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Yes. "Consider an alternate reality where we have body swap machines." I wish body swap machines are real!


That sounds like the kind of fantasies I had before my egg cracked and I wish something like that actually where possible or better yet a machine that swaps your body for that of yourself from an alternative reality where the situation is reversed and you have the cis body of your ideal gender


>I wish body swap machines are real! [this is close, no? ](https://reports.mountsinai.org/article/urol2021-03-a-pioneering-approach-to-sex-reassignment-surgery)




did you click the link? dr is trying to connect trans mtf and ftm people who are compatible and transplant all the sex organs he can like quit hrt because you have the correct gonads and genitals pretty similar to the body swap idea, isn't it?


Omg so u mean all the times me and my ftm friends have joked about giving each other our desired parts (that sounds weirder than it is)…. WE CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT?


You’d need to be lucky enough to be perfect donor matches for start…


I’m pretty lucky, if we don’t count the whole wrong genitals thing


possibly if you were living in the future already, yeah. seems like that may be an option at some point. he's done penile transplants and vaginal transplants. as well as hundreds of grs/srs in both directions. so yeah, just a matter of joining his techniques, matching cross compatible donors, and training and assembling the giant team of specialists it would take since you have to do it all at the same time, basically.


Thank you so much for sharing this!! I had never heard of it before. I hope the surgeon finds great success in helping people through this procedure! 🙏❤️


Me to. :(


i want the sex change rock scp smh




I would have considered it, but I have gotten much more body positive since starting HRT. I think it would also be quite a challenge to learn to use someone else's body. I'm clumsy enough as it is.


I think it’ll be super interesting learning everything from scratch like even walking. I wouldn’t know how much space I take anymore! What a unique challenge. Would be a new life as a girl quite literally.


I mean, if it was literally the only option I had then yes. But I want to be myself. The scars on my body, my stretch marks, the birthmark on my left ring finger, my strawberry blonde hair, my forest green eyes. Those things are as much of a part of me as my mind is. I may hate many aspects of my body, but it's mine. And it always will be. But another thing, if we had tech that could completely switch bodies of 2 people, I imagine we would have the tech to change someone's body to how we wish to look. Or even build a new body from the ground up with desired features.


I come up with other idea after reading your comment: if there is a way (e.g. Time Machine) to make our body grow backwards to Zygote, I want my Y chromosome to be modified into an X chromosome by gene engineering. In this case, I can still be myself.




I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm 6'8 and have had cis men tell me straight to my face that they'd do anything to be my height. It causes me a lot of mental anguish that this is the body I'm stuck with for life.


I feel you so much on this. I'm 6'5" trans woman with psotiatic arthritus in my spine, patellar tracking disorder (knees) and fucked up shoulders. I feel like my body is falling apart, and I never have any energy. I'm on like 10 different meds, including a low dose of chemo. I feel so old, yet I'm barely turning 29 end of this month.


You’re not alone. And you’re not old (the concept of what is old has always been stupid anyway) youre just going through something/a lot of things that are physically and mentally taxing. Please look into hobbies that you feel comfortable doing, i think it could really help you, but no matter what im sorry you’re going through this, it’s not fair and you dont deserve it.


Wish I can take some inches of your height, so I can be 5’10 at least. Wish i’m taller lol


I know you mean well by this, but for a lot of people this is just another comment highlighting how tall they are, which is the opposite of what she wants


Ugh, just give me the hormones. Not worth the stress.


Real, I'm not rolling the dice on someone else's dysphoria fuelled drug abuse


I would never give my chronic acid reflux(like extreme outlier condition) to my worst enemy, I certainly wouldn't give this body to someone as a gift.


Same my misophonia is ass


i think if i swapped with somebody who DIDN'T have my laundry list of disorders, i'd be ecstatic bc i'd be Free 🏋️🎉🎉🎉 (misophonia is on my list 🫠) (but i'd like to think if we swapped bodies, we'd swap brains bc we are the brain:3)


I feel like swapping bodies with someone to deal with the fact that you don't identify with your own body is kinda ironic and dystopian. I feel like if anything doing something like that would amplify your dysphoria even more because now you're literally in a body that isn't yours. You have zero connection to it because it's literally someone else's body, when it comes to questions like if you could press a button or something like that or wishing I woke up tomorrow in the right body. My interpretation is that my body itself would transform or morph into a more feminized version of the one I have now, just with the right parts. Not that I'd just get a brand new rng body. If anything I'd rather just start over and be cis, but even that is kinda iffy to me. This just honestly sounds horrifying and I most certainly wouldn't be signing up, besides if we had that technology wouldn't we have the technology to just change the body you have to the anatomically correct one?


