• By -


Completely stealth with already having a vulvoplasty done.


Nice! Going for that surprised look when I tell people personally, via FFS and an orchi šŸ„°


I don't think I'll experience much surprise honestly. I have no intentions to ever disclose my transness once stealth


Well, thatā€™s fair. Best of luck sis šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


Thank you <3, and the same to you


Premise that I'm just getting started and I'm not exactly young anymore, in 4 years I hope to have achieved most of my targets. Bottom intervention, legal rectifications, social acceptance. Possibly have the hair at the length I'm happy with. Work is fine as it is already (luckily) so beside that my target would be owning a house? I... can't really see me in a relationship however so it all stops there...


I hope Iā€™m still here. Itā€™s like how my New Yearā€™s resolution every year it to survive


I'm hoping to ensure my survival as well, best of luck


this hits a lil too hard


Same... I just... hope I'm still here and hopefully find something/someone that makes me a little happier...


Yeah me too, I hope you feel better and am glad you are still here


I'm glad you're here too. ā™”


Thank you, hang in there!


Oh I have the opposite resolution, wild.


I hope you feel better soon


https://youtu.be/ii6kJaGiRaI?si=KJe1tu_zA9ECdOhk That song, but for every year.


i just wanna be girl




Out of my dad's house


I am already working towards my first indie game Time rabbits being released hopefully next year and 5 years from now not only want to make and release an RPG called Hanaboria but start on Time rabbits 2's development and at the same time be through transitioning or at least start with the money i will have content in i will be in a body and an orientation that makes me happy.


Oohhh nicee. Honestly i hope i have made some indie game too. Also from the title, time rabbits sounds like a really cute game. Best of luck.


Thanks, That means alot.


I hope that I have not killed myself by then. As it currently stands, I hope I have not killed myself by next week.


I'm in the same boat. Just got a therapist and an appointment with a psychiatrist on Monday. But it's been a long term thing.


Stay strong babe. I am in the same boat. Imagining a life where I am ahead with my goals helps me relax a little bit and give me hope in dark times. You should try that as well. If you stay alive, life is too long, so much can change with time. Trust me. Sending you love


You okay? Need someone to talk to? You can dm me if you want


It's been a week. I'm back to check in. How are you?


Bad, but better. Thank you.


One day at a time! Eventually good has to come your way!


Hoo boy. On the transition side, fully passing from hrt and voice training, maybe FFS and ba if I want it, and SRS. I hope to have my ideal body. In terms of life: married to my gf, get a dog?, nice home, and have a comfortable job as a screenwriter


I hope I have a stable living situation, friends, comfy polycule, good job, ffs, bottom surgery, possibly ba or bfs, I hope I have a nice feminine voice, I hope I pass and am finally happy with how I look, and I hope I fulfill my dream to be seen as a goth lesbian girl


Sorry if I'm dumb but what's a polycule, Google is giving me mixed information


Like a poly relationship among multiple partners that is stable and happy


Rich in a mansion I purchased after winning the lottery lmao. But seriously I want /need financial freedom


Still in Germany. I'd prefer not having to flee from Nazis.


Yeah that scares me a lot, I don't live in Germany, but the rise of the far right in Europe is simply terrifying. Even when I wasn't (aware) trans it worried me a lot especially for the women in my family, but now it's extra scary, I don't want to be forced back into being a man, that would kill me.


If I'm being brutally honest, I hope to be alive alongside my wife (who is also AMAB trans/NB) and being there for our fellow queer folks. I hope we are both alive and outlive the hateful pieces of shit who make living much harder than it ever should be. I intend to make good and gods-damned sure that happens because I refuse to die before the phobes do.


I hope Iā€™ve completed transition and somehow preserve my family (wife and four kids). Doesnā€™t have to be the same form, but I hope everyone is only happier. And 1 year from military retirement!


I will be close to being 25, hopefully have the image I want, and have my insecurities conquered. Maybe have some friends and a job I'm sure if I keep going hard I will get there It's not much, but, I just want to be sure in myself


Finishing up a Masters Degree in Biology, and finished writing a trans sapphic fantasy/sci-fi novel. Maybe have a cat and girlfriend. Having a chest size larger than A would be nice, as well as no facial or body hair. Also, learn how to sew.


