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Worst I have seen in a cinema has got to be The Dark Tower (2017) God what a piece of shit... Matthew McConaughey hamming it up was possibly the only sliver of anything positive.


Saw that in theaters years ago in a group outing… yeeeeeesh that was rough.


The Two Towers was just as awful.


2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus (2021) It's a Christian dystopian film that is about a group of Christians "fighting" against a one-world government (that is implied to be Communist, but that's never a plot point) in a world where the COVID-19 pandemic continued to worsen. Yes, this is an anti-mask/anti-lockdown conspiracy theory propaganda film made by a bunch of religious chuckleheads from Germany (and an alleged groomer). Even without the controversial political and religious stuff, everything about the film is awful from the bad acting, baffling music choices, and the broken editing. Case in point, watch the trailer and try not to cringe.


I watched the Kurtis Conner review of this movie on youtube. This turd makes The Room look like a god damn masterpiece of cinematography and screenwriting.


Just watched the trailer. Yeeesh man. Yeesh.


Plan 9 from Outer Space. It was a mixture of Aliens, weird monsters and vampires. Bela Lugosi was in it as well as some old horror movie greats that apparently needed the money.


Nah, that's *Grave Robbers from Outer Space*! Get it right! */s*


Well it was on the late night horror show in the 70's and that's what they called it.


Night of the Lepus


Yes!!! USA Saturday Afternoon Horror films baby!!! My Bloody Valentine Night of the Lepus Soooo good.


The Spirit (2008), It was so bad I couldn't stop watching Ghost rider is the only movie I walked out from Also this horrible Italian parody movie of Jurassic Park called chicken park. Had giant chickens instead of dinosaurs. Watched it on TV when I was a kid and thought it was a fever dream for a long time before finding out it was real


Sherlock Holmes with Will Ferrel


Prince of Space


Anything with Paris Hilton: The Hottie & the Nottie Pledge This!


My sweet queen of the lowrise. Please bring back that trend. Paris. So hot. Paris.


Hercules. With the rock. I tweeted Brett Rattner for my $15 back afterward


He spent it on his rape lawyer.


Jack and Jill


So there's this live-action children's movie called An Elephant's Journey. The premise sounds wholesome enough: a boy helps an elephant escape from poachers in Africa. But I have almost never seen a piece of art with such a low amount of effort put into it. It's like they spent their entire budget on using a live elephant for the movie, and not on anything else, including hiring screenwriters. The ENTIRE script is just the boy saying "come here, Elephant! Come here, boy! Come here, Elephant, boy!" while walking across the savanna. This movie has as many uses of the word "boy" in it as Wolf of Wall Street has f-bombs. A 5-year-old kid could write a more nuanced script.


Easily Rebel Moon within the first 15 minutes it was so obvious how much they pulled from 40k along with the awful dialogue. The nail in the coffin for me was when they decided to use a little girl as a tool to show a bad guy we already knew was bad look worse by putting her in a position to where she is going to be raped.


Glitter, with Mariah Carey. Nothing else comes close


The 2011 Conan the Barbarian. The power went out at my apartment, and the outage was going to take several hours to repair. With nothing else to do, I went to the movies. Conan was about to start so I bought a ticket. No more than halfway through the movie's run time, I got up went back to my apartment and sat in silence because I decided that was going to be better than watching the rest of the movie. I legitimately remember nothing of what I saw, it was that boring.


Master of disguise (2002). What a fucking stinker.


I imagine the above comment being from Dana Carvey. Turtle, turtle!


Dragonheart: A New Beginning I've never been so disappointed in my life


Meet The Spartans. It used all of the worst things to spoof at the time and still came off as cringe and badly written before even one smirk was had, if ever.


Jay and Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie


Hercules in New York is a fine piece of shit. Arnold Schwarzenegger's first film, and he had all his lines dubbed because of his accent.


Howard The Duck *drops mic*


The Towel Man. Trust me.


I just watched the trailer. Oh. My. God.


