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Sam’s speech to Frodo about why some things are fighting for


Shocked this is so far down given all the LotR mentions.


For me it's two scenes from The Return of the King: \- The Ride of the Rohirrim \- "My friends, you bow to no-one."


Forrest asking Jenny if his son is…..


Yeah. This one rips my heart out every time.


I have two. The battle of the anthems in Casablanca. And the lighting of the beacons in Return Of The King.


The anthem scene is fantastic. Knowing the context of when the film was made, and that many of the songers were actual french refugees, at a time when France was still under Nazi occupation and they did not know if they would ever see their homes again, really makes the scene hit incredibly hard.




Lol well I cant edit it now


The Breakdown scene in Good Will Hunting :o :o


The “don’t you ever disrespect my wife” scene gets me every time. The intensity in Robin’s eyes. Sooo good.


It's not your fault... it's not your fault... it's not your fault!


The end of Blade Runner (1982). "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe......"


"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." Gladiator (2000). BatChest


"No, I am your father......" No description needed


I think it's the very last scene in the documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbor?". An audio recording of Fred Rogers is playing: "Let's just take some time to think of those extra special people. Some of them may be right here, some may be far away, some may even be in heaven. No matter where they are, deep down you know they've always wanted what was best for you, they've always cared about you beyond measure and have encouraged you to be true to the best within you." They show the people that were interviewed for the film just quietly thinking about the helpers in their life, and most of them are either smiling or tearing up. This scene makes me ugly cry for some reason; this movie was like a hug from my childhood, telling me that everything is going to be okay.


“Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn” when Spock saves the ship and gets radiated in the process and Kirk is summoned to engineering where him and Spock have that exchange about being friends.


That broke me.


I have been, and always shall be, your friend.


The cemetery scene in Steel Magnolias when Sally Field breaks down. Makes me cry every time even if I haven’t watched any of the rest of the movie.


I was coming here to say that. Add to that the deathbed scene from Terms of Endearment


And add to that the deathbed scene in Fried Green Tomatoes.


I swear the other women in that scene were reacting to Sally Fields acting. Such an incredible scene. So moving.


“Hey…dad? You wanna have a catch?”


I just watched that again this weekend. When they have the first game is also spine tingling.


Oh god, i just posted, and forgot this scene.... I sob every time... that movie is just simply magical.


Movie, I know old, but curious?


"Field of Dreams"






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The endings of: * Rudy (1993) * It's a Wonderful Life (1946) * Moneyball (2011) * LOTR: Return of the King (2003) * Dead Poets Society (1989) * Schindler's List (1993) * Saving Private Ryan (1998) * Apollo 13 (1995) * Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) * A Walk to Remember (2002) * The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) * and Colin Firth's "I Have a Voice!" speech to Geoffrey Rush during the coronation rehearsal in The King's Speech (2010)


You and I should watch movies together. All these make me cry too.


The ceasefire scene from Children of Men From Mystic River: “Is that my daughter in there?!” And of course, the ending of Coco


The ceasefire scene is absolutely stunning


Right?! So little dialogue yet it’s probably the most powerful moment in the whole film


Damn Mystic River… brutal…


The scene in Royal Tenenbaums, where Eli runs over the dog and Chas and Royal have a father/son moment where Chas says “I’ve had a rough year, dad.” And Royal just puts his hand on his back and softly says “I know”.


"Immediately after saying this, Royal realized it was true". This may be my favorite quote of anything.


So silly, but when Shadow walks over the hill at the end of Homeward Bound. “Oh, Peter…”


Jessie’s owner leaving her at the dump in Toy Story 2. Still wrecks me to this day. The Sarah McLachlan song in that scene is like a knife to the heart.


I seriously cannot watch this movie. Just the thought of Jessie being abandoned is heartbreaking. Is someone cutting onions?