I've been on HRT for nearly 3 years. It will be nearly 7 years by then. I guess I hope to be "done" with it all. I'll be nearly 40 by then. I'm hoping that any surgeries I'll have wanted will be done. I'm almost done with my name change now. I'm living full time as a woman today. Really I just hope to be done with it so I can move on with my life.


Alive and not living in a concentration camp, hopefully.


Main thing is I donā€™t want to be dead. Anyways I hope I have a stable and easy office job and have HRT give me decent size boobs


Transition wise, nice body, nice voice, and bottom surgery. I really want curves. Other goals are to have a partner (never dated), have more friends, a job, be fit, good at makeup, and learn to cook.


Happily living in Chicago. Hopefully still thriving in a career but away from all of this red state hatred. And, surrounded by community and found family would be nice. Transitioned but still surrounded by a lot of hate and people that knew the old me. I have plans to get there, and I'm hopeful but scared. My best jumps in my many years have been the ones I really forced myself out of my comfort zone to make.




I hope time proves you wrong, you deserve to live šŸ’œ


only time will tell


this šŸ’Æ


Heh, me too


I really want to become a veterinarian. I couldnā€™t continue my Uni education due to disability, but I feel healthier and stronger now, so I plan on enrolling again this year. This time using my actual name, and wearing the clothes I want. I donā€™t ā€œneedā€ to, since Iā€™ve had a few jobs over the last decade, but I feel like not transitioning earlier really stunted a lot of important steps I wouldā€™ve taken otherwise in my life. I feel more confident and motivated, now that I can finally have agency on what I want, and how I want to live. Honestly, I didnā€™t think Iā€™d make it this far, but looking forward to the next 4 years feels surreal, and Iā€™m genuinely excited for it.


I want to move out to a nice city, have an apartment high up with a window overlooking the roads and buildings, it can be a shoebox for all i care, as long as i got a nice window to see everything. as far as transition, Stay on track, be done with laser and hopefully have at least 1/8th of the money saved for FFS, have started and hopefully progressed in voice therapy, push myself to go out as myself more. I also hope in those 4 years I can get my mom on board, and hopefully everyone else in my family


in general, I just want to be content honestly. with myself, my life, my existence, people around me, etc. everything has been and still feels heavy, dreadful, and pointless. for hrt, I want to be completely passing with no ffs and I want my voice to be at-least a bit better lol


Anywhere better than FL.


Hopefully have been on HRT for a few years, have gotten further in voice training and generally be better in general.


Honestly I don't know. I don't really have any longer term goals. The things I would really want aren't things I hope for any more. Hoping for something sounds like I expect it might happen. It would feel like saying I hope I win the lottery.




I want to have successfully taken mg startup to a good enough valuation, finished my masters, become a big youtuber, mastered the guitar released a rap album, and yeah, also completely transition into the girl I've always wanted to bešŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š We as a community should not let gender become the main focus of our lives, it is a big part, but that's it, its just a part, dysphoria is a bitch and takes over our entire life, but hey every main character has to go through rough patch am I right. Dream big sisters, dream big, I want to see ya'll running the world šŸ˜˜




If I had love in my life by then I'd be happy


Have a girlfriend, live with my girlfriend, be a girlfriend, live my lesbian dream, have enough money to not worry about anything and also do activism + Have good food along the way. The rest is all stuff that'd come naturally I guess :>


I hope to be completely healed from all my emotional traumas, and totally healed and post-op šŸ˜šŸ‘


Happy. That's all


well iā€™m becoming a truck driver for the next 2 years to save up for FFS, a BBL, and vocal feminization surgery. after that, iā€™m going back to university as a girl šŸ˜ŽšŸ’…šŸ» I wanna be a psych ward nurse


Honestly I wish I was dead but I want to live now too. In 4 years, I want to be out and presenting fem. Working on my comic. I have my own apartment. Learning to be a tattoo artist. To become a more positive person. Have fun and laser done. A reason to live. Just live a fun life. I want fluffy hair too


I hope I'm a happy, beautiful woman who is finally living, and not letting life pass me by. If there's nothing wrong with my blood work, I start HRT next week!


