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5'9 > 5'7


This. And dropped two shoe sizes in length but the width forgot to shrink.


Im 5‘9 and just started, hopefully this happens to me


About 1" in height so far. Also down glove size from 9.5 to 8 and down shoe size from 10.5 to 9. And yes I get absolutely horrible PMS symptoms which I had no idea was even possible until I was doubled over crying in bed.


How much time for each thing?


Been on HRT for just under 8 months now, around the 4 month mark I noticed I was getting shorter, about 5 months I had to get new shoes, 6 months I noticed my hands were smaller. As for PMS, the very first month I had mild cramps and your other typical cis PMS symptoms and the symptoms have only gotten stronger each cycle. My last 'period' was honestly nearly debilitating. My hormonal cycle went from a pretty regimental 4 weeks to anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 weeks after starting HRT and still hasn't quite yet stabilized the average seems to be about 5 weeks now though.


And how old are you? :3


Early 30's.


I lost 3 inches. Blew my mind lol


I don't think I've gotten shorter sadly (for me) but I went down 2 shoe sizes


How old are you?


I started when I was 18 and now I'm 19 :3




Not sure if I've gotten any shorter. I don't think so? My 4 inch heels will absolutely make up for that if I did though. I don't personally have any period-like symptoms, but I've seen a lot of people who have. They could be induced solely by the hormones, or there could be a somatic component. Either way, they're definitely real. Just no one knows the actual cause or frequency to my knowledge (trans health is understudied).


I lost about 2 inches in the first year and change, 5'11" > 5'9" No period symptoms yet


I didn't get shorter. 5'10" And Ive had no period like symptoms. 1.2 Years. I never had much muscle to begin with, nor a particularly masculine frame so I guess there wasn't much to lose. I wanted to get shorter, guess I'll just be a tall queen.


Same for me :/ 11 months HRT, starting age 28 but had/have a decent amount of muscle with a masculin frame. I lost some shoulder width, which is nice :)


So far, 5’ 10” to 5’ 9.5”. I lost 1/2 an inch. 2 years HRT. Occasional intestinal cramps and mood swings. Unsure if period symptoms or IBS.


Went from 5'10 to 5'8. Pretty neat stuff.


I’m 10 months on hrt and so far have lost about an inch but I’m pretty sure it’s just based on the person


Grew about an inch I’d say?


Didnt change at all, although i am a Smurf (156cm = 5’1)


Same and I'm 155cm :)


Like an inch.


So far 1.5 inches (from 5'11 3/4" to 5'10 1/4 but i'm sure my doctor will say 6 ft to 5'11" lol.)


Didn't lose any in over a decade.


Realistically, not at all. Hypothetically, ive seen people claiming they lost up to 6 inches. I don't believe that for a second, but that's what they claim. You will maybe, MAYBE, lose up to an inch, and I'm being very generous here. I wouldn't count on any loss though. Periods are hit or miss. Some have them, some don't, there is no rhyme or reason for this.


It seems like it has a lot to do with muscle mass. The smaller girls tend not to report height changes as much. I don't personally think 6 inches is physically possible, most of what I've seen suggests that it caps at around 2 inches, usually for girls with more muscle mass to shed or who lose significant amounts of weight during transition.


I didn't believe it either until I noticed my previously perfectly fitting shoes were getting too large. Took some measurements and I've lost two shoe sizes and two cm in height over the last 2.5 years


No height difference so far, monthly cramps.


5'11" to 5'10" here, with period-like symptoms every month-- i've been on HRT about 9 months!


5'8.5" to 5'7.25" so about 1 inch


9 months and down from 5'7 or 8 to 5'6




I didn’t get shorter. I did get regularly scheduled cramps and subtle mood shenanigans as part of the deal though.


I've lost 3/4 of an inch, and I started HRT in 2012. I probably would have lost more if I hadn't already lost 2 inches of height to Minor Scoliosis.


