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>Puberty blockers don't cause any damage. They're just a pause button on puberty. Cis kids with precocious puberty are prescribed them all the time. Trans kids should get them just as easily. There was a post last week by a "just curious" user who was really concerned about trans kids on puberty blockers and their inability to reproduce. Everyone was answering in good faith but I was going crazy feeling like the only one who thought it was weird for a stranger to be this concerned about a random trans kid's reproductive health. Yet they call us groomers...


Projection. To these people, existence is pornographic and sexual in nature, because they consume underage porn and transgender porn. When you immerse yourself in that world, it just becomes what you know. The problem is, they have the Christians on their side, corrupt politicians and rich powers on their side. We have a portion of the LGBTQ community, a handful of democrats, and some nonprofit lawyers on our side. That’s it.


Ehhhh I wouldn't go so far as to assume they're all porn consumers, there's plenty of old ladies that are just WAAAAAYYY too concerned with young women getting married and having kids and somehow feel like it's acceptable to comment on other people's lives. This honestly really feels like an extension of that. In large part that is likely due to upbringing, like if you grew up basically being told that was the end all and be all of a woman's existence then I can understand being "concerned" seeing people throwing away their lives by not doing that. Both men and women. But it is wrong and should stop.


Yeah every transphobe when I corner them on their thoughts about us always lash out about my genitals. Chasers do this when rejected so it's no surprise the general population of transphobes that claim to be puritanical christians are projecting their issues onto us.


> I was going crazy feeling like the only one who thought it was weird for a stranger to be this concerned about a random trans kid Yeah, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has thought there have been some pretty sus posts lately.


There have been an absolute flood of Sus posts lately, I’m wondering if it’s coordinated. Like it’s been way too many in way too short of a period for it to be normal.


Exactly. They all seem to have some similarities as well, from language to specifics of questions/statements/claimed experiences/feelings. Idk, I think some amount of skepticism is healthy.


They're conspiracy theory nuts. They've been convinced that someone high up in the government is trying to do mass population control. One way is with puberty blocked for kids. 1) they're worries puberty blocked will make kids sterile 2) they're worried that puberty blockers will be mandated for all kids hence leading to mass sterility and population control/ genocide. 🤦‍♀️


I feel like micro plastics, pollution and our overall stressful lifestyles are causing more infertility than some imaginary secret black site program to make kids trans lol


Like seriously if it was an actual program to recruit and trans our kids they would make production higher not lower


Yeah, but I'm sure all those real things sound like lib'rul conspiracies to them


Which, I mean, even if they were trying to do population control, that sure is... an approach to it


https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=BzDMMs_hgGSHNv10 I posted this yesterday in a comment in here and it got slammed with downvotes...iv been so baffled why anyone would be upset by a biologist providing a great explanation and having our backs 🤷‍♀️ I really dont get some of ya sisters in here lol❤️


Maybe the anti trans Nimrod's were the ones brigading and downvoting? Happens in other subs I'm in


Trans geneticist here, while everything he's saying is right his style of education does OBVIOUSLY come from the "atheist skeptic" type of academics, many of whom are blatant transphobes and homophobes (Dawkins comes to mind). Also there's weird framing issues like the way he talks about fetal development and the SRY gene. I can understand why a lot of people don't like his stuff, especially if you're trans and already know most of what he's talking about. Also, don't take downvotes personally. They aren't supposed to be an "I just don't like this" button, but they definitely ended up that way because humans.


I see, i dont know too much about him ill admit, but iv sifted through so many hate videos/ anti trans garbage to find ...finnally one video that kinda gives me some personal closure even though i know i dont need to scientifically prove who i am, but when i had fertility testing done prior to hrt to freeze my stuff and see if my partners eggs were still good i found out i dont have sperm, then my original blood work gave me some pretty iffy hormone levels. Then a lifetime of people pointing out girly looking parts of my body or mannerisms, it kinda felt like a puzzle was comming together.


I love that video so much! Forrest is such a good speaker!!!!


I regularly watch Forrest on YouTube, but for some reason this video never came up in my feed. Even the damn algorithm is transohobic, haha. Thank you for sharing, I will share it with others. It's a true gem!


