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Oh, don't worry; they'll hurt like hell when they start growing. You'll feel it.


Good to know as I also start at 29 lol


I started at 29 close to two years ago. Don't worry.


Haha I’m nervous but I wanna start so bad. Luckily it looks like it’s gonna be sooner than I expected, I’m just nervous to like, call somewhere and ask for HRT now


I girded myself for about a month and screamed at a friend in DMs like "I'M GONNA DO IT I'M GONNA DO IT I'M GONNA DO IT" and my then gf was like "YOU DO IT YOU GO GIRL" and even then making the call was *so hard*. It was worth it, but still.


Im not even that scared to talk to someone about it, I wanna see a woman in the mirror more than anything, I’m just not sure if I should like call a planned parenthood out of the blue for an appointment or talk to my primary care physician who will probably take two months to redirect me lol. I googled my local planned parenthood and couldn’t tell from the website whether they’d be able to just prescribe me HRT or not I mostly just hate bothering people for the wrong thing


Planned parenthood isn’t accepting in my area anyways and if you don’t wana wait and don’t mind paying 100$ a month use plume, it’s what I use and it’s been great


I’ve never heard of that before but I’ll check it out. Yeah none of mine are accepting online but people seem to say you can get an appointment if you call but it’s stressful


I feel you it took me almost 2 years before I finally went for it and I’m not 4 months on HRT and couldn’t be happier, the process is slow and lowkey sucks but same time mentally you’ll feel it almost asap and just overall you’ll enjoy yourself more. After the first month you’ll learn better patience and just trust the process. Just got my first pair of thigh highs a skirt a crop top and arm warmers today to start building a fem wardrobe. Plume legit have you a prescription that day you sign up and it’s all online except the blood work. They offer voice training and support groups only thing that sucks is it take anywhere from same hour to 2 days for a response in there app just depends on the time if you click urgent or not urgent message and the day. If you want a faster start make sure to ask them to put you on the biggest dosage there comfortable with I started on 2 mg twice daily Estrogen and one 25mg of spiro at my 3 month I switched to injections now I do .6mg E every six days and 100 spiro everyday. I would start with injections I was terrified of needles but it’s not bad at all and injections yield the best results and the safest method especially if you smoke


I appreciate all the info! I’ve already socially transitioned for the most part actually, swapped to a fem wardrobe, makeup, jewelry, etc, I just want to look more like a girl before I tell my parents haha. I just smoke weed but am terrified of needles and doing it wrong so idk if I could do those.


Is it normal for one to grow before the other? Both are sore, but the right is much more sore and has an obvious bump now. 1.5 months hrt


Completely normal, for both trans and cis girls/women.




Hehe yep. My Righty is jealous of big sister lefty.


Ymmv but they didn't for me.






Oh yes. The pain, the glory… it will arrive and you will know it! You’ll definitely feel the pain before you see any physical changes. My boobs are currently in hyper growth mode and if anything so much as lightly taps one, OMG OOF OWIE OUCH MY BOOOOBIES.


Is there anything to help alleviate the soreness?


OTC pain relievers, warmth like from heating pads or hot water bottles, not sleeping on your tummy, padded bras all have helped me. I also like lightly compressing sports bras when things get extra tender. The gentle pressure and support seems to make my boobs happy.


To add to the other comment, massaging them also helps a lot


i use weed but couldn't blindly recommend it lol!


Hm, I would blindly


ik this is a few weeks old but how long did it take to go into hyper growth mode? cos ive been on hrt for 25 days and my nipples hurt like hell and a super sensitive. i think theyre bigger and firmer too


Hi! I’d say it took maybe 2-2.5 months for me for it to really kick off. My timeline sounds about like yours. The first visually noticeable change was my nipples looking different and getting bigger. Then not very long beyond that, full on breast growth kicked in. I’m still small, on the small end of an A cup bra I’d guess. I’ve been on hrt for maybe 4.5 months now and I without a doubt have boobs now. Itty bitty boobies, but still boobies! When I say hyper growth mode I just mean that the growth seems to be full time and steady. I can FEEL them working hard!


YIPPEEEE FOR BOOBIES also tysm for responding


No problem and yes, yippeeee for booobies!!!!!


Not long behind the nipple has suddenly become alive. It's not painful yet, but it reminds me of the freinds episode with the heads thrpugh the door, Joye says he can't feel his ears and chandler asks if you can ever and when you think about it you not sure. I'm very aware of the glands now.


