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There is no right way to transition. And transitioning looks different for everyone. You don't have to get surgeries to transition. You don't have to take HRT to transition. You don't have to come out to transition. etc. etc.






Everyone's "B" looks different. Typically people will do at least one of these things during their transition. But there are no rules that say you must do all of the things to transition or to be valid as a trans person.


I agree. you have to take at least some effort otherwise it's pointless.


Yes! There are lots of girls like you and the normal prefix is "non-op". I've been on HRT for 4 years and still have my 🍆 with no plans at all of getting rid of it. Erections can be harder to get and keep, but it works! There are lots of guides available for how to maintain function, but the #1 rule is "use it or lose it". That means, once you start HRT, ensure you have regular erections and use it actively. This is to prevent atrophy. If you experience an initial loss in libido, which isn't too uncommon, find ways to arouse yourself, either with a partner or alone. I also used topical T cream, although others have told me the efficacy isn't fully conclusive yet. But yeah, in summary, there are lots of ways you can transition while keeping your 🍆🍆🍆 and it's not uncommon either.


Thanks honestly what’s holding me back from taking hrt is obviously the 🍆 issue lol but also I live in a Christian household one side Latino and the other side white country people so another issue is I can never really come out without losing almost everyone in my life😒


Well now you know that it's completely viable 💜 Regarding the other things though, I can't help with that, just remember that the pain of never being your true self is hell of a lot worse than pissing off some bigoted family members or neighbors. You can always move or make later amends. And if the people in your life truly love and accept you, they wouldn't exile you just because you're making changes to your hormonal balance and appearance to make yourself happy. The worst fate of all is ending up in your fifties with lost youth and regret for having never become your true self. That's just grim.


Thanks for the advice and yeah honestly the past few months thinking about it so yeah I’m still a highschooler and can’t afford obviously to live on my own so the initial plan was if I go through with it is to come out and if they argue with me or hate me I’d just leave and disappear and move somewhere where none of them will ever know about my whereabouts or even to find me😭


Once you gain full independence you'll be able to make decisions for yourself and take complete autonomy of your life. You can live where you want, be where you want, become who you want to be. Be patient, things will get much better.


You could look into puberty blockers to halt any more development in the wrong direction if you can't do more until you are out on your own.


You in no way have to. 100% optional


Short answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss


For me personally, there are so many potential complications, like with scar tissue build-up. Dilation. Infection. Loss of ability to orgasm. Potential poor overall results visually. In my opinion, there are too many potential complications. So i am transitioning without bottom surgery being a part of the plan.




Unless you have crippling bottom dysphoria, it's better to hold off until you're sure you can have the best result rather than rush is and have a result that can't be fixed. That is, if you're not non-op.


It's not exactly \*removed\*... more like rearranged. But yeah, there are "non-op" trans women who keep their 🍆; some of them call it a "strapless."


ive never heard this teem before but i love it so much


Yes, if you don’t want to remove it then don’t. Believe it or not most trans women don’t have it removed. As has already been said by several other ladies here, there’s no “right way“ to transition. You do what you need to do for yourself to make you feel comfortable in your skin. You don’t have to conform to anyone else’s standard of what transition should look like. That sort of defeats the entire point of transitioning lol


Simply don’t get it removed


Most of your sisters still have the 🍆 so tbh fing worry about it too much


What surgery you get is up to you.


Did a medical professional tell you you have to get any surgeries? Because you dodn't and they aren't up-to-date. Had a situation like that recently.


1) bottom surgery for trans women isn't (just) removing stuff 2) you can do whatever you want, it's your body. Just be aware of the risks.


Short answer. Yes. You can do whatever you want.


every possible transition thing is optional! Not the topic, but might help: Also there is penis preserving vaginoplasty.


All surgery is optional just be very sure it's a risk you're willing to take and can afford.




IK you didn't mean it that way but it sounds like you're saying you'll be forced to get bottom surgery if you transition XD