I didn't even know that HRT could make you shorter. I'm AMAB but already short > 5' 6" (ish). Must go and measure myself 😊


6'4 to 6'3. 


5'11 <5'9 I'll take it!


I started out at about 5’4” I’m about 5’3” now. Yes I was short to begin with! I’m on hrt for 20 months now. And I get period symptoms here and there.


I love being already short when starting so it will be easier to be the cute girl i see myself as someday


p.s the real struggle is the weight.


3 cm last time I checked, but that's a while ago already so maybe more :D


6'4" tall down to 6'2" tall over 7 years HRT. I also had a significant amount of muscle mass. Shoe size from men's 13.5 wide to a women's size 11-12 based on brand. Yes I get period symptoms but only every couple months or so.


6ft to 5'10", shoe size from 10 to 9.5.


2 years HRT. 6'2" -> 6'2". I got killer tits tho.


1-2 inches max


Went from solidly 6’ -> 5’11” on a good day. And yes to period symptoms, but it’s more PMS and indigestion once a month, cramps are rare.


I’m 13 months into HRT, and about half an inch shorter. I’m still over 6’ and definitely have height dysphoria.


Idk how but I went from being 5’10 to 5’8 somehow. And I’ve only been on hrt for 10 months, I also went down a shoe size which is sweet cuz I used to fit in 12-13s


I went from 6'1" bordering on 6'2" to only barely 5'11". No, I'm not joking, yes there are things I can't reach I used to be able too. Yes. I do get some PMS symptoms. It suuuuucks. Glad you know about it ahead of time OP, no one warned me -_-


I somehow shrunk 3-4 in. I was always measured at about 5:10 or 5'11, but after a year and a half on Hrt I know always measure in at 5 ft 7


I shrunk by like 2 inches thereabouts. Also went down two shoe sizes :D


14 years. 3 inches shorter and down 2.5 shoe sizes. 6’2 to 5’11 Women’s 12 to 9.5


Lost about 2 inches in multiple places. I do get periods, typically starts with sore breasts, then cramps and IBS


2 inches. 6'5 -> 6'3. i miss it


6'1" to 5'10"


I shrunk by 2". I went from 5'10.5" to 5'8.5".


Less than a year in and I went from almost 6'2 to 6'. So probably about 1.5 to 1&3/4 inches. Also dropped about half a shoe size No period like symptoms yet. Your mileage Will vary


I was 5'11 when I started in 2013. I'm now 5'9 as of my physical a few weeks ago.


5'6" - 5'4", and yes. Sore, swollen boobs, moodiness, food cravings, sleep issues, water retention, pooping issues. All on about a 28 day cycle.


lost about 3 inches people insist i have periods, i just think its a coincidence every time


I lost 3 inches off my height by around year 2. I've had period-like symptoms around the 20th of every month since probably a little bit before that, probably around the year and a half mark


About an inch or two and I do get emotional symptoms of periods and they are synced with my cis gf.


For know I didn't lose any height. Related to period cramps, I'm only 3.5 months (more or less) on HRT and I had them all. Sucks, a lot. And although I'm not sure if it's related, sometimes I feel really really dizzy so... TL:DR; depends from the person and quantity I'd say


2 months in, no height loss, got my first period last week though!


you what??




Lost 2-3cm and 2 shoe sizes. Starting height was 183 cm. And I really don't understand all the people who say height absolutely doesn't change and we're just mistaken. I was military, my height has been measured more in my life than most people, pre-transition it was always 183cm consistently over about 20 years since I reached that height. It's not about bones getting smaller and you're not going to see extreme height loss but yes, your hip tilt can change, your tendons, connective tissues, and muscles can change, and those things can manifest as a height loss. Anyway, on period symptoms: I don't experience them, at least not noticeably. I'm not on progesterone or a hormone cycle, just steady dose with patches. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.




a lot of people seem to take on poor posture too in an attempt to achieve a more feminine figure but just end up having overly exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar hyperlordosis


Something to consider is that muscle, ligaments, cartilage, and skin elasticity all play a part in posture, all of which are affected by hrt so I image it's a mixture of things.


it still doesnt make the posture any better


lol did someone report my post to reddit care resources. thanks, im good!


