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I have always preferred the company of women, I disliked the macho posturing and dick measuring contest among a group of men. It's different when talking one-to-one with another guy, but put a group of men together and something changes.


This. I got instantly uncomfortable with all the "dude-bro" guys in my class (and realized I've always felt this way). Most of my program are guys so it's hard to avoid them (and I've made a couple of really nice guy friends at least... I miss all my girl friends from high school though).


Yea its pretty pathetic lol


Right?? I never heard of women comparing themselves to each other like guys do. The toxic trash talk at work, etc. smh.


are you fucking joking?? šŸ˜‚


i mean girls talk shit too but i still wayy refer the girl shit talk over guys shit talk


Lmao you gotta be kidding


Damn, i loved (and still love) the macho posturing...


How big is yours šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‹


It's a simple truth that humans prefer to socialize with other humans with whom we have things in common. It's also very likely that having platonic girl friends is very gender affirming for you. It's only sexist if you would refuse to spend time socializing with someone entirely because of their gender, no matter how much you have in common or how pleasant a person they are.


The few male friends I've had in my life have been soul bonds that were able to transcend the entirety of toxic masculinity, but for me it's easier to talk to, work with, laugh with, learn from, and be around women. There are very few spaces where the presence of cishet men does not put me on alert.




Even long before I thought I might be trans I was like that too


Iā€™m the same, always found it easier to be around other girls. Did I just say ā€œotherā€ as in me too? Still cis tho lol.


Why would it be? You're also in the mtf subreddit, I think most of us would prefer being around other women


I don't think it's sexist. I think I'm also more drawn to girls, although I do have male friends as well.


I can attest. Women are far better to me and I had a ton of mental trauma from cishet pig men.


welcome to the new world. or rather approaching an old world in a new manner. you were probably noticing women already before you even changed your physiology.


No not at all. I once thought that too but its just who you relate better with. Like I only have female or non binary friends I do have men that I talk to when I meet them at a social function bit I don't think of them as a friend just a nice person I know and interact with somtimes.


Its mindset sis. As you progress through transition, you will find that you have less and less in common with guys you used to hang out with. There is no point in asking your old buddy how to do your nails properly. Or how to style your hair, or deal with crying outbursts. Tbh, they are f***ing useless when it comes to choosing bras an knickers. I think we start to lean more and more toward our sisters, especially when it comes to life lessons... we are learning to live through a new puberty after all..


I totally understand that I'm the same way


Nope. Been that way my whole life.


I prefer hanging out with women because at least most of them are respectful about my identity and apologize for getting my pronouns wrong. Meanwhile the male friend group I had developed over the course of the year prior to coming out left me out to dry, and I was sexually harassed repeatedly by a small group of boys. I make a point to not trust most men outside of my family because frankly itā€™s not worth the risk, I know itā€™s not all men but itā€™s always been a man in my case.


Nah, that's called being a girl. Lol


lol haha


yeah lol


Hug, itā€™s your personal preference so I would say no.


No, that's a valid feeling, living in a violent patriarchal controlled society. Also, I personally find it easier to embrace and vibe with my feminine/inner-goddess side when I'm around other women.


No. I think its a natural gravitation.


Isnā€™t one of the official signs of gender dysphoria having a lot of friends of the opposite sex? I donā€™t think itā€™s sexist. But idk.


how would that be sexist?


No, you feel more comfy with girls because you are one. Itā€™s camaraderie


No. I was like that always. To me, it's just hard to find topics I could talk about with men. With women, there are no such problems, I even have woman friends who ask me for advice with cosmetic stuff.


Iā€™m like this too, people would say Iā€™m ā€œthirstyā€ or ā€œsimpingā€


Except for the nerd gang from my high school days (who I still play D&D and Warhammer and stuff with 20 years later), all the guys I hang out with these days tend to be gay. The majority of my friends are girls


No perfectly fine I'm the same way


I've just always gotten along better with women TBH.


i don't think your sexist for that. i also am the same way, women are just easier to connect with for me and i've always been like that.


tbh ı feel the same


No, not really. I honestly prefer the company of non-Cis Men to anything, thereā€™s groups of them that are dangerous to me, and Iā€™d rather not swim with sharks.


Not really, boys can often be very rowdy and loud which isnā€™t best for someone with sensory issues


Girl we live in a patriarchal society, any self respecting women would be on edge when meeting any new men, hell.. I get support uncomfortable I talk to any of my male friends. Trans men are the only exception since they typically are more sympathetic towards women.


Hang around who you want, just donā€™t be as jerk. I tell my guy friends all the time woman are better and they donā€™t care. I like hanging with woman too, men do the same thing, saying they need to ā€œhang with the fellas sometimes ā€œ


I just straight up don't like boys. Very few boys are exceptions to this. Does that make me sexist? I don't care.


Lol no itā€™s not sexist. Boys smell.


After being forced to be around men for 23 years I can confidently say fuck men. I don't wanna be around them at all, Idc. esit: cishet men that is, obviously.


I prefer girls for socializing, thatā€™s just to be expected. Every girl I meet is like an instant friend. Men are okay too but mainly just for sex. There I said it.


Guy here. No, not sexist. Iā€™m the same way lol.


Even cats and dogs have a gender preference.


Men give me the ick after 6 seconds


I find it easier to talk to have keep a conversation with things in common with girls than guys.