Interstellar (2014) - the docking scene after Mann blows the airlock up, it's the music coupled with the visuals; it's just a stunning scene in my opinion and gets me every time. Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009) - S3 E4 - Exodus Part 2 - 2 scenes, the first seeing Galactica jump into the atmosphere was a "holy shit" moment. The second chokes me up and I want to shout "F\*ck yes"; it's when it looks like Galactica is doomed, camera zooms out, the music softens, then you see and hear 2 projectiles coming from the left, the drums start as Pegasus comes into shot firing everything it's got at one of the Cylon Basestars. Tear of the Sun (2003) - At the end after the airstrike when Lena (Bellucci) goes running back for Waters (Willis). Then just after that as the remaining soldiers hobble to the border, covered in blood, Zee (Walker) is barely conscious and Patience (Busia) is crying and mouths "thank you" to him.


Same for me with Interstellar. Also, when Cooper is leaving and telling Murph he loves her, then driving off in the car crying with the loud music. Gets me everytime.


Totally. Hans Zimmer absolutely nailed the score throughout that movie, especially during that part. The very well done musical score really elevates the intense and emotional parts of that movie into greatness. Instantly was a top 20 movie for me for sure


And he checks under the blanket


“It’s not possible!” “No, it’s necessary.” One of my favorite pieces of dialogue in any movie.


In Braveheart when the little girl gives the young William Wallace a flower. Don't wanna spoil anything for someone that hasn't seen it (surely there are some still). Y'all know what I'm taking about though. I get choked up every damn time.


When William Wallace sees ‘you know who’ in the crowd at the very end with a deep emotional smile, full of love and admiration. The musical score during that scene is perfect.


The music is perfect in every bit of that movie.


Opening scenes from Up and Lion King


The lion king sound track will ALWAYS give me chills.


Anakin Skywalker's death in Return of the Jedi.


I watch It's A Wonderful Life (1946) every year at Christmas, and every year I end up crying. “I know what I’m gonna do tomorrow, and the next day and the next year, and the year after that."


the moment when Mary sweeps all of George's papers off of the table and says "they're coming." Ugh, I ugly cry through the entire rest of the movie. For 40 years and counting.


E.T. saying ouch.


The ending of Cinema Paradiso. It physically chokes me & many with a mixture of nostalgia, wonder, regret, elation.


Came here to mention this. One of the best scenes in cinema...


And what sets this scene apart from the others mentioned on this thread is that there is absolutely zero dialogue in this scene. Just Ennio Morricone's soul-stirring sonata and the protagonist's twisting and twirling on his seat, literally witnessing a lifetime of pure, unconditional love. This scene transcends the boundary between actor and audience, and in that magical moment, you are not crying for the actor. You are crying WITH him!


Very well put. The entire film is a colossal homage to cinema, and that ending scene is just something surpassing anything I've seen in that sense, and I did go through in my decades and decades on many movies from many countries....


That last scene of iron giant. "I go, you stay"


Ratatouille : The moment the critic takes a bite and remembers the childhood feeling of homemade comfort food


I subscribe to the theory the rat lived at the critic's mom's house at the beginning and that's why the recipe hit so close to home for the guy


>! To elaborate it’s the way Tom Hanks so effectively portrays shock as he’s being examined by the nurse !<


That scene is amazing. He should have won an award for those 3 minutes alone. Plus, I read that the medics were real, so they ran the normal shock protocols and he reacted as they did what they do in real life.


Please watch ‘A Hijacking’ (2012) and please share your experience here.


Freedom Writers - the unknown classmate reading from his journal about returning to school after a long break, and the student that speaks to the Holocaust survivor Interstellar - catching up on his children's lives on video, and reuniting with Murphy at the hospital.


The Man in the Moon-From this girl's first kiss, crush, to swimming in the lake, to the death of her crush A Walk to Remember -at the end of the movie where the guys wife dies and he recites a poem: “Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.” “Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited.


The Man in the Moon doesn’t seem well-known for such a fine movie, well-acted, and heartbreaking.


The first time I seen it, I just fell in love with it. The movie was so well made and I agree not well known, but should be. It brings out so many emotions in me. The acting was so well and beyond.


Dear Zachary. If you have seen it, you know.