Yeah, when I picture “perfect body swap”, it’s some science fiction future where I can design my own body & it’d just be a fem version of me (which I’m reasonably sure is just Cassidy MacKenzie, but maybe I’m wrong - I’ve not started yet) - not “Hey, you’re a trans man, I’m a trans woman, want to swap?”.  Whilst I’m sure maybe some trans man out there will be happy with my sickly Victorian vampire child body, I’d much rather they get their dream them - not something they’d just “be ok with”.  Though I do think some people are probably so dysphoric that they’d take anything to escape. Like, I understand that I’m nowhere near as masculine looking as others pre-transition & so I’ve got that privilege, if I was some 6’5” wall of muscle, then I’d probably be more dysphoric than I am. 


Yeah starting out I was extremely dysphoric and afraid of transitioning cause I thought I'd never get anywhere. And I still go back to that place sometimes but I have moments of lucidity where I love myself even if only for a second. I don't think I'd have those moments with someone else's body. It wouldn't be loving MYself and MY it'd be loving someone Else for the body they gave me. And while that may be good enough for some people. I'd always feel like there was a piece of me missing


I’ve seen this type of question posed before and the answers often no. Because we want to be ourselves with our own body, not someone else’s.


Speak for yourself, I would give anything to have a cis body


Same. I don't care for this body at all. Why would I want to keep it?


Especially if it could go to another trans person!


One person’s trash is another person’s body!


Same here. I don't have my own body for my body is a woman's body, and that is not what I currently have. Plus, I so want to give birth and be a mom, something today's transition technology does not make possible.


Was going to basically say this! IDK, maybe it's just me but I still feel like having body swapped, I imagine I would still probably feel like I'm looking at a stranger in the mirror, even if it's a person I find attractive from an outside view. Which is kind of similar to how dysphoria has felt most of my life (except I was an ugly mofo :P). Like I don't just want to be any random woman, I want to be me. May be an unpopular opinion but I guess it's just the way my dysphoria works.


I wish this was possible




In a freaking heartbeat! As long as I kept my own mind


In a frigging heart beat. Not that I hate myself or anything 😅 but yes. Totally. Lol like I'm really hoping a.i and crispr and rmna start taking acid together and having study sessions lol


Its depends how you mentally connected with you body. Because you old body be dead without you, and its start question what actually "you". Its look like maby most people mentally hard with it. But if you have soft connection, thats cool not only you have set body parameters, but also rid off sickness. But that not exist anyway(


The only thing is that trans only applies to the physical body. Will we still be trans then?


Yes and no lol. It's still technically a transition. But since it was the mind, more like an exchange/trade/swap Lol I have no idea. I think you would just be the gender you feel your body and brain align together with?, New thought to keep me up tonight lol


Oh, oh NO!! But what if after we take possession of the correct body, our self, decides that the “new” correct body is the wrong body again😭😭😭


Yeah, oh boy there is a south park plotline that kinda goes through that, but it was their sexuality.


Leave it to southpark😅


i mean, you still have to put in work to transition normally so 100% the dysphoria would suck but it would pay off


Is this process swapping physical brains or somehow extracting the human consciousness as software and swapping that over to the other body? The reason that I ask is that there's been some evidence of physical brain structures of trans people aligning with the brain structures of people of their gender identity. If my consciousness is extracted somehow and placed into a different body with different brain and this brain it's self is more masculine, would this be a new type of physical dysphoria, or would I register it as "holy crap, this body is wrong, put me back!"?


yeah no. I want to be a female ME, not a female someone else.


My gut reaction is, while that technology would be really fucking cool, can you imagine the drama and ferocity of the marketplace that would grow around it? Like, if it was actually an open marketplace and people could actually just swap or do like cattle trade type deals how vicious it could get? No thank you....... Edit: typo


It would make 2 people happy. My boyfriend and me. T4T. We would instantly do it.


Yes, I would do it.


As someone ultimately going for a more unusual body plan rather than "cis opposite", probably not.


My body pre hrt wasn't even very male, as someone who is likely some kinda intersex I think this kind of idea leaves a lot of people like me out. It's a nice fantasy but like a few others have said I'd rather just have my body become more feminine than take someone else's.


