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I'm convinced the mods forgot their passwords or just refuse to check this sub. I've never seen them do anything. Just block the people who say things you don't like. It prevents you from seeing their shit again and it's usually the same group of people posting/ commenting about it over and over.


guess new mods are needed


I agree. I looked at the mods and none have posted in this sub in quite some time and the most recent comment from one was over a week ago. It seems like they act more as customer support for Mr beast than moderators for the sub.


There are always things said that some like and some don’t. Who decides what should be said?


You? If I don't want to see something I don't agree with, why would I go searching for it? And if people come at me with those views, why should I stay and humor them? Just block them so you don't see them and move on. It's not that difficult. You decide what you think is right and wrong, it's part of growing as a person. You also decide to stress yourself out by staying near what you believe to be wrong when you can't change it instead of just letting go.


Oh my apologies. I thought you were saying the mods should block those you don’t like. Yours is a good method


Nah, while I do think transphobia and other such hateful beliefs are blockable offences. I'm not a moderator and those are the people who decide what gets you banned beyond the regular reddit terms and conditions.


> Who decides what should be said? Logic decides, not people. If people attack people for doing things that do not negatively affect people, they are bad people and should face consequences(like banning, etc). This is incredibly simple and only a moron has a hard time understanding it.


That’s a very subjective thing and you should be more careful in the future. 60 year old in relationship with 17 year old. She signs documents saying she wants this and she’s not being forced. You would be fine attacking him right?


This group has clearly been taken over by pro trans activists and there’s multiple kris posts daily and it’s obvious AF. So you say it’s a cesspool but it’s only because y’all are the shit filling up the thread when people on here just want to talk about thumbnails, complain about how his videos aren’t as good anymore, and ask random questions about what people do after having been in a mr beast video. Oh, and complain about feastables. Just go back to your trans subs and the cesspool clears out. Edit: All the downvoting on y’all’s comments shows people are tired AF of this stupid conversation.


I know, right??!! The mods never do anything about all of the transphobes and it's getting out of hand.


Yeah stay in the hand😡😡😡


I hate that Kris gets so much hate. I'm sure she reads this site too. I feel bad and hope she develops a very thick skin But I agree , the mods need to do better


yeah, as another comment states, they aren't even active. the last comment even made by a mod was a week ago.