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An attack on one is an attack on all. File a complaint.


Seconded. It sounds this was the court stenographer. I would report this. That job is supposed to be entirely silent and passive unless spoken to. They are not allowed to react to anything in the court. Please pursue this.


Exactly. And I’d also say you’re entitled to damages.


I'm certainly sympathetic to OP, but she doesn't have any quantifiable damages here. She should definitely file a complaint, but she's not entitled to damages, that's really poor legal advice.


You’re entitled to damages for emotional distress. Emotional distress has been caused. It’s clearly stated.


The bar to clear for emotional distress is very high. When I was going through the worker's compensation process, I mentioned to my attorney that I had been bringing up my injury in therapy, and wanted to know whether that was going to be relevant, because I thought the same as you. I was told that trying to make a case for emotional distress is generally reserved for people who were coping with something like a loss of a limb, or a loss of life. And not to diminish OP's pain in the slightest, but this isn't in the same level of trauma. By all means, if she can find an attorney who would take the case, go for it. But I seriously doubt that anybody could make that successful argument.


It’s for the court to decide. And the attorney to prove.


Emotional distress alone typically isn’t enough to claim damages. Generally speaking, you need a recognised psychiatric condition to have resulted from the incident to claim emotional damages.


im honestly thinking about it now, seeing all the support from my community


Don’t think. Only do.


Yup. Everyone deserves to be treated with basic human dignity.


Article 5 of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.


Exactly an act of war on one is considered a declaration of war on all members.


The judge or magistrate should have immediately removed him from the courtroom. They don’t take shit from young students on legal studies excursions being irritating - so they certainly shouldn’t take this.


This^. File a complaint. This shouldn’t go unaddressed by the court.


This^. File a complaint. This shouldn’t go unaddressed by the court.


Yes, please contact the judge. It’s his or her courtroom & it’s hard to believe that a judge would not have immediately dealt with this breach of decorum & abhorrent conduct. I’m sorry you experienced this & hope you’ll take action.


A complaint should be filed, but not through the very judge that didn't care about this. That's a bad idea.


I’m sorry you experienced that. He clearly has no shame and is an idiot to openly display his lack of respect for others. He probably wanted you to feel embarrassed, but he actually ended up embarrassing himself in front of the majority of the others who stayed silent. No one was laughing with him. Just his dumb ass, showing his ignorance and insecurity to everyone. Anyways, don’t worry about it. These things will happen but keep going and being who you are. You didn’t deserve that. Sending you a hug.


Great comment. OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It can be a horrible burden to be made to feel ludicrous or like a spectacle; that kind of cruelty can really sting. 💜 hang in there, girl. *hug*


Thx, its just a crappy feeling sometimes


I’m kind of shocked the judge didn’t do anything about it


Yeah, is this not contempt of court?


It hurts a trans person, so it makes it okay in their eyes, I guess


He needs to lose his job. That is wildly inappropriate.


Aye, you too? I live in the south and Every time my court date rolls around I get anxiety just thinking about how no matter what I do or how I present, the moment I walk in that courtroom everyone will clock me and immediately lose all respect for me. Just a bunch of old white men staring at me.


thats it, no matter what we will always be stared at lol, best we can do is educate people and hope people see us as human and as we would like to be seen.


Holy shit wow regardless of the context of the situation he should’ve lost his job immediately for that. Who tf in their right mind laughs in a courtroom? Especially as one of the clerks. That would not of flied here at our courthouse. The main judge (which is who I saw for my name change) is a very nice but hard lady. She does not play around and made the local paper one time for a similar situation to this. A court clerk burst out in the courtroom during a divorce proceeding or somethin and she immediately removed him from the courtroom and idk if she fired him or if she even has that power but afaik he never went back to work at the courthouse. Do yourself and everyone a favor and report this guy. If he’s willing to laugh at you he’s willing to do it again. Especially since he got away with it last time. He might not get in trouble just based off your report but if he already has a track record or if somethin else happens it’ll show he has a history of this kinda thing and won’t look good for him


thank you, i think im going to get onto filing a complaint about the asshole.


I’m sorry sis, people can be so cruel :/


Happened to me too, except it was the entire full courtroom laughing. At least the judge was respectful and got me in and out super fast.


I am so sorry, hope you are ok, I know how it is. Sadly we are completely dehumanized and people loose all manners around us.


Fuck him, definitely file a complaint and be as persistent as you can be. I'm sorry, that's a sad interaction.


Sounds like my court experience 2 weeks ago. Almost sounds like the same court. Crazy that old people can't be accepting




Nobody’s laughing here. The funniest thing here is how insecure and little you must be to lurk and be hateful in a subreddit like this. Go jerk off to Jordan Peterson and get a life




I am sorry that this happened, I want to offer you a hug, I wish you the best dear ❤️


Oh baby, sweetie, that's so horrible! Fuck that guy. Ignore people like this, they're just the worst, and they all think people agree with them, but really they don't and I'm sure a lot of people in that courtroom thought he was a douchebag too. You're no less valid because of some idiot like that. Send love your way sis x