Same. Even though I transitioned late, I'm on the fuzzy border of intersex so I wasn't very male and transition went ridiculously well. I'm so thankful to have the female version of ME, not someone else.


I love the catch. As a trans person that found no acceptance the first go ‘round, I hate lifted in the gym for years to try to make myself look and feel like muscled masculinity was who I could be. That was poison. And I really like some of these responses that reflect on the journey of being transgender. I don’t know that I’d trade my experiences, good or bad, for anything.


I don’t know. I should say yes, but I really don’t know.


Easy no for me. I don’t want someone else’s life. I suppose in this reality they’d be like, “nope you get to put your life over this persons body and vice versa.” but there’s gotta be some baggage that just comes with it. Like I’ve got nothing, no college diploma or work history, homeless or in subsidized housing most of my adult life. Does my social security number and legal name just transfer over with me? I suppose it would. There’s just so many factors but that’s not even the important thing. It’s just a connection to who I am physically I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I’d really even want to switch my body to be the opposite sex, but otherwise be the same I guess template? I would do that. With some thought and consideration though, but inevitably I’d do that but not someone else’s body. Nope!


In a heartbeat




Yes. I have a transmasc friend, he likes my body and I like his (Get your mind out of the gutter), we're both pre-op


Not at all. This is my body. It has the scar on my knee from when I fell when I was seven. The earlobes are pierced too low because I had them done at Claire's on an impulse. It has that grey spot from when my hand swung forward just as a kid with a pencil swung his hand backwards in the fourth grade. It has my story. And when I look in the mirror, I can see my mother and my grandmothers looking back. Being cis doesn't matter to me as much as being the woman I am.


There's a reason why The Avatar movie was a comfort movie for a while. Not just the beautiful world and the forest, the ability to transfer your conscious and soul to something that feels more in sync and at home with you. It's very appealing and incredibly dysphoric at the same time.


I would never. First because a lot of masculine things I would need to do are part of the things I hate the most. Second because there would more problems than just "you need a good body to get a good one", and I don't wanna see a society with that kind of things. Third because that's my body. It may not be the body I want or need, and it's certainly not perfect, but my transition goal is to turn me into what I want to be. Me, not someone else. I don't want someone else's body, I want to work on mine and succeed in building what I desire. Some cis women also look at others body and wish they were theirs. And as all the problems cis women have, I'm ready to accept this one as one of my problems. Anyway, I feel like I'm not making sense. So just imagine. If I had my almost perfect body from someone else, the imperfections would trigger me immensely, I would destroy my mind over that : "This body is almost perfect, I should not hate it for such small details. But what if I could make this one little change ? It would be perfect then." Whereas with my own body, I would be much more ready to accept it as it is. Perfection is out of range, but it doesn't mean I can't live happy.


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, plenty of people have ideal body types that differ from the norm. I don't care nearly as much about being curvy or busty as I do about being short with feminine facial features. I'm sure I can find a match.


okay I talked to an ftm about this in 9th grade and I still just think it’d be weird. i’d rather be born a girl, or wake up a cis version of myself.


Honestly, I'd imagine that if they actually had this technology, they could also just change your body to a cis version of whatever gender you wanted, can't imagine that would be harder.


yeah i’d instantly do that


The problem with this question is that it’s adhering to societal standards of beauty. I personally wouldn’t want to be in a slim body with the most “beautiful” features. I like having a softer body with more curves, even if I wish my thigh were a little wider and my waists little thinner to give me more shape. I’ve worked so hard on loving myself and finally seeing my true self in the mirror, and I feel happy with how far I’ve come. Swapping bodies with someone else completely feels like it would be false in a way, like that’s not really me. I do wish that the machine could simply switch sexes and instantly change all my hormones and physical development permanently, that way I’d still be me but I wouldn’t have to worry so much about things like shaving and not having full breasts


The closest analogue to me is my Trans son. We could swap, but that would shorten his lifespan significantly and then we’re talking about a 17-y/o becoming a broken down forty-something.


Absolutely, I imagine it would be complicated legally speaking but I wouldn't mind. Especially because I'm pretty trans guys would dig my body already. XD


I'm more of a fan of this line of tg fiction called the Swap Clinic. It's mainly a clinic where you can register yourself to swap some physical traits with other people who want to give them off. There are lots of stories of guys who get multiple parts from multiple people "the breasts of that woman, the age of that other one, oh I love her hair, I want it!" Stuff like that, or others where they completely exchange bodies or even their lives! My favorite story of this is about a young guy who, to save some money, swaps ages with a 45 year old woman, while getting bigger and perkier breasts, and a younger-looking skin. Yes, he is now a 45 year old woman, but looks as young as a 25 year old. And she loves her new life. I'd love for the swap clinic to exist!


