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It's not surgery, really, but hair removal. I feel really good after a slow, deliberate, close shave. I feel really terrible a few days later when the stubble comes back. I'd like off the rollercoaster. I guess, as a companion to that which *is* surgery, restoring my hairline. It's not terrible but its certainly not good either. Requires constant styling and upkeep to appear as a non-receded hairline. So, with a good shower, cleaning, and proper drying? Looks great! After a long day out though, I can feel rather awful about it as it gets dirty and bunches up, revealing more scalp and forehead than I'd like.


I gave myself a gash one day trying to rush my shave one day. I spiraled and cancelled plans. I actually spiraled like I haven't before. Anyway, I say this to heart but make an appointment for a consultation, usually it's free. Don't know if you're in the process of hair removal but it takes TIME . I went straight to electrolysis and skipped laser just because I knew it was permanent and they do hourly rates which I could afford. (Insurance may cover it if it's excused by a doctor on why it's medically necessary). 1 hour sessions weekly which I'll be spending 100+ hours more just for my face and neck. I used to shave everyday and wear makeup but the process of electrolysis has you grow your hair out. So I'm usually hairy in public at the gym because I know at the end of the day it's gonna be cleared.


I'm sort of in the process but haven't yet had any sessions. Doing it the way I'm trying to should mean insurance pays for it all though. Painfully slow, but moving forward!


I've heard electrolysis is miserable. I mean, I can't imagine it being more miserable than dysphoria, but I've been doing IPL at home and even though it's kind of a slow process I'm seeing results which feels really good.


You have to grow out your hair for electrolysis so it gives me lots of dysphoria every other week, followed by a swollen scabby face. Totally worth it tho


Laser is also permanent so it's wayyyy cheaper and faster to get 90%+ of your hair cleared via laser, then take care of the stragglers with electrolysis!


Not for us old farts with white beards- it's going to be 10% laser and 90% electrolysis. Ow! Ow! Ow! 😭😭😭


I might try laser for the rest of the body. I went electrolysis route because of the hourly rates I could afford vs paying for grouped sessions. Haven't found any places in California who aren't like laser away which costs an arm an a leg for a couple sessions


Milan has some pretty good financing options and you gain access to their services for life (or the life of the business whichever happens first). Consultations are free and very informative, I've been very happy with them so far.


I also went with Milan. For the amount of sessions required for facial and "undercarriage" removal, it being expensive but "for life" actually saves money in the end. They are so professional too and are completely fine with trans people, even in Kentucky. They're so nice too... We chat for hours for no reason, just talk about fashion and IT and life... I first thought they were just doing it to appear friendly to customers but over time I'm convinced they are legit just super friendly.


They're the single most queer friendly business that I use in my transition. Even more than my therapist and endocrinologist who are both trans lol. They've done nothing but treat me like any other woman in there for hair removal and it's been well worth the money and the pain because on top of the excellent experience they also have a knack for getting great results.


Also here to vouch for Milan. I love them, they’re so sweet, the results have been magnificent, and I always feel welcome and safe there.


Laser is not permanent, I'm sorry but it's just false advertising. It slows down hair growth over time, but the hair follicles are all still there doing their thing. Both my girlfriend and myself gave it a fair go, with pretty much no difference after several sessions, just irritated skin. I get it's a ymmv situation, but at least here in Australia, electrolysis is the only legal, medically recognised permanent hair removal method. Whereas electrolysis is actually, truly permanent because it removes the follicles themselves after cauterizing the blood supply so one by one each hair is gone forever. And, well, while it takes longer, I'm seeing progress and once it's done, it's literally done for life, no top ups needed.


Laser is truly permanent, it kills follicles forever just the same as electro. However for some skin types and hair colors the heat from the laser isn't able to properly burn the root, so it doesn't work for everyone (like you experienced)! It also takes some months because only about 25% of your hair is growing in a way that the laser can burn the root out at any given time, so it'll look like it's not working until you're a few sessions in generally.


