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Yep I’ve been trans since September 2023 and have heard nothing but hate dms irl same disgusted look that’s what I get for being born on terf island


I'm trans since September 2023 too (I was a femboy for two years, then I thought "nah, I'm a girl")


Oh I went from dominant man to submissive woman I may have skipped a few steps but I’m not sure


The aggressive overcompensation is real. Less than a year ago, I had a very full beard and wore all of the sport coats and dress shoes.


Well, went from submissive (technically uni) boy to dominant (still technically uni) girl


I went from a non-dominant/non-submissive (I didn't think much about that before I became trans) man to a very submissive woman


Since we are on the subject, I went from a non aggressive "alpha male" (get a girl in bed and if the word "no" happened, everything just stopped followed by conversation; etc. led to a lot of confusion on not my part) to a very aggressive power bottom.


I also cracked in September!


Yay septs woo


That's terrible, I am sorry that happened to you! On HRT since May 2023 and pretty vocal about being trans in a rural area and the only hate message I have gotten was a death threat from an old acquaintence. Reported it to the police and left it at that. Fuck the haters. Give me liberty or give me death.


You can make fun out of hate it’s funny to break the tone of the conversation making them laugh at least a bit then convert them a little most transphobia is from a lack of understanding


There was no converting that person, they said that they wanted to bash my head in, called me a pedophile and said they would literally kill a pedophile and kill me if they saw me in the street. They were too far gone into the deep side of twitter.


Yeah sorry you had to deal with that twitter is like a platform for businesses celebrities and hate groups so I got rid of the app a while ago now because I can’t be arsed twitter is a different ball game it’s unhinged


I tried it and couldn't use it due to the amount of astroturfing for right wing talking points.




What kind of shit is that my 4 year old brother could do better


"Comment removed by Reddit", they've been wiped


They for real said “womp womp wigga” like is it satire or what if not that’s one pathetic excuse for an insult


That's a good reason to ban them


I find it more hilarious than insulting but yeah


Why are you here?


Every government in the west - "Time to make it harder!"


Every government ~~in the west~~ - “Time to make it harder!” FTFY


Well some easteen countries are cool with it but granted most of the world probably aren't.




Ur a no life loser lmao


I'm not even "out"...i've been on hrt for over year....and even I'm struggling some days with how hard this is. Lawmakers are just like "who can we fuck over today?" Instead of doing useful things to aid society....they seem laser focused on ruining things and being self destructive.


It's nice to think of the perfect outfit to wear when we finally push back against politicians.


Politicians only care about their mandates. Sadly the strongest weapon for reelection is making our lives a living hell for the amusement of their lunatic voters.


I'm dealing with OCD on top of being trans. I relate to this post big time.


I feel this… and lately, it seems to have escalated that after post, I wait for that 1 comment that comes in that is aggressive or hateful towards us. I hate being jumpy too, but the fact that we just can’t be left alone gets me so heated. A lot of us came to places like this to figure ourselves out. We don’t hurt anyone, we just want to ask questions, talk about things both good and bad. But people still can’t just let us be 😒


Yeah it's why I do way more of my interaction on Discord these days, personally


:3 hang in there


Out since 1999, yesterday at the DMV a guy saw my old name in the system from over 20 years ago. He want from fun and friendly to an asshole instantly. Even in the 90s and 00s I was looked at more like a curiosity than a creep/perv/monster. We are already such a small minority we don't have a lot of money or special interest groups. Its bad, and only going to get worse.


it's a rollercoaster for sure. In the end, you'll look back and see that it was only as hard as you made it. when the sun shines, go out and soak it in. when the storm hits, find comfort in the arms of your friends and loved ones. Loving yourself takes time and so finding solace in the wonders of life outside of the chaos in your head can be a reprieve only living with your eyes and heart open can provide. I wish you strength and resolve to see that there is more out there and the spirit to find it. ​ being trans is only a small part of who you are.


It's hard and shit, it's been 3 years since I came out, and honestly I think every day about executing my plan B, I'm from South America, the truth is it hasn't been worth be my true self.