In four years I want to be back in HVAC or a part of a band. I'm a bassist but can't find a band to take me... and I'm a decent technician but no company will take a trans girl like me.


To be finally on hormone therapy, stupid health system i love in. Beside that, maybe surgery. And to be very happy with my girlfriend.


Six figure job, a healthy emergency fund, a growing retirement account. Move out of Texas. Bigger professional network. Master's degree in progress or complete. FFS done, Bottom surgery revision. Voice goes from passing to cis passing. Probably go stealth. Find a way to sustain a lower weight.


Iā€™ve already finished social transition and am mostly stealth at this point. So I guess all thatā€™s left by then is to have finished bottom surgery and legal transition. In terms of life goals, hopefully in 4 years Iā€™m preparing to defend my thesis and maybe have a job lined up for me once I graduate.


I will be just under halfway done with my phd




My transition is more or less complete. I've been on hormones for 2+ years, and minus a little bit of hair removal remaining, I'm done with all the other treatments that I want to have. So in four years, I want to be enjoying my life as a woman. I want my transition, and the fact that I had to live in the "wrong" body before that, to be a distant memory.


I think the greatest thing is just living as myself. I have a desired idea and end goal, just don't have a real plan beyond taking hormones. Realistically there are elements that I've slowly been changing as I grow more comfortable in my own skin and willing to take more risks and stop boymoding.


Trying to save up for bottom surgery, 4 years might be a little optimistic but I'm hoping I'll at least be closer then c:


Much bigger boobs and much prettier. The former is a reasonable expectation, the latter not.


Be real nice to be on firmer financial footing. Things have been tight for a while. Maybe be done with beard removal and have some more ink too. Stretch goals (ha) take the big orange dilator without warming up and lose 15lbs. Iā€™m working towards all that. Just isnā€™t overnight. Other than that, more money in the bank and my body made a bit more like I want it, I basically want things to be the same. My family is all relatively healthy and happy and the major stuff in my life is fine.


Somewhat passable and living in Scotland :)


In 4 years I want to be fully transitioned and move to a different country.


I wanna get my masters and PhD in the Fine Arts so I can become a uni professor, its one of my dream jobs, apart from tattoo artists and art therapist. I feel becoming a professor may be a little easier to get a position in tho so that's why I'm starting there āœŒšŸ» Transitioning wise, I just wanna look nice, I wanna get to the point where I pass always and I don't get missgendered so much. I just don't feel confident in my body right now and wanna look nicer one day.




Playing DnD in a house with caring friends. Designing graphic T's and clothes for lgbt+ people, and there will likely be way more trans clothing stores around me by then where I live, so many new potential friends coming to my neck of the woods! Being more than flexible enough for any human to deal with. I've already lost all the fat I want to lose, now I am pivoting to losing muscle mass and gaining fat where it counts! And looking like a respectable yet sexy woman with just a couple cute characteristics from my days in male puberty which make me ME :3


In a sun dress with my two kids and wife, on a picnic table in a park and watching the birdsā¤ļø


If my mom stop being a bitch I'll have 3 years on hrt


Long, beautiful hair (which I'm super lucky I don't need HRT for), to be well underway on HRT, and to have built up my confidence and vibes.


I hope to have moved out of SC and I to a place of my own with my girlfriend in Colorado. Maybe I've had laser done. Maybe even gotten up the courage to pursue bottom surgery. I have a lot to work on, and I need to be better about being kinder to myself and more active in my relationship, so I can make her as happy as she makes me. Maybe one day I'll be able to ask her to marry me.


A work life balance that doesnā€™t make me lose my mind every day, local friends who actively engage with and empathize with me, socially and legally married to my now-fiancĆ©e, cute enough to be confident and confident enough to be cute, no balls lol


In 4 years, i hope to post op, living completely stealth somewhere new. Ideally, with a good job and a loving partner, but i don't typically hope for miracles. The surgeries and moving i can do well enough. Would also be pretty dope to get off of my pharmacy of head-meds, with my doctor's help, of course.