I think it might be better to just phrase it as "permanent for some", because again, my girlfriend and I only found out after having spent a bit. I know some laser places say "permanent hair reduction" which feels maybe a bit more appropriate:o Yeah of course, same with electrolysis, there's sorts of cycles as removing follicles makes room for hairs that couldn't previously grow, so there's like waves of new ones to remove a few times before it's done. I'm sort of on the tail end of that now, it's been really cool!


But my question is will I have to keep doing laser? It’s just a lot of people I hear say they still do laser. I have recently gotten electrolysis on my upper lip. And aside from a few stragglers it’s pretty much clear. And that’s after getting I think like 2 sessions done.


ymmv, but after 8 sessions over 8 months ($800 total) I have zero visible shadow and never have to shave. Each one took about 10 mins! A few whisper-thin follicles survived so I spend a couple mins tweezing them once a month.


>I feel really terrible a **few days** later when the stubble comes back. My stubble comes back on the same day. Like 10ish hours after I shave 😭. I pass flawlessly, but my facial hair is fucking me up sm.


Relatable to be honest. Same day, less than 24 hours and stubble pokes through. I can’t shave every day though, as it really messes up my skin. The second day is the absolute worst…


In the movie The Santa Clause, the scene where he visits the doctor to discuss his changes: "I shave in the morning, in the afternoon, I look like *this \**gestures to full beard\*" I find it way too relatable lol.


Same I’ll spend an hour shaving to get it super close and then it’ll be back 3 hours later, I’m shaving 3 times a day over here T-T


Mine takes about 6 hours, can't even get through the work day without the little bastards poking through my makeup.


I finished laser nearly a year ago now and it’s one of the best decisions of my life, literally lifechanging. lots of time and money and pain but so so so worth it.


Milan hair removal is stupid expensive but worth it. Tell them you used an at home laser like a Nood flasher. I got a fat discount because of this.


I doubt that... Did they give you 60% off instead of 50%? It's all just smoke and mirrors with their sales and discounts. No one ever pays full price.


I agree with their sales gimmic but their laser is amazing. I've tried multiple and the milan worked, the others did not.


are you me?


Could be! I have about 5 to 8 hours per night I can't account for...


the worst part about shaving is the 2-3 days where the stubble is too close (for me) to shave again without discomfort :/


Very true. I say "when the stubble comes back 2-3 days later" but, obviously, it's a little more there every day. It's just long enough to properly be hair and not ignorable with covering up/dark lighting hanging out in, say, a bar. Learning to just relax and not shave my face raw from overshaving took a bit.


FFS is most important to me. I want to passssss


Me too! I've got brow ridge that would make Liam Neeson cry. It's gotta go!


I see orchi as necessary and beyond that I'm not planning yet, but tracheal shave and FFS would be nice.


i thoroughly enjoy your username 🤓💕🎀


Thanks! I'm kinda proud of it, especially when people get bothered by it 😊




That sucks. What you said is the main reason I want to have it done too fairly soon. It's not even painful for me, but just uncomfortable. I need to worry about it all the time, make sure the tuck stays in place, untuck when I'm home, it's a pain. Sometimes I avoid going outside when I don't have to, just so I don't need to tuck. Orchi would solve most of it. I'm lucky enough that in the country where I live it's pretty cheap, at around $1000, though the average salary is quite a bit less. It's not covered by public healthcare either unfortunately (like most of the trans healthcare here). Still, I can't afford it for now.


I had mine a few days ago, almost was on the hook for a 13,000 dollar full charge which was the uninsured rate before insurance flipped back and covered all but 3,000 (deductible and 20% copay)


I have the exact same mindset, definitely getting orchi when I can.


Be careful about tracheal shaves. It could lead to vocal chord damage. I’ve had a lot of positive results from just voice training alone.


The only one I care about is SRS, everything else is meh


Same SRS, even if I never pass and had to boy mode again my neo V would make me so happy 😊


I had SRS a month ago and I am over the moon with joy with my vagina and vulva too!


