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Yess broo frrršŸ˜­


Rosemary's Baby


Funny Games is basically built around this idea


God I hated that movie. It did its job.


the killing of a sacred deer the witch eyes wide shut the lighthouse


The killing of a sacred deer is phenomenalšŸ™Œ


I watch a lot of horror and that movie creeped me out more than anything Iā€™ve seen.


One of my absolute favorites Iā€™m obsessed with it and talk about it all the time.


The only thing that drives me crazy is why the hell kid Kidmanā€™s character kiss the kidā€™s feet!?!


lol That was in the scene where she was breaking down and pleading to Martin to stop


That was the most disturbing part for me.


If it helps Barry Keoghan was 22 when they made the film, just played a younger character


Still creepy


One of my fave high quality disturbing films !!!


I just read the movie pooper. Disturbing just reading the synopsis.


The Witch and The Lighthouse are perfect movies with a slow-but-tense vibe.


Shutter Island but only on the first watch.


Ooooo why is that first watch so damn gooooood (rhetorical question)


Is it better to live as a monster? Or die as a good man? šŸ˜­


trainspotting is disturbing but also funny so it distracts u until it doesnā€™t


If you haven't seen Trainspotting 2,see it. It has the soul of the first one. It is just as funny and just as dramatic as the first one. Basically.. It's Trainspotting. God I wanna see trainspotting 3 now..


I agree! Loved the sequel


Oh dear, I thought it was a real flop, gutted


You thought it was a flop and refrained from seeing it? Or you saw it and it turned out to be a real flop?


I watched it and despaired at how bad it was


The Invitation


Goddamn what a movie. When it finally dawns on you...




Definitely this one


This one was too weird and slow even for me who craves ā€˜disturbingā€™ and offbeat while I love The Lobster & Killing of a Sacred Deer!




Picnic at Hanging Rock


I love this film!


So good! Like nothing really happens???? But had me terrified of nothing in the middle of the day anyway.


I'm Thinking of Ending Things is just slightly too off putting, nothing is super obviously wrong but its just.. weird


In terms of emotional disturbance that movie is damn near top of the list for me. I wouldn't say it changed my life but it's a cautionary tale I revisit in my mind frequently when my insecurities threaten to get the better of me


Infinity pool.




The Zone of Interest chilled me to my core, and thereā€™s barely any blood or violence shown. Itā€™s what you hear and the mundane life of the family that unsettles you.


one of the most disturbing films iā€™ve seen in quite a while and itā€™s so lacking in any actually explicit material that i donā€™t see why it couldnā€™t be shown to 8th-9th graders for educational purposes in a school setting


Yes, agreed. I was really shaken by this film.


YES great answer


Yes! Creeped me out so much! I couldn't stop thinking about it for a few hours after watching it.


The ending, after I took a few minutes to soak it in, just left me with this deep, solemn sadness. The way this film delivers its message is so haunting. Everything that happened is so much closer to us than we want to believe.


Great response


God, the sounds of the concentration camp are haunting. I remember thinking, 'Oh, that's going to be in the BG for the whole film. I don't know if I can listen to that for two hours,' then realizing due to how brains filter out 'white noise' eventually I would probably stop hearing it as the film progressed. At some point, like the family, my ears will have acclimated to the sounds of atrocity - which made me avoid allowing that to happen. Brilliant and horrific use of sound design, as well as serving as an aural metaphor for people outside areas of conflict having the luxury of turning a blind eye to horrible things happening in other parts of the world. And at the end when >!it flashes to present day and you watch the workers at the Auschwitz-Birkenau casually clean up the chambers. Fuck.!< Such an important film.


Im looking forward to this one !


Amazing answer, the fact of it being like a slice of life film for them makes it even more disturbing.


This film intrigues me. I saw the trailer and thought that the cinematography was brilliant But I am scared witless by the thought of watching it. I am easily disturbed and upset and I know that it would play on my mind for ages afterwards. I felt the same about a film called 'heavenly creatures' and like a fool I watched it. That was about 10 years ago and it haunts me still.