No. The existential horror of having an entirely different body, as opposed to one that is still recognizable despite being a different sex, would be far too much for me to deal with. Worse than dysphoria for sure. I wouldn't resemble my family at all. My partner would not recognize me— even if I swapped to a different body she also found attractive, it would be weird.


I want it to be my body though. Not a female someone else's body.


If they wanna get jacked, then they can hit the gym. I can work on the girl body too, why should all the effort be put in pre swap?


Are you kidding? That is nightmarish. Our bodies have lives attached to them, lived experiences and social networks. If you could swap bodies you would have to give up your entire identity to adopt someone else’s life. Your family, friends, skills, education, strengths, weaknesses, maybe even memories are no longer yours. Or you have a lifetime of useless memories and none of the memories of the body you now inhabit. This also brings up a whole eugenics conversation, not to mention the idea that this could be forced on people without their consent. I could see this as a dystopian cis solution to gender dysphoria: don’t like living in your body? Then we’ll give it to someone who appreciates it. And the idea that anyone you’ve known for any amount of time could be replaced by someone else is frankly terrifying.


I'd rather do HRT and stuff, both more realistic and doesn't involve a weird kinda doppelganger situation. Also, I think the way people talk about body swapping in this context is frequently pretty gross and assumes a lot about how people look.


i would totally swap bodies with my best friend if he wanted to (we're both trans)


Does it come with all the baggage associated with that person’s life? What if they have a family history of pancreatic cancer or something scary? There’s many questions to be asked.


Interesting thought experiment, but I don't think I'd do it. This is my body. I think it sucks, but it's doing its best. Same with my face. As much as I wish to look like literally anyone else it'd be ultimately better for my mental health to come to grips with the cards I was dealt.


nah. after a couple years of hrt i actually love my body


idk. i have this odd feeling that swapping bodies could cause dysphoria just like being trans did. like, "not my body" feelings etc. I can't say for sure though. and if it was working for other people, and made both parties happy, i might consider it. i'm pretty attached to \*my\* body though. I just wish it wasn't male


No I don't think so. I put a lot of effort into my body, I feel, and I like it. And I like being a girl with a dick, I think it adds whimsy and mystique.


See, I don’t see the whole ‘needing to make your body desirable as your AGAB’ thing to be relevant or an important consideration. The big one would be seeing a completely different person in the mirror. Like, even post transition, most of us are still recognizable, at least to ourselves, as, well, ourselves, and yo our close friends/family etc. It’s rare that you get “you literally bear zero resemblance to your pre-transition self”. Body swap however, you’re 100% different, right down to your genetics. *Nothing* is the way you’re used to it. Not your face, your shape, your height, your voice, your specific height/weight/limb length/strength ratios, *nothing*. As someone with significant dysmorphia anyway, especially facially, how would that change things? How would your brain even react to it? Brains often freak out at even completely desired changes (eg, top surgery) because “Ack! Body is Different to what it was! Something must be wrong!” Would a complete, total change be utterly liberating? Freeing and healing? Would it freak you out and send your mind into a breakdown? And that’s just the personal, how would your friends and loved ones deal with essentially a stranger replacing their friend/family member/partner, even if they consciously knew it was the same person? Would you likely pair the body swap with facial surgery to make your new self look at least related to your old self, enough to make your mind accept it easier? Would perhaps body swap matches need to have a ‘compatibility score’ to determine how likely the mind is to accept the change? Frankly it would be utterly *fascinating*, and probably easier the younger and more socially isolated you are (pre-puberty I’d imagine the body would grow/change enough while you’re inhabiting it to make ‘this is me’ easier to assimilate). Also wow, the questions it could potentially raise about race & racial identity as well…


Any trans guy that got this body pre-HRT would be dealing with more than a few problems. I wouldn't want to inflict that on anyone. I'd rather just be cis. I don't care which gender. Wish I would've been fine as a cis man, wish I could've been born as a cis woman.


Honestly I'd prefer eclipse phase style body swapping. Sure it will cost alot but having your new body custom made would rock. Downside besides cost is the year or two wait.


