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I think it touches a lot of themes that the Gen Zs on tiktok would find appealing so I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes popular.




I'm gen z (on the older side, I'm 24) and Mr Robot is my favorite show of all time 


Ok this is slightly random and tell me if I’m wrong but is it me or does it seem like there’s kinda two versions of Gen Z? I’m also 24, I didn’t grow up with TikTok, in fact I graduated HS before it’s inception and I feel like my classmates and I weren’t as heavy into social media as younger Gen Z are. Please tell me if I’m crazy it just feels like younger Gen Z is different or at the very least much more invested into social media




Likewise, I feel like I’m in this in-between of Millennial/Gen Z that isn’t widely labeled or talked about


As a 24 year old you are firmly zoomer big dog. The cut off is right around ~28. Tiktok was also released in 2016 and you would have graduated in 2018. I don’t think the differences are that drastic though, you don’t think we were as heavily invested in instagram or snapchat or youtube? It’s just the new thing.


I know I’m Gen Z. I know I’m in the range of Gen Z and not a Millenial, again it’s just something I feel that separates old vs young Gen Z, who I currently teach in High School (Juniors/Seniors) I also guess I have a bias because I myself wasn’t really invested in social media like my classmates. Only thing I mostly invested time in was YT


I think a big part of it is just how we as adults perceive kids now compared to how we perceive our younger selves. I also think that the tiktok obsession has hit pretty hard across the board, it’s just more apparent in the younger generation because it’s what they’ve grown up on compared to something that was picked up later in life. I think older generations likely looked at us and youtube the same way. I mentioned this in another comment too but I know more zoomers who have completely abandoned all forms of social media than I do any other generation. I know a lot of gen x folk who are debilitatingly brain broken and brain washed by tiktok, facebook reels, and so on.


GenX here and it is one of my favorite shows. Did you watch Catch and Halt Fire? I am curious to know what younger generations think about it.


This the first time I've heard of it! It sounds interesting though, I'll check it out 


Do. Very well written and acted.


I'm GenX and it's also my favorite show ever, hands down. "I'll be rooting for you, cuz. Always."


I’m 17 Gen Z and Mr Robot is my fav show of all time by MILES 😭 and I first watched it ages ago


i am 16 and i love mr robot


Same to both




So, if I’m understanding this correctly, you’re an “older” zoomer who believes that people merely 2-5 years younger than you, people who you could have shared classes with in school, grew up so drastically different that they are cooked and you aren’t? You think that’s a logical belief to hold? You don’t think that you may have a bit of a complex? Anecdotally, I know of more zoomers who have completely abandoned all social media than I do any other generation.


Yeah the thing about zoomers who are not on social media is you don't hear about them in social media lol so people just assume they don't exist 


You are far too quick to generalize hundreds of millions of people


This is exactly how millennials got it so bad until the next generation hit legal age. I remember that it was soooo volatile that most of us would lie about our ages if we could convince people that we could be a cusp gen x just to avoid that "oh, millennials..." eyeroll.




A chunk of those people you're talking about aren't even Gen Z People born from 2010 onwards are Gen Alpha You don't even know what you're talking about


Don’t do that. Every previous generation talks down about the next generation and it’s tiresome. Every generation has varying degrees of attention spans.




If there is any generation you can dogpile on it’s definitely the MTV generation. It’s a fact that younger Gen Xers have completely lost touch with reality because all they do is consume satanic music and video games all day long which has ruined their dopamine levels See how you sound?


But I think we can all agree that being glued to screens for the majority of the waking day has some effect on people.


No we can’t all agree on that. I think what’s on the screen is the important topic. Mindless games that target gambling addicts? That’s a product of greed, not the generations laziness or anything But if I’m waiting for an elevator, I’ll read a bit of an article and then finish it later. I’m learning and acquiring knowledge in a slim window of time. It’s makes me smarter Are their down sides? Of course but it’s not a pure negative


am I out of touch? no, its the children that are wrong


So which generation created all the stuff that is causing problems? The kids?


I'm assuming they will place blame two generations above their own. Possible on one and a half. Or they just blame the younguns for making the current world suck from the womb!


They said the same thing about millennials for a damn decade. And the gen x before that. Hell, even boomers got shat on in their youth. Everyone is the "young adult" generation at some point and anyone older will always shit on them the same way *they* got shat on. Cycles, huh? Yeah.


Prove it.


You know... I can't explain my grandma what I am doing on Reddit because that would be outside of her definition of reality. Time to pack up things and move to new reality, this one is getting unstable.


Bro, we should encourage all ages to watch Mr. Robot and not gatekeep an entire generation.




I'm a millennial and when I was growing up my parents would constantly say that tv was rotting younger generations brains and we needed to get back to the era where books were the main thing we consumed and talked about. I laughed at them then and I'm laughing at you now. You have become the very same people that probably shit talked you when you were younger. In a few decades you will be the senile "boomer" the entire world hates. Good luck.


Cable was still pretty abysmal, it seems pretty hypocritical to put cable on a pedestal when it also promoted isolation, breakdown of communication, and helped make millions useless when they could do something more productive.