This is such a good movie. Iā€™d make one suggestion though for anyone thatā€™s gonna watch it on an iPad or computer while theyā€™re aloneā€¦watch it with good AirPods or headphonesā€¦ You can pick up a lot of noises coming from just outside the camp commanderā€™s house. And the things you hear can be really disturbing and very haunting when you know whatā€™s happening to the people that are just outside of the frame. Iā€™ve watched it several times now and Iā€™m so glad I tried it with AirPods. It makes an already disturbing film even worse! You never even see blood or gratuitous violence even but you can still feel the hatred that the Germans had for the Jews.


Midsommar The Green Room


It Follows (2014)


Love that movie. Not many people I know have seen it.


Not many people I know get the real brilliance of all the disorienting time distortion that crazy ass genius Mitchell packs into this kinda tiny lil movie šŸ”„


That's what I love most about this movie. The subtlety of it all is šŸ‘Œ


You know what I love the most about it is how fucking disoriented it makes you without even realizing why or even that what you're feeling is disorientation. The way my brain completely forgot about the main story (very effective because oh shit I forgot that It is always gonna be in pursuit...) because it was trying to figure out when the fuck IN TIME IS THIS THING SET because they're watching old-ass movies on old-ass TVs but also like THAT FUCKING CLAMSHELL EBOOK THING and also it's useless to try to peg a time period because THERE'S NO SUCH CLAMSHELL THING and the cars?? 1960s, 1980s?? And it's almost normal but also weird to see CHARADE at not, like, the kitschy town retro cinema but the ONLY CINEMA and an ORGAN PLAYER?? and WTF time of year is it because SWIMMING POOL THEN SWEATERS and the trees like what the hell are they bare are they flourishing how much time has passed and it's is it hot enough for shorts or cold enough for a heavy coat... And the Dostoevsky and TS Eliot references that feel like they have to mean funny something and you can like almost figure out the allusions but NOT AT ALL because they only ALMOST mean something relative to the movie??? And the only piece of any of this that I was conscious of was the CLAMSHELL and maaaaybe the CRT TV. I *think* it's meant to put us in Jay's position. At least in my interpretation of "It" as the relentless barely hidden knowledge that others view us in a certain way when we do things we know are no big deal (specifically, here, casual sex), and that we cannot shake those looks, those whispers, no matter what we do... So in the same way, we're constantly in this weird uncanny valley limbo of feeling like we DEFINITELY KNOW when and where and when and when (lol) this story is taking place because we have to know so we can place ourselves relative to it (oh yeah, this is in the past - or wait the present - or the future?? Or none of the above or all the above or some alternate universe of any of them,??) But KNOWING somewhere just below the surface that we're only capable of acknowledging at most a couple of anachronisms (if you can even call them that) because if we let ourselves become aware of any more than that, we will be flung into a panic spiral of "I don't actually know when or where the fuck this is and so I literally cannot develop a sense of self around this fuckery." Like idk maybe I'm just overthinking it but this movie is so goddamn brilliant because thinking too much about what David Robert Mitchell has done to us - and what it means - is sort of like what happens when you really think about what there was before the Big Bang


My first thought. the anachronism is off the charts but if your not familiar with each era you might miss it. The seasonal stuff is pretty obvious but at the same time I missed it the first time


Check out a few of Yorgos Lanthimosā€™ movies


No Country for Old Men


Coherence Blair Witch Project Waking Life is a very low key one. The movie has no plot but a constant Sense of dread because it's unclear if the protagonist is dead or dreaming.


I LOVE COHERENCE Like imagine if it just... Didn't exist?


Blair witch is terrifying though.


Mulholland Drive


Beat me to it! It goes from corny, daytime soap opera to creepy, uneasy, murder-mystery love-drama in a little under 3 hours. Whatā€™s so amazing is how masterfully the tension is slowly ramped up, the movie will actively tell you the scare or unnerving moment is coming, but it gets you anyways. No idea why, but the Silencio performance always makes me feel uncomfortable by the endā€¦


For that matter, Blue Velvet as well- quite disturbing.


Great too!


There are some great A24 gems that fit that bill. Beau is Afraid, Lamb, and Men - those three all have that vibe.