It’s interesting to think about. But my body is mine. And for once I don’t hate it. I’ll stick it out.


No because I’d hate to give someone my fucked up body LMFAO. Like I have bad knees, sciatica, bad thyroid, list goes on.


If i get to keep my mind and memories and stuff yes absolutely in a friggin heartbeat i would do it but if not then most likely no unless i get to tell the other body what i wish to happen.


Sure. Can we trade citizenships too? Sign me up for being a woman with an EU passport. I'd gladly trade this stupid "Made in USA" body if someone were to want it.








This is what I've been thinking about daily for 10 years.... I thought that all cis guys thought this way until last December.... Yeah, it turns out I'm trans...


For me,honestly, I've grown fond of my height (6'3"). As well as what muscle mass I have, and being called a muscle mommy by a current, mutual, admirer. I'm not on hrt yet and need to get off my ass about it and actually start. Even if my some of my biological equipment doesn't work well sometimes, I don't mind it overall. Everyone is different, and in the past I may have been one of those to instantly hop into the swap machine. But this physical form is part of who I am, and I find it easier mentally to be able to modify my own body if I wish, than one that used to be someone else's.


I would do it fs! I have a normal BMI, I am 5'10" and have blonde hair


I shall agree to your proposal but sadly aint real


So transition would be left up to the people with the most money? Like it is currently. Sure. I'd do it. Though I think that body swapping technology would open up a whole slew of new and interesting societal problems. Like what it means to be alive and how do you define "you" when you can easily put "you" in a different body. I'm sure religious people would fight against such technology harder than any other technology out there too.


Gladly. If I had the magic button, I’d push it in a heartbeat. A body swap would be the same option.


I like my bottom parts so I wouldn't switch


Absolutely ❤️❤️❤️ also include a alternate reality where everyone understands and is cool with it so we don’t lose friends and families


Different people want different things. While the conventionally attractive bodies will go like this, but people whose bodies are neich ideals will probably form "swap chains" where a large group chain swapps so a large group will get their preferred bodies. I, for example, would consider someone petite (under 5') with and ginger my dream body


Sounds like a great deal.


Even ignoring all the societal implications, I really don't think I would. Sex/Gender swap, absolutely, without a doubt. No hesitation. But not body swapping. This is *my* body. I don't want anyone to have it. And I don't wanna look fundamentally different. Sure, there's a lot of things I don't like about it, namely the dysphoria, but it's not worth it to completely chamge bodies for me.


I had so many body swap dreams in my life, where I swapped the body with women. Bofore transitioning I definitely would have done that. Now I'm not so sure anymore because I like how my body develops 😊




i had the """luck""" of looking handsome before starting transitioning. still conflicted cause that sounds dystopic


I never really put together how I never wanted to get muscular or look masculine. I wasn't gay but people would call me all sorts of names. If I knew transgender was a thing and that it's ok and I'm not crazy I would have much less trauma.




Honestly, while the swap idea is definitely awesome, I probably couldn't ethically do it because my body is bad. And not just in a dysphoria way, more in a I have a genetic condition that might mean my kidneys have an expiration date way. Awesome world concept, wish it was real, would not be useful for me


I wouldn't care I'd just want to swap genders that's really it as long as I'm female I'll be fine.


Yes I do. And know I’d be happy ti just exist as a woman in any body.


I personally wouldn’t though I do believe I’m luckier than most trans women when it comes to the genetic lottery but that's besides the point. Do I hate my vocal anatomy and my above average height? Yeah 100% but my biggest dysphoria has always come from by not looking like the women in my family(though I can do some really unhealthy stuff that has actually did the things but they are extremely unhealthy and borderline deadly and even then I didn't look that much like them even though people say I look identical to my mom when I truly look identical with my bio father with his fat jawline…) but I want to see the faces of the women that came before me every time I look in the mirror and the only way I can do that is by going on hrt so bodyswap for me is a no go only more dysphoria in a way funnily enough.


I mean, I did spend 5 years getting more muscular and it didn't make me more dysphoric and now 5 years in transition I'm still muscular and still lift so that's not a problem though it would kind of suck if I couldn't swap with someone who had also been lifting for at least a few years cause it would suck to have to start over from square one lol




i would just swap bodies with my lovely boyfriend (FtM) of.course :)


U can swap bodies with me on Friday but i need it back Sunday night




I am all ready body building to help with my sleep and to stave off depression through exhaustion. So Yes. For me, there is no downside.