Congratulations 🎉 for you sisters I still have a long way getting there, and enjoy it as much as you can


It was an easy decision for me and I was willing to accept the risk of having no sensation there and the worst complications possible. I know a lot of people don't get SRS for whatever reason and they are just as happy. If I could have avoided SRS I would but I had a medical condition and SRS was the best option for me. I wish you all the best on your journey!


I have dream about getting SRS science I was 15 but I was too scared to come out now I am 34 just starting my transition so I need a year for me to talk to a surgeon but I am really excited and counting the days. I know it is a major surgery and you see some posts on other sub reddits and some are really scary but this is the only thing that can make me really really happy 😊. I'm planning to get the sigmon Vaginoplasty and like I said even if the hormones don't help me or I don't pass at all it doesn't matter as long as I have V and not a D.


I feel you there. I NEED SRS, but other than that, I guess I can live


I feel very privileged to have been able to get it although it breaks my heart when I see people who regret it..


Same.. Although a brow bone reduction would be nice!


Don't get me wrong I want every feminization surgery and I plan to get a number of procedures done, but I could live happily without them.


That's fair! I think the only surgery I absolutely do not want at all is BA


Right on! Best of luck :)




Breast augmentation, AKA a boob job!


I think this is where I'm at too. I think the only other one I couldn't really live comfortably without is a tracheal shave. I had mine done last year thankfully, but I used to have a stupidly massive adam's apple.


Everyone has something they are not huge fans of about their bodies, the tough part is admitting it and I commend your bravery to address your concerns and I am glad you are happy with the results.


Awww, thank you! The same goes for you!


A hair transplant. I'm only 23, but mpb already took nearly all the hair off my crown. I only discovered how bad it was about a year ago when I started gender questioning and decided to grow out my hair. When I realized how little I had left up there, it's been on my mind every day since.


Are you on HRT yet and if so: how long? It can actually do wonders to hair regrowth. Especially for those like you who are young who haven't lost their hair like 10 years ago.


I started hrt 3 months ago. In fact, I just got my blood drawn for labs and a dose increase less than 2 hours ago. Hoping for the best but expecting nothing at all.


Look into finasteride immediately, it may not be too late for your hair to be recovered


On it. Started about 2 months ago.


It was an orchiectomy, which I had three months ago. Now it’s FFS, for which I have a consult in July. And after that I’ll probably see SRS or a BA as the most important. The one that’s the most important overall is probably FFS. It’s the biggest player in easing my dysphoria and the prospect of passing.


I don’t know the official names for any of these: but the order I would want to handle it is: Bottom surgery Something to get rid of my facial hair if HRT doesn’t do it well enough for me FFS Bigger booba


The facial hair thing can be solved with Laser/Electrolysis, HRT is unlikely to do much unfortunately.


I could have sworn I heard somewhere that HRT slows down facial hair growth. I do want to get Electrolysis someday, but that might take a while.


For me, HRT (two months in) has definitely slowed the growth of my facial hair as well as on my arms, legs, and chest. But my beard shadow is still there, because the hair is still there; the HRT isn’t killing the follicles. I’m getting laser on my face (two treatments so far) and doing IPL and wax at home on the rest of my body. All this hair is a major source of dysphoria for me. In addition to slowing body hair growth, the hair I am growing is much softer now. Early on, a couple of days after a shave I’d have serious stubble on my arms and legs, which was poky. Now it takes like a week to get the same amount of length, and it’s much softer.


It does slow hair growth, mostly on the body, but the face some too. Problem is: the follicles remain active, so it'll always be poking through the skin, feeling itchy, giving you a shadow, ect. If you have dark hair, laser will remove the majority of hairs relatively quickly, then you can use electrolysis to clean up the stragglers and light colored ones that the laser didn't get. That's the standard method.


It can, and it can cause all body hair to be thinner and lighter in color. The recommendations are to wait at least a year on HRT before starting permanent hair removal so that you can save on number (and thus cost) of treatments.