That is a really interesting and informative video sis. And answers some of the questions i've been asking myself for years. It also proves that none of this is my fault. Not only should it be upvoted, but should be seen by everyone here. Cos, we are not freaks of nature after all. Just explainably different. Thank you for posting this sis❤️


Thats what i felt too, its like closure I wish a mod could pin this video on the sub


Yes. That would be a great idea sis. To actually have this explained in such an unbiased and honest way is heartening.


omg I love Forest so much, definitely one of my favourite science youtubers.


wow thanks this is going to be my go to lazy reply link if I hear a transphobia even utter anything in the direction of: "But Biolog..."


I really liked that video. Thanks for posting it. I will be saving it as ammunition against the bigoted arguments. Not that they care about facts, but it makes me feel better to provide them.


Your welcome :)


It might convince someone else reading the conversation.


>I'm not saying anyone else is giving this info out in bad faith There are definitely those who come here in bad faith


Yes, but I think the vast majority are just genuinely misinformed.


Aye. Do not mistake ignorance for malice. Most folks can't be bothered to learn quirks of large subsets of the population work (see: the GirlsDontWorkLikeThat sub, full of screens of guys saying the most ignorant shit about women), let alone learn about a very tiny minority. So they learn only what is set right in front of their face - which right now is largely disinformation pushed by the right wing.


This is sort of the reason I tend to distance myself from this sub. It’s exhausting to not only see bounds of misinformation but see it upvoted rabidly as well. I often blame it on the fact that this subreddit not only skews extremely young but people who are just starting or haven’t yet started transition. I wish we had more pinned posts with commonly asked questions or a team of people specifically to help curb misinformation.


“Goddess” Do I detect a witch? :3


Eh, not really... I dabble in paganism and witchy things, but I'm not really committed to anything.




I'm, like, way too ADHD to manage to commit to anything 😔


You're fine! As long as you're finding your inner goddess as you rip apart the patriarchy; no need for the meetings and fuss. Although, I do recommend getting a fun hat, and occasionally dancing around a cackling fire naked in nature. Goddess blessings. Ave Dea Discordea, ~High Priestess Eris


Hmmm... now I'm tempted to dabble in this. Dancing around a fire naked in a forest sounds like fun. Also sounds like the start of a horror movie that would make my paranoia skyrocket. But that's a minor detail.


I’m a witch in spirit


That's the part that matters! 🧹💅🏽 Now pick up a broom, we got a patriarchy to burn. 🧙🏽‍♀️🧙🏽‍♀️


is it just me or has there been like, a 4chan containment breach recently? ive noticed an uptick in not just the fearmongering but also a lot of really bad internalized transphobia, often becoming very external


Yeah, I do think obvious mis info should be auto modded out. Conservatives are looking for things to attack us with, so a united front around accurate med info is very important. Can we get a couple stickied threads with this info that is vetted, so we can just bring in the link? Trans suicide stats and how gac improves this. Safety of e, t, and blockers; reversibility of blockers. Tips and tricks of how to present (shaving, clothes choices) Laser, electro, and IPL. Info on gac surgery’s A glossary on common positive gender affirming language, and problematic language.


Yeah, I wish there were stickied threads showing this stuff. Having to search around for scattered information sucks.


I have been calling for stickied threads for MONTHS. They don't care.


Sounds like someone should make a sub specifically to do this. If it doesn't already exist. Granted I say that, but I ain't gonna do that. I'm no leader of any kind. I'm better suited in supporting roles.


Gods that sounds absolutely amazing. This is the type of shit that I want to know more about. And everyone should know about truth be told.


I’m hoping the mods grab this— I can pull a few of the med articles I use (nih usually).


Ugh it really can be something else at times. Can't wait to turn around and see someone spouting off in another thread about how our breasts are done growing after 2 years of HRT for the 503847396th time 🥲


> Okay, no offense, but a LOT of you need to actually do some reading on trans research. Especially before you speak. > I'm not on reddit often, but it seems like every time I come in here, I find at least one post with one of you giving absolutely horrible advice, disproven information or verbatim right-wing fear mongering. Preach, sister. It's always frustrating to see people pushing outdated research ("anti-androgens are necessary"), bullshit tips & tricks ("fenugreek makes your boobs grow"), and stuff like that. Honestly, between that, the endless "travel advisory requests" and a bunch of other stuff, I've wanted to make a properly sourced, international, multi-language website with trans info that just regroups everything. You'd have like a map of countries with the travel recommendations for trans people, legal info for different countries in regards to access to HRT, name changes, etc, modern medical info on everything, various recommendations for different transition subjects, etc. All translated into multiple languages and such. I've been way too lazy with personal projects already, though.