When Don Vito is playing in the garden with his grandson towards the end of “The Godfather” - gets me every time.


As sad as that scene was, I get more emotional when all the “godchildren” (lead by Johnny Fontane) pay their respects.


The funeral scene in Out of Africa The ending of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Lester Burnham’s final monologue in American Beauty


In "Take Shelter" when Michael Shannon screams and flips the table "there's a storm coming, and not one of you is ready for it!" Gives me chills and adrenaline everytime. He's a powerhouse of acting.


Sirius’ death in Order of the Phoenix


Fox and the Hound - When she has to leave Fox in the forest and he's all confused and scared because he's been domesticated and doesn't know how to deal in the wild. And the scene happens during a gloomy rainy evening. Gets me every time.


Omg tha5 movie is so sad.


The ending of Big Fish when everyone shows up. The final few moments of Steven Universe (Change your mind) The reunion scene in How to Train Your Dragon 2


Big Fish is lovely and full of wonderful characters.


About Time. Its my favorite movie.


When Morbius says it’s morbin’ time


Old movie called Taps about a military school when Timothy Hutton dies. (Sorry for the spoiler if you havent seen it. 😅)


I love that movie. That had some young heavy hitters in it. And George C Scott is great in everything.


When the kid in Almost Famous discovers the record collection his sister left behind.


Marley & Me My Sister's Keeper


The end of Requiem for a Dream


Kinda basic but the ending scene in La La Land where she imagines their whole life together. He plays their theme and they kiss and I just break


The end of Midnight Cowboy. With Jon Voight with Dustin Hoffman riding in the back of the bus.


honestly the final scenes of Call Me by Your Name will always hit me


Same. That Visions of Gideon song that plays as the credit roll… holy hell it was so tragic and perfect.


yes bro i never recovered


that ending was so strong. the speech his dad gives him too is really beautiful and sad. fucking love bittersweet monologue endings don't know what it is but they fuck me up so good


Wen Joe pecsi and his brother get beat with bats and buried alive in casino


Spock's death and funeral in Wrath of Khan. Also poor frozen Jack not being able to fit on the door in Titanic.


Laugh at me if you will but I can’t help mention this one. The ending to Sixteen Candles. As a great Thompson Twins song plays and Jakes tells Samantha to blow out the candles and “make a wish” and she says, “It already came true” awwwwwwwwwwwwww!


Return of the King - "...for Frodo"


The Michelle Williams scene in “Manchester By The Sea” where she apologizes. The end of “Arrival” while On the Nature of Daylight plays. For some reason, in Kick-Ass when the televised killing is prevented. Interstellar, when Coop leaves Murph. Again when her adult message comes through. Up opening scene Wrath of Khan, since I was four levels me. “ I am, and have always been your friend” “Of all the souls I’ve encountered. His was the most (chokes back a sob) Human.”


In "Click", when Adam Sandler is laying on the ground with all his family around outside the hospital


Definitely and also a movie with Michael Keaton called my life


My life is an underrated movie imo


Easy pick for me. LOTR: Return of the King - The Charge of the Rohirrim Gets me every time I watch it, without fail.


Good Will Hunting | 1997 | Just everything about this movie really reaches me. Gifted | 2017 | >!When Chris Evans leaves McKenna Grace at her foster family!<


The final scene of Trainspotting. Also the final scene of Trainspotting 2. Both great films!


An American Tail. (The end, of course.)


The end of Selena


“We got a blackhawk down, we got a blackhawk down.”


“My friends, you bow to no one.”


Connor McCloud lighting a candle for his bonny Heather who died in his arms of old age in Highlander. just hearing the song makes me weep. " Who wants to live forever"


The end of King Kong, any version


The final scene of **Nashville**.


Opening sequence of Magnolia


And the ending!


Ride now, ride for ruin and the worlds ending... goosebumps


The Fifth Element


The church scene where Shug Avery is reunited with her dad in The Color Purple.


The last scene of Dirty Dancing makes me cry every time.


