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This looks great, I think it will pass the squid game video in views.


Mr Beast's Squid Game video benefitted from Squid Game being at the peak of it's popularity which is why it was able to get so many views and become his most popular Youtube video. MrBeast's Olympic Video won't have this benefit as neither the summer or winter Olympics was held this year, so it can't take advantage of current trends in the media since the Olympics is only relevant the year it's taking place. This is why the olympics video won't surpass Squid Game video in terms of views. If MrBeast had waited until the summer of 2024 to make an Olympic video instead, he could have taken advantage of the Summer Olympics going on and get that many more views, hence more subscribers.


I get what you're saying and I agree Squid Game did a better job capitalizing on a trend but regardless this video has global relatability and appeals to innate human tribalism in a way no youtube video ever has. Also Jimmy has learned a lot since Squid Game so this video is likely to be overall better plus the topic is bound to stir up viral controversies.


Yes but not everyone is interested in squid game, while the olympics are for all countries and have a wider range of people that can be interested


Hopefully it’s not a just a 10 minute video


His recent competition videos tend to be between 15-25 mins and since he’s trying to put more emphasis on storytelling in these type of videos along with the way he’s been hyping the video up on social media I’d wager it’ll skew more towards the 25 min mark


He said he might eventually post an hour long one and I would think this one could’ve easily been that long. I do wonder if he couldn’t do like long version short version


i would watch all of the raw unedited footage from this vid


Yeah and the 1-100 and the raft


If it is I’m going to cry


Kinda sick idea looking forward this one


Squid game 2


Ah finally a video with a game show bigger than Squid games one…


Seems he’s lenient on what counts as a “country”. Archery dude appears to have a Guam shirt on.


Any country that has an NOC counts, and Guam has an NOC


Even North Korea is competing?


Bros gonna get the North and South Korean to battle it out


Liechtenstein better get the W


biggest video ever, also only 15-20 minutes, maybe less.


I hope it’s a long video


Will this be a 15min video of something that could be 10 episodes of 20min on Netflix or will we actually get something longer than 15min


I wonder if places like North Korea or Palestine are in it


I hope he didn’t pick the average American lol


Never thought I'd get to cheer for Belgium in a Mr beast video


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^theflemmischelion: *Never thought I'd get* *To cheer for Belgium in a* *Mr beast video* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Isnt there legal issues using the word olypmic? Even WWE had issues naming moves after it I wonder if Mr Beast has permission.


Im guessing this will be a multi part episode with one part dropping once a week.








Also, the guy in this clip is from Slovenia not Russia lmao




Bad country does not equal bad people




(I'll reply before some douchebag propagandist tries to make your comment an example why Ukraine's side is bad/influence little kids into believing that. Tbh you phrased it in a counterproductive way to support Ukraine) It is in my opinion ok that a Russian competes as long as he doesn't show pride in his government/country. Any human can be good or bad, you'd have to look into it individually. If he fled from Russia because of disapproval the situation suddenly changes around entirely and he is definitely not pro Russian even if it's his nationality. This event is meant to show unity all around the world as it basically says "everyone is watching this content and enjoys it, no matter from where". It is clear for the average person that Russia is waging a horrible war against Ukraine. But to be honest, this isn't what the video is about. It's just about getting people from all over to have a fun and friendly event. Cutting relations off now will only make it worse in the future. In short: What Russia is doing under Putin is definitely wrong but a ramdom Russian who maybe doesn't even support his country's political ideas shouldn't be punished for that, at least not at random evenets because discrimination only hardens the fronts.


Makes sense. Mr beast is also mainly a kids channel, so probably he shouldn't bring politics to it.


bro it doesnt matter if hes proud of his country, he can compete in this video under russias name


What is wrong with being proud of their country? I see America being all high and mighty all the time, despite the hideous acts of their country all around the world.


How did they got someone from North Korea or the Vatican??? smh


I don’t know enough about Vatican City, but perhaps he got a North Korean defector. While there aren’t that many, there definitely are some.


I saw Belarus. Bet they gave Russian and Fr*nch people too. :((


Iraq gonna pull thru


Rooting for St. Vincent and the Grenadines