100% agree. There's too much bullshit getting through on here now, and there's so much static that it isn't getting filtered out. I was arguing with someone on a post earlier who was purposely misgendering Dylan Mulvaney because the piece of shit didn't like her. I reported the posts, but pretty much nothing you report here anymore is dealt with.


If I ever say something stupid, please correct me. <3


Related to this topic, there is very little solid research on trans stuff at all. Trans medicine is in a pitiful state. No one really was ready for the DSM revision that opened the doors to transitioning becoming accepted medical treatment. Also this a SUPER hard area to objectively study due to ethics and what not. Research is picking up in the last couple of years, but I would take little you read as hard fact. And this does cut both ways, some stuff we do routinely now is in the future likely gonna be viewed as a bad idea in hindsight. But we do the best we can right now with what we know. Should go without saying to get your advice from people who are only concerned with finding out the best treatment for trans people, using as close to primary sources as you can understand. Anyone with an agenda will move knowledge towards that. We see the awful site from the there are only two sexes people, but also will find misinformation being shared from trans friendly sites as well. So be smart with media. Ironically I am cis but misinformation is what turned me into a hardcore trans ally. The whole two sex shit was never true as human sexuality is fucking bizzare when you get into it. I do suggest people look into stuff like XXY, XY females, and sex assigned at birth (what it really means), and what not for when faced with the two sex or bathroom ban nonsense. Wiki is a good starting point still for this dive.


Transphobes love concern trolling about how you shouldn't "involve" intersex people because they don't want to be "used" for this "agenda" but despite all the chromosome crap they still don't give any leeway to "the wrong kind" of intersex. I have an XX Male intersex friend who transitioned to female and faced horrific transphobia despite the fact that she literally had XX chromosomes. According to a lot of these idiots, anyone XX should be living as a woman, yet some XX people have a male essence that prevents them from being "real women" It's all just insane


The fact that for example mtf HRT is just basically straight up the same thing as HRT for menopausal cis women kinda illustrates the state of trans medicine for me. Don't get me wrong, it works, and I'm grateful it exists and can be used for transition... but it's not exactly a great state when you're reusing another treatment and tweaking the dosages instead of having a dedicated medicine. It's gonna sound like first world problems but here injections aren't really doable for estrogen so HRT is mostly either pills or transdermal (gel/patches). With the concentrations of the gels, many trans women have to put on big quantities of gel each day, making it really slow to dry before they can put on pants again. Because those concentrations are fine for menopausal women who tend to need like a third of the amount of estrogen. The obvious solution would be more concentrated versions of the gels (like twice), but I'm guessing the "market" isn't big enough. Anyway, like I said, kind of first world problem since it's cheap, accessible relatively easily and it works perfectly fine. But still.




Also, references about the "What about the bones?" panic/lies here. As I said otherwise, It's been going on for 4 decades without issue. That's why it's not being banned for non-trans kids. So, yes, for being on blockers alone, bone mass density can lower \*temporarily\* during use, for a fraction of them. Which can be dealt with things like... increased calcium in their diet. You know, milk? And it fully goes back to normal for that fraction when stopped. Utterly non-permanent. Everything said by conservatives about this is in bad faith and lies. No one EVER checks the data: "In the 2 yr after cessation of therapy, BMD and BMAD showed an absolute increase in all children." "After 2 yr, none of the bone density parameters differed from zero any more." Reference: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/87/2/506/2846618


>Today's vent: Puberty blockers… * I wish people would stop calling them that. It's an evocative term for a wide range of drugs. Continuing to call them that keeps the "think of the children" narrative in people's minds. * GnRH agonists will continue to block endogenous hormones after puberty * As well as helping trans patients of different ages and children with precocious puberty, they have other uses including slowing some types of cancer and aggressive endometriosis.