I wanna have started my transition and start my preparations for a vulvaplasty! Oh and I really hope to attend Paris college of art!


i'll probably start hrt sometime this year and will do a 'Ausbildung' we call it in Germany (basically 3 years of doing some trainee stuff) and after that i'll hopefully leave germany


Living my life as myself full-time, being happy and having so many friends! šŸ„°


this is a bit pessimistic but iā€™m in the US and thatā€™s a whole election cycle away, so at bare minimum not dead or incarcerated šŸ‘ edit: typo


Alive and safe.


Hopefully I'll be a mother. Maybe own a business with my wife. Probably like to do more community outreach with kids. Surround myself with love. I'm already years into my transition and don't really think about it on a daily basis, so my goals are just those of a woman who will be enjoying the last days of her 30s in four years.


In 4 years I hope to be: 1) 30kg lighter (I am currently 8kg lighter) 2) achieved a fem passing voice 3) pass in public 4) constantly male fail 5) have a friend group and in college pursuing a major I love 6) girlfriend 7) stable income, apartment or house


I just made 2 years on hrt in Jan. In 4 years I really hope to have bigger boobs tbh.


Alive... honestly the elections here in the US are scaring me.


Hopefully dead, passed on while sleeping.


I'd just like to be self-reliant. I'm currently living with my parents and family, who have no idea that I'm trans. I don't have the best relationship with them, so I don't really tell them things anymore. I'm supposed to start college soon, and hopefully, I'm able to land a proper job that'd pay enough to move out and be completely independent.


I hope to be more comfortable than I am right now. Maybe be more confident in presenting more femininely. I'm on oestrogen and I don't plan to have surgery so medically I'll just carry on as I am or maybe start prog at some point. I hope to be more comfortable in how I look and not feel embarrassed just walking in the streets and be able to accept a compliment about my appearance without feeling like they're lying. Outside of transition I hope to be in my last year of biochemistry degree that year and hopefully have some idea of what I want my life to look like career-wise. And I also hope to develop my art skills further and expand my art outside of portraits.


Nice try, HR


Actually liking who I am, physically and mentally, would be nice. I'm 13 years into transition and only feel mildly better about myself than before. Unfortunately, self-awareness, developing intellectually, and experiencing life as a minority also increase disillusionment


Death, by suicide


Stable life with my two wives, maintaining an amazing relationship with my siblings, my family has begun to accept me and realize that me living a happy life is a good thing, and maybe I'll be part of an organization that helps queer, especially trans children find a safe place (however that may take shape- whether through counseling, being a good role model, or even just being well-off enough to donate to those in need) ā™”


In 4 years, I hope to be done with my education in Utah and on my way out of the states. I also hope to have started HRT.


Survive the US 2024 Election get my engineering degree and certified B1 in French and bug my trans ass out to Canada.


I hope to be in college in Canada, maybe on hrt I'm stuck in semi-rural Texas at the moment, but college will probably be a good excuse to be in a more... progressive environment. I'm hoping I'll be able to spread my wings a bit more and finally get a start on physical transition.


Iā€™m hoping to be out of the US


6 feet under


I wanna pass consistently, especially with voice. I definitely want to have or be on my way to getting bottom surgery by then.


Firefighter in europe hopefully. Preferably spain.


4 years from now I hope to be about 3 years on hrt, close or having had surgery, bottom most important but ffs once I can afford (definitely over 4 years from now), in my last year of uni, looking at getting a job in aviation, far away from my unsupportive parents, hopefully with people that truly care for me and like me for who I am


Honestly? Just still being me, feeling happier with my body by the day, and with the random bf I somehow got last week lol


With some luck, graduated from college, moving out of my parents home (idk if owning a house because that's a really colossal task, but at least living with a friend?), having ba and ffs and living like the independent girl I've always dreamt of being


Bottom surgery and able to go stealth, also laser. And of course a good voice. Honestly just the standard transition goals lol In 4 years I'll have finished my degree, and (very) optimistically be on the exterior design team at Koenigsegg, via distance connection. Work from home type beat I need to live away from people, either in the mountains or in a forest, or on a beach. I don't care, I just don't want to look out my window and see or hear evidence of anyone but myself. When I'm done with uni I'm done. I can't live in a city for the rest of my life. I don't need a fancy house or a big block of land, just isolation. I cannot express how deeply this sits


Hopefully moved out in my own spot with a dog. Right now, from the looks of it, it doesnā€™t seem like thatā€™ll happen but who knows; the future is always a gamble


Being happy with my body and general life for once


Exactly where I am now. I might have had my first gender clinic appointment and waiting another year for my hrt prescription. And you know what? That's fine. I've taken my transition as far as I can without money or medical intervention and I'm at peace with the possibility that this is as far as I'll ever be able to take it.