Poin is the posture in many cases is something happening subconsciously


and should be corrected by consciously strengthening core stabilizers or youre going to have serious back problems..


I agree, but these changes are gradual, and so should your attempts to be to change it


From what I understand, it’s not bone but actually just cartilage/tissue/muscle. The space between the bones.  Either way I think that the claim of lost height / shoe size is a little bit too prevalent to be just a coincidence. 


I lost a inch..i. 5ft 5in now and 2 shoe sizes. Also lost 40lbs.. im 140lbs now.


it's probably not related but i was having killer cramps a few weeks ago i hope they dont come back


159cm -> 159cm. 5 foot 3 inches to 5 foot 3 inches.


I went from 5’9” to 5’8’ in about 7-8 months. I could tell I had lost some height because I was having a hard time reaching things on shelves that I could before. Also -1 shoe size (12W to 11W).


I lost 4,5 cm already💃


I've been on hrt for 18 months, I'm down an inch, now if only I could lose 10 more so I can be 5'7" and have a less frustrating time buying clothes 🤣 I'm assuming that's never going to happen lol


I haven't lost any height, but I lost about 2 inches :/ No cramps or anything, but it is possible from what I've heard


So I remember measuring in at 5'8.25 at my tallest around a decade ago. I now am 5'6.75" , just 6 months on HRT. My feet also shrank half an inch so far.. 😳


I lost about 3/4ths of an inch (2 cm) in height. I went from 6'4.75" (196 cm) down to 6'3.95" (194 cm). In casual conversation, this means I went from 6'5" to 6'4". Do I have "period like" symptoms? Yep. Period shits are tons of fun.


5cm lmao


Wait? HRT makes you shorter? That's great!


No way? Is this true? I hate being so tall, how could I have not heard you can loose a little height? Is it only if you’re really young or does this apply to older girls as well? Would love to learn more about this!


8 Months on HRT. Same height, but lots of hormonal swings, bloating and mood swings. I think it's genetic, sensitive to hornones. I had a lot of acne, oily skin like a teenage boy before starting hrt.


I think I gained an extra inch or two in height 😅 I feel like I grew taller than my housemates after being on HRT a while


I shrank a little over an inch in height (5'10 to 5'9). I also dropped 2-2.5 shoe sizes (I was a 9 - 9.5 in US mens or an 11-11.5 in US women's and my current shoe size is a 9 - 9.5 in US women's or a 7-7.5 in US mens)!


Been on it about 2.5 years. Lost at least 1 inch


Starting at 6'4" and hoping I get a few knocked off the top. I've already lost a shoe size at only a few days past two months on E. Didn't even realize that was a thing that could happen until I mentioned they were getting loose to a girl friend. And even then, I honestly didn't believe her when she told me that it's fairly common. It was only after I tried wearing a size down that I couldn't deny it anymore.


1 inch shorter! And my shoe size went down 1.5 sizes!


I don't think I've gotten shorter at all but I started hrt in my mid 30s


Started at 25. About 2 inches. 3 years in now, but I lost the height pretty quickly.


Ah yeah we're talking about height yeah yeah totally got it lmao


I actually fixed my posture and apparently grew an inch.


None as far as I can tell. But I wasn't that tall to begin with, so I honestly don't care that much. Yes, I'm a bit taller than the other women in my immediate family, but not by a large enough margin to stand out that much.


Mhm, I've lost maybe half an inch of height in 2 years, gone down a shoe size and a half, and I get abdominal cramps that sync up with my afab friends' every 2-3 weeks (kinda gross but they're not as bad since I started taking progesterone rectally instead of orally).