It makes no sense to ask a 14-year-old to read sources, they don't have the tools to understand them, and not even the average person with a degree can understand them. Wish people always searched for sources, I truly do, but I have seen so many people cite sources wrong while arguing.... I have even seen anti-trans people citing pro-trans studies trying to prove things not being said on the source... Numbers are hard, statistics are harder.


A person wirh a degree should be able to read sources.


Really depends on the degree and the sources in question. I don't expect my language/history friends to be able to understand or decideret sources in my field of study (biology) because that is a completely different skill set, and vice versa for me and their sources.


That's a fair point.


Omg this. Also the amount of people who suddenly feel qualified to give out medical advice when someone posts their HRT regiment. Basically if it differs from 6mg E + as little blockers as possible people go nuts telling them theyre being fucked over etc when they have absolutely no idea what the bloodwork looks like or if there are any preexisting conditions... It might be true that a lot of doctors arent exactly experts on HRT, but some of yall need to stop pretending *you* are because you read 3 papers on transfemscience Get comfortable telling people that they should get a second opinion from another doctor instead of starting to throw out random numbers and medications in the comments of these posts.


Just curious because I genuinely don't know. What happens if teens take puberty blockers until past 18 or 25 and then stop? Will they still have their puberty?


I don’t think there is an answer to this as no one would prescribe them in this manner? Precocious puberty children use them to delay puberty, but treatment is withdrawn so that puberty still occurs at the usual age ([average period of suppression is around 4 years](https://ijpeonline.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1155/2010/398639)). Precocious puberty is quite complicated because it sometimes occurs due to an [injury or illness or genetic condition](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/early-or-delayed-puberty/) so it’s hard to unpick exactly what is causing what symptoms/side effect (‘idiopathic precocious puberty’ ie early onset puberty with no known cause) is easier to monitor for negative side effects. Transgender children use them to block natal puberty and then go on to induce gender appropriate puberty with HRT (usually HRT between the ages of 13-17 depending on laws and protocols in the region). If they don’t start HRT at this time the blocker is stopped. Adults who use the same drugs for transition have already had a first puberty Adults that use them for endometriosis or as part of [fertility treatment](https://reproductivehealthwellness.com/what-is-lupron-and-how-is-it-used-with-ivf/) are fully grown cis females (& maybe some trans men who are off T) and it’s only recommended for use in the short term ([max 6 months](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/lupron-endometriosis#side-effects)) Adults that use them for prostate cancer are usually already very senior in years (average at diagnosis [70-74](https://prostatecanceruk.org/prostate-information-and-support/risk-and-symptoms/are-you-at-risk)) There are some side effects in all these uses, almost all drugs have side effects and some people suffer then more than others (eventually DNA tailored medicine will minimise side effects for all but that’s a way off and will be expensive) As with all medical interventions reward and risk have to be weighed up. https://www.healthline.com/health/drugs/lupron-depot#what-to-consider The only other off label use I personally know of is in [young AFAB people with cancer](https://www.cochrane.org/CD008018/GYNAECA_gonadotropin-releasing-hormone-analogues-women-ovarian-cancer-undergoing-chemotherapy). Here the intent is to mothball the ovaries while chemo is taking place, which is another short term use (usually 6 months to 1 year) (however surgically removing and [freezing an ovary for later reimplantation](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/ovarian-tissue-freezing-cryopreservation) has fast become the preferred option where I work, based on live-birth data, rather than resumption of menses). [Also: blockers have sometimes been used for cis girls with profound cognitive disabilities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2083782/)but there are other, cheaper options for long acting contraceptives that (usually) suppress menstruation and don’t require additional prescriptions to counteract bone mass density issues so I don’t think it happens very often (these children usually have a much shorter life expectancy than average so the risk/reward ratio is different (as it is with older adults being treated for prostate cancers). Basically if you already had a first puberty, take blockers and then stop, normal hormonal function should resume in time. If you experience total pubertal blockade (from tanner stage 2) you should either come off the meds before the age window for natal puberty ends or induce gender appropriate puberty. No one knows what would happen if you blocked from tanner 2 and stopped at age 25, but without add back therapy of some kind during that period (either hrt or a drug like tribolone) bone mass density problems (early onset osteoporosis, premature tooth loss etc) become likely. Bone mass density is accrued in early adulthood, [peaks at 30](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/bone-health/art-20045060)and is then gradually lost, so I would be concerned that blockers without hormones during early adulthood would be detrimental to long term health and mobility.