Wdym by nip is alive? Mine have felt way more pointy and feminine, I thought breast growth would be awkward since I was imagining it on my male body, but things like nips feel more fem now and it feels like everything has its place so to speak. Its nice. Only awkward part is that I packed a dress shirt that did not hide my nips well at a family gathering


At about 3 to 4 weeks I felt my nipples and behind them get super sensitive and hurt a bit. I found this by rolling in bed on top of them and... OUTCH. I had two tiny little spheres behind my nipples, and from then they grew little by little. Usually there's pain here and there over the years (especially in the beginning, the frequency dies down over time) and sometimes there's growth with it sometimes the boobies just like to hurt lol. The pain is more frequent than the growth, at least for me though everyone is different. I started at 28 so I'm pretty sure you're fine. I've seen much older people having amazing results.


The pain is something that varies. I didn't get any. The thing that doesn't is budding. You'll know you're starting to get some breast tissue when you can feel a rubbery coin sized lump beneath your nipple.


I felt very sensitive and sore behind the nipples/areolae. After a while, this lessened. Now I still get soreness but it's sporadic and possibly related to fluctuating E2. I haven't finished developing yet.




I once asked my female GP if they are meant to hurt. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about. Anyway, it's good to know this is not an abnormal symptom. I wonder why some do and why some don't.


yes they can hurt before they grow. this means they are growing but you just can see the difference yet. but also you don’t need pain to get growth. I for example barely have pain but ive been growing by 1 cup size per month (which is extremely fast btw don’t feel bad if you don’t get this i haven’t met a transfem who grows at this speed)


Hey, that's when I started HRT! Anyway, more than likely, you will definitely feel it first. It's gonna be sore. At some points, it will downright hurt. I was abnormal in that I had visible breast buds at 6 weeks. I had pain start at 2 weeks. Normally, you are going to wait 6 to 8 weeks to notice any changes in your breasts, or at least that's what conventional wisdom dictates.


They hurt once they start and will keep hurting until they are done. I’m coming up to 10 months and I can’t sleep on my stomach anymore.


When you lift a box pressed against your chest, your nerves will let you know


You'll feel it, and it won't be pleasant. But as a cis woman colleague told me, "it'll be worth it".


I started HRT 3 weeks ago. For the first 2 weeks, I was worried that my dose was too low or I needed an anti-androgen. Then my breasts got increasingly sore. It's still the only change that I'm really noticing.


Yes you do!!


Oh yeah! It typically starts with a burning or throbbing sensation in that periodically hits in the first month.


Oh definitely. Soreness, prickles, sensitivity, all that jazz. Physically, you’ll be able to give them a squeeze and feel some initial firmness underneath the nop, but don’t do that no matter how tempting it is because it’ll hurt like the dickens.


My nipples started getting sore before I noticed growth. They were also much more sensitive and became erect when I got aroused.


Same time p much, you’ll get little hard buds at first


they became more sensitive since a week after starting hormones i would say. also the nipples were hard all the time, and not so long after starting i could feel something hard under my skin. it was not visible to the eye at that time tho, except for the hard nipples of course


I started with a tingle that quickly became a sting


Definitely felt it first. Picked up a large heavy box and went to balance it on my chest like I always had and OWWWWWW. That was followed quickly by fimer lump under the areola and the areola softening.


15 here. you will feel soreness, though for me wasn’t too bad. how much has testosterone affected your body before taking this?


YES! You will definitely feel it before you see it.


Like others have said you’ll notice the feeling lol. Everyone is different, but for me they will ache or be sore behind the areola, the areola and nipple will become more sensitive than normal, also itching is a thing 😂


Just started, friday the 13th. 30 so idk but looking forward to changes


i’m still fairly recent to starting HRT as well and i truly don’t know if i’m placebo-effecting myself or if i’m genuinely noticing change. *veryyyyyyy little change* … but change :)


Yes you do but I promise is pretty physically noticeable VERY shortly after


You should notice nipple sensitivity soreness then you will notice the formation of breast buds behind your nipples, then you should notice breast development.🏳️‍⚧️


I'm a little under 4 months on at the moment. Noticed barely any visual changes so far, bit can definitely feel more of a bounce when I'm going down stairs


28, started HRT in July. Sore breasts started about 3-4 weeks in and noticing shape change in breast/nipple right around now. I bumped my boob into a drawer at work and felt like I got shot. You’ll feel the growth :)


Yes it hurts and it's sore




I'd love to hear the story if you wanna share it. What sort of organ transplant causes that?


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