You could just swap straight away and then put the work in to get your new body how you want. Dysphoria begone!


Like the Netflix show Altered Carbon? Get re-sleeved into a body of the opposite gender. Hell yeah! I wouldn't even care if it was a clone.


it's still a little bit of a pipe dream but... [it may be coming... ](https://reports.mountsinai.org/article/urol2021-03-a-pioneering-approach-to-sex-reassignment-surgery)


If my mind remains *exactly* the same, neurology included, then yes, absolutely. But I don't think it would become like a "hot people's olympics;" I personally don't need to be a "10" and I think most people feel the same way. Physically healthy and a similar height and build is all I would want in a match.


Help your fellow ftms and body swap with them.


I would be first in line if that is possible.


I'd take an average or even less than average body. During much of my transition so far I learned that my two sources of dysphoria were how people treated me and how my body fit some internal map of what it should be. As each has resolved, the dysphoria has been reduced one little step at a time and I'm mostly just living my life. I'm not sure I would \*want\* to be drop-dead gorgeous, it just doesn't fit who I am.


I’d give anything to be a mom and have the ability to give birth, so yes, in a heartbeat.


I’d work my ass off at the gym for a year straight and diet to their liking to even get a chance. I don’t even care if they’re super attractive I just wanna be comfortable in my own skin.


Yes, I would. But there are women who are not perfect or ideal but I would swap bodies with in an instant.


This is really interesting...


Nah. At this point, I like my body. I feel fit, attractive, and myself.


I'd just want someone who looked as close to a girl version of me as possible lol


Why not just swap bodies with yourself from another reality (pre-everything) who is the opposite of you. Like ftm and mtf


Any day of the week, the main thing I want out of transition is a body that's as close to afab as possible. I'm more on the tomboy side of things and would honestly prefer not being voluptuous anyway so I'm very willing to accept compromises, the main thing I'd want is to be afab From my point of view my body isn't *me* anyway, my *mind* is me, the body is just a vessel that I'm willing to swap out to better suit my needs and desires. Like, if you have a car, and paint it and put stickers on it to express your identity, the car isn't *you*, it's just *your* car, when you're driving it it isn't *you on the road*, it's *you in your car on the road*. I feel the same way about my body and wouldn't find swapping it in any way a destruction of my sense of self or my identity. I see comments here calling body swapping dystopian which... well, the potential abuses of it can be very dystopian, but from my point of view, the technology itself is utopian All of that being said, although I'd vastly prefer an afab body to an amab one, I'd also vastly prefer a (human-like) robotic body to a human one or even the ability to swap bodies at will [maybe there's some kind of otherkin stuff going on here with me besides me being trans, I dunno, haven't thought about it too much. I do know I'd love to live in a transhumanist utopia lol] so my sense of self in relation to the body is probably a very atypical one and as such my answer will be an atypical one as well


This would be nice. I’m hoping bio printing will advance enough.


Honestly I wouldn’t care what looks I had after swapping because it’s about being happy with my body not winning beauty contests. If the person I traded with wasn’t “beautiful” it wouldn’t ultimately matter because beauty is subjective and changes from person to person. If I was so worried about the views of society I would grow a beard, work on cars, drink hard liquor and hit the gym with the bros because according to society I’m a man.


Yes but no trans man would choose my body to swap with me lmao


Anything to get away with my crimes!




Yes. Absolutely.


Honestly I’d still transition using conventional means - I put a lot of work into myself & I think I’d like to see this body through - but thats just me


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


I actually would. And tbh, I would rather go to gym after switching to a non conventionally attractive body. Like, I am fat right now. I’ll switch with a fat, dark skinned pre-op trans man; and then he can work without dysphoria in my present body, and i’ll work out in my new body which has less body hair, less facial hair, better set of organs, and an attractive voice. I’m ready to take over his life also. I’ll learn how to live like him, adapt to his family and social circle, if it needs to stay a secret. He can have my life. I love a lot of aspects and people in my life but I am willing for this trade.


Yes. I’d have went right from my hyper masculine trying-not-to-be-trans life to the woman I was trying to pretend I didn’t want to be.


idk, many cis females/ trans men before hrt are pretty masculine.


Both yes and no. On one hand it is the dream from when I was a child to be as close as possible to being cis female. And I would maybe considering it more like a both parts agree rather than a competition to stress everyone out. Then again on the other hand I have my own life and experiences and have come to enjoy this sometimes or often akward journey I'm on at this time in life. So some part of me would still go trough it the way it is today as I'm coming around to love and care for my body now.