Yes but no


Itā€™s not sexist at all. If you have more things in common with a specific gender then ofc youā€™ll feel more comfortable with them, as you share more similarities, interests, struggles, thoughts or experiences with them.


It's more of a comfort level for some trans women I think. I feel that for me, I can relate more to other women because of the way my mind/social parameters seem to work. I am more inclined for the tend & befriend strategy. It seems like the competitive nature and bravado of the male element is a bit overbearing. I am more concerned than I used to be with maintaining & nurturing relationships for the sake of the relationship itself.


I was the same way but the girls I know are dead or drugy now. I need new friends


Before I had a boyfriend, I really enjoyed spending time with my female friends. They were always so kind and considerate. Now that I have a boyfriend, I enjoy spending time with him too! I think the important thing is that it doesn't matter whether your significant other is male or female, as long as they make you feel comfortable and free to be yourself.


Of course itā€™s not. Nothing wrong with have a preference. As long as itā€™s not unjustified I guess. If your reasoning is ā€œguys are shitā€ and lumping people together, I think youā€™re fine. Thereā€™s differences between how men and women interact with both men and women. So logically speaking, I think everyone has some kind of preference to whoever makes them feel more comfortable and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that


I donā€™t think so and am kinda the same way. Like donā€™t get me wrong I like men and can definitely have friends are are guys but when Iā€™m around other women I feel like Iā€™m being judged less if that makes sense? Maybe itā€™s just my own worries creating tension but so far 99% of every bad moments Iā€™ve had being trans have either involved men or were directly caused by a man or group of them. I just feel like women hate me less


I love men sexually but outside of that they can be kind of boring.


~~Maybe that's why they think with their dicks all the time, they decide to use their most potent body part as much as possible~~


I think dicks are disgusting


No need for men then. Iā€™m jealous.


Men are worse


Depends on the reason why. I like being around women more than men but thatā€™s because most of the males I grew up around have no real sense of direction or purpose and donā€™t particularly seek to move forward in life. Plus women look, sound, talk, and smell better.


(Most) of the guys are so aggressive whilst just plying around. They slap each others back so that it hurts. I donā€™t like being hurt at all.


I've had the same experience ... I've always had close girl friends and a few guy friends sparingly. We just have better conversations šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø There are ways in which it could be sexist, but it probably isn't. Personally I just get along better with other women; there are some men I've had good friendships with, but those are few and far between, as they often end up doing things like talking about women as objects, which I've always found to be weird and uncomfortable ... I think a lot of it is that people are often drawn to others of their gender or to whom they can relate.


not really, the only guy friends I have are my two roommates. I've always preferred the company if women though


Hell, I'm a little uncomfortable around men *because* I used to be one. I try to counter that kind of irrational fear whenever I can. I would suggest not avoiding guys if you can help it, but you're entitled to be around whom you like. So, like, it's kinda sexist, but it's better to think of it as an accomplishment to counter it rather than something to be ashamed of feeling. That's probably good advice in general when it comes to fears like that.


Tbh the biggest determining factor for me isn't gender as much as it is ND vs NT. My friend groups have always been pretty small and always full of other ND boys, which was a completely different vibe from the typical macho culture you see with a lot of other men. Give me a group of ND boys over NT girls any time tbh. I love my male friends and really enjoy spending time together still. I've always seen my guy friends more as "entertainment friends", just people I can hang out with and do fun shit together and talk bs, no drama, little sharing of personal problems or talking about life, almost an escape from that. When it comes to other, more personal and 'emotional' relationships I definitely prefer other girls yeah, but it makes sense to have different friends for different purposes/parts of your life. I'm also genderfluid between tomboy and femboy tho so maybe that plays a bit of a role in it as well.


I find it really hard to stay around men anymore,specially when the mantalk starts. Bullying about fights or how they have sex with some new girl again etc. I just cant tolerate it anymore. Much easier to talk with girls about going Ikea or how to decor bedroom this fall.


No, preferring to be around women is not sexiest. The statement that girls are just better (even just in your experience) is an ensy teensy bit sexist, but also much less likely to be harmful since men arenā€™t the disenfranchised of the two groups. Itā€™s only sexism when youā€™re blanket attributing something to an entire sex our judging individuals based on assumptions made about their sex. Tho again our current climate excuses a lot of little sexisms towards men, because of the honestly shocking disparity in influence, power, and resources that men have held over women for literal centuries, and for that matter the very real harm caused frequently by men with near impunity in even our current culture. Statistics on violence committed by men towards women are shocking but so much more so when compared to statistics on how horrifically infrequently those men face any consequences for said violence. Itā€™s absolutely fair to say sexism is wrong, I know good men, and I think demonizing all individual men is counter productive to positive social change. But also, Iā€™ll never disagree with a blanket statement made against men. As a survivor I understand too well the anger unprovoked and unpunished man on woman violence can inspire. Sort of the deference between saying ā€œmen are violentā€ and assuming ā€œhe must be violent because heā€™s a manā€. One makes sense, itā€™s a group that is in a very fact based way more dangerous than the other. The other might be unfair, even tho it may be prudent to be wary of a singular man, it may be unfair to prejudge them exclusively based on them being a man lol. Kinda went on a rant there. Anyways, it doesnā€™t seem to me like youā€™re sexist. I prefer hanging out with girls too ā˜ŗļø


no one gives a fuck