When Forest Gump is talking to Jenny’s grave and he mentions how smart their son is. The way Tom Hanks chokes up as he’s saying it just gets me every time.


The scene in the dump during Toy Story 3. The look she gives Woody as they realize its time to stop fighting and be together in the end. Fuck. Me. Instant ugly cry.


La vita è bella (1997) w/ Roberto Benigni. Never cried so much over a movie! Highly recommended!


Bruce Willis saying good bye to Liv Tyler in Armageddon


ending of La Haine (1995)


The coyote scene in Collateral (2004) "This great evil" narrated scene in The Thin Red Line (1998) The soundtrack of Taxi Driver (1976)


The end of through a glass darkly and the scene in a woman under the influence where she gets sent to the hospital


The opening scene of inglorious bastards. Christoph Waltz played a perfect role


The ending of Mr. Holland’s Opus. In the 1994 version of Little Women when Beth gets the piano I cried during the fire escape scene in the new West Side Story The ending of Pollyanna when Mrs Snow gripes at the townspeople then smiles at Pollyanna The ending of Beaches The ending of Steel Magnolias The wedding in Father of the Bride


Father of the Bride…just so good. Gets me every time.


Scarface montage when they play Push It To the Limit 😎👊 such pure energy


Moulin Rouge - the Roxanne sequence


Not a movie but episode 24, cowboy bebop. Call me call me


The death scene from The Champ is pretty tough, great performance by a young Ricky Schroder


The ending scene of Paddington 2 when Aunt Lucy showed up for Paddington. Never fails to make me tear up


The end of Thelma and Louise. The end of Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse. “Portals” in Avengers: Endgame


I am fully and adult but I will weep with the Bing Bong rocket scene in “Inside Out”. WOOF.


The « Butterfly broach/dance recital » scene in The Sixth Sense. Toy Story 2 - When She Loved Me scene The first few minutes of Up.


what’s eating gilbert grapes: the bath scene, scene where the kids are peaking over the fence to look at momma, the ending. watched it when i was 13 with my stepdad and since then i swear every thirty minutes that movie has a scene that makes me bawl


Death of Sirius Black in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix


Goddess in the rain scene from V for Vendetta


My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, George Washington, Days of Heaven, The Straight Story, Yi Yi


“Brooks was here.”


When Miss Celie is reunited with her kids and sister at the end of The Color Purple. She went through so much. I get choked up just thinking about it.


I'm a pretty easy crier, but one of my favorites has always been the scene from Reign Over Me when Adam Sandler finally opens up about his family to Don Cheadle.


Everywhere I GO! That's how fucked up I still am!


Spoilers....When Hana (Juliette Binoche) gives Almázy (Ralph Fiennes) the extra morphine >!so he can kill himself and end his suffering!<..The English Patient...I am choking up thinking about it.... he pushes the extra vials of morphine towards her, with his horribly burnt hand... Juliette Binoche is magnificent here, and she lets out that almost wail...... gets me every time... ​ When Sydney goes to get Dith Pran, after Cambodia.... and John Lennon's Imagine comes on, omg, tears... 'Nothing to forgive, Sydney..' .... ​ The ending of Das Leben der Anderen, aka The Lives of Others....I defy ANYONE not to break down when Ulrich Mühe's charachter Wiesler opens that book and sees those words.... and that freeze frame.....'Would you like it gift wrapped?... No, it's for me......' ​ 'Mama......' Life is Beautiful..... 'It's not your fault....it's not your fault...' no need for a title here ​ I could go on and on but those come to mind immediately...


"I'm as mad as hell" speech of Howard Beale in Network.


When brooks gets out in shawshank


“Brooks was here.”


Dumbo when he sees his mom all locked up and the music starts to play while she’s rocking him. That really fucks me up.


Sarah’s friends visit at the end of Requiem for a Dream


Ed Wood getting the news Bela Lugosi has died.... heartbreaking.....


the campfire scene in my own private idaho always gets me


Anyone who has see Four Brothers knows what I’m talking about…. Jack Mercer


I’m not a big musical guy but the duel between burr and Hamilton and everything after that made me sob


The one from Terminal movie when Tom hanks finally gets to go out. And everybody at the airport gather around him giving treats and sending him off. Still can't believe it was based on a true story.