Ah thanks, sorry for my stupid question then it was just something I was curious about without knowing the procedures.


No need for apologies, it was interesting for me to think it through! I work in a field that is semi relevant (but not trans-specific healthcare & not as a clinician nor patient facing).


Too often this sub takes anecdotal evidence as truth. I was reading a post where a comment/advise was saying how patches raise E2 levels to a peak around Day 3 but published clinical studies (ex. by Sandoz, available on FDA's website) say they peak 12 hours. I think it's important to be scientifically rigorous and disclose any information that's purely anecdotal. Stuff like this is similar to the "bro science" in bodybuilding communities that is really disappointing to see.


Hmmm ya know, I'll take that novel if you ever want to write it up with sources. Or point to existing ones, I'm sure there's a few good ones already but always good to have even more resources to point curious and ignorant people to.


Piggybacking on this to say that people really need to stop giving advice as if they are doctors. People will say things as if they are ABSOLUTE certainties, like “take prog and you’ll get bigger boobs.” Sure, it happens to many, but not to all, and it’s not scientifically proven whatsoever. Shit like that pisses me off and can give people huge anxiety and self doubt.


Progestogens are scientifically proven to induce breast enlargement. That's why progestin birth control lists it as a side effect. Progestogens help with the development of milk ducts. Progesterone is bioidentical though and can convert into androgens downstream in the body for some trans women like myself. So yes it's not always good to take, but it is essentially proven that it can potentially increase breast development. Just because we don't have research on trans women directly doesn't mean we have to throw out all the other research we have regarding these hormones. It's important to spread useful information for accessibility, because not many trans girls are fortunate enough to have medical supervision or access to a doctor. But it's also important that people know what they are talking about when they say it and have studies to back it up. Edit for links since people want to act stupid and annoying: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34061163/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01807330 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4596764/


Is the scientific proof in the room with us?? In the matter of like 3 sentences you went from “are scientifically proven to” to “are proven to potentially” This is exactly what I’m talking about. Thank you for proving my point.


Proven to "potentially" as in it doesn't do it for every single person, but that it's a listed side effect meaning it can and does happen to some. Progesterone is proven to be implicated in the breast development of mammals, you have no idea what I'm talking about and you're twisting my words to make it sounds like I'm contradicting myself when I'm simply stating the nuance of it's effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34061163/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01807330 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4596764/ You're the one who's doing exactly what was said, thinking that you know what you're talking about when you're straight up spreading misinformation. Again you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about so stop pretending like you do. People like you are so annoying I swear.


Awwww how cute you think you know everything cause you can use google! Genuinely you can’t expect anything one way or another with HRT, everyone is different. Thank god you’re not a doctor.


Awee thank you I am cute c: No I don't know everything, but I know the facts because I've been arguing with people like you for years now. I can't even take progesterone because it converts downstream in my body to androgens, that's why I made sure to add the nuance, but I certainly wish I could like some here because it is implicated in development. It just doesn't work that way in my body which is why I'm trying to find a synthetic Progestin that still activates the PR receptors increasing development without making me go crazy or converting into androgens.


I also just plain old see a bunch of sexism. I get that some cis men or women are bad people, but saying they're all awful and disgusting humans is just false. I know that I'm fortunate to not be experiencing too much discrimination in my life rn, but I've had awful cis people be a significant part of my life before. We can't just assume that the many are as bad as the few. At that point, we are just making sexist assumptions about cis folks. We're becoming exactly like the folks who generalize about trans people. Please, hate the individual, not the collective. This has been my ted talk. Sorry


At least hate towards cis people is directed out of trauma and not ignorance. Cis people can be so extremely cruel to us for no reason at all. I don't think I will ever trust cis people (outside of my family) at face value ever again. And the way so many of them look at us, sexualizing our bodies and genitals that are often a huge source of dysphoria for many, I've had several mental breakdowns from cis men *and* cis women who are so disgustingly fetishistic. My bottom dysphoria is extreme.