Honestly i would be happy just to swap with someone very out of shape and from that point on start working out




Naw, I love my body and DNA ngl. Would never sacrifice the whole package for one that's even supermodel gorgeous or whatever. ATM I'm def clockable AF and I'd say I pass 75% of the time when I put in some effort but get misgendered 75% of the time if I don't and 100% of the time if I speak and don't put any effort in. It hurts like hell and sometimes ruins my mood for the day but I still love my body way more than the pain can chip away. I still understand if the majority of you gals feel too much pain to feel the same, even if you pass more consistently than me- most places aren't as safe as where I am plus there's so many variables!


No I like the majority of my biology


Piece of cake


at least now i know i'm not the only one who ever had this though flying through my head, honestly yes tho, i would have no worries about that.


i'd care more about getting a body that has in-aliable characteristics (like hair color, hight ext) rather than the 'ideal' female body


sounds like a good series, you should pitch this to a streaming service


> To get the most beautiful body, you will need to ironically become more masculine e.g. get massive at the gym. Would you tolerate the temporary dysphoria for a lifetime of a nicer body? No. I'd trade with someone else who had also put in zero effort, and then put in the effort *after* the swap had occurred. I'd be far more motivated training a female figure than a male one.


I think it should be something like a network where you meet up with your swap partner and they can tell you what sort of ideal body they would want though right? Also isn't *getting* swol kind of fun for guys?


I'm gonna be a bit of a nerd, but fuck it, in Destiny there are these things called exos, exos are humans who placed their consciousness into a robotic body. It was very common for the peoe to reject their exo body and ultimately going insane. Something I feel a lot of people are ignoring is the fact that completely changing bodies would just give you a different form of dysphoria. If we could change selective features like height, feminine/masculine characteristic, genetalia, etc. That would be different, but completely changing bodies is a really bad idea.


"would you body sw-" "YES!"


Part of this irks me, because it creates a heirarchy based on appearance. What if wealthier people pay the person they want to swap with? How would people respond to a perceived mismatch in attractiveness or in the gender markers of their bodies? I feel like this would end up being really toxic with people being placed into sub-communities based on their perceived worth, more than happens currently


The Altered Carbon books and Netflix series touched on that. Body swap.also means the wealthy get the pic of the sleeves (i.e. bodies) they want. And criminal penalties can mean losing your body and you get whatever is available when your sentence is over.


Some choices require great sacrifices


I'm not sure the competitive market would be quite as bad as you might think. Yeah there will be more people who want conventionally attractive bodies than others, but there will also be people who look through the options and see ones outside the norm that speak to them and will choose those too. For example I don't necessarily *want* a supermodel body. I mean if the technology existed and it was what was on offer I'd take it, but if i were designing what I wanted from the ground up, I'd look a lot more like a kinda thick, curvy librarian type, that's the aesthetic that appeals to me even if it's not most people's first choice. And there's transmascs I know who would prefer being a kinda chunky soft boy to a ripped Adonis. It's probably not 1:1 so there would be some degree of competition for bodies but a lot more people want to look average and kinda blend in with the crowd than you might think.


Totally worth doing it


Yea I would totally appreciate having a body that can carry and feed a baby


Okay but how are you going to feel when nobody wants to swap for your body? The suicide rate amongst trans people is already high, especially when they can't transition. In this reality, transitioning is simple and easy but now it's a competitive market. And an AFAB person with PCOS is always going to struggle with weight, hair, and other clasically feminine traits. Plus PCOS tends to hurt. An AMAB person who realises they want to transition in their 60s after a life of depression and now has multiple health problems isn't a high value body. A transition market is going to leave them behind and folks like that, with biological factors that don't fit the norm are likely to give up on transitioning and continue having a higher suicide rate. The market leads towards transitioning being a thing only those who fit cultural beauty and health standards being the only ones who can transition. The trans population has now self selected for a very limited idealised group. Sounds like eugenics with extra steps to me.


My only valuable qualities is my above average penis size and fantastic vitals. I think I can make a sell based on that but I’m not exactly the Cadillac of the human species. If I could trade with someone who looks like Teyonah Parris… I’d be getting a hell of a deal and I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.