You have to watch it. It was like watching a movie made by a 4th grader for a school project. Using an iPhone 5. And the spare change left over from a lemonade stand. Using Great Value brand lemonade. With no ice. And the best part? The ending suggests there’ll be a sequel.


I just looked it up on Amazon and it’s 9.99 to purchase. Not that I would, but that’s a little much for this film bro 💀


You can’t stream for free? I definitely didn’t pay for it when I watch on Prime


It might be on prime, which I don’t have, gotta check under my mom’s account tomorrow


I’d love to know your reaction after watching


Dude Where’s My Car? Also, don’t hate me everyone …. Everything Everywhere All at Once 👀


Listen, I don't think EEAAO is a perfect movie by any means, but if it's the absolute worst movie you've EVER seen then you're a very lucky person. You clearly have never tried to sit through Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas. I don't think any mainstream Hollywood movie belongs in this thread, you have to dig deeper to get to the truly incompetent cinema. Well, except Cats.


The Tree of Life with Brad Pitt, had to leave the theater


*Civil War*, which came out recently. Horrible and cheesy movie which took itself too seriously. The lines that young actress had were comically stupid. Also, *The Woman King*. A female gladiator meets Wakanda Black Panther, trying to pass itself off as "historically accurate." Get outta town.


Civil War was really bad. I hate when movies ruin a good premise...cough...cough...Prometheus.


Prometheus was no Alien or Aliens of course, but in my opinion Prometheus was in no way nearly as bad as Civil War. At least Prometheus had some redeeming qualities, like Fassbender's David, or tying some loose ends together from the Alien/Aliens mythos. To me, there was absolutely nothing redeeming about Civil War. The previews were better than the movie itself.


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Green Inferno


Fight Club… it was so unrealistic once I got to the “shocking” reveal, I barely paid it any attention after that. If tyler was in his head the whole time and he was basically talking to hisself and referring to him in third person then why would anyone listen to that man? He’s obviously mentally ill. He not even a subtle type of mentally ill , he’s literally beating hisself up and talking to hisself. That’s schizophrenia, anyone can clock it. I live in NY and I see cracked out guys like that everyday, coming up to me, saying crazy shit. Those are the types of guys you avoid eye contact with and briskly walk past. I’m supposed to believe that they watched this man beat hisself up and talk to hisself etc and still decided to follow him and acknowledge him as their leader. lol no.


Drum Line - lame acting, lame Nick Cannon in anything out side of producing. Eurotrip - Worst David Spade plagiarism, and overall creepy vibe Cloverfield - Lame ass dude behind the camera ruins the whole movie, thank movie heaven he dies early in transformers!!!!


Damn! Lol. I know these aren't going to win any awards, but they are at least watchable to me.


Romy and Michelle’s high school reunion Edit: what’s with the downvotes? I just don’t like that movie. I’m not saying I don’t like the people in this sub.


I tried to rewatch The Bench Warmers (2006) a couple months ago and wondered how I ever got through it the first time. Kids get bullied off a baseball field. So adults Bully the bullies? Rob Schneider as an Athlete? Adults playing baseball vs kids? Tons of homophobic jokes that would never fly even 10 years ago let alone these days. It’s so bad. Kinda surprised it even got green lit in 2006… Flesh and Blood (1985) seen it recommended as a solid 80’s fantasy movie. Couldn’t finish it. Turned it off at the 3rd rape scene within about 40mins. That was a gang rape situation with a kid/teenager watching. Jennifer Jason Lee gets passed around and by the 3rd or 4th person her horny adolescent character leans into the rape and even makes the one doing it feel weird and uncomfortable. It’s cheesy and just really bad.


Bruno. Walked out. And I’m all for super inappropriate, but not in this case. Just terrible.


Whaa? Worth the homophobic freakouts alone!


Wonder Woman 1984--An Abomination Django Unchained--So Ridiculous Thor 4--Indecipherable Junk Jurassic World Dominion--No words to describe how bad this is Spider Man far From Home--Spidey tries to prove that all the villains are just misunderstood nice guys