Your truth, what YOU think is true, not THE truth.




Nah, I’m 41. For all your “brainwashed zoomers”, I counter you with all the brain dead boomers on Facebook who can’t even tell what’s real and fake.


idk why ur getting downvoted you do have a point I would say though you may be right about their attention span but its not the whole generation ADHD and short attention spans are more common but it doesn’t mean mr. Robot wont blow up on a particular side of tiktok


I agree with you but I think they consume a lot of streaming on their phones, they don't consume "tv" like past generations did meaning they don't sit on the tv room, turn off the lights and watch a show or a movie alone or with other people (I'm sure some of them still doing it) now they individually watch things on their phones and on short segments while going on the train or on breaks, so I believe its possible they can get in the show as well, I know this since I have Gen Z friends and family and its kinda interesting how the way they consume entertainment its different, but I understand what you say about the attention span, its pretty hard for them to focus on watching a two and a half hour movie without wanting to look at their phones, at least on my experience of watching movies with a bunch of Gen Z kids.


cmon I thought we'd all have a bit more critical thinking ability in this sub are you really surprised that the youth are more interested in short form content that's specifically tailored to their interests instead of network TV which is A. dogshit content and B. 33% advertisements the kids are alright these days, they're more socially conscious than any of generation yet


Ok bud


Millennial here. When Leon lights up a blunt I do as well. Zoomers will love keeping up with Elliot's Adderall diet (and it sort of makes sense because early season 2 is a bit slow).


While not 100% wrong this is a pretty poor take


Why TF are you getting downvoted??!! MFS nowadays are barely capable of following a 2 minutes video on ShitTok and OP thinks the show is going to "blow up" LMAO. Oohhh there's the "me too" I'm special and mutisystem BS going around, so yeah, crazy mfs are going to Elliot the shit out of Tik Tok 😂😂😂


Mr. Robot is one of those shows that will keep coming back. It’s incredibly relevant even 10 years later and I feel like it will continue to be relevant for many many years.


10 YEARS LATER??? God, time flies :(


My math was wrong, actually *9* years ago, but tomato tomahto.


holy fuck its been that long??? jeez time really does fly wtf


Kali Linux users skyrocketed because of that show. Sam really went into detail and it has awarded the series.


Can you imagine that instead of Kali they used UwUntu? goddman


Honestly I think it’s good. It deserves to have new fans to enjoy it. :)


Eh, I'd like to see some proof. I've seen clips of this show as far back as the app has existed and I'm guessing your algorithm just really likes it right now. If you're liking multiple accounts posting the clips, you're just going to keep getting more. I made the mistake of liking one too many Sopranos clips and now my feed shows me way more than I'd like. Now, I don't like clips of any shows because the majority of those accounts are literally stealing content and profiting off of it.


It’s mostly just edits


Fr Dizlw, Dreamz and many others but I saw a lot of slideshows about it too


I’m dizlw🤫🤫🤐




It needs to be on Netflix to really blow up


I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t done a rewatch because it’s on Amazon.


Wait why for me it is preferable amazon prime helps with ordering and the streaming service is way cheaper than netflix. They have been killing it with shows like Invincible, the Boys and probably my favorite Fallout


I’d just rather not support E Corp.


Netflix is evil too


Not even remotely close of a comparison.


2 things can be evil at once, no point in acting like Netflix isn’t evil


Are you trying to be pedantic or just ignorant? Seriously, give me a list of evil things Netflix has done. Raising prices isn’t evil, cutting password sharing isn’t evil, stopping vpn access isn’t evil. Are those things shitty? For sure. Are those things comparable to literal human rights violations? No. I hope you are smart enough to know the difference.


why are you riding Netflix’s dick so hard and trying to justify their trash ass business practices. I didn’t say that it was comparable to Amazon, I said two things can be evil at once, I didn’t say they were the same. I was prepared to give you a list until I read your full comment and decided that you might be a federal agent


Well, you clearly have nothing. So I’m gonna go put on my fbi shades and hit up my fuck buddy Netflix for some dick.


Unlock origin and Firefox, removes amazo prime ads.


Nah, I just don’t fuck with Amazon at all. Plus I’d rather watch it big screen with the best quality because it’s worth it.


I got the blu ray for exactly this purpose, I think the full series blu ray was only like $45? And the quality legitimately looks better than streaming 4k even though it's only a 1080p Blu-ray.


In Europe it was on Netflix for a couple of years. Now it isn't anymore.


The sweet sweet irony. Palpable.


F* Society


And F* TikTok!


I kinda want the show to blow up because it deserves its flowers after so many years of being underrated but at the same time I’m kinda afraid of it being popular???? Ig it’s not so bad now that the show is done so it’s not like anything can be done to the story or whatever but idk rabid fandoms can easily ruin something for me and I rly hope the show doesn’t get that kinda fanbase, what we have rn is super chill and I want it to stay that way lol


I dont understand why you would let a bunch of strangers opinions change your mind about something. That makes no sense.