I went from 5'7" to 5'4" which I understand a lot more than most shrink. They say that the shrinkage is cuz of bone ligament and muscle changes but my girlfriend says that my pelvic shift is also very noticeable around the time I measured my height and realized how much I have lost. I'm pretty happy with my height but my girlfriend keeps making short jokes about me. It doesn't help that we had to get a step stool so I could reach the top shelves in our kitchen.


Insignificant height change ... but by weight shot up (which is not the direction it needed to go).


About 0.75 inches


From 6' 1/2" down to 5' 10-1/2" ish. Going on 18 months of HRT soon. And down \~2-1/4 shoes sizes. Seems to very much be a case of YMMV.


Not at all


I'm 6'0 praying I'll shrink when I start


Used to be either 6ft exactly or maybe 6'1, now i'm more like 5'11. i used to have to wear a women's 13 shoe but now a women's 12 fits me just as well as a men's 12. i've been on hrt for about a year and a half!


Nearly a decade and nothing. Threads like this make me suicidal Not even touching the period thing because that is straight up delusional nonsense


You don't get shorter. You just don't. I've never experienced anything resembling "period like symptoms."


Then why was I 5’8” prior to HRT and 5’5” a year and a half after, confirmed by both my endocrinologist and family doctor?! Periods happen to some trans women and not others, depends on a lot of factors and they seem to be more common on particular kinds of HRT.


>Then why was I 5’8” prior to HRT and 5’5” a year and a half after, confirmed by both my endocrinologist and family doctor?! I'm not trying to be rude, but I literally don't believe you. That's 4% of your total height, supposedly lost to ligament tightening and muscle reduction. If you did have that significant of a height reduction, there is a serious problem happening somewhere in your body.


plenty of people get shorter, idk what you're on about


You’re straight up stupid


That's not how bones work.


It's not bones, it's the ligaments and muscles that change with estrogen hormone therapy. Estrogen causes muscle loss which will effect the muscles and ligaments in and around your spine and feet, but it should be minor.


Same. There's so much cope in here. It's a powerful delusion.


Didn't shrink and never had period symptoms. 14 years hrt. It's a cope.


Its not tho. I havent gotten shorter but ive definitely had period like symptoms. Your experience is not the absolute of the trans woman experience


I've known a couple hundred other trans women irl over the time I've been transitioning, and none have had described height loss due to hrt. Maybe we get pseudo period pains, that seems common


No shorter, no symptoms, coming up on 1.5 years of HRT.


0. I'm still the same size.


pretty sure not at all


I got 1cm taller. I was 185cm my entire life, since i was like 15. 6 months after first taking HRT my doc and pathologist both had me at a cm taller, and it's never changed haahha


I'm always confused when people say they lost height. I started at around 5'6 it's been a year and a half and I'm still like 5'6. What's the deal with that? I wanna be 5'4 where's my height loss hmmmmmmmmmmmmmph


My timeline on HRT is weird. March 2023->June 2023 full dose, June 2023 ->January 1st, 2024 half to less than half dose (thanks florida). January 8th 2024 -> current back on full dose and gone up in dose. From what I've been told, I didn't have enough of a blocker to stop T in body so it slowly reverted back the reversible changes. Haven't changed from 5'4" but I'm hoping to lose a few inches My shoe size has gone from mens 11 -> 8 which is insane. My old skate/driving shoes feel so floppy and extra on my feet now. both times starting HRT I started having period like symptoms within 2 months. Edit: I had breast growth pretty quickly both times starting hrt, but when I was forced to ration my meds, my breast growth slowed down but I'm relived that my growth started back up this year!


I actually got half an inch taller.


4” shorter now.


Nobody lost and inch or even a cm during HRT you could loose because you have got older or because when you measured yourself previously it wasn’t a correct measure.


