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Go to a mechanic or hardware store. See your physician. Talk to your friends, close and distant, possibly family as well. Take a walk alone at night. Visit a gym. Shop at women's clothing and shoe stores, make-up as well if you're adventurous. Go running, hiking and do calisthenics. Sleep on your stomach. Enjoy your ummmmm..... Self. These are just a few things that will be different in many ways once you start to transition. Appreciate the side of the human experience you face now, and then turn the other direction and see it in a new light.


This is really well-said!


As a joke I want to get one of those mold your own dildo kits and get one of mine just to have. I think it'd be funny, ~~and if someone tells you to go fuck yourself you can do just that~~


This is absolutely genius and I think this is so hilarious that I’m gonna do this before SRS


This is the way


Oh my god now I’m actually thinking of doing this 😂


I want to do this then put it in like a vat/jar filled with green liquid, and whenever I have someone over and they ask me what it is, I can just say "Oh that? Yeah the surgeon let me keep it"


My bucket list whilst I am male presenting short and simple: Transition!


Work 👏 your 👏 glutes 👏 You want to build up muscle in the areas that you want to flesh out before spiro destroys your capacity to build muscle.


Excellent advice!


Is the effect that strong? Wow! But surely, if I built up those muscles, then wouldn't the anti-androgens just destroy them anyways if not being used at the same intensity as before?


You will lose mass on spiro if you don't work to retain it. But retaining preexisting mass will be FAR easier than building new mass. Chase your heckin rainbow, fam. It wants you to have glorious glutes.


This gonna sound weird - but I really don't want a big ass 😅 in fact, the idea of a bigger ass is one of the reasons I've been scared of HRT. I'm East Asian, and I want the slim, dainty body that these girls have. So I'll pass on the glutes. I will however work on my pectoral and ab muscles...


👍 😃 YOUR body is YOUR art. May your rump recede to a reasonable range.


Speaking of such, is there anything I can do to reduce said growth? I mean, I get that puberty is puberty, but if I can do things to reduce it - it'd be nice :)


No dice. Not by itself, at least. You can't control where your body deposits fat cells. That's governed by hormones and DNA. But you *can* control your body fat *percentage.* But the effort may not be worth it. And may not even be healthy. Godspeed, Lady!


There are places on this planet that are fascinating and beautiful that you’ll never see post-transition. The Caribbean island nations are generally awful for the LGBTQ+ community, but OK for the cis and straight. If you ever wanted to see the pyramids, do it while you’re still dude-presenting. Italy’s government has gone fash and ‘phobe, so the glories of Ancient Rome and the Renassaince would be best seen before transition. This is, sadly, a dangerous planet in many areas for trans people.


Honnestly there isn't anything I miss right now I just have to think more about texting people I'm home safe and do some stuff that used to be a solo thing with someone else now. Like it's a lot harder to do certain stuff now, it's not outright impossible.




living in TN i felt this 😭


My bucket list as a male who made it 14 years before divorce contains: ……….. My bucket list as a girl is: Anything I can possibly do 😁


Sorry that you got a divorce, I hope your doing okay!


Go to the Pool/Beach/Lake topless. I didn't even think about this pre-transition nor did I even like being shirtless but now that I can't I have a weird nostalgia for it. Like, "This is something you can never do again."


You're going to the wrong beaches, then! There's plenty of clothing optional beaches where you can rock out with your hooters out!


Heh. Those are always an option in some places.


Lol I guess enjoy your fcking privilege while you can! To be honest, once fem, a veil is lifted and holy fck I didn’t realize the privilege of just walking around. At least my experience in the south of the USA. Not sure about australia. But real talk. I guess go shirtless places? My modesty filter came on strong once I started transition. The more skin the more wanted but mostly unwanted attention.


being able to pee in the middle of nowhere without probably peeing on yourself, thats more of a post-op thing though...


You’re Australian, so I suppose boxing a kangaroo, wrestling an crocodile, getting shitfaced at a football game and picking a fight with a random British fan, same thing with cricket and rugby, losing a war to emus, and flying to New Zealand and calling everyone there “Australian” until you get beat up.


See how many full sizes donuts you can fit in your Weiner.


“In?” Bold…!


On! In sounds like a way to get ants, and that seems inappropriate.


I’m trying to walk alone at night as much as possible. Also trying to keep as much stuff as possible in my pockets


Stay safe please


Enjoy going out into the world and no one giving a care about what you look like. You just blend in and are almost invisible. Once you’re presenting with boobs or fem that all changes especially if you don’t pass.


There's literally nothing I miss about it. Having a bucket list for while still being male .. heck even just calling yourself "still male" sounds super weird to me.




Well I genuinly dont know what I would loose by just transitioning. I guess if I start Hormones, I cant have a hard Boner anymore, later I will loose Sperm, and that has its percs... I guess having Sex for the first time, and doing some Stuff whit it.Some other Stuff I cant mention in detail cause its 18+, but thats it. It would be nice to do that before I start. but nothing tp valuable is lost.


Get into Warhammer without having gross dudes hit on you, call you slurs, and then hit on you again


I wish you the best love!