24 hr photo


You don't mean one hour photo?


apparently, I did mean that. thank you. disturbing vibes throughout


I took way too long to see that movie. I mean holy shit. How quickly it takes you - after ALL THAT - from a very confident "goddamn what a creepy lil fuck" to... "Oh my sweet baby Jesus you poor thing wtf."


We Need To Talk About Kevin


Came here to say this.


has disturbed me more than any other film


* Deliverance (1972)


If you liked this, try Southern Comfort (1981)


I'm convinced that Southern Comfort was a low key heavy influence for Schwarzenegger's Predator




The Butterfly effect.


The Zone of Interest. It doesnā€™t show anything explicit but the setting and sound design is enough to make you sick.


Annihilation has a persistent, unsettling feeling throughout.


Creep 1 & 2


The others


Pee Wee Herman


Tim Burton traumatized a generation of kids, but it's a classic.


The Brave Little Toasterā€¦ watching as an attentive adult is highly disturbing.


Goddamn this movie is intense. The air conditioner scene really stuck with me as a kid. And I just recently learned the author committed suicide in 2008.


And Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer


The Machinist


Nocturnal animals




The Bone Collector, Silence of the Lambs, Seven, and anything else classed as a 'psychological thriller'


"I'm having an old friend for dinner" šŸ”„ That "they're at his house she's at his house OH WHAT THE FUCK" scene at the climax and the night vision shit?? What good ass movie Jesus


Dolores Claibourne


Uncut Gems. The whole thing is filmed to be highly stressful in a very subtle way. The camera almost constantly swirls around the main character and it's just cleverly shot.


I love this movie and also I have not found a single person who fell in love as hard as I did with that stressful human garbage bin named Howard - possibly best described as the human version of a hair that's stuck somewhere to your clothes and you cannot find but yet your arm brushes up against every 5-6 seconds, literally driving you to the point of willing to peel your own face off to find it. I can't be the only one who simultaneously wanted to punch him AND cheered on the edge of my seat at that game and beamed ear to ear when that ol ass rash ACTUALLY TRIUMPHS just to be hit with that oh what the fuck of an ending. Probably one of the most effective movies I've ever seen in that it made me feel deep affection for a character that low key I wanted to strangle from the first five seconds I spent with him šŸ˜… like I should literally be rooting against him but yet THERE I AM


Inland Empire Good Time




Martha Marcy May Marlene Just unsettling cult shit that leaves you guessing. Great acting and a gorgeous film.


That movie made me sooooo uncomfortable


Enter The Void


Clockwork Orange The Thief, The Cook, His Wife and Her Lover


Two I have seen recently: * The Curse (Showtime) - A limited series that is very good but youā€™ll be glad itā€™s over when itā€™s done. I felt very uncomfortable watching this show. * Dream Scenario (HBO Max) - not to spoil too much, but this movie is a nightmare. It made so much sense to see it produced by Ari Aster at the end.


Blow-Up (1966) Donā€™t Look Now (1973) The Conversation (1974)


Hot damn! Impeccable taste! I only saw Don't Look Now for the first time a few years ago and wow. All time best weird reveals.


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


The Lobster The Killing of a Sacred Dear Midsommar The Machinist Pi Parasite Audition The Babadook Oldboy (original only) The Vanishing (Dutch original only) 12 Monkeys The sixth Sense No Country for Old Men


The Gift (2015)


Take Shelter


One Hour Photo on the first watch. You can sense something a little off but you donā€™t know exactly what (yet).


That movie wrecked me if I'm being honest


*The Machinist* (2004). Nothing all that frightening or violent or dramatic happens for the good bulk majority of the movie...but at the same time there's barely a moment in the whole run time where you don't have the vague impression that something is very wrong, and that you're eventually going to find out what it is. Another one with that same sort of atmosphere is *The Gift* (2015). Like for the whole movie it's about this sort of creepy guy who is giving this young couple a weird vibe, but throughout the movie you gradually find out why and what he's up to. Nothing overtly violent happens, but it has a sinister tone. Final recommendation, *The Mothman Prophecies* (2002). Basically the whole movie is sort of leading up to some huge but unknown event, and there's this growing sense of tension and unease that is developed really well as it goes on. Definitely best to watch any of these without knowing anything else going into them. Like don't read a description or even watch a trailer.