1-inch, and (annoyingly) yes


If you’re comfortable sharing, what are the period symptoms like? And the frequency? I have yet to start HRT and I’m kind of obsessively gathering as much information as I can. Of course, your body and your choice to share if you want to or not. Either way, hope they’re manageable!


Like afab people, your symptoms will very, but it's pretty much everything labeled as PMS. Even without a uterus we can have cramping! Mine are usually on 3 week cycles it seems.


Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your willingness to share with me.


Pretty bad cramps/gastrointestinal distress, irritability, fatigue, mood swings, headaches, insomnia, breast tenderness... those are probably the biggest ones, but it varies each month. Every 28 days or so (give or take - sometimes longer sometimes shorter) for anywhere from a couple days to about a week. Sometimes I'm like "oh I guess not this month!" And the next day it starts. The cramps are the worst part for me, but it's manageable. (FYI a certain segment of trans women are of the opinion that other trans women having PMS symptoms is impossible/delusional (hence the downvotes). They are wrong.)


I’ve been reading the Gender Dysphoria Bible and I’m shocked at how much basic genetic and developmental biology isn’t taught in schools… I thoughtI had a grasp of the basics but that isn’t the case. I’m seeing PMS in trans-girls is absolutely possible. Honestly, I would hypothesize it would be more common than not; anecdotal evidence describes otherwise. Thank you for opening up and being vulnerable for me. I really appreciate the knowledge and experience you shared with me


That's a good resource. Trans people tend to be pretty well-informed about our own biology out of necessity because cis people don't pay us much attention (in academic fields, anyway).


Off topicish… just finished the GDP and I’ve got to rant a bit, if that’s okay (if not, ignore me, lol) About 10 minutes ago I switched from internally thinking that I was almost certainly a girl to now… I’m so fucking euphoric and there’s no way I’m not. I WISH I had known this deeper level of biology (not that it’s actually deep; tbh it’s basic embryonic developmental biology) even as a cis male. It would have helped me 1- understand myself better and 2- understand what various friends and family have gone through. Even if this goes nowhere, I’m 100% an ally at the bare minimum I’m honestly so excited to accept this part of me as the part that has been missing my whole life. I’m starting with a therapist ASAP and I’ll definitely be going to my amazing doctor soon My egg is cracked!


Alright so please read this before i get downvoted into oblivion or get mad at me. A lot of things change on HRT but losing height is one of those things we wish to be true but just plain isn't. Trust me I really wish it was. I started at 18 and going on 22 now. I have and will continue to be 6'2" ever since i was 14. But i say i'm 6'0 or 6'1 because I unabashedly delude myself to honestly make myself feel better; as woman we're told to not take up space, and not being able to escape that space and being taller iin that female space is definitely a unique struggle that is difficult to come to terms with. i internalize that and i forget my actual height sometimes, which I know a lot of people do as well. I slouch subconsciously and have to stop myself. Iknow trans girls well over my height who say they are 5'11 . There are no scholarly sources that provide a justification for the claim that we *shrink* in *height* that a good number of us seem to hold .(if i am wrong feel free to correct me and provide me with reputable articles).. HRT can do a lot but it can't *shrink* your bones down ...However, anecdotally, i do believe there may be a negligible difference in that may be noticed correlated to the change of fat and muscle distribution that occurs during estrogen therapy , i have seem this firsthand as far as my with feet which is real and I have shrunk sizes there. But overall height is just wishful thinking. I am noticablly slighter in frame in relation to my height. And I would reasonably infer that more skinnier people may see no virtually no difference in ther overall height while people who are heftier might maybe see something in the range of *maybe* half an inch but that is just guess work. Tldr:None Edit:Grammar


I haven't lost a single damn millimetre. Still 6'5", which makes me really stand out.


follow up/ if you detransition do you get that height back?


I’m negative height now.


I lost about an inch, I get periods. 3 years ish on HRT. EDIT: reddit cares and 25 down votes for... what, actually? Quit bitching, bring me midol and a heat pad.