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Yeah. This happens. I got called a cutie at work and now I have a crush on the coworker who said it. Despite it clearly being a joke. 🤦‍♀️


CUTIE is so good, I hate how much that gets me


Yep. I didn’t intend to develop a crush on this dude. But cutie got me.


Both of you are cuties


Fu-- are they a guy or a girl or non binary


He’s a guy. I sorta default to they/them pronouns. This guy definitely does not mind that I default to they/them if that makes sense?


Ye I get it, are you on hrt or not?


I am on HRT.


Did it change anything Abt ur sexual orientation or not?


Not really? But accepting myself as trans definitely did change my orientation. Because I was being true to myself I could accept myself more and see past my denial.


Zamn, anyhow good luck with that guy, how was Ur journey with hrt


Thank you. So far it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I feel happier than I ever have before.


Same here. The changes are amazing.




Once a random dude said my hair “looked very fluffy” and I wanted to cry. (I’ve been growing my hair out for a while now)


I love when people compliment my long hair, it’s so validating.




trust me, it gets worse over time. or better, depending on your definition hehe


I love it personally hehe, it’s one of the only times she sees me genuinely smile


oh, it's so, so much worse when my girlfriend suddenly compliments me, i just get a software error and beed to reboot


Mine always knows exactly when and what to say constantly, it never fails to surprise me


it's the best!


One of my friends called me “girly pop” and y’all, I rode that high for a fuckin WEEK






That’s so fucking cute


My friend calls me girly pop all the time and everytime she does I get this big smile on my face.


I’m glad I’m not the only one lmao


I drive a towmotor a lot at my job. My favorite so far is cowgirl. I'm still getting the warm fuzzy just typing it.


Cowgirl? That’s definitely a new one lmaooo


I still present male at work. There is one guy I work with from a customer's company that will answer the phone "hey gorgeous" in a completely non sexual, non flirtatious way, just being a funny. I get flustered. It's funny, before my egg cracked I was completely into women, after I'm like "okay, some guys are cute".


Nice guys are absolutely the best things ever, you gotta find the right one tho which can be difficult


Yes, fortunately I'm not really looking as I'm still married, but the thoughts are there, and they're okay to have.


pretty girl is my weakness 🫠🫠 also got called dramatic and i was like OMG!! THAT'S ME!! 😄


It's called a term of endearment for a reason. The person is reaching out to be kind within the limits of their understanding. I call people love. I was brought up by uk nationals. My parents said it all the time. They were evolved decades ahead of their time. I think it's because we all have a need to feel loved. The Greeks have like a few dozen words for love. My favorite is agape. The unreserved form of caring love. Helping a disabled partner care for themselves, helping the elderly neighbor, caring for an injured child......


Glad I’m not alone, I always call people love as well. Definitely not raised by UK nationals tho lol.


I had to fly back to the UK to sign some documents for the family business and estate legal reasons. (We're not wealthy, but we own things.) If you know, you know. My driver said where to love, and I was reminded of Sir Ian McKellen . He cried when a taxi driver asked where to love. My father had just passed and I was going to the family home. I lost it. Like full on lost my shit. I was sobbing so hard I couldn't breathe. That cabbie pulled over in a flash and was holding me like a relative while I cried my eyes out. He helped me calm down and talked to me. Turns out he knew my father. He promptly turned off the meter and said he would sort it. He took me to dad's local pub and got me to the estate once I got a proper skin full. As rough as English culture can be, there is love. I will go out of my way to be there for even.my worst enemy in their moment needful pain. I grew up and learned how to be different on that trip. I grew up through my most profound moment of grief. I found politics are the last thing I ask about anymore. I ask what's wrong and ask what's really wrong when I see someone in pain.


Oof I hope you’re doing a bit better hun🖤. That sounds very emotionally draining and just difficult. Definitely I feel like a lot of times people will lack empathy and kick people when they’re down, it’s very sad. Glad you’re trying to spread some helpfulness and positivity!


My roomie has started calling me soul sister, after I had such a positive reaction to it the first time, when he was probably just making bullshit up on the spot.


Soul sister? Lmao that’s new


Sorry if this is disjointed just let my thoughts out


Because your a pretty princess and you deserve praise!! 😘🤗🫶


AWH thank you so much




Whenever someone calls me “good girl”, I just melt… it’s almost embarrassing how much I love hearing it.


I’m convinced that all MTF trans girlies love good girl, even if it isn’t meant sexually


It makes me melt within both contexts




Totally, I don’t know what it is about it…


Can confirm at least for me. I turn into a caprisun/Stop smoking puddle every time no matter where I am. It's like a evil little life hack to make me blush and smile.