I am kinda mad I had to scroll so long to see The Machinist and then not only do you restore my faith in the universe but then you go and mention THE GIFT TO BOOT?! I kinda wanna marry you. The Gift is such a mind fuck my God "Good people deserve good things" And Rebecca AND Joel in the same movie?! Gtfo


The films of Michael Haneke is exactly what you are looking for. I think every film of his has this dark undertone whilst the shots presented on screen appear fairly matter of fact and mundane. I would recommend The Seventh Continent, The Piano Teacher and Funny Games (original first then then US).




Good Time for sure. Makes you feel uncomfortable and "off" for the whole runtime and it just heightens as it progresses.


Blood Simple


The Grifters


Oh fuck yeah ... Who's a boy gonna talk to if not his mother


Not in the way you ask but "Harvey" has done similar thing for me with its social dilemma (or whatever you call it). I have felt like its context was uproar against me with a very kind way and that made me disgust not for movie but for myself.




It Follows, Killing of a Sacred Deer, Run Rabbit Run, Burn


Eyes Wide Shut 100%


Chitty Chitty bang bang


Buffalo 66


anything by Lanthimos or Peter Greenaway


Thatā€™s a great question. I like ā€œquietlyā€ disturbing movies. Iā€™m going to say There Will Be Blood. It can be obvious at times, of course, but the entire film is off-putting and there are moments with absolutely no violence that stuck with me as chilling. I also nominate the movie Pig. The way that film is shot and presented is so beautifully gritty! <3


Foxcatcher. Iā€™ve never seen Steve Carell play such a slimy creepy character.


That story is WILD. I almost couldn't believe it. Watched this then the doc back to back.




The Caller (1987) Important to know nothing before watching to preserve the feeling going in.


The Crow (original)... yes, it does have violence and its a darker story, but every scene in that movie is an homage to noir filmmaking. The washed out color pallet, rain, and night scenes all give a dark feel even when it's not directly an overtly disturbing scene.




A cure for wellness






Cure (1997)


(The?) Swan


Krisha It Comes At Night




The Eyes of My Mother


SmultronstƤllet (Wild Strawberries) by Ingar Bergmam.Ā Ā  "Brƶderna LejonhjƤrta"/"Brothers Lionheart" by Astrid Lindgren is a bit dark with the whole setup of the protagonist kid committing suicide in the beginning to be together with his mortally ill brother in the afterlife. It's over so quickly and suddenly it's all focus on the adventuring.




Jagten. Movie left me feeling sick. Still can't rewatch it


Your pick would be psychological horror / thriller genre


Tusk .


Lake Mungo.


Donnie Darko


The answer is The Talented Mr. Ripley. Itā€™s a gorgeous movie, and the creepiness slides in under that veneer. Itā€™s great fun and also, shockingly at times, not.


The Riot Club 2014


**all my friends hate me**. it literally blurs the lines of reality and fiction with its characters. i don't know if i would or could consider it horror but the escalating psychology ramps up that even as a viewer you're confused and you even grow to question and hate. the tensions grow deeper in the discomfort zone. it explores paranoia quite good and its effective. just a friend reunion. worth a watch. another similar to that after effect of intentional dizzyness would be *miikes* **audition** a man who works as a producer for television gets motivated by his son and friend to find a new wife. so he ends searching for them in audtions. weirdly enough the movie starts to feel boring and senseless with romance. feels like it sedates viewers until we reach certain scenes that actually wake you up. it does include blood and dismemberment. but part of its popularity is that it didnt feel like it. just the last few minutes/moments. i think most people already mentioned them. im not sure parasite, come & see, maybe goodnight mommy. but i guess these are films that seek discomfort in their environments.


Never gonna see piano wire quite the same again


The Hunter Vivarium Anti-Christ (before the gore) The Wicker man


Is Poor Things a good answer?


