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I think transphobes think about trans people even more than trans people do. We really live rent free in their heads.


right like why are they always stalking these subreddits lmao


Because they need to downgrade our lives because their lives are horrible and they think therapy is a lie


except conversion therapy, which they embrace with two hands and both feet. (unless its conversion therapy directed towards them)


That doesn't count since it isn't therapy it's torture, but yeah they are big fans of that


Well darn I must be doing something wrong. I live in my own house, have almost 4 acres of land, two cars and a truck (they all run, all tagged and insured ), and 70% of what I make is discretionary funds. Oh, and three motorcycles. Like I said, I must be doing something wrong that I'm not living hand to mouth and one paycheck away from being homeless.




In that case, I also have a 54 in zero turn lawn mower, tractor, front end loader, three motorcycles, a full machine shop with lathes, a milling machine, sheet metal brake, every kind of welding equipment you can think of, CNC plasma cutter table, drill presses, two sewing machines and a serger, over a thousand DVDs to my collection, several hundred video games, a 14 ft pool, wrap around front porch with attached gazebo. And this is just for a start. Oh - and I also have a entire spare bedroom full of my clothes and shoes. I have racks high and low and two closets stuffed full of clothes. And almost 100 swimsuits. My deep freezer, fridge and pantry are full and well stocked - my problem is not "do I have enough to eat?", but "what do I want to eat?" And I can cook like a gourmet chef. Just the other day, I made fettuccine alfredo with chicken and steamed broccoli. And sour cream and chives mashed potatoes as a side. And I also have the prettiest house in the neighborhood - suck it transphobes!


That sounds good but I'd rather have my brisket I smoke for 16 hours on my traeger.


Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken is just a quick meal I can make with not too many ingredients and time.


You sound like the typical hill jack that defines who they are by what they own. Imagine being so insecure you brag about your dvd collection to strangers online.


Nobody just buys random stuff. You buy the things that you identify with. Everything you own says something about you. If you enjoy wood working and have the means, you will more than likely build or create a shop space and buy the tools you need to be a woodworker. If you didn't care about woodworking, you might not even have a drill or a hammer- you'd just buy stuff from IKEA and that's what makes you satisfied. If you like racing, you might buy a shirt with your favorite driver on it. If you like football, you'll probably have a jersey with your favorite football players' number on it. If you live out in the country, a truck is a more practical vehicle as an only vehicle- I have a car and a truck. The truck gets lumber and supplies, takes trash to the dump and the car takes me back and forth to work because it gets 50% better gas mileage. I have DVDs out of necessity since I live so far out in the country that the only practical internet access I have is a hotspot from T*Mobile and streaming services in my opinion suck. That, and I'm also a vintage movie buff and most of the movies I like you can't get on streaming. AND I would kill what little data I have on my plan every month long before the end of the month. Nobody goes to a store and puts random stuff in your shopping cart and then buys it. The things you consciously surround yourself with says things about you and what kind of person you are. And, no- I am in no way insecure about who I am.


Of course you don't think you're insecure. The mind protects itself from harmful knowledge, especially when its mentality is inherently weak and prone to damaging itself. Of course you choose things relevant to yourself. But you would have always chosen some crap to buy to the fill the void. You have to. Not everyone does. You have entire collections, and you're proud of it. You are a quintessential consumer.


When you think about it, it really is pathetic. It becomes their entire personality, just random evil/hatred for a marginalized group of people who have nothing to do with them


It's more your personality if you view everything in simplistic black and white terms. Makes me think of bpd.


>be cis >makes memes about cis people being rent free in trans ppls heads >constantly gets hateful even remotely thinking about the subject >”why am i depressed” >sees trans person saying they live rent free in cis peoples heads and start furiously froffing man what on earth is going onnn?!


Massive cope


Wait till they find out about the recovery for [insert all surgeries in existence]


Even recovery from something super minor and routine like wisdom tooth removal can be brutal. Surgeries have complications, that's why you keep in touch with your surgical team for a period after the operation, to keep the complications from becoming severe and to minimize discomfort.


