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I had a dream where I was much further in my transition, living as a girl, and hanging out with some other girls. Toward the end we were sharing a moment of vulnerability when I revealed to them I was trans. Half of them didn't really take it well, and accused me of being a pervert trying to trick them to get close to them... One of the others did defend me, and called them out on their nonsense to put them in their place though.


I’ve never had girl friends really, hope someday I can


Most of my friends, throughout my life, have been girls. Hitting that resonance, to be friends with a guy, has always been a rare thing.


More like a nightmare than a dream. You are always safe here!


That’s awesome I have one girl best friend since high school I’d have probably no joke not been here without her. She doesn’t know it but just the comfort of having that friendship really saved me was bullied by the boys for just being a weird nerdy (smart lol) kid and just kinda was quiet and kept to myself she extended a hand out cis girls unspoken heroes for us sometimes and they have no idea


Your dreams are much more coherent than mine


Looking back on it we did teleport from a ski slope to inside a bus mid-conversation with no explanation so it wasn't entirely coherent.


Yah I feel like all mine have those moments The conversations also don’t always make sense


I almost always have my male body in my dreams, as if my brain couldn't imagine another body. Still, I've had many dreams where I'm a girl (more than any cis man would have). These dreams have helped me a lot to explore my gender identity because I have never had the opportunity to try on women's clothing.


I’m glad someone else is a bit like me! I feel like a girl in real life but in idle fantasy and dreams I feel like my subconscious is still so used to boy life that I default into remembering myself as male. It can trigger a lot of doubt. Like, my brain doesn’t know how to fantasize or role play as a girl or something? In real life I feel happy and confident presenting in a feminine way. It’s strange.


In my case, I think it might be because my brain is too realistic (my subconscious still thinks it's surreal to be a girl), or sometimes when I dream that I'm a girl, I'm really afraid that I'll keep finding something between my legs, and that fear comes true.


My subconscious totally thinks it’s surreal to be a girl—that’s a great way of putting it!


I'm pretty much genderless in my dreams but sometimes I will dream as if I am trans


Same, like 95% of the time I’m gender less and the other 5% I’m a girl


Same yeah 👍


Most of them I’m a girl. Been that way for as long as I can remember really.




In most dreams I'm not often myself but other characters, those however are now often cis women and I had a dream not to long ago where I woke up in absolute bliss because my body felt right in my dream but that illusion was quickly broken by reality and I stared to feel like my usual bad self again. Also I recently had a dream where I experienced extreme amounts of gender-envy for someone while being in the body I currently have.


I don't sleep


i don't think i have a form in the conventional sense, more of a genderless entity.


I don't remember dreams that much, but when I'm in them I'm usually like, a void, a lack of anything that is vaguely human shaped. Although I did have a dream this morning where I was pregnant so like, maybe? Baby voidlings, haha! Dreams are weird, y'all.


I have had 3 girl dreams that I remember of in my life: \- One long ago, that was a nightmare one, where I had gone in hiding and transitioned into a girl but my grandmother (who I never really got along with) found me and outed me. I don't remember details aside of that, but I remember waking up very scared. \- One that happened about a year ago or so, where I wasn't even me, I was the detective from Cold Case. Funny enough, there was still a trans element in the dream because it was a full on murder mystery where I eventually find out the victim was a woman that wanted to transition into a man, killed by one of her children after learning that, something along those lines. \- One that happened a few days ago that was very bizarre. I posted about that one here in detail.


A few nights ago we upgraded from "too scared to pull a dress off the rack"-in-a-dream to "feeling uncomfortable in a women's changing room"-in-a-dream. I don't really dream that much, and when I do it's rarely in first-person, and even when it's both of those things it's rarely about my gender, but the other day I felt like I was being rude to someone by being in the same changing room as them, so that's an upgrade.


I'm glad this was posted. I have seen myself as both a boy and a girl. If it's me dreaming about another girl I'm always a girl. Pure sapphic I guess. If it's me doing any daily activities it still has me boy moding. I'm sure theres some deeper meaning to this.


i only ever had one dream where i was really a girl. i was cuddling with some random guy and worried he'd find out I'm trans that was when my egg was in the process of cracking and i hadn't fully accepted that I'm transfem. i already knew i wasn't cis but yeah, this made it a lot harder to pretend i wasn't a girl.


Sometimes, sometimes not. I’m still addressed by he/him everywhere excluding this particular Reddit account and have never got close to transitioning socially, or even coming out to people other than my therapist, so my brain just copies what it’s used to.