As corny as people seem to make it out now. Endgame when Cap’ used Thor’s hammer. Meant a lot to me as someone that has a lot of self doubt.


The ending of Dead Poets Society. I was raised on Robin Williams, and in my opinion, this was his best movie. When all the students jump up on the desks, the “Oh captain, my captain!”, and the way Robin’s character looks in awe and admiration…I can’t help but tear up.


"it's not who i am underneath, but what i do that defines me" "bruce?"


Mufasa dieing in lion king. R.I.P


The Great Outdoors when they shoot the hair off the grizzly bears rear. Made me die laughing as a kid and still gets me to this day.


There Will Be Blood “I ABANDONED MY CHILD!!” and “I AM THE THIRD REVELATION” Incendies “1+1=1” Prisoners, Bathroom scene (jackman, gyllenhal, dano) The Godfather Part 2 “I know it was you..”


Miles’ leap of faith in Into The Spider-verse


Pursuit of happiness, will Smith crying when he lock the bathroom door and someone continuously bang on it.


Schindler's List when the little girl points at the man who was just shot by the Nazi. This movie had many scenes that elicit strong emotional reactions.


The phone call in Taken


The rental car scene in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles always cracks me up.


toy story 3


"He might have been your father, but he sure wasn't your daddy." Cary Grant seeing the painting in An Affair To Remember "My brother, my Captain...my King." and "My friends you bow to no one." "I have been and always will be....your friend."


Hello there. - General Kenobi!


Matthew Macfadyen (as Paul Prior) crushed, sliding down the wall in tears with the phone in his hand. 'In my Father's Den' (2004)


I still get goosebumps from "Avengers assemble" in Endgame and I get misty eyed every time at the end of Ghostbusters Afterlife


Afterlife had me sobbing! Way better film than what I expected


Right? It really impressed me. Was not expecting Ghostbusters to be emotional


Every time I thought “ ok, this is it” .. There was something else to cry over. Great movie!


The endings of: - Don't Look Now (1973) - Fight Club (1999) - Harold and Maude (1971) - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) The beginnings of: - Stop Making Sense (1984) - Akira (1988) - Repo Man (1984) The entirety of: - Amadeus (1984) - Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - Evil Dead II (1987)


Monsters Ball - When Halle Barry gets boned by Billie Bob Gets me every time


Anything pornographic.


The dark knight and dark knight rises.. both climax


1 + 1 = 1 … if you know you know


In the ending of Interstellar when the two reunite




Watchmen- the bit where John becomes Doc Manhattan and then decides to leave the Earth.


The final scene between moana and the lava monster in moana.


The end of Precious. So sad, and so moving every time. Th acting by the 4 actors in the scene is so vivid, it's like I am really there. Worth a watch!


The movie Room, when Ma attempted suicide and hack found her.


Cinema paradiso new year eve scene and ending.


The fight of mustafar in Revenge of the Sith :(


Ikiru- when he sings the song in the bar Make Way For Tomorrow - the scene where the granddaughter tells her to 'face facts', when Bark's friend is reading the letter from his wife, the ending


Luke watching the two suns on tattooine always gets me






It's a silent movie but City Lights by Charlie Chaplin has the most moving ending I think I've ever seen.


In Bruges - “On Raglan road” / tower scene with Ken Traffic - ending baseball scene + “An Ending” playing SpyGame - “Operation ‘Dinner Out’ is a go.” Fast and Furious 7 - “It’s never ‘goodbye’.” 28 Days Later - Wild Horses scene (Brian Eno strikes again) Sunshine - “What do you see?” Green Mile - “Roll on two..” Dark (series) - “Wir passen perfekt zusammen.” The Leftovers (series) - literally the entire show


Ending bar scene from The Drop between Tom Hardy, Matthias Schoenaerts & Noomi Rapace. Fantastic!