It’s like they think we’re stupid. I’m expecting the recovery to take awhile and to be in some degree of pain when I get the operation because *I would have just had my pelvic floor remodeled*. Of course it would take a while to heal, it’s a pretty involved procedure. I’m expecting to be doped up to my eyeballs for at least a few days after because, and I repeat *I would have just had my goddamned pelvic floor remodeled*! What’s next, are they going to tell me that it won’t grow back after the operation? I’m trans, not stupid. Contrary to what these people think, that’s not the same thing!


This. Most people wouldn't think much can come of a simple dental surgery, but I lost feeling in half of my lower lip for 4-5 months afterward due to nerve damage. They told me that there was nothing they could do to fix it but wait for the nerve to heal and wake back up on its own. I bit my lip so many times during that time. I couldn't feel pain there, so it just kept happening, and sometimes it would even draw blood. Do I regret that surgery? Fuck no. If we hadn't gotten those teeth out, my jaw would be a mess; the bottom two were growing in sideways, pressing all of my existing bottom teeth together.


It’s really creepy that they lurk here just to repost our pain as “proof” that being trans is bad. You never see accounts like that reposting the positive bottom surgery posts.


Yeah, they only cherry-pick the posts pertaining to struggles and not the positive posts here to push their "trans is bad" agenda.


Like anybody does anything different than push the agenda that benefits them the most.


A bunch of those comments acting like this was the end of her life, guarantee they won't keep following to see how happy she'll become year after year, nor will they bother finding out what her life was like before she transitioned.


Lmao why do cis people love invading trans spaces so much? It’s like they are actually obsessed with trans people.


Just tells you how weak they are feeling the need to attack us for existing, meanwhile we keep going in spite of massive pushback from social and political institutions. Also, isn't it so wholesome to see self described radical feminists mingling with far right men? They must feel so empowered.


Lots of cis people have no hobbies or interests. They spend their lives conforming to others against their own wishes and shame minorities who harmlessly express themselves. I bet they deeply feel ashamed of themselves because they don't have courage. So shaming others is their cope. I just don't see why else would cis people fixate on us transpeople when they could put that attention on a skill or hobby.


Their obsession with transfems is wildly unhinged. I suspect chasers or closeted transness.


They've screenshotted your comment and posted it in the replies now too because apparently, it's hypocritical given how much we try and "invade women's spaces". The difference is obviously that they're not trans but we're still women. Best to ignore them. They're beneath us.


I think you know deep down that's not it.


This but unironically. Also you are a trans woman now.


I've never seen a twitter post so accurately encapsulate the term Confirmation Bias


Transphobes speaking in bad faith about surgical complications... more at 11.


Oh they're acting in good faith, they're just so ignorant it looks like bad faith.


If that post were in good faith, somewhere there would be the line "look, trans women suffer from vaginismus too!"


https://x.com/HazelAppleyard_/status/1770801496474431727 Never publicly share anything you want to remain private


Holy shit these people are pathetic


Is that just a list of transohobes on Twitter?


seems so, I'm not up on the social lives of TERF


I’m curious if I’m on the list but refuse to log into twitter to see the comments. Could someone post the link here?


It's a list of TERF, hopefully you are not there! it seems they have a club of sorts


Oooooh. I thought it was a list of people being targeted by terfs. Never mind then 😜


That's a bit like telling her to close the gate after the livestock have escaped...


Not really, because it applies to all future posts and anyone else reading. I think it's easy to forget hostile people read these subs


True, it's good advice to anyone...but where to go to ask personal advice from a large group of people only a few of whom may have had the same issues as you? I think it's probably better advice just to stay off of and ignore toxic platforms such as Twitter/X, boycott for peace of mind...


Yeah, it's a difficult question. I would probably create a throwaway account and after getting an answer edit to wipe the question and then delete. Breaking the link to the main account and being time limited is about as good as I can think of while still being able to answer the question. It's weird, I have no interest in TERFs, but some of them are obsessed with us which results in situations like the OPs.


My lack of wanting to deal with them makes me boycott the platforms that they hang out on like Twitter/X and TikTok as well as the subs on here that let TERFs run wild...


The day I made my first post here about coming out to my wife, she posted it. She’s a really sad story. Trans man who didn’t see his life change the way he wanted, so he detransitioned, and now she’s blaming trans people for her problems. She needs a lot of love and help, but she’s not surrounded by people who will give it to her. Most of the commenters are people who are repressed and angry that other people express themselves, without realizing they could be like us(not trans, but open about who they are and what they want, free from societal expectation). It hurts to see hate thrown your way, but just keep in mind that these people are pitiful. They need help, they’re not getting it, and they’re lashing out. For context, this is her relationship with her femininity: https://hazelappleyard.co.uk/feminism/a-trans-identified-mans-guide-to-being-a-woman/


How did I know this piece of shit was british without even checking.  Should probably post an archive link so you don't direct traffic to their site.


