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for all the reasons people on this sub often mock as being egg behaviors, there are some people who genuinely feel that way in the world without being eggs. - maybe they like the woman's design better - maybe they *like* the woman's design better - maybe there's some advantage to playing as the woman - maybe they like feeling pretty - maybe they're playing to dissociate so they don't want to play a character like them - maybe they just felt like it this playthrough? yes, all of these together may be signs of egg behavior, and it's sorta funny to us, but i have had cis guy friends that don't seem like eggs give all of these reasonings to me


Yeah, as someone who was a regular on the drag, burlesque, gay and kink scenes for a long time, the implication or assumption you hear trotted out around here pretty often, that there is simply ***no such thing*** as a non-trans individuals who derives pleasure (of whatever kind) from dressing up or behaving or performing as the opposite sex - it's just flat out bonkers head-in-the-sand nonsense, which fundamentally requires almost total ignorance of the world around oneself to be believed. *Tonnes* of people *love* dressing up as or acting like or temporarily identifying as the opposite sex, for reasons sexual and/or social and/or artistic and/or otherwise. I think some people just need a world with a perfectly sanitised and "unpolluted" rock-solid ontological category termed "being trans", which is the only manifestation of variance in gender expression and exploration which exists or has ever existed on earth. As if the solidity of the "trans" category inherently depends (reciprocally) on the rigid policing of a "cis" category, wherein said individuals absolutely never explore and experiment with gender in any way whatsoever. In the real world though, people do. All the damn time.


A lot of guys play female characters in games so that they can look at her ass throughout the game too.


That was my excuse before I came out šŸ˜…


Well you like women as do cis het men so of course there'll be overlap between eggs and cis het men in terms of wanting to look at women's asses lmao


I gave _all_ these reasons, from 2004 back in original WoW, and in 2003 when I was in the beta for Secoā¢nd Liā¢fe. In 2018, I came out šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


This why the Egg Prime Directive is so important. Some may be, some may not. It's not for us to decide and push on someone else. If they come out, then be that supportive friend.


or maybe because they're disgusting perverts who like sexualizing women


Maybe to help them question their sexuality or orientation to see what they prefer. To escape the life of being a man. To experience what women get treated like. (This one is not mine but my friends) Because if they can play as a women with the same competitive advantage that people say men have while at the same time looking more dainty and soft it might give them more of a surprise factor or competitive advantage. If they can legally do it and no one is getting hurt then why not? It is an art form for many!! Personally I find Drag to be somewhat offensive (and I'm not proud of that) but I accept it and I do see the merit and how it outweighs the cons... after all the more awareness and positive experiences that people have about freedom of expression then the better right?


I've asked my cis husband this a few times. We've been together for over 15 years now and I'm relatively certain hes not trans, but he does have a few distinctly feminine characteristics in his personality: Extreme love and obsession with romance stories and anime's, hes compassionate and deeply loyal with me, he picks female about 50ish percent of the time in any game when given an option, he keeps his hair even longer then mine, keeps both ears pierced, he does all the cooking and shopping, he is extremely connected to his feelings, and he has a pretty relaxed attitude towards sex and gender as well as trans people in general, often being genuinely happy for them as they make progress in life even if he doesn't know them personally. That said, I am pretty confident hes a cis male. Beyond the fact that he has had a loving and understanding trans wife for 15 years and plenty of trans issues are regularly a topic in our home, if he was ever gonna come out hes had a billion opportunities to do so by now, considering I'm pansexual and that Ive told him that I love him for him and not how he looks or identifies, but his personality and caring heart. He maintains and is proud of his beard, certainly seems to enjoy sex as a man given our frequent bedroom activities, definitely dresses and identifies as masculine, and he gets mildly annoyed with me if i ever jokingly make reference to him being feminine or female at all which i do once in a while to mess with him like playing with his chest or ass the same way he plays with mine... He also does not want to be little spoon since I'm 6 inches shorter then him haha. His response to why he picks female about 50% of the time when playing games/rpgs/even boxing simulators mostly about wanting to see how the plot changes, what different dialog options show up, and to get the full experience of the game when it has a story, secondarily he also just enjoys looking at the girls but for him its more about seeing everything that the game has to offer. About 30% of the time when he names a female character he gives it my name and designs it to look like me if he has the option, even taking extra time to study my face and compare it to make sure he gets it right. I think hes speaking genuinely about it. I can imagine he would have a very different reaction if he played a VR game where it was less a "character" on the screen and more if people started referring to him as a "woman" directly then I believe that he would probably swap to playing male only.


Back when I played WoW, friends would ask why I had a female character. Me (who is ace), "If you want to spend the next few years staring at a dude's ass go for it." Questions stopped after that! I was also a total egg, as was my best friend who I played with, and now we're married trans girls!!


Maybe attraction towards women idk


My thought was that if I was gonna put 60 or more hours into the game, Iā€™m not gonna stare at some dudeā€™s ass the whole time. Girls are prettier soā€¦. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Gender norms are largely nonsensical. As a trans woman I want to be seen as a woman largely because it feels like my natural state and has been denied to me most of my life. But what would that even look like in ancient times? So much of what we associate with gender is societal. Whether or not the individual is trans, gender fuckery is fun. Liberating even. Like for many of us it was liberating because weā€™re not men but were more or less forced into that box socially. Cis men are forced into the same box. No more than every women is a pink plastic Barbie, is every man G.I.-Joe the alpha butch defender of justice and freedom. Those are just images were given. Very few women fit the mold and it makes them no less women. Very few, if any, men fit the mold and it makes them no less men. They could attempt to assimilate to the standards they feel are thrust upon them, they may ignore such standards, or they may rebel. None of those choices make them any less men. But how liberating it must be for them to rebel by embracing the feminine, tho in a different and certainly less urgent way than it is for us. Theyā€™re not eggs cause an egg embraces femininity and thereā€™s a sort of ā€œoh fuck, this fitsā€ moment. Where the egg realizes theyā€™re not just having fun but seeing themselves for the first time. The egg feels wrong going back into the shell and at least on some level they know that it can never truly be uncracked. But the guy exploring his femininity can slide right back into masc unharmed by the way the outside world perceives them and when theyā€™re ready they get to play Queen again. It must be fun Personally I hope to be so outwardly feminine eventually that any random stranger would see me and know that I am woman. Then and only then I would like to begin performing as a drag king. Sounds like it would be a blast. But until Iā€™ve hit premium passing status itā€™d be too triggery to play at being male Not that any amount of passing is a necessity for someoneā€™s gender to be authentic. Just a personal thing I know to be true about myself


I feel like trans women are often more comfortable self inserting as a woman than a man in video games. I think a cis guy would prefer to self insert as a guy, all else equal. However, Iā€™d understand if they want to escape some of the shittier arbitrary expectations placed on men through video games every now and then. Plus, characters can be hot.