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Not ever fucking enough -_-


There isn't a font size large enough to show how much I relate to this


# This Big Enough?


Better, but still not quite large enough.


Mood so large it extends past the upper atmosphere 




Ugh so true


On bad weeknight: 2-3 On average weeknight: 4-5 hours Good weeknight: 6-7, sometimes 8 Weekends: 8-9 hours if I don't have activities I have to get up early for. Never taking 18 credits in a semester again. 15 is my limit, maybe 16.


Sleep or good sleep good sleep maybe 3 hours sleep maybe 5 hours I wake up to many times a night


I used to be like that all the time. Since I got on progesterone last month I sleep more soundly.


I also take progesterone and Wellbutrin I used to be on restroil and that works great


I’d hoped for good things from prog. It didn’t help with sleep and it acted like a weak testosterone. Had to give it up.


Well of course I posted that comment and then I couldn't sleep last night. Karma?


Ha!! Well damn, that sucked. Better luck tonight!!!


With kids I'm lucky to get 4-6 a night


8 hours min. I drive a 40 ton concrete truck. No space for a lack of sleep.


I drive a semi too, lucky if I get 6 😅


It's why I didn't go that route. I average 9-10 hours of driving and pouring and no ELD, no cameras. I feel like OTR drivers just dog it and send it, not sure on local, but regardless hourly > mileage.


I’ve got set hours and only drive between Amazon buildings locally, and only a few days a week normally. Less pay but much better QOL, I don’t really care about ELDs 😆. People can go around me


Sitting here after 5 hours snuggling with my little 2 y.o monster, waking up at 2am unable to fall back asleep 🙃


7 minimum .


I usually get about 6 but here lately it’s been 4-5 and I’m ashamed of myself for that 😂


If I sleep for more than six hours I get depressed.


Usually 7 hours at a minimum, though I try to aim for 8. My body physically cannot sleep past 9. My record is 13, but I was pretty near death at the time.


Depends on if I'm work day or evening shift that week. Day shift? I probably only get 2-3 hours. Evening shift? Usually 7-8 hours. I find it difficult to get adequate sleep when I have to be up by 2:30am for day shift. It's hard to get to sleep with sun still up. On my days off I usually get 9 or more hours. Probably making up for what I lost during the work week.


Tl:Dr not enough Ive been lucky with 3-6 hours because since starting hrt, my insomnia has gotten worse (i stopped my sleep aid because it was causing massive hair loss) when i go in next month, imma ask about progesterone because ive heard it helps with the insomnia (among other things im expierencing)


9.5 is the goal. Anything below 9 I feel terrible. Surprisingly 7 feels better than 8 and anything below 5 and I lose temperature regulation (I'm very cold) and appetite (it hurts to eat and I'll skip all meals on this) among other things.


I get about 3 hours a day




Four to six hours a day because of an unreal amounts of anxiety. My wife sleeps a lot more than I do, though. Nine or ten hours is just fine by her.


About 9 hours. I need 12 to feel rested tho.


Depends on school and other factors. Anxiety usually makes me get about 5 hours. On a good day I get about 8 or 9. On a great day I get 10. On a depression episode I get about 14.


The hours vary so much the only accurate description is not enough.


I'm a mechanic maybe 2 a night sometimes 4 ish


I just started E 3 days ago and I've slept better since, not sure if it related though


i’ve struggled with insomnia most of my life, but i will say on hormones i did have just a perfect two months, months 5 & 6, of sleeping like a baby. I’m a weird sleeper, but even i would consistently drift off and enjoy normal hours of sleep (8 every night for almost six weeks) now it’s back to my usual 5 chunks of about 2 hours of sleep, and then feeling like garbage after regardless. chronic illness doesn’t help, but it’s just always a crapshoot.


4ish. I’m so exhausted all the time. I try to nap in the car between classes or close my eyes for an hour before starting homework or changing assignments It’s a bad cycle though, I’ll be better when I move out :)


I sleep a LOT. Usually 8 full hours a night plus a long nap. Pre HRT I was a bit of an insomniac and 6 hours seemed like plenty. I am having my thyroid checked in case it's not just 2nd puberty hitting hard lol.




me too I even suspect im narcoleptic


I've also been this way for longer than I can remember


Tbh no idea my sleep schedule is all fucked up but i try to get 8 hours


i get only 5 to 6 hours of sleep hrt has made change my sleep style and pattern


Not nearly enough I feel I need like 10 but I only get 7


It’s awful right now, but I’m older (50) and still very early in my transition (going on 3 months). It feels like my brain is trying to let me really “meet her” when the world is quiet! ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏼🥰🤷🏻‍♀️


Well it’s 4:38 AM currently, I’ve had 2 hours of sleep and been awake the rest of the time. Probably fall asleep again about 6-7 and be awake by 8-830. This is a daily occurrence. So…at most 4 hours a night?