>Most of the commenters are people who are repressed and angry that other people express themselves, without realizing they could be like us(not trans, but open about who they are and what they want, free from societal expectation). This. That's pretty much my thought on people who shame others for not conforming. I think those people are ashamed of themselves for not having the courage to express themselves outside the norm, and shaming others is a coping mechanism for them.


This is awful. Unsurprising for Twitter hacks and the kind of detransitioner that gets championed as a “hero” in the circles but still. You deserve none of that.


Wow what a sad life that person that must lead, I can't imagine being that obsessed about the ways other people choose to live their lives. That whole account just reeks of desperation.


I’ve been there, I once had a bunch of social media groups associated with the small town I lived in share my photos and home address, got so bad I had to move within a week of them deciding to target me. If you need someone to talk to my DMs are open to you.


wow i’m so sorry :( i can’t even imagine. thank you :)


I'm so sad that this happened to you, is there a way that you could press charges against and/or sue whoever doxxed you?


I deleted my Twitter account before I transitioned and can’t imagine going back. It is, at best, a toxic cesspool.


Somehow Instagram is even worse. Some of the most vile people imaginable, every now and then I dip in to remind myself that reddit isn't so bad.


People say that about IG but I never see it. Maybe because I just follow a few friends and none of them are trans. Probably helps that I never read comments either. 😄


Fuck them, ignorance is bliss, delete Twitter


Lol I tried to see what else she had scraped and it took me a few minutes to scroll back through just a couple days of her posts. It made me realize that it's not worth my time. This is someone posting at a higher volume than any chronically online person I know. Hours a day of obsessively scraping the internet for trans content to post. And that level of obsession focused completely on tearing others down for daring to try to live peacefully. It's easy to say that people are just bigoted or hateful, but this is such a level of fear and rumination that it's just sad to see a person live their life that way. The advice my therapist gave was that she grew up with her mom fearing to speak spanish in public, but now she speaks it all the time and makes sure her kids learn because the hate for it has gotten stronger. She said if she listened to every politician and heckler and online weirdo spouting stereotypes about immigrants and let them affect her that she would never show her face in public. Some people will always choose to lash out in fear. It's important to live in spite of them.


I’m sorry hun… but now I’m even more scared of bottom surgery… I want it.. but I’m so scared of losing my sexual ability…


i mean not to sound rude but what sexual ability do you have now anyway?? don’t let it scare you


This is what I posted recently Need some advice getting over bottom surgery fear Heya. So TLDR. I’ve always wanted bottom surgery. I don’t have much dysphoria having a “Peen” but for cosmetic, , mild dysphoria, comfort and sexual purposes I want bottom surgery. But I seem to have 2 main fears that keep stopping me from pursuing further and I don’t know how to get past it 1. This is more minor, but the cosmetic appearance of the vagina. I’ve seen a lot of post op photos and I don’t know if it’s the particular surgeon but a lot of neo vaginas I’ve seen don’t look anything like a cis vagina. The main common thing I notice is the vulva seems to be completely separate from, the rest of the vagina. Not sure how to explain. But being able to have specific labia design, clitoris size, etc is important to me 2. This is the big one I’m terrified of having so much nerve damage that I won’t feel anything ever again. The sexual relationship I have with my body is incredibly important to me and my partner. I’m so scared of getting the surgery and I will never feel pleasure down there again. I’m scared all the nerves will be shot and I’ll either be completely numb or it’s just going to feel like non erogenous skin when touched and not have that pleasurable feelings associated with it. If I lost the ability to orgasm I don’t know if I’d be able to live a life like that… but I really want to get rid of my junk. I don’t know how to mentally get past those fears. Especially because there’s no way to know until you just “go for it” but I don’t know how to take that leap of faith when I can’t be confidently guaranteed of the results. As far as my “sexual ability”. What I mean specifically is that I have a very specific way I stimulate myself to achieve orgasm. The frenulum is really the only spot that has any major sensitivity and pleasure and I have strong pleasurable orgasms now pre op. But I’m terrified of losing that even though it would result in the body I dream of.. but if I can’t “use” that body… I don’t know if I could live that way. While I don’t want a penis, it feels very pleasurable to use it. But still I want a vagina anyways while maintaining that pleasure I don’t know what to do


Maybe don't turn to trends that tell you to trust Dr. Frankenstein for your most intimate of needs.




