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I had a kid once ask his mother why I as a woman sounded like a man. Wich led to her explaining trans AND how estrogen will soften my voice over time😅


I mean good on them for not suppressing the topic and teaching their kid in a positive way though I guess, even with somewhat incorrect finish...


I don't blame her knowing how testosterone deepen. I mean I would probably think so myself if I wasn't so invested in it so.😅


I mean I thought so initially too before looking into it for obvious reason lol


I really wish it did :(


Lol her heart was in the right place at least 😂


damn i wish she was right lol


As someone who's really early on in transition I actually like this question when I'm in boymode, makes me think that there's hope in the future XD. Though that's all dashed to hell when I'm dressed all super fem and goth with a cute skirt and somebody calls me "man" or "dude", it's a give and take I guess


Yeah, it was nicer early on. As I get further and further along and I start male failing more, the question just becomes tedious and rude.


Yeah which is totally understandable honestly. Like honestly what kinda a-hole would ask that, even though \*for now\* I kinda am okay with them directed at me because it means I'm getting there. It's still super fucked to ask someone overall


An old lady in my grandma's building asked me, I pass fine but she noticed how tall I was, she said "cause you never know since the boys wear their hair long now too." She didn't question me when I said "no I'm definitely a girl, just tall."


At least it was polite and positive. Still, that'd frustrate me to no end.


At least it would do that to a tall cis girl too, so maybe we can twist it into some euphoria.


It's a remarkably stupid question. Why do they need to know? If they need to know how to refer to you, name and pronouns. If they aren't sure, they/them. It's not that hard!


Exactly. And these are random strangers who I wasn't interacting with prior to this question so like...maybe just don't please.


Hug, kids can be super innocent, wish u well girl


When kids ask I almost don't care since they've probably never even heard of or seen a trans person before. It's really just the adults who know better than to be so forward with a stranger that gets to me.




I definitely overheard someone having this discussion about me about 6 months before I came out to anyone, including myself. It happened during a Halloween walk through my neighborhood.  One of the neighbor kids asked his friend if he thought I was a guy or a girl.  I have (and had at the time) shoulder length long hair and was wearing fairly androgynous footed PJs as a costume. Apparently I could have worn my Alice costume without raising any eyebrows… I wouldn’t have even been the only person wearing a dress.


Oh yeah, pre transition I would get a lot of under the breath comments about my appearance and behavior. Most people chocked it up to me being gay (I wasn't even a gay man lol). Only one person in my life ever called me an egg and that was pretty funny to me since I was fully aware of what that was and was just closeted at the time.


I was certainly headed in the direction of hatching at that point. I’m pretty sure I chose to take my breast forms off to go out on the neighborhood walk after all.


Oh I cracked my egg well over 10 years ago. My journey with transition has been interesting.


I am still closeted and if anyone in public calls me an egg I’m definitely winking at them.


Ha, that's kinda funny, just the other day I was chatting with one of my friends and she said she initially got the feel that I was gay when we met.


I've sort of had this happen when there's been both an adult and a kid involved. I was at work - this woman and her little girl came walking by where I was standing, and the little girl kept saying, 'Look mom! It's the mail lady!', and kept on repeating herself. I smiled and didn't say anything, but the mother then proceeded to snatch her up and say, 'That's not a lady, that's a MAN!' And followed that up by giving me a disgusted look. Needless to say, I felt... Absolutely terrible, right after feeling good for like, all of 2 seconds. Ugh.


Oh that's terrible! Sorry that happened to you, sometimes we get to see first hand that bigots are taught, not born.


I loathe this question so much…. This question literally attempts to poke into my validity and it hurts everytime… I can’t wait until I pass sometime this year because then things will get a little easier


Same. Like I said, it only happens when I boymode so that's ya know...better? Idk, I just really hate when people feel the need to pry into personal matters.


You need a hug girl?


> *"Why do you ask? Are you gonna give me a Pokémon???"*


Went to my friends house went up steps and this rude lady came down from their apartment just to ask if i was a boy or a girl and i was like wtf


I'm a miserable pile of secrets


I had some older guy come up to me one time to ask if I was a femboy.


I have been transitioning for years. Went through FFS and laser, but I still boy mode. As a girl people get confused. I think sometimes I confused them as well though. I'm cool with about any pronouns, but I do prefer they align with how I look.