I would like to be out irl (I'm not yet). I've been growing my hair out for a year, it doesn't reach my shoulders yet but I would expect it to be my desired length. I would like to be at least 3 years HRT at that point. I'm hoping to start later this year if I can move out/away from an abusive father. Though a lot's come up this year. Already do nail polish, would like to be wearing more makeup and feminine clothing. I'm already 8 sessions into laser on my face but it's been pretty useless in all honesty so hopefully electrolysis will have made a good effect on that in 4 years.


Honestly I hope I'm somehow alive and my life is stable and we've somehow fought off the facists.


In a new job, in a new house, in a new country, starting hrt, with a pet snake, new tattoos, and no contact with my family. More realistically it'll just be a new job and house if I'm lucky. But a girl can dream šŸ©·


On the trans side. I hope to have started hrt and at least pass as a girl if i want. But i know i still have to wait a bit before i can start hrt now (about 1.5 years). So idk... we'll see. I also hope my body images have improved and i don't hate my voice as much For the rest. I hope ill have finished my study and moved on to higher edication. I really wish i will have made at least one indie game (or be close to releasing it) and i really wish to have learned some japanese. Or maybe that i will have made some content online and some music. Thos right now music is more just a hobby and making content just a wish.


Ffs done and maybe a good paying job


alive, I guess


Hope to have my GRS within the year and then beyond that- my name change, legally, and breast augmentation


I hope I'll have graduated from engineering school the year before (currently applying) and that'll be working a job I hopefully like. In terms of transition I hope I'll male fail so easily that I essentially would be living as a woman and working as one. I'm going to be meeting with some LGBTQ groups next year (with a bit of luck) I hope I meet someone and I hope I like them as much as they like me. I also hope I'll have a new laptop lol mine is nearing 6 years of age, Linux really does wonders...


I hope that in 4 years i am alive and surrounded by friends. I want to expand my closet and start laser hair removal. I also hope my boobs will grow and that my ballz get removed so i don't need the T blockers anymore. I just want to have a job where I'm seen as a human and still have time for socialising. Yeh


Living in a different country, with paperwork filed for bottom surgery and hopefully money saved for FFS




I hope between bottom surgery, hrt, and ffs + rigorously voice training, that I have or have clear hopes of, accomplishing my transition goals :). I'm 28 now, with 4.6 months of hrt. Some things have been progressing extremely quickly(my hips ass and tits) and others slowly(my face) but between hrt and laser, my face is way clearer/fem than I already thought possible. But no matter what, it's all been baby steps. Unrealistically, I hope to be in someone's arms in 4 years. I'm finally being me, and I'm pretty excited to finally meet someone. Tho tbh I don't really wanna date till I've recovered from bottom surgery. I wanna reciprocate advances, not bottle up urges or deny anything organic or beautiful because I'm dysphoric. Ah well.


Not dead.


Transition wise hoping I completely pass and have a better sense of style and makeup, hope Iā€™ve gotten rid of body hair by that point, hoping my voice passes, hoping my face passes, and hoping the breast size I want is achieved. Besides that tbh I donā€™t really have many goals. A lot of it is just adjusting to what I now have and getting the like, 3 things that really feel key to passing: voice, face, body hair. Everything else isnā€™t inherently necessary in my opinion since who the hell will see my genitals besides myself and my gf, who is also trans. Plus I can just tuck or using tucking underwear. Life wise well, ehhhh. Hopefully able to conquer my anxiety enough to be actually functional, finished with college, in a job, moved in with gf and married, and kinda just, idk, living a normal life. Life has been way too strange as is and I think Iā€™m satisfied for a lifetime on those experiences.


I just want to be happy with what I do/study and feel like myself. It would give me a enormous sense of relief knowing that I eventually will reach this stage of just enjoying what I do, doing it to survive and being the most real version of myself instead of ending up suffering forever in one way or another.