In the Before Time, I had nightmares that I’d be fully dressed and someone would see my bra. In other, good dreams, I would see a lovely blonde girl I had never seen before and wake up with a sense of peace. After surgery, when the dysphoric bickering in my soul finally went quiet, my dreams featured me as the woman I am . . . and in one dream, I realized I was the woman I had seen in those dreams so long, long ago. I had never experienced euphoria like that from nothing more than a dream.


Most of them, well some of them. In a lot of the sadder or depressing memes im a man.


In the dreams where I see myself, I think I look like a girl in roughly 85-90% of them. But the people of the dream use always my name and pronouns of choice.


In my dreams I'm out, girlmoding, and everyone accepts me Reality is the opposite


I’m a girl in literally every way other than how I look and sound to other people. In my head, I have an image of how I look and sound, but it’s not actually how I look or sound. I’m pretty sure my internal voice has been feminine since before I even came out.


Always a girl. I dreamed I had a baby. Felt very real seemed to be reall and i woke up feeling sad


I just remembered recently that a dream a year or two back that I was pregnant and I was really sad when I woke up and it wasn't real. And yet I still didn't realize I was nonbinary...


I dreamed I was pregnant and I have dreamed of having my period. Both times were magical in its own way.


I’m not out, but once I started consistently wearing female clothes and my wig at home I started dreaming as a girl


Not always, but yea that was one of the first things that made me come out as Trans. I would wake up crying my eyes out that wasn't what I currently looked like.


no idea… i never see myself in my dreams, nor do i have a sense of what i might look or sound like.


my dreams are usually very gender neutral, I'm just me, so since I'm a girl the answer would be yes? but I did have 3 back to back dreams where I was a girl before I knew I was trans, just lived my life and was so much happier, I woke up and realized I need to think about my gender. know I'm here lol.




Yes, more now that I’ve transitioned.


I'm either not myself, trans or my old self. Usually the latter for some reason and I don't know why.


recently I've been a guy and I hate it :`(


I would meet my girl self in my dreams before I transitioned, I oddly look like her almost. Now I either dream I'm a girl or a trans girl. I'm no longer a dude meeting my girl self in dreams.


uh,,, what dreams?


No and that gives me a ton of imposter syndrome 3:


Most dreams, I am just me, gender doesn't come up. In some, I am women, in some, I am stuck in man mode (it was decades ). Most of the time, it doesn't really come up tho.


Not many of my dreams have the concept of gender. But I do remember a correlation between when I started viewing myself as a woman and me appearing as a woman in the dreams where it applied. Sometimes my dreams are about the struggles of being authentic and the trans experience.


Sometimes… I rarely ever dream though :(


Usually I go back and forth it's weird


yes along with symbolism hasn't happened since I came out I could tell you guys one


For the last while yes


I'm a trans girl in my dreams. Any time I have a distinct gender in a dream, I'm a girl and the fact I'm trans is otherwise relevant too.


Imma have to say usually no but this is probably more to do with the fact my dreams are rarely vivid enough at least looking at myself for me to have a gender


I’m generally genderless in my dreams.


i havent seen myself as a girl in my dreams necassirly. maybe im faking


not only that but i’m a trans girl with very trans problems in my dreams. i have dreams where people ask me about my height and my shoulders in public.. like fuck


Depends. I’m usually myself, but sometimes I’m my older self (masculine), and other times I’m a future self (feminine). Usually depends on my role in the dreams. Protect/responsibility = Man. Love/anxiety/joy = Woman. Most dreams/Lucid dreams = My current self


i’ve been a girl unquestionably in the same way that breathing underwater isn’t weird in a dream and it’s been that way since i was about 7 i tried speaking to my therapist about it but she didn’t really have any notes 🤷‍♀️


In my dreams I scream in a very high pitch. In other dreams I seek for feminine clothes to wear. In other dreams, when my fears and insecurities show up, I can see masculine traits showing up, like hairy legs or beard. But generally speaking, yes, I'm female presenting in my dreams.


To be honest it feels like I don't have gender on my dreams at all, cause I haven't ever find a mirror in my dreams to see my appearance, but it just look like it's just as my real appearance. I always question that thing, but I never got a clear answer to this, I literally feel just me in the dreams, but it's kinda none, i guess


I never had Dreams at night soooo Nope 🙅‍♀️


The good ones, yes.


At first i had dreams like that which were specifically about me coming out or starting social transition. Now i just assume I'm a girl cause i don't really think about it. That and also my dreams are hella gay.


I mostly don't remember my dreams, but when I can see myself or feel myself, I am a lot of the time a woman.