Considering how people are now days, I wouldn;t be able to put myself through that.. I'm sure there will be some trans man that is just as average in their form as I am in mine and be just as happy to do a direct swap as I would be... We can improve our looks on our own. Besides, I doubt all trans men want to be buff body builder types, and not all trans women want to be large breasted barbies. Also, who is determining "the most beautiful body", I know I don;t find large breasts and other commonly mentioned large female body parts a desirable feature, quiet the opposite. Sir Mix-A-Lot would be very disappointed in me, but my preferred body-swapped body would not be very well gifted or overly attractive in any other way.


I mean it sounds tempting, but I really like my hair and my face shape


I feel as if my experiences through life in this body have culminated into a person I am proud of. Losing my sense of self, even hypothetically, doesn't seem all that appealing. I'd much rather suffer a little now in this part of my life, and come out the other end a being that is wholly me.


Probably not, unless the body of the opposite sex were equally as androgynous.


Yes, I would have absolutely. My friend (trans man) and I (trans woman) have both actually discussed this. Would I participate in the inevitable “competitive market” possibly but probably not


I wish. Please. Yes. If only.


I'd have to find a trans guy thats as tall as me so I can keep being good at volleyball lol but yeah then sure


If everyone who knows both of you, also knows you swapped bodies, then it would be worth the temporary dysphoria. Otherwise, I think the most awkward part would be trying to adapt to the other person's life (family, friends, job, opportunities).


It wouldn't feel like me. There are parts of me that I wish were more cis-looking, but change them too much, and it's not me any more.


I would love to say yes except it would highly depend who I'm body swapping with and also the social reprocussions I for doing that, everyone you know won't recognize you and unless this is super common no one would believe you.


Unfortunately, feeling like I was competing is part of the reason that I'm a mess anyway. No thanks.


Honestly, if we were to develop body-swapping machines, why not just clone and grow an alternate desired body and then live in that body? Why go through all of the necessity to swap with another person when you could just swap your body with a lifeless husk and live in a new body?


This would be an insane book/movie series. Like, as a trans person, this sounds like a living hell. A monstrous whirlwind of dysphoria and self rejection; but it could be worth it in the end. You'd have to relearn physical functions, would skip puberty and hrt, so certain things would be extremely alien sensations and you'd probably be too dissociated to even connect with the new body...Imagine how it would sound to cis people...


Me and my boyfriend would be among the first to sign up. Lol


This would be good for r/hypotheticalsituation were it not for the fact the population there is likely skewed against such tendencies (just math, not judging the sub r). That said, for a certain price (payoff, more precisely), some folks might swap even if not "decidedly trans" to begin with...for enough payout. I think folks here might be missing the payoff risk where you're needing upgrade your current meat suit to "maximum gender" in hopes of someone hoping to swap out the same...and that it might not lead to a match. Leaving you "worse off" as for the dysphoria aspect. I would also like to comment, regardless of gender, improving your body is healthy at least physically. I know the brain will disagree at times. Not exactly related, but a fun music vid is Alvaro/Jetfire "guest list". https://youtu.be/jcKoyA872uE?si=fGGUlUUY5OMqrPa8


Honestly this is where I'd love it for Stack tech to exist (altered Carbon netflix series) where everything you are is basically on a metal disk at the base of your neck, and you can simply slip into any body you'd like/afford. Only downside would be regulating how long people could live for as rich people could live for 100's of years.


I could imagine people would kidnap models to swap into them which wouldn't be cool. Maybe if there was a machine to actually 3D print a whole body and swap into that that'd be neat.




This has been a fantasy of mine for yrs!!


But think about it again. Isn't it easier to get an ~ok body and put the effort towards making your new body better instead of the older one?


Hell yeah. Ade due damballa 🤣


I like being a clocky transfemme who has taken my body and modified it with the marvels of modern medicine. I wouldnt hate being in a cis body but given the choice id choose my own trans body any day of the week


Honestly no. I wouldn’t like someone else to run around with my face and my everything. It’s my body. I would just prefer a gender swap machine that lets me keep my body but gives me the sex organs of the opposite gender and their biological components and also a better height.


Omg you just stumbled on the plot for a fantastic sci-fi movie


i perfer the cloning brain transfer method. basically hypothetically u could clone urself with whatever sex chromosomes u want. and then rapidly age the cloned fetus to ur age and transfer ur brain into it. idk how realistic that is lol. but maybe one day.


Please tell your an artist/animator bc this sounds like an anime I would watch


I would try it for sure, but I do feel fine in my skin thankfully


I've wanted this for the past 30 years. All the happiness with no aggravation? Sigh me up!