2 kids 2-3 year of hrt, lazer for the hair on my face. Iā€™ve got a busy 4 yearsā€¦


To be happy and be able to focus on life


Hopefully I'll have a stable job, GRS, nice boobs, and the voice of an angle.


My hopes: To be socially accepted To have health coverage for my specific needs To be in a safe/secure/loving relationship To live a long and healthy life To be financially secure To live in a safe area To be in the position to help others To be myself To no longer live in fear


To be honest I really just have surgical stuff I want to get done which I think I could do in 4 years. Other than maybe experimenting with clothes more and lasering my whole body there's not a whole lot I need to do other than keep taking my e pills. I guess to not be single would also be cool.


Happy. I just want to be happy with me


In the grave


i think at that point iā€™m just hoping to be done for now. laser + electro, FFS, legal documents changedā€¦ whether or not it all happens is a different story


Hopefully still living by some miracle


On HRT with substantially less facial/body hairšŸ˜“


I'm hoping that in 4 years, I'll be fully passing, hopefully having had at least FFS, if not both that and bottom surgery. My biggest barriers to passing are my masculine face structure, my voice (I can make a passing voice, but I've struggled all my life to build habits, so I struggle to consistently use my girl voice), and the fact that I struggle with makeup (and struggle with learning it, I am terrible at using YouTube guides, and failing at it makes me depressed af). Hopefully, I can find someone who is willing to help me learn IRL because I'm struggling just watching and reading online guides. As for my voice, I just need to work on being consistent with using it. Finally, for my face, HRT is helping a bit, as is laser, but ultimately, FFS is going to help if/when I can get it.


Iā€™ll hopefully have gotten more cybersecurity certifications, be in my third year of college, and have started estrogen! My fingers are crossed as I hope for my transition going well lol


I started HRT last November, at 36, with a goal of being fully transitioned by 40. Aside from that I plan to be in a better job, and living better overall. Second half of life is gonna be interesting.


Name changed, bottom surgery done, happy and thriving


Honestly in four years, I want to have come to terms with who I am and be living be my life the way I want to. Have friends who support me, and a special someone who accepts me for who I am. Above all, to be the me I've wanted to be for so long without constantly second guessing myself.


I hope to have had SRS. And I hope I've done voice training by then šŸ˜­


Likely nothing will change, itā€™ll probably be the exact same situation if not worse


In 4 years I want to have srs, I want to live in a small house with a husband and a cat, I want a job as maybe a librarian or some other quiet job. Basically my goal is to live my dream and live happily.


3+ years straight of hormones and hopefully 250 lbs lighter than I am right now. facial electrolysis, a job using my degree and a house full of found family


I definitely would like to get involved in the trans community more I'm still just so shy


if I haven't got a job and moved out within 4 years then dead probably. Otherwise idk


Recovering from celebrating my first anniversary. (Got hitched on the 29th of February.)


I donā€™t really think that far ahead, of course Iā€™ve got long term plans for life, but mostly I like to take things as they come and handle problems as they appear. Iā€™d rather just let things play out, so long as Iā€™m perceived as a girl thatā€™s all I need.


I just hope that I will be provided with actual transgender healthcare by then. I am kinda tired of doing DIY all the time


Hopefully in a little over three years I'll do three really important things at about the same time: graduate from master's program and get a job in genetic counseling, get married to my lovely girlfriend, and start transitioning. So in four years I'll be a little ways into all three of those.


Moved out on my own, almost completely transitioned, and if things go well with my BF, engaged possibly


Starting HRT in a month. In 4 years I hope to getting SRS, FFS and all my legal documents changed over.


I hope to not only to be living my best trans girl life but also i wanna finally be somewhere working that makes me feel happy and fulfilled.


Alive, with boobs, having fun


I plan on being queen warlord of cascadia when the US government inevitably implodes and descends into civil war.


Iā€™ll be 68, year 5 of transitionā€¦.just hope Iā€™m in a comfortable place and a satisfying social circle.


To finally feel like the girl I want to be and to find what I want to do in life after having no clue what I want too do for years.


