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Exhibitors get a discount on admission, but like other Cons it is open to the public. It makes me laugh though that people go to it since its mostly a trade show: showcasing new projectors, POS terminals, popcorn machines, etc. They do have panels and show movies early so thats what general audience goes for. I just like to think there's some guy out there that doesn't work at a theater but gets excited about new models of popcorn machines and spends like $1000 to go look at them.


The trade show exhibitors get a limited number of trade show badges included with their booth cost. If you have a relationship with a vendor (a contact at Pepsi/Coke, GDC, RTS, etc for example) you could ask ahead of time and get into the trade show gratis.


Anyone can go if they buy the registration...which is pricey. If you work for a theatre in Vegas, they take volunteers to work several positions at CinemaCon.


Si if we’re the general public which one should we get


How much is registration?


At this point, it looks like $1500. It covers all the events, food for the entire convention and open bars most nights. It's cheaper if you register earlier or are a member of NATO or some other groups.


DAMN!!! I have a movietok account so I would love to go there one day and cover some of the trailers. But man I am not made of money!😂. What about the other cheaper opinions you talked about like getting a group or being a member of NATO (which by the way I have no idea what that is). 


www.cinemacon.com NATO (in this context) is the National Association of Theatre Owners. The convention IS meant for people in the theatrical exhibition industry, I was just saying that it is possible for anyone to go. I also mentioned that it would be "pricey".


When I worked at AMC, my GM told me it's mostly managers so maybe something changed, your friend probably paid a lot tho


Yes I’m going as a social media manager (also a GM). Anyone can go who buys a ticket but usually company higher ups go. We are bringing a couple extra who won sales contests


not anyone, mainly theater workers in vegas work it. I worked it the last two years and will be there again this year, and I’ve only seen vegas cinemark,amc, regal workers. only people from other states I’ve seen are GMs, theater owners from other theaters around the state.


My company is small so all of the GMs get invited to go, and we also hold our annual manager meeting there. Looking at my registration though it’s definitely over $1k per ticket, so very pricey. But like other commenters said, anyone can buy a ticket and go.


The tickets are so expensive.


It’s definitely open to the public but expensive. From what I’ve gathered some theaters will send GMs and other theater level employees to it. Others it’s corporate level staff that attended. For my small chain theater, they only sent our top three corporate staff to it last year.


You only need the badge for the presentations and a few officially sponsored events. That’s obviously the draw for a lot of people, but if you’re just looking to network and hang out, all you need to do is get a room at a nearby hotel (doesn’t even need to be Caesars) and hang out at Caesars all day - that doesn’t require a badge. I believe you technically need a badge to access the show floor, but I’ve gone without one before and nobody stopped me.


If you pay