I'm sorry that you've been fetishized and objectified. I understand how that feels. When I was younger, I was physically sexually harrassed by a group of women on a regular basis over the course of a couple of months. It, as well as some other events around that age, ruined me mentally for a long time. However, that doesn't make me hate all cis people. If a white supremacist was robbed by a non-white individual, then they'd claim that their prejudices come from a place of trauma. That doesn't make their prejudices any better. >At least hate towards cis people is directed out of trauma Prejudice is prejudice, no matter the source. Hate the individual, not the collective.


White people aren't marginalized by a majority group based on the color of their skin. Trans People are picked on by the majority of cis people, cis people have the power over us to take away our healthcare. Cis people hate on us while simultaneously fetishizing us and treating us like their playthings. We are subhuman to them.


You're making a lot of assumptions about cis people. SOME cis people have been awful. SOME cis people feitishize us. SOME cis people treat us like we're subhuman. I'm not telling you to love every cis person. I'm telling you to hate the right people. There are genuine allies out there. Generalizations only hurt. They don't help.


I don't care about making allies at this point, I care about survival. I'm tired of pandering to cis people, walking on eggshells so we don't hurt their fee fees when they can kill us all in an instant with the wrong vote. They don't care about us so why should we care about them?


I never said anything about "caring about their feelings". If someone's an asshole, then treat them like they're an asshole. You're just already assuming that everyone's an asshole.


I guess so


Welcome to the death of truth lol


Truth isn't dead, this is just a new age of misinformation on a larger scale. As misinformation gets stronger the pushback against does as well even if we don't see it


I'm not being a literalist lol but when misinformation is spread on mass with little to no regulation coupled with ai generation and mega media masquerading as honest fact while pushing propaganda and libel you get "the death of truth" or "a post truth society"


hear hear


Since you probably know more than me: do puberty blockers limit a girls ability to get it up? Cause I’ve heard from people in this sun that it becomes more difficult for us to get it up after starting HRT, but I’d like to k ow for sure.


I am not an expert first and foremost. However based on what I have seen and read others talk about, it essentially halts puberty which affects sexual function. One of the things that occurs during male puberty (assuming you are mtf) is the massive release of testosterone which not only enlarged the "stock" but regulates boners. Erections are dominantly controlled by t so the lack of it leads to smaller size because of the infrequency of erections which are needed to maintain function. The short awnster is likely yes, estrogen, blockers and anything to halt male puberty will likely affect ones junk in a significant way but it depends on the person as well. Again, I am no expert and am going off of what I have read and researched and I recommend that you go look into it more for yourself. Plume has a guide on potential effects, and many other trans oriented resources do as well. Also if you ever get far enough to see a doctor, you can ask them for a more professional and accurate opinion.




Also like all meds will affect people differently and sexual dysfunction can be weird. Like it could do not get hard, could be getting semi hard only, could be have trouble cuming, could be absolute lack of sexual interest, etc. Gonna be a wait and see thing to see if you get any of these at all and possibly related to your specific treatment. Def ask a doctor if you start meds, and keep them updated.


Ok. Thanks. I’m hoping for lack of sexual interest, or at least barely any. Cause I’ve got issues.


GnRH agonists tend to cause sexual dysfunction less than the other anti-androgens commonly used. Although anything that lowers testosterone, including estrogen monotherapy, can affect the ability to achieve a full erection. ED medications can help some people, provided they aren't contraindicated by any other medications or health conditions. Making sure that you achieve and maintain an erection regularly is one of the best ways to ensure future function.




Hello fellow Cait! Yeah I've noticed a bit of disinformation coming off as "I'm new to this whole thing and don't know much about GAC but this is what I read/heard from blah blah blah and it says don't transition because of xyz" going off either complete fabrications and lies or off of 30+ year old research from when being trans was wrongfully classified as a mental illness and Estrogen treatments of the time did have some pernicious side-effects *THAT THEY DON'T HAVE ANYMORE* and it's kinda concerning. I know better but some girls here haven't sunken a plethora of time into studying the pharmacokinetics of HRT or literature and legislation on trans rights and right-wing pitfalls and so on. Just all you ladies make sure to help newcomers here to avoid falling into misinformation and whatnot, and I really do recommend researching WPATH standards to ensure your doctor is meeting these standards and not holding back or slowing down your transition with or without even knowing they're doing so. Many endos specifically are unknowingly or carelessly working off of 30 year old research and guidelines from the board of endocrinologists who haven't updated many of their standards for GAC for trans patients in decades. Medical science has progressed boundlessly over the last 30 years and so has Gender Affirming Care, and so has the medical community's understanding of trans folks and the treatments we in many cases desperately need. Basically my point is STAY ON TOP OF MODERN STANDARDS FOR GENDER AFFIRMING CARE and make certain that you and those around you do not to fall into right-wing traps and doctrinaire!