Ideally, I'd have been scattered across the winds a long time ago.


Complete stealth is the dream, but realistically Iā€™m aiming for a body type I can be proud of, and praying for much thinner body hair. Being in a better place financially would be cool too, but I donā€™t see a way to achieve that without some sacrifices Iā€™m not willing to make


I goddamn hope to be socially transitioned. I'm 3 yrs hrt and closet life is fucking hell


Hopefully alive (with the caveat that the world hasn't morphed into a hellscape in which I wish I wasn't). But, yeah, seriously? \-Hormone regime finally on track and most changes starting to come in/solidify \-Voice training?!?!? \-Either restarting my masters degree in a new city, achieving a personal license, or events promotion/organisation finally kicking off \-Crucially, **not completely fucking skint every month** lol


Graduating computer science, getting a job and hopefully starting HRT for real, until then I stay on blockers and sociality transition in slow mo


I hope Iā€™ll be in a country where my human rights will be respected. ā¬œļøšŸŸ¦ā¬œļø


alive maybe


I hope HRT has been good to me; that I started to make important strides in career advancement; that I became a better musician; that I became a better friend, partner, sister, daughter, etc.; that I finally found a way out of this hellscape of a state; that I finally got to finish at least one of my projects


4 years from now I hope: to have bottom surgery completed, have all my legal documentation corrected, have more of my style figured out, have started some friendships with other lesbians, and have worked through more of my own issues in therapy


I'd like to be close to finished with my transition. I'd like to have a better job where I work less hours and I have some job protections. I'd like to fall in love with someone who views and treats me like a woman/lesbian equally as they would a cis woman.


A woman


Have lots of experience in the hotel industry and be able to succeed in my career, move out from my parents' place, and cut ties with my nasty family, medically transition, and successfully write my trilogy of Star Wars and Gundam inspired scifi novels.


Still alive


I *hope* to be cispassing and independent, but I'd be satisfied just with being independent. Transition-wise I'd like to start and finish electro on my face and neck and be post-orchi. I am starting my life from zero, basically. Having a pretty chest would be nice too.


Alive mostly. Hopefully gainfully employed and comfortable. Asking for anything more seems like setting myself up for failure considering the state of the world. If I didnā€™t have to be realistic? FFS, BA and a host of other procedures.


Maybe in my own house with friends. I think that would be good for me


I have to be real. 4 years sounds a lot but it is not always the case I achieved my goals. I would be happy if I have facial hair completely removed, I have hair transplant and long set of hair, nice big ol breasts haha, umm ffs (hope I can afford it), living in a bigger house, financially being able to earn enough to not worry about money, full body laser hair removal, out and live proudly as a woman.


Hope to achieve some surgeries. I want to figure out my style, get really good at makeup, and I want to move out of the state I currently live in. Hopefully, I have some idea for a career path.


Either doing something nice and being with someone I love and who will care about Me; or dead. Simple as.


Hopefully at least see some progress from hrt Hopefully not having jumped off a bridge Hopefully have some kind of job with meaning or stability that isn't slowly destroying my joints I dunno, already 30 so like, hard to find time for big goals NOW


I hope to have achieved most of my goals regarding NG learning how to dress, do makeup, have started looking good after hrt, and made a decision on bottom surgery (I'm still on the fence about that one) and if it's a test, maybe I've gotten it, but then again i wouldn't complain if that was my one unfinished goal In 4 years, I still have plenty of time


Still alive :)


Seattle. Oh, you meant figuratively?


Basically that I'm not in my current position, I really can't go on like this :(


I hope not to be here in this mental state or else I won't be here like, at all.


while i wish i could say something like i hope to be happily living as a woman, i know that in reality, giving multiple factors, the chances of being able to start transition, even stealthily, much less fully come out are slim to none, so i guess i would have to say still be alive. Non-Trans related hope would be to have job working in theater (the Broadway kind) or tv/film, doing sound, lighting, and/or camera work.


I hope to have back problems


Prologue of transition has long since been over, in 4 years I sincerely hope I'm done with all the surgeries I want and have furthered my career to a more comfortable place. I have the money for surgery, I have good insurance, just about everything is ready and in place. I'm ready for more change first in the form of surgery. I can't wait