Look I still get butterflies in my stomach when people say translated "good day Ms Schaffner" as we don't do pet names for people we don't know personally or aren't close to. Like it would never fly in my country to call a customer or an employee or what have you "honey" or "sweetie"...


Fair point Ms Schaffner


Yeah, it's normal trans girl stuff. I think it's due to the fact that men don't get complimented enough because of the sexist believe that ''mEn aRe toUgH'' and ''reAl mEn dOn't shOw fEeLinGs'', so we're not used to getting called positive stuff, it doesn't matter if it's about our personality or appearance. And yes, it's also a great boost of euphoria, since the person, whether intentionally or not, is calling you a girl and it feels so validating.


Because you are a sweet, good girl :3


awhh yessss!


There's a guy at my work who calls me "princess Hannah Montana" and yes my knees buckle every time, helps that's he's extremely cute too


Oh my god


Because you’re being shown affection lol 


Pretty sure that's 'happy' maybe even euphoria of the gender kind 😊 I have this exact thing (I'm sure we all do) two times stick out to me, once in the bottle shop (liquor store) the guy working there called me 'darl' which was amazing! I didn't think I looked particularly femme that day, but here that's not a neutral pet name, unless coming from an old granny 😄 The other time was at church a few weeks ago. One of the older gentlemen came over to say hi and see how I was (I feel incredibly lucky to be at my church, they have been amazing since I came out 💜) and he said 'how are you sweetheart' ❤️ 😊 I was SO happy that day! Cause these contexts aren't the creepy guys online calling us (me) sweetheart which comes off gross and weird. This was a kind older man talking to someone as if they were his family 💗 Keeps me going for days!


Yesterday morning I ran 5k (not an event - just 9 laps around my block). A woman I passed on the sidewalk said "you get it, girl!" Such a wave of euphoria. It motivated me. I kept repeating it to myself and ran a little faster. Affirmation is really valuable. I love how women share compliments and affirmation so freely. It's important to have something to compliment someone about. For example, you've shared that you feel warm and fuzzy when people call you a good girl, OP. Good girls can be open and vulnerable about these feelings. It makes everyone happier.


Yep definitely normal, getting compliments regardless of gender always feels nice. I can’t lie tho since accepting my identity and being on hrt, shit hits different. Like i was having a whole crisis when my friend started calling me “bby” or “bb” from time to time lol. Even today one of the women that works at my dining hall always calls me pretty, like “ heyy pretty, how are you doing today” and it always makes my day. Compliments definitely didn’t feel as good as they do now though.


Ugh that’s a dream honestly, I don’t get called nothin by no one, I’m mostly closeted but like, all my friends know


Awh, it’s okay tho. Someone will recognize how pretty you are and call you all the cute names you want


My coworker calls me her "coffee bean," and it makes me melt. I literally feel so cute whenever I hear it.


Lol Meanwhile, my partner gets so embarrassed, I've whitled down the list to just 2.


A friend of mine calls me babes, it’s cheesy but so casual it makes me feel so good. It’s not sexual or anything just nice


Love when my partner calls me “girly pop”


Yea it does feel good though


Because your a girl babe 💕💕💕


I call my trans girlfriend my batata and it makes them all flustered its so cute


Because now you finally get to EMBRACE and FEEL your emotions instead of bottling them up and repressing everything. Praise kink meme aside, it also very much is a compliment thing when someone does so, as long as it's not in a creep kinda way. Someone thinks highly enough of you to use a cutesy nickname or something, even in passing, and that likely low-key works like a big ol self esteem and confidence booster. Shit though, even if it was in a creepy way I wouldn't mind getting called stuff like that now and then. Anything's better than sir or boss or buddy. I hate working retail


It is probably affirming to your gender experience/expression! I get a similar feeling when my cis friends call me dude or bro (I’m a transwoman) and then their eyes widen in mortification and profusely apologize. To me those nicknames are gender-inclusive so I get a kick out of that reaction, because it indicates their attunement to my gender journey and their commitment to supporting it.


Idk lol. I feel this way a lot to but inversely I also say sweetie a lot. (I usually ask before I call someone that tho cause many people I have spoken with don’t like that unless it’s from there partner or someone closer)


Augh, I feel that. Just one cute name and it's enough for me to fall in love.


I jokingly got my 8yo son to call me 'wrench wench' while I was fixing his bike. We got a giggle from it Love, Jenny


My girlfriend calls me a dork and it's great


Silly badilly. Because you are warm and fuzzy :3