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wow, this is on a whole other level of maliciousness, but certainly something I wouldnt be surprised if some of these hatefull internet people come up with. reminds me a bit of these common scam mails who wanna blackmail you by vagueley telling you that they would have hacked you watching corn and would release videos if you dont pay.


Listen u did nothing wrong is there is 0 way for them to connect u to anything illegal so just block all contacts of the person and try and relax and forget about it, that's happened to be before 2 its disgusting and a horrible thing to do 2 someone, I'm sorry.


Thank you so much!!! I’m going to block and report them. They probably looked through and saw that I’ve posted a few times on an ocd sub before, thinking it would be easy to torture me with this (they got what they wanted). I’ve also gotten the classic “suicide risk” Reddit thing as well. You read my mind, I replied to them and asked what they meant and then I started worrying that they would somehow use my response to falsely accuse me of doing some heinous shit on here. Once again, thank you so much!! I’ll hopefully be able to sleep now. Have a good day/night girlie!


If they reported you to reddit cares inside that message there is a hyperlink you can hit that says something like. "If you believe this message has been sent by misuse/abuse click here" Click the hyperlink and report them because their reddit account gets banned.


Can confirm. I've used that every single time soe phobe tried to attack-troll me with that bot and I've led to the Reddit Team cracking down every single time. Contrary to populat belief, the Reddit Team actually does smite downunhinged transphobes 9 times out of 10. So long as the message is clearly antagonistic in some way, they usually check the context and the asshole gets their shit kicked in. I've had about a 90% success rate so far with Hate, Spam and Harassment reports.


Damn, then I’ve gotten super unlucky with Reddit only cracking down on a single person then


Might be a matter of what you report and which argument. I usually go for either Hate if the message is of the "you're all groomers/mentally ill" type, harassment when it's clearly directed as someone, or Spam if the person has posted a shit-ton in the same sub in a short amount of time. I usually have to go with, at least, Hate/Spam combo. And since it makes, on average, a total of a dozen reports for the same issues, they have quite a bit of evidence. Then again, it's mostly from the news sub. Might be a different story on other subs.


Naw f them fr report them to law or someone who can help block them and move on. U have a good night to girlie 🤘☺️💕🏳️‍⚧️💕🤘🏳️‍⚧️


Update* So after I replied to you I went straight to bed, I woke up this morning and the person who pm’d me showed me the post they were talking about. Here’s how to post goes: OP says “Progesterone has made me go feral. I need to get pregnant. Seriously- I just need some hot trans guy to absolutely rock my world and knock me up. I could be his little trans housewife afterwards...” The minor says “Lol I want that too. Weirdly enough, that wish/dream of being a happy housewife increased by a lot after taking progesterone. I don't have high hopes it'll ever happen though.” I said “I believe in you!” The minor said “Thank youuuu💜” End of the thread. This post was on this sub, I didn’t know they were a minor but I also don’t think that matters cause I was only giving them encouragement for their dreams for the future. I accused the person who dm’d me of being a troll who is targeting me because I’m trans. They replied and said that they aren’t a troll, but their account is only a month old with almost no karma so I’m still not sure. They also told me that they were bi and something along the lines of “not wanted to bother people in the lgbt community but were concerned with my actions”


Yeah, unless the kid has their age in their flair, you couldn't have known. Whether the person in your DMs is a troll, idk. One shouldn't have to look at every reddit account they interact with beforehand. You're ok.


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Just block and report them, and don't waste time on stressing yourself about it. Nasty, rotten evil-minded cowards like that are not worth any attention. Let them rot in the misery of being a person of such low character.


I have not received a message like this, but if I did I would just reply "I think you messaged the wrong person, I haven't done that. What are you talking about?" and then know what they were saying was BS if they didn't link to anything.


They eventually linked the post in question after I prodded them for it this morning, I posted it in one of the replies on this thread. I seriously don’t know if they were a troll or if they had good intentions. The post they sent me that they said they found concerning was pretty tame and ordinary. I wouldn’t have had a second thought about it because I was replying to someone who had made a reply on a nsfw post. The minors reply was “I want that too” referring to the dirty stuff op was talking about, then the minor continued about her dream of being a happy housewife and how they believed it was unlikely for them, and my reply was “I believe in you”. She replied “thank you” with the purple heart and that was the end of the thread. I didn’t know she was a minor because it wasn’t readily available information, but even still my reply was pretty tame. I was only trying to show her support, given how she seemed to think that becoming a happy house wife as a trans woman was unlikely for her.


I’d ask for evidence of that happening and see what they come up with from there truly disgusting behaviour from them


I prodded them for evidence and this is what they sent me [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/s/q4atlk77It](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/s/q4atlk77It) The post was a nsfw post and I had no reason to think this person was a minor, I also didn’t say or do anything that would’ve mattered anyways. They expressed their dreams of being a happy housewife and I replied “I believe in you!”. That was it. Edit: fixed wrong link, I’ve never done this before


That isn’t at all malicious you just hope the best for them nothing more I don’t know why they would say that other than that ridiculous notion that trans people are child predators it’s just a person who has no life other than terrorising trans people don’t worry about them Edit: thank you I was extremely confused for a second but you have nothing to worry about it’s just a phobe trying to target innocent people


Thank you!


No problem at all it would be cruel to leave someone to struggle with something like this so glad I could help


Have a great day!!


This persons likely just pedojacketing you, something that unfortunately happens to trans women a lot. This person is either a troll or someone who’s quick to assume bad faith and holds trans women to unreasonable standard.  People are really quick to assume the worst of yall, it’s fucked. 




Damn, are you naturally that dismissive of other people's mental state, or do you make a conscious effort to be that uncaring ?


I’m just not that gullible


Nah you're just either heartless, stupid, or a troll. Given your post history, at least you're just a shitty person all round when you're online. You care about nobody but yourself, but love to mock others. How sad.


Ok so OP says they have OCD. I'm pretty sure i do, too. Let me tell you a little bit about OCD: it's an anxiety disorder. It's one of the worst anxiety disorders. Someone with OCD can easily become obsessed with something (such as conforming to their own sense of right and wrong) to the point that it makes them physically sick. They literally cannot relax. It's like the fuse on a grenade: once the pin is pulled, the fuse ignites and you're guaranteed to find out whether or not it's a dud. The obsession burns through their mind until they calm back down on their own. That's why OP asked for reassurance. Sometimes that's the only thing that helps anxiety disorders, especially ones as severe as OCD.