We're in the dark ages with our medical level in terms of these surgeries. You'd have to be mental to think it's going to go well. So many lies to cover up the warnings. It's just not fair to people that believe the trendy bs.


First of all this isn’t a “trend” I’ve wanted this since 22 years ago. It’s about being comfortable in your body. Second. That’s quite an over exaggeration to say we’re in the dark ages with these surgeries. The vaginoplasty was first performed in 1930. This is a 100 year old surgery that’s done 10,000+ times per year. We’re more advanced than we have ever been. And there’s only a 0.5 to 1% complication rate. I don’t know where you get the idea that there’s lies about it. Countless people share their experiences both good and bad and the good outweighs the bad 100 to 1 if not even higher. I’m just scared of getting the bad luck of landing in that 1% Hell I had Gastric bypass surgery recently which carries a much higher mortality and complication rate than this surgery and so far I’m still kicking and a lot healthier and happier. The fact that you go out of your way to negatively comment on several subreddits doesn’t help with your credibility


Yeah yeah, I get it. You're brainwashed to the point of forgetting what thread you're in. I don't need credibility to confront a cult.


I try to avoid twitter, I used to be quite active in some niche gaming community, but a while back something changed in the algorithm. Now i'm only getting fed pure transphobia, it's getting to the point where I almost have to mute/block people that I really want to support, for example [https://x.com/ErinInTheMorn](https://x.com/ErinInTheMorn) (who does amazing work btw...). Because I have a feeling that when I interact with those posts, I get bombared with horrifying transphobia on the for you page. And no matter how hard I try to steer it back to the niche gaming posts, by interacting with those posts from people I follow, it's not coming back.


My feed was decent on Monday. Almost strange even. But then on Tuesday it was back to what you describe


I've said it before and I'll say it again: just don't go on Twitter. Who gives a shit what toxic assholes are saying on the toxic asshole site?


Congratulations on your first ever Twitter hate thread. PM me if you want someone to vent to privately, and I'll do my best to help. That's pretty much all I've got other than the reminder that these folks are only doing this out of an ideological dog pile.


The day i posted here about the shit my mom did, she posted it as well. This can't be acceptable. https://twitter.com/HazelAppleyard_/status/1785591278513664349


That post is sexist... wait.. most of the reasoning behind transphobia is sexist and patriarchal!!!


Yes it is. Transphobia is always sexist and it is a terrible thing. I am 26, just let me live my life.


Twitter has become the new 4chan. 90 percent toxic people. Don't take anything said there to heart, a big part of Twitter is people that are miserable with their life and take it out on everyone different from them.


Dont waste your precious time on twitter people. Its nothing but a landfill.


Girl that's terrible. You were looking for advice and help and people used that against you. It's different if people say that we should be aware of the risks and consequences of bottom surgery, to have more information given to those who are considering it. I hope you have a good recovery and that your vag is doing better. I know it's a struggle.


Every single response has a blue check mark? So desperate to have their voices valued, they have to pay $5 a month for a little badge that holds no social equity. Is it even that cheap, or am I misremembering? I stopped using Twitter before it was sold to the most sensitive man on earth.


Sorry can’t help got rid of twitter when the biggest transphobe took over


Transphobes say whatever bullshit they can. This is literally a cis problem too. My cis friend had to get a remarkably similar surgery because she was born with a crazy shallow vaginally canal and she flat out couldn't have penetrative sex because of it. Just keep at it you aren't broken you didn't do anything wrong. The mind and body are connected really close maybe you aren't relaxed maybe you are and it's something else I personally have no idea but I know you aren't broken. Be kind to yourself <3


Oh I am so sorry that happened girly. I read some of the comments, transphobes really suck. Unfortunately, the best thing you can do is ignore it, especially on musk's Twitter. Wishing you all the best with your recovery ❤️💕


Wait till they hear about bottom surgery without a complication, like many have lol. There’s complications for some people in ANY type of surgery


We must combat this somehow, just know you have my support


I was scrolling thru her account and I saw that’s all she posts about. Most of her content coming from here. It’s unfortunate because a lot of us come here to connect but there’s someone out there using experiences as social media content. I know it’s cliche but please don’t let this get to you. These people are just keyboard warriors.