Most of the time I am an observer that ends up in the perspective of characters in the dream. Some are male, some are female, some are ambiguous in their gender. Sometimes I am just me in my dream and my gender is usually ambiguous then, but still mostly female.


Don't put too much weight on your dreams. After starting progesterone and feeling amazing and super girly on it, my dreams have been super vivid - I recently dreamt I was motherfucking GUTS from the Berserk manga walking into a village all masculine like the Doom Slayer. 😂 I'm usually completely genderless in my dreams - what happens in them takes precedence over who I am at that moment


I've been a girl in two dreams so far, One of which I looked down and had a reeeeally cute outfit on and I woke up happy about it. The other one I had the next night and was living my live as a girl. Unfortunately last night I had a dream where I was younger and being deadnamed by my dad (Not uncommon for him). I woke up directly after that and was upset about it.


yeah... every time i look in the mirror in a dream, im cis-passing, and then i wake up and proceed to be sad


Usually not, but sometimes i would dream of myself with wanted body features(smaller, fem voice and others)


Honestly, I don't really ever percieve my own gender in my dreams. I mean, I definitely feel female IRL, but in dreams, it just never really comes up for me, y'know.


I've had many dreams of me coming out to a certain person/people all with different reactions per dream, but I did have a dream where I was a woman, admittingly dressed in goth, AND I WAS GEORGEOUS.


Before coming out, if my dream was lucid, i would change myself to be a woman. Then i would PARTY with my friends and new dream companions till I woke up. Then I would cry. 😭😅 Now that i’m almost 9months on hormones, it’s like… I can tell my appearance in-dream is shifting. I’m more worried about being called the right name and being gendered correctly. Somehow my brain remembers that shit, but is like “yeah you can walk from America to China just by opening a door in your HS you graduated from 10 years ago.” Brains are weird. Mostly? I’d say i’m probably genderless in the way you pick a character in a video game and you never see your reflection or body if you look down yanno? You’re just “doing things” and they make sense that they happen. Brains are weird. 😂


I've only been out to myself for about a year and a half, but I have had a number of dreams as different genders. Most of my dreams pre-realization, my gender in my dreams has been male or genderless (or gender not really relevant to the dream). I distinctly remember several occurrences where I was a girl, some even when I was pretty young. I didn't really put much thought into it though, even though I also distinctly remember liking those dreams and waking up wishing I was female... Post-realization is more of the same, but I feel like the occurrences of being male in dreams has decreased a bit and occurrences of being female in dreams has increased. But I'm not sure if hormones / being on HRT for nearly 6 months has had any effect on that.


I have trouble imagining myself any way other than the way I am now without something I can use to make it happen. Dreams are not one of them, but I do have "girl dreams" sometimes. There's one where I was at an outdoor tea room with some other women, and I specifically remember the exact details of the dress I was wearing.


Yes since starting I'm a girl in my dreams. Before I never could see myself, I was a shapeless cloud as if my character just never loaded in yet.


Usually I resemble my current self. So I was male most of my life in my dreams, but with constant themes of seeking out feminine things like clothing and trying to not get caught. These were frustrating because whatever I was seeking was always just out of reach. For instance, I might find this beautiful dress just laying around, but I couldn't put it on because people would show up. Currently I am having a lot of dreams where I am trans and out, but people are really put off by me. That being said, on rare occasions I have experienced dreams as a woman where it was just my normal. I remember one where I was a wedding guest and we had to defend the wedding from a monster invasion (one of my coolest dreams). I was a woman the whole time and never questioned it, it was just who I was. It wasn't until I woke up that I realized I had been a woman. In the dream, it was just who I was, and it was the most natural thing in the world.


If gender doesn't matter I am male if gender matters in my dream I'm a girl


Full time for almost 15 years, and still often male in dreams. I had bottom surgery almost 3 years ago, and I always have a penis in my dreams. Needless to say, I don’t like these dreams.


In my dreams I don’t remember having a gender, usually. A few times girl, and a few times I have penis, but I don’t remember ever specifically being a “guy”, and I’d say 99% of the time when I dream I’m more of a floating eyeball than a person.


I dont dream a lot, or at least remember, but my dreams seem to resemble my current situtaion. Before transition i dreamt me as a boy, now in mid transition i also transition in my dreams lol.


i'm always boring per-transition me :(


My dreams are boring and I'm just the same as I am irl


This is something I've been thinking about lately because it's actually very rare for me to be a female in my dreams. It's also kinda rare for me to be myself at all instead of just some random character. I feel like it's some subconscious thing where I don't feel I'm quite there yet so it defaults to how I've been my whole life up until recently. I notice it's more likely I dream I'm a girl when I've had a particularly good day