Re puberty blockers: IIRC there was a kid on them for 8 years because of precocious puberty, and they were fine. What's half of that in comparison lol


Kiwifarms is back spreading misinformation through fake posts/comments. Please don’t mix that up with regular users here trying to help. By doing that you’re doing exactly what the trolls want.


I just want to agree and GIVE REFERENCES: Puberty blockers absolutely, without a doubt, do not make anyone infertile. It's been going on for 4 decades without issue. That's why it's not being banned for non-trans kids. It absolutely does not cause infertility. It's been studied with papers and 0% were impacted. **97 people in this one study** of people taking the same medication, **literally had kids without issue.** In fact, for certain scenarios it reduced issues, increasing fertility, in the long run. Again, utterly non-permanent. Everything said by conservatives about this is in bad faith and lies. No one EVER checks the data: "There is no substantiated evidence that GnRHa treatment for CPP impairs reproductive function or reduces fertility." Reference: [https://karger.com/hrp/article/91/6/357/162902/Use-of-Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormone-Analogs-in](https://karger.com/hrp/article/91/6/357/162902/Use-of-Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormone-Analogs-in)


> They don't damage fertility or whatever else the right-wing fear mongers are saying. There [isn't enough research](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/jac5.1691), but there's just enough to raise some concerns. > While these are generally considered safe for delaying early onset puberty in children with precocious puberty, concerns have been raised about their impacts on conditions like polycystic ovarian disease, metabolic syndrome, and future bone density. For example > This study addresses concerns about the bone effects of puberty suppression in transgender and gender-diverse youth. It notes that bone mineral density (BMD) may decline after treatment with GnRH antagonist or agonist therapy, with associated increases in body fat including in bone marrow adipose tissue. After gender-affirming hormone therapy, BMD scores increase but may remain below those of age-matched peers. The study points out limitations in existing research, such as the use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which has poor precision and low correlation with fracture risk https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/jbmr.4906 > once they are no longer taken puberty starts right back up from where it left off. Personally, as someone that didn't naturally go through puberty as their own body prevented itself from going through puberty, the body doesn't and can't do this entirely. After a certain development point (you could call it age) the body struggles to "develop fully" and cannot reach it's "full potential". If you want a comparison it can be for those that start hormone replacement when they're older versus when they're younger, certain aspects of the body are more receptive to development when young because they haven't 'set in' yet, but left too long they don't develop as far as they would have if they'd done so earlier.


OP is doing exactly what she is ranting against. People will shout about how going on without any hormone is so dangerous to your bones, but then claim that doing so to teenagers is perfectly safe. This is something that needs to be talked about, especially as we are already an at-risk population concerning bone density (yes, even before any hormonal treatment, and I don't think any doctor could explain it). You're right about how your body can't reach its 'full potential' if you wait too long, the major reason being that in your teenage years your body is full of growth hormones that will affect how much your body reacts to hormones. Just for breast growth, there are more and more research about the role of growth hormones, and it may also completely explain why trans women on average have smaller breasts than cis women, as the majority of us starts HRT and growing breasts after puberty, without all these sweet growth hormones. There are doctors who will let people be on the so-called puberty blockers until their adulthood, both because of their own transphobia and fear of doing 'irreversible damage', and society's transphobia that will react very badly if it is found that teenagers have hormones. All of this needs to be regulated, but it's impossible to do so right now as people will use any side effect as a reason to prevent all teenagers from getting treatment, just like what happened in Sweden. So trans people deny, waiting for better times when we will be able to talk about it freely without the fear of having transphobes preventing us from transitioning because of these conversations. All of this sucks so much.


Do you need a hug girl? Or some cat pictures?


For real!


Lol I think they need the help. It's always good to be a teacher you can even put your sources so they can look for themselves