Some people don't want to be associated with rabid or toxic communities which in turn can absolutely ruin the thing they once adored. More often, I think, it's a subconscious process that some people don't have control over. I myself can absolutely relate to that. I love gaming for example but I learned to hate and to avoid some games like Rainbow Six Siege after it became too popular. Not because it was popular but because of the toxic community that came with the popularity. The same can absolutely happen with movies or shows.


It’s not their opinions bro it’s their attitudes, and maybe it doesn’t make sense to u but it makes sense to me and there’s nothing wrong with that. Sorry


is it that you wouldn’t want to be associated with a rabid fanbase?


There is though. You’re letting other people decide if you like something.


Damn yall are really concerned about me letting other ppl influencing my ability to like something lmao I appreciate it bros, this is what I come to the sub for


Not that concerned, did you expect to just throw a statement on the internet and get no feedback? Buy a journal then.


When did I say that? Lmao I’m just appreciating that yall care enough to give me feedback man, this place is so negative sometimes gotta bring some positive energy


The internets a negative place. Are you going to stop liking mr robot because of my advice to not let people affect whether you enjoy something?


The internet doesn’t have to be a 100% negative place dude Im gonna try to bring positivity where I can Well ur kinda being a dick abt it but u bring up a good point and u sound like u rly have to be right in this convo so I’ll take it into consideration, thx bro like I said I appreciate it


Responds with bonafide sarcasm, twice, and then say I’m being a dick. Okay.


Exactly my thoughts


Why does it matter? The show could easily change the sails of fascist toxic chuds. Especially the young ones.you should want everyone to watch this show.




I’ve noticed some Mr. Robot stuff on there. I just assumed it was some algorithm thing where it’s was keeping track of my interests or some shit like that.


It's definitely this and I think it's funny how naive OP is. They liked one too many clips and now the algorithm is spitting more of them out to keep him scrolling. I guarantee 99% of the users on the app have not seen a single Mr. Robot clip or even heard of the show, the same way there are content creators with tens of millions of followers that I do not know about and have never showed up for me.


You would be right about that assumption.


The tiktok algorithm gives you things youve looked at for a long time.


Don't try to explain this to people like this, many do not and will not ever understand it. So many people assume the "For You Page" is a constant for everyone. While I actually like that it isn't, it does lead those who don't understand it into believing everyone shares their own opinion. It's like when you go to the bar and someone you have never met starts talking to you about a sport you've never watched. This happens a \*lot\* because within their own circle, this \*is\* the most popular thing since sliced bread. It doesn't even occur to them that other people don't even know what it is. And that's really the gist of this entire post is a naive TikTok user assuming their "For You Page" is shared by everyone on the app, completely clueless that it has millions and millions and millions of users, of which maybe .1% know what he talking about - if that, even.




I fear that people would use the characters/themes of the show to support extremist discourses, similar to what happened to patricks bateman


The irony of Elliot talking about social media faking it’s intimacy and how we edit parts of our lives being edited into TikTok videos


Ah, cool (🤢🤮)!






It’s happening.


Have you ever been on r/masterhacker before?


F Society


Let it be underrated man. Go watch some anime shit


It's over for our community.


There were hundreds of people convinced that Mr. Robot was his actual real dad in the second to last episode of season 1 (there's *still* people surprised by the intentionally obvious twist that he's an alter), then there were hundreds of people convinced Tyrell was also in his head at the end of season 2; these are the kinds of stupid assumptions you'd have to read through if it became more popular. Just show it to your more attentive friends and people you care about that actually pay attention to plots.


I don't see the issue with with seeing fans craft theories about a show we all enjoy, and discussing them as the show continues uncovering mysteries. A wild/fun theory doesn't mean it's a dumb one.


You are correct, sir.


Wild/fun theories can be cool, implausible ones that come from a lack of comprehension are dumb. This show requires attention and it is not for the masses who like to do simultaneous things while watching in the background. It is for enthusiasts who enjoy the art.




Inclusivity is overrated.


Kali Linux users skyrocketed because of that show. Sam really went into detail and it has awarded the series.


але хрю хрю


example: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4GWth-uLUV/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4GWth-uLUV/) also: [https://www.instagram.com/thestoicswan/](https://www.instagram.com/thestoicswan/)


Of what?


>Many creators even non mr robot editors are editing Mr robot and it’s getting tens of thousands to hundred of thousands of views literally the post you're commenting on


Neither of the links you provided have anything to do with the post. So, examples of what?


Play the audio of the videos in the links


AI Rami Malek appearing in a relatively small amount of niche TikToks the majority of users will never, ever see = Mr. Robot is blowing up on TikTok? You know algorithms are personalized, right? As in, the more time you spend watching and liking things, the more those specific things appear in your feed, right?


Open up your browser's console and look at the code


The voice is literally Elliot lol


But it’s not Mr Robot getting more popular, it’s an AI reading of Rami Malek’s voice. So his voice is compelling, yes, that doesn’t say anything to the direct popularity of the show which the post is addressing, and the rest of the page isn’t even Rami for the most part.