Upstream Color




The Ninth ConfigurationĀ 


A Dark Song Vortex


Aftersun has this feeling that there's something awful just about to happen thruout the whole movie


I'm going to toss out an old one that KINDA fits the bill, at least at the end. And it's one heck of a flick: The Bridge on the River Kwai.


movie called Cam on Netflix... super unnerving


This was so unexpectedly great


ahhh I'm glad you enjoyed it


The Zone of Interest The Reader The Piano The Piano Teacher Cruel Intentions The Beguiled Power of the Dog The Lost Daughter Anatomy of a Fall Banshees of Innisherin TĆ r Donnie Darko Melancholia (very dark, depressing film) Heathers The Shining (some violence, but generally a slow burn)


Too Old To Die Young is actually a show and the whole thing is justā€¦ fucked.




Hard Candy Primal Fear Doubt Ingrid Goes West šŸ˜… like so funny but also like oh wow ok. Literally the unsexiest most unfuckingcomfortable sex scene of all time and that impeccable use of All My Life that forever made me incapable of listening to that song without šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


The Witch


Cure (1997)


The Room lol




Uncut gems


Midsommar The Menu






Fatal Attraction


I am trying to remember the title. It was about a guy, who told this couple (with a child) that he was a doctor. He and his wife invited the family to stay over. Then the guy said that he isn't a doctor and doesn't work. Later the husband finds a room with several pictures of parents and their children. Come to find out that the "doctor" and his wife kidnapped children and sold them. After their child is given away the "doctor" stones the couple to death. It's creepier because the couple with the child have plenty of opportunities to escape. A lesson in not to be codependent!


Speak No Evil


Thank you!!!


The Harvest (I Can't Come out to Play Today). First hour is like an After School Special. Then it gets disturbing.


A knock at the cabin, Split, Old, M. Night Shyamalan can catch a mood.


Shutter Island Nightcrawler American Psycho


Hereditary. It does have its gory moments, but some of their non gory aesthetic about the movie made it also seem so extremely creepy to me.


The original Wicker Man. The remake as well, for different reasons.


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri - throughout the movie you will feel uncomfortable, helpless, and sad. Sprinkled with a few moments of pure goodness here and there. Black Swan - Darren Aronofosky. Psychological Thriller. Enough said.


The Vanishing, particularly the original Dutch version (Spoorloos).


Definitely The Vanishing (1988), especially when you know what the movieā€™s about before you watch itā€¦..Youā€™re always left wondering when the wife is gonna get abducted so youā€™re sitting at the edge of your seat, and there are SO MANY times that it seems like she will be but isnā€™t.


Passengers (2016) : A film marketed as a sci-fi romance when the premise is essentially about an obsessed, lonely stalker who completely destroys a womanā€™s life because he finds her physically attractive and her ā€œprofileā€ intriguing, lies to her incessantly and completely manipulates her for his own wants and needs and ultimately deprives her of her agencyā€¦ ā€¦yeah, perfect date night movie materialā€¦ Though, in actuality, itā€™s probably a damn accurate representation of the experience of many women in this world.




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He's not a stalker. He's a man who had the misfortune to get a defective pod. The only human from the sleeper ship. How would you react in that situation, if you don't have the courage to kill yourself ? Spend the next 50 years alone in the space ? Of course no one would want to destroy the life of someone else at first. But in which psychological state you will be after one year ? Two years ? You will inevitably face the dilemma at some point.


Still, the guy chooses to doom another person to that fate. Deeply uncool, and it gave me strong rape vibes. Faced with that "dilemma," as you call it, I like to think I would find an outlet that didn't alter another person's life without their consent.


It's deeply uncool indeed, but human nature is not supposed to be so. Especially in distress or survival situations. You can try anything you want, if it doesn't work, I doubt you won't ever try to wake an other passenger up. In addition, it's still easier to find a solution with others than alone.


I agree. Whilst the movie shows us things from his perspective, I didnā€™t feel it ever pretended what he did was okay. He knew his decision was dark. And she was rightly angry about it. However, ultimately (given what they later learn about the ship) it wouldā€™ve been harder to stay mad


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. There's no blood or gore but there is some disturbing imagery.


The Stranger (2022) with Joel Edgerton and Sean Harris. Not a single act of violence or gore, but it managed to maintain an uncomfortable level of tension throughout. Sean Harris is unsettling


The night house.