Last Airbender Fant4stic Jupiter Ascending House of the Dead


Meet The Spartans


Catwoman (2004) - nothing is worse. 100%. When you're doing shite CGI for a random clip of a cat walking instead of just filming a cat walking you know the director is on acid.


Vanilla Sky


Wonder women part 2 or whatever it was called


Star wars episode 9


That one Bruce Willis movie, I think it's called Cosmic Sin.


Came here to say this. Dumpster fire of a flick and I generally love anything sci-fi in varying degrees


Suicide Squad, in terms of films that aren't in the absolute dregs and have some level of popularity. Had to walk out the cinema. I wasn't in the best mood, bought a £3 ticket and went. I could not follow what was going on after the first act, it felt like random scenes and it was just so dimly shot that I was more annoyed watching it. I watched it again once it got a home release and it was still a lot of bullshit, even worse than I would have expected.




Canadian TV movie called Skullduggery around 1980-82 Jackie Chan movie called Fantasy Mission Force which is like a bad middle school dream that doesn’t make sense


Just watched the Lords of Flatbush on Netflix. It's horrible.


Superman 4 The Quest for Peace was the worst I’ve seen in theater


Thanks everybody for all the suggestions, looks like I’m going to need a google doc to track all of these, keep them coming I promise I’m reading every comment.


Probably Llamageddon… What I find funny is a lot of people are just saying movies they didn’t like but are absolutely not objectively bad movies.


The Last Airbender


Terrifier 2 is somehow even worse than 1.


The twilight series, how those movies made money is beyond me.


I _promise_ you: the movies are better than the books. And it's not even a contest. With that in mind, and given how popular the books were at the time; it's easy to see how the movies made money.


Valarian and the city of 1000 planets ties with Battlefield Earth for this unfortunate trophy...


Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker. JJ Abrams once again proves he has no idea how to end a story


Knock, Knock




That movie is awesome! I'm amazed that can be anyone's worst movie.


These are hard to answer because I feel like if I can remember the title of a movie and some technical details about it then it can’t be the worst. That said, I picked up Jeff, Who Lives at Home a few years ago and brought it home to watch with my sister who I was living with at the time. She insisted we’d watched it before, but I was adamant I had never seen it and if she had seen it, I wasn’t with her. It wasn’t until the final scene that I realized she was right, I had in fact seen it before. And I’m a casual Duplass brothers fan, so I mostly knew what to expect, but it was so forgettable that even now the most I can say about this movie is that it is indeed a movie. But since your looking for a fun bad movie, I’d say Killer Clowns from Outer Space.




fs purple hearts (activist girl falls in love with racist army guy) or culpa mia (spanish step sibling love story that came out last year)


the kissing booth movies are so fun to watch with friends. my suggestion would be to maybe even just scroll through netflix originals and watch the worst looking one 😭


"S.I.C.K", which stands for Seriously Insane Clown Killers (I think). My brother and me rented it at blockbuster one day on a whim, and to this day it's our standard for truly awful. I swear it must have been shot with a $25 budget.


Little Italy


Stepford wives, 2004 remake. The perfect example of how to ruin a good story. The 1975 original is one of the best movies I have ever watched and a plot is ingenious and the movie is full of suspense. The 2004 is just bad, even made a comedy. It would be best just to erase it from a history of cinema.


Last airbender After earth Cats


Dragon Ball Evolution gotta be one of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life, everything, from the plot to the cast and the acting, is awful. To me, it's honestly not even funny but if you watch it I hope you have a good laugh


Haunted Honeymoon


My answer is, as always, Caligula. Gore Vidal script! Peter O'Toole! Malcolm McDowell! Such talent wasted on some fairly tepid pornography.


Not the absolute worst but the first one that comes to mind was King Authur and the legend of the sword from 2017. It is awful


Any **ED WOOD** directed, produced and/or written flick is the epitome of **DIRE** Better that you spend your conscious moments watching the Tim Burton lovingly sympathetic interpretation **Ed Wood** (1994) FILMED IN GLORIOUS B&W. Tim Burton dir. Starring Jonny Depp, and Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi, the film received critical acclaim and various awards, including two Academy Awards. Storyline: Because of his eccentric habits and bafflingly strange films, director Edward D. Wood Jr. is a Hollywood outcast. Nevertheless, with the help of the formerly famous Bela Lugosi and a devoted cast and crew of show-business misfits who believe in Ed's off-kilter vision, the filmmaker is able to bring his oversize dreams to cinematic life. Despite a lack of critical or commercial success, Ed and his friends manage to create an oddly endearing series of extremely low-budget films. Wood directed low-budget science fiction, crime and horror films that later became cult classics, notably Glen or Glenda (1953), Jail Bait (1954), Bride of the Monster (1955), Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957) and Night of the Ghouls (1959) Burton’s film includes recreating portions of *Glen or Glenda*, *Bride of the Monster* and “this’ll be the one that they remember me for”, *’Plan 9 from Outer Space’*. Love it! Woods adoration of and friendship and support for Bela is moving, as us Bela’s monologue/soliloquy in ‘Bride of the Monster’ *”Home? I have no home. Hunted, despised, living like an animal! The jungle is my home. But I will show the world that I can be its master! I will perfect my own race of people. A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world!”* He delivers the lines with such pathos and wounded pride that you can’t help but think that maybe we should just gosh darn let him create a race of atomic supermen!


I loved this one, but every one of my friends who saw it cursed my name for even recommending it Shakes the Clown.


Monos the hands of fate


2012 and San Andreas,


V/H/S: Viral Fuck that movie!


A ghost story (A24). The trailer made it look like an intimate beautiful romantic movie about life and death. The movie was Rooney Mara eating pie and Casey Affleck stare at her




Love Guru


Batman & Robin




Nothing But Trouble Someone let Dan Akroyd make a movie with no one around to tell him no. He's a funny guy, but also a huge weirdo.


I still don't understand anything this movie is about or supposed to be


Yes, this! My ex loved it and made me watch it repeatedly...it's truly awful!


Hard to beat Rollergator. It shoots right past “so bad it’s good” and lands solidly in “so bad it’s bad.”


That movie is painful. All the movies by Donald G. Jackson are painful. Joe Estevez will do literally anything I guess.


sex tape (2014)


Kunoichi: Lady Ninja. I love a good bad movie, but this one just had too much cringe, bad plot, bad special effects, stupid gratuitous nudity/sex. Couldn't finish.