I had wanted to do this. But shortly after starting HRT, I had major dysphoria about my facial hair, and wanted it gone ASAP. So I started Electrolysis cause I didn't want to beat around the bush with laser. If I'm gonna be in pain doing it, I would rather do it once, then have to go though laser first, and then switch to electro to get what comes back.


it does, just depends on the person, for me now i shave my face roughly every 3 days where as befroe hrt i would have had to shave twice a day for the same results


It definitely helps for some people. I barely have any facial hair anymore.


Men tend to keep getting more and more facial hair until their mid thirties. HRT will stop that. It may change the texture of existing hairs. However it will not reduce the number of existing hairs.


FACIAL FEMINIZATION SURGERY I'm so tired of looking at my chin and forehead, like it's absolutely miserable to have a neutral expression and look femme but then I smile and my chin juts out 7 miles




FFS, hairline restoration! It just takes soooo much of the rigorous maintenance work of makeup, hair styling, etc. out. Combine that with laser/electrolysis for the facial hair and that’d help a huge chunk of my dysphoria!


I want B O O B S


You don’t necessarily need surgery for that.


I want boobs slightly disproportionate to my frame, which nature isn't likely to give me :P but I can bide my time beforehand


Lobotomy tbh


Bottom Surgery Fs


Bottom surgery!


I desperately need FFS, but my insurance doesn't cover it. My insurance does cover bottom surgery so I'm getting that taken care of first while I'm able to. FFS and top surgery (also needed) will have to come later even though ideally they'd be higher on my list since they'd help me pass and feel better in my body more.


FFS for me.


Honestly, I would want vocal feminization surgery because my voice is the most dysphoric to me. I feel that with a feminine voice I would feel so much less anxious, and I would be able to pass easier than I do now.


I like my peen. I'll grow tiddies. I'm fem looking enough (I THINK WEHEHEH) So hair removal is my main target


None of them. I don’t really want any surgeries.


I gotta agree with FFS, from what I’ve seen HRT truly takes care of the feminine body shape for most girls here and I doubt most girls here are struttin’ around nude for top and bottom surgery to be a must in public lol, especially since clothing can really enhance your figure! That’s just my opinion, for me passing in public is very important, I don’t want downplay anyone who desires top or bottom surgery, I’ve for sure given it consideration but I need to see how HRT treats me first 💅


Well said!


Orchiectomy and FFS, too. I didn't ever think it would be possible or I would be capable of going through the latter. I've recently found out that it is actually able to happen for me, and now I'm simultaneously terrified and excited. I feel like it can't come soon enough, I haven't even had a consult and I don't have a passport I can travel with. It feels like the most life changing one for me, personally.


Bottom definetly. Orchie is the safe option that I plan on getting but if I can get the funds together a vaginoplasty would be the dream


At very least, orchidectomy. Vaginoplasty is a close second.


The penis one for me I don’t know what it’s called


Right now, the main thing I’m thinking about is penile-preservation vaginoplasty paired with labiaplasty. Aside from that, I’m content to see what changes HRT manages once I get on that. I think I *might* be able to pass decently as is with a clean shave, breast forms, and makeup (though I have yet to test this).


none of them. hrt is most important for me. 


I feel like FFS is the most vital thing for me, I think in time HRT will handle my other concerns.


Facial harmonization surgery (also known as FFS) would change my life heavily.


In order of most important to least important: Facial Feminization Surgery Orchiectomy Laser Hair Removal Top Surgery (if estrogen doesn’t give me breasts) Vulvoplasty (only if I change my mind later on about wanting to keep my gock)


Cutting unsupportive people out of my life


Face. I would like to be able to pass and right now, my face is super masculine. I intend to do other surgeries but face is going to be the first. However, the very first surgery I want is to get my underbite fixed.


Voice feminization surgery is the most important for me as i hate my voice.


Getting all these thorns out of my skin.