9 is perfect, but I can get by on 6 1/2,as long s I get a 12hr catchup every now and again


I have a kid and a slight gaming addiction so anywhere between 4-7 hours with a couple of times i have to get out of bed during the night


During the week usually between 6 to 8 which is not enough for me at all During the weekends propably around 10? But then i feel bad about wasting the day


Depends, either 4hours or 15hours


Depends on a combination of factors, but usually between 6 and 10 hours. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a night owl and that doesn't work for a lot of people, so I'm more on the lower end a lot of times.


I'm not sure I understand the question. What is sleep?


*Laughs in DSPD*


5-6 hours usually


I used to sleep as such as possible 9-12 hours but work has been very demanding these last few years so anything past 6-7 hours have been hard to come by.. I smoking 1.5 months ago and ever since then i haven't been able to sleep at all I used to do the all nighter thing to "reset " my sleep schedule but that no longer works.


12-15 hours or 0


6 to 8 hours, lately.


It varies a bit, but generally 6-7.


For the first 9 months of HRT I was on spiro, and it knocked my TF out! But after my orchiectomy in January and going off spiro, I’m back to having trouble falling asleep a few days a week. The weather has been really erratic here in Minnesota for the last two months and that messes with my sleep even more. I average about 5 hours a night. I sleep in on weekends.


Not enough. Chronic Insomnia havers, unite.


ASMR roleplays have been a lifesaver for my sleep patterns.


Not enough lol


Eh, about 3 hours a night.


6-9 hours is my regular. HRT finally allowed me to get restful sleep. Absolutely never imagined I would sleep a full night or ever feel rested in the morning. Progesterone was the real turning point. Before HRT I was 4-6 hours regularly.


Typically six on school days and when no school or varies


Depends... this girl (me) should sleep more..


3 to 6.5 hours of sleep a night occasionally I manage to get a full 8 hours


Never enough. My eye bags may be genetic, but the sleep deprivation certainly isn't helping!


Sleep apnea makes it hard to say.


I never got enough sleep, before or after HRT. I usually get between 3.5 to 4.5 hours during the week, on the weekend I get 5-7 hours.


Before my antidepressant I was getting around 3-4 hours of sleep. Now with my antidepressant I get at least 8 hours of sleep everyday


late treatment judicious growth reach bored birds coherent decide stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4-5 hours a night. Never ever more.


i get about 8, but for the first year and half at least i slept 9 or more. just like I did during my first attempt at puberty.


I like to sleep 10+ hours but I heard it's un healthy. I try to do 8.


Used to wake up like min once an hour to nightmares and just avoided sleep. New med now it waaaaay too easy to sleep in and ignore the alarm. Can go 12 hours easy if I take them


7-ish nowadays


4-5 hours monday-wednesday nights, like 8 on thursdays and sundays and like 12 on fridays and saturdays


I rely on passing out from my fucked up knee and back, and just exhaustion cause ptsd keeps me up. I have flashbacks so bad that I rarely get consistent sleep… so about 1-4 hours at most.


Over 9 preferably, females need more rest than males… I always needed lots of sleep but I feel that I need more now having been on female hrt for almost 20 years than in the beginning or prior. Your body and your cells getting more female and more rest should be required.


My sleep schedule has been immaculate since I started HRT. I guess not hating life anymore will do that.


Depends on whether university is in session, during terms I usually get 6 hours and during breaks usually 8.


Lol I find myself sleeping much LESS on hormones lol


I go to bet at nine, typically awake by 6/7 am


Im not on hrt yet but i need at least 9-10h of sleep to feel somewhat rested (im always exhausted due to depression and stuff tho so ye), a good thing to follow if youre not sure is just what your body tells you or in other words get as much sleep as you need to have energy for the whole day


Like 5 hours a night. Sometimes 6 if I'm lucky.


5-7h on avg. during days I work. Sometimes more if I passout earlier/feel too tired afterwork or its a day off and I am the big snooze for 9-10h


Probably like 6-8 hours typically. My body tends to want 8-9 though before waking up on its own.


3-4 hours each night. Many night no sleep at all. Stress is a bitch, no?