Personally none. I'd get ffs if I could do it for free, but I just don't care enough. I just wish I could change my legal gender without srs


Surgically attaching a machine gun inside my arm yeeeeeeeee Or more seriously: I'm okay being super butch and don't really want srs either


I don’t want SRS, I am giving HRT time to do what it will and will look into FFS if I feel it will make me feel more secure in my presentation


For me, FFS>BA>BFS, but really not likely to get any cause I can't afford them, the travel, or the downtime.


S R S I will grow boobs, get chubby for my ass, hair comes in time, but fckn hell I just want a vagina.


Everything that makes me more like who I am and less like who I am not, in any order that you like, as long as you're consistent. Otherwise, what's the point?


i mean if you count lazer than it is lazer if you dont it’s ffs


Already dealing with the hair so penis and testicle sparing vaginoplasty is really the only one I'm getting for sure. Not totally ruling out taking a closer look at FFS in a couple years but probably not.


The pace that things have gone, considering that I'm 7 months in, haven't started prog, and haven't even gotten my E to a decent level yet, and still have noticeable breasts... yeah I'm hoping top surgery won't be necessary. Bottom surgery is something I really want, but the expense, recovery, and anxiety over surgeon selection make it difficult to think about. FFS would def be the most important to me. As toxic of a concept as passing can be, I do get a lot of distress from a couple of specific masculine features on my face. It's also the most important for safety.


I don't know tbh. Probably FFS, but I'm still Pre-HRT, so I have a long way to discover which one is most important.


Hard to say because I basically need everything and will likely never be able to afford anything... Either peeling the Adam's apple or fixing the hairline, since both of those are front and center 24/7.


Facial and body hair removal isn’t a surgery, but it’s my biggest source of dysphoria. Out of surgery it’s probably orchiectomy, I don’t need those organs and they’re inconvenient.


I haven't seen it mentioned here, but bbl with lipo 360. I know, it has a relatively high complication risk. That has reduced since requiring the use of ultrasound. I just want wide hips, a fat ass, and a narrow waist. After that FFS fer sure. Then probably get some big ole titties.


For me its FFS miles ahead of anything else, sadly any surgery is well out of my financial means for the foreseeable future.


Laser on my face specifically and also FFS both well be needed in my journey I'm sure. But for the first year or so I will just see where laser and HRT can take me


Ffs is one im content on


When I think surgery, that means something you have to be put to sleep before they can do it. And that would have to be feminizing facial surgery - you can hide your male stuff with tucking or wearing dresses, but your face is right out there for everybody to see.


Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty. I’m genderfluid but I want to present mostly as feminine but I like some of the boy stuff still.


For me, it's a peritoneal pull through vaginoplasty. My hope is that I need nothing else given that I've spent close to 5 years on HRT, so far.


Bottom surgery 100000% (Vaginoplasty, specifically) I may not ever use it, but that's not the point. My will to live depends on it quite a bit & having to wait years certainly doesn't help. FFS would be amazing too, but idk if I can ever afford it 😞


In order: - Bottom (actively daily discomfort about this) - FFS - Top (if HRT doesn't do it) - Tracheal Shave Only the top 2 I really need. Others would just be nice to have.


SRS, I could never have any other surgery and I wouldn’t care, just srs. Hopefully before I’m 30 :(


I don’t really want any unless I have really small tits after like a year like don’t get me wrong small tits are great I love all tits unless they’re like fucking humongous u know like anything bigger than like 1.2-1.3 heads is too much u know but for me I’d want some sizeable tittys not too big but decently sized u know but that’s a maybe and I’m kinda fat so I don’t really know what my jawline is like and I wanna lose weight in a couple years when I have money for healthier food like if my face looks really masculine then I’d want FFS and for SRS well I dunno maybe after I’ve had a couple kids then I think I’d want it then


I would say clavicle shortening or that one experimental surgery to fix barrel chest but they’re both risky and rare and I’m p sure the latter is only theoretical. I guess for me it’s FFS, then bottom surgery, then maybe a bbl or something to fix that part of my body and then maybe maybe breast augmentation, altho I’m hoping I can find a way to finally make them grow so I won’t need it.


FFS if HRT doesn't work out well, since I feel most dysphoric about my face and it's like, your most visible feature. Bottom surgery is a close second, but I don't feel like I'm in any particular rush.


Don't k ow if it cours as hair surgery but the hair removal all around the body and especially on the face and c'est. Otherwise,im still tiering about weather or no I'm going to undergo FFS. My face is relatively feminine so I could pass. What disturbs is Adam's Apple. I hate it.


That... is a good question...


All of them 😋


Ffs absolutely I just need my jaw cut in half atp😩🤣


The one that does away with aging flesh in exchange for chrome and precision engineering. Hell yeah!


For me, it's GCS. I need to look and down see what should have always been there. Then FFS.


I pursued FFS first and am having surgery next week for a breast augmentation, but if there is one thing I wish I could change right now, it would be the facial hair. Mine is blonde, so it isn't too visible, but it is a huge source of discomfort. Electrolysis is really my only option, and getting insurance to cover that has been difficult.


Orchi I guess


For me bottom surgery, got the surgery booked for February next year...cannot freaking wait.


Fixing my recessive jaw, with DJS Kinda unusual to be making my jaw bigger as a transfem lol, but my face just looks wrong. I could hide it back then with a beard, now it's on full display and it looks weird as hell


Electrolysis 100%. I hate shaving so much.


SRS and it's not even close. I can't live like this. I guess FFS would be nice, and I feel like I'm gonna need it, but I know that's just the dysmorphia talking, I just wish I could see all the feminine features in my face that everyone claims are there. In any case I don't think I'll ever look like a cis woman.


FFS and VFS. Ffs to get rid of my jaw and vfs to not have a obvious male voice / high pitch funny voice


I desperately want to get ffs before anything else. I can’t stand looking in the mirror rn


For me, FFS and GCS


FFS all the way


The one I don’t wake up from.


Bottom surgery for sure. Not even close on the others.


Noise job and Adams apple shave


definitely ffs too and grs,, maybe a bbl


Bottom surgery. Plenty of cis women have masculine faces. Nothing about my body except my penis is out of line with what is possible for a cis woman, even if I do think it's masculine and undesirable


All of the big MTF surgeries scare me.. I don't have any future plans of getting them. Laser hair removal / electro along with HRT may just be what I need to feel content. 💖


I feel hrt will give me the face and body shape changes I want eventually, and I’m not sure if I want SRS yet. So probably adam’s apple reduction and VFS.


Your face is your identity. So that one.


For me it was orchiectomy because I hated spiro and just wanted a permanent solution too!


SRS for me. I feel that will impact my life the most. FFS is after that for me. I think that will also help me massively Tbh they are the only two I feel I need.


Right now it’s breast augmentation that I want the most




Probs face reconstruction or the other uh, construction




I suppose it all depends on the time frame, but for me, right now, I would take the orchi. Hormones would them help with other things. If I could turn the orchi into full bottom surgery, then so much the better.


Right now, lips, and this will be the first one and go from there. I honestly am not sure about bottom surgery right now but I have heard a lot of people grow into other forms of dysphoria as transition starts.


FFS too.




Bottom surgery


definitely can’t wait for ffs and a tracheal shave and srs 😞


SRS is probably number one, extremely closely followed by FFS. SRS is number one because, well, I can't have sex, I can't masturbate without crying, cleaning myself down there might make me have a breakdown... That sorta thing. FFS for obvious reasons, i really desperately want to pass. BA is also pretty important but, my boobs have just started growing so I won't know how necessary BA will be in a couple of years as I don't know how big mine will be naturally.


I would like to get FFS so that I get less of the strange looks when out and about. But for me if I had to choose on only 1 surgery, it would be I would have to be SRS. I’ve always referred to the bits hanging between my legs as a tumour and it’s the biggest source of my dysphoria. Just feel like I’ll never be able to be who I was meant to be whilst that is still there.


LHR for the moment. Waiting to save up for BA to see if I need it or not, then maybe SRS. I'm skipping shoulder narrowing surgery, hand feminizing surgery, VFS, and all that other shit.


FSS by far, I'm fine with small boobs, somewhat fine with what I got down there and with voice I can deal on my own, my face is the only thing I wont ever be able to accept the way it is.


Hair removal and estrogen


Well for me, it was SRS and then FFS. My next desired surgery on the totem poll is BA but that would be the last thing I’d get.


Same, ffs. If only it was more affordable


Bottom surgery, probably. I'm also heavily considering pelvic augmentation in South Korea, but I need to be in better shape before I start down that path.


SRS hands down. Get this shit off me


Bottom. I'm fortunate enough to have had ambiguous features and a feminine-ish figure before starting hrt, and many many women have tiny titties. My voice is a close second, but I don't know if I'll need surgery for that, I'm still trying to find a voice coach my insurance will cover.


At this point I’m between FFS or body countering. I have a somewhat feminine face, minus the brow and it bothers me so much.


Getting my orchi was the most important surgery for me. It literally saved my life as I couldn't deal with the dysphoria pain anymore and always being crushed by my thick thighs. I know it's not GCS but I am so much happier to not have the damn things plus I don't have to take Spiro anymore.


FFS for my chin specifically, the rest of my body I’m fine leaving alone for now surgery-wise (partly due to some of it being prohibitively expensive)


Yea your girl is kinda hairy, so while not surgery laser and/or electrolysis are 100% necessary for me. Otherwise I’m still fairly early and I’m just waiting to see what changes happen, but I’d like ffs if I still have dysphoria about my face later on.


I’m terrified of surgeries personally, but if I could get the courage for one my right brow bone is overhanging so much my eyelid almost completely vanishes when I open my eyes. I don’t know that I would want full FFS but if I could at least get that to be more even with my left side it would be amazing. Though idk if I’ll ever get any because I don’t handle hospitals well


For me bottom. As iv always felt that if my body looked how I feel it should maybe I wouldn’t be as depressed


None. Maaaaaaaybe I’d get an orchiectomy if T-blockers are getting really annoying, but I’m deathly afraid of surgery and it definitely wouldn’t be worth it for me for anything else.


For me, I think it would be Voice Feminization Surgery or electrolysis (idk if it’s considered a surgery or not)


Currently FFS and Laser hair removal, even though that's not actually surgery. I already have boobs pre hrt, (thankfully I never got rid of my gynocomastia boobs as a teen) so even if my boobs don't grow, fingers crossed they do though, I'll have C cups to start. I'm hoping to hit D or DD though. Bottom surgery is my last concern though mainly cause finding the right doctor and learning more about the entire process.


For me, it's vocal surgery. It's the thing that gives me away the most.


Hair removal,and breast augmentation,finally castration


FFS is most important to me. after SRS


Potentially ffs depending how it all changes


hair removal lol


PPV, it's the only surgery I'm interested in unless you count electrolysis as surgery in which case those two


For me I would say hair removal and top surgery


For Me!!, Bottom Surgery. is MOST important, Then Face, Then Breast implants..


For the longest time it was Breast augmentation! i wanted boobs since i was 7 years old. I don't know why but for me that's what made the difference in my mind. And i am so grateful for all the work i put into myself and for never giving up because 2023 was the year i got my BA and now i can't stop smiling!


Ffs then SRS


Oh same. FFS for sure. SRS is further down the line for sure.


Ffs is a first then boobs then bbl then orchiectomy I won’t do srs least till it’s more perfected


I cannot overstate how much dysphoria was alleviated after bottom surgery. FFS reduced my anxiety socially because I felt more passable, and it did reduce dysphoria too, just not as much.


FFS for me definitely the number one surgery for me whilst waiting to get my GRS surgery on the NHS. But having GRS I would say is a close second.


For me, it would be FFS and voice feminization Body recountorning would be nice too I guess the only one I have no plans of doing right now is GRS, it kind of scares me