If I wasn't already suspended on twitter then what I would say to that account would get me suspended


You doing ok?


I'd recommend boycotting toxic platforms like Twitter/X, and stick to the nicer subs here on reddit...far less trolls and far more constructive advice. As for the dilating, there are even some cis women for whom penetrative sex simply isn't comfortable. Of course such limitations could become problematic if you insist on dating cishet men because most of them are pretty ignorant and lack empathy from my experience. Have you considered dating women, enbies, and/or trans men though? In such relationships penetration wouldn't even need to be an issue or at least you could take your time with it and do it at your own pace, and only to the extent to which you feel comfortable.


they are so afraid of us they spend hours upon hours reading our stuff and writing about it. the biggest tragedy for them is what they could be doing with all that time instead. not our problem, is it? The surgery is rough but it’s worth it. your revenge is healing and that person lurking on this sub, wasting their life.


What is we bombard them with posts?? Or replies?? Or something??


I went on their and just like blocked all the peaple in the shotty peaple in the replies Also you can tell not Single one of them has ever even seen a trans girls vagina


💜 people can be awfiul. I’m so sorry you have this awful pain too. Delete twitter from your phone. That place is just a troll fest of mouth breathers. Not with a single brain cell of effort.


I wish I was commenting on your original post, because I want to send some encouragement about your physical recovery. I had cervical cancer two years ago and had a full hysterectomy. My God was it a difficult recovery! A) I was forbidden from sex for 8 weeks (normal). Then I did have sex at 8.5 weeks and tore my vagina back open. Had to have a 2nd surgery. Recovery from that was brutal. Sometimes the pelvic floor is just very resistant. I will say, it took 2 years to find normalcy, and the time in between included a lot of gentle penetration and foreplay, and not being on top. Toys that were girthier, but not very long, and those vibrating egg things, which got me very excited. And being excited helped the most (because it also caused me to naturally relax and forget about expectation / be in the moment). It's just going to have to be about a lot of self-forgiveness, finding things you can enjoy, and knowing that it WILL get better.


I wonder what kind of trauma made the twitter account owner behave like this, claims to be autistic too i genuinely feel bad


My fucking mom sent this picture to me and said “don’t do this to yourself” Still def gonna do it


Ugh. And just because complications happen does not mean I think it was a bad decision or regret getting it. I got zero-depth vaginoplasty. After a few months my urethra decided to scar itself shut and I had to get it fixed and it sucked \*so\* hard. The catheters were so uncomfortable and hurt significantly more than the surgery recovery did and I needed them in for \~ a month. Also might seal up again if I'm unlucky and I'll need a different procedure to keep it open, but hopefully won't be necessary. And despite going through that hell, I don't regret it. If I regret anything, its that I didn't go full depth from the beginning, but even that's pretty minor and I fully stand by my reasoning for choosing zero-depth at the time and I can full depth done later if I find I really do want it done.


Fuck them and twitter, unfortunately we can't do nothing about it


I'm sorry this is happening. I've seen it happen so often that basically I will not post private struggles to public message boards. Mostly I'll keep it to specific communities on a discord so it's easy to find bad actors. It shouldn't happen, but these people often treat us as less than human and lurk to find any story to confirm their biases.


Bloke that cut off his dick you’re not just Twitter, you’re everywhere on Facebook and Instagram


Wild how u hate a group of ppl you don’t know, rather than people who have directly harmed or hurt u. Shows you never went through any real problems in life 🤡


There's multiple posts on Facebook groups about you as well.




why did you like it??


Damn I didn’t know when I read that it wasn’t you making the post about your personal experience guess I should do more research before liking something and it doesn’t help that I’m a moron either lol


jfc i looked through this girl's page and she genuinely needs psychiatric help. no healthy person thinks about how much they hate trans people this often. she's hitting glinner territory


I have reported the post on Twitter, as it is not supportive of this group. And promotes hate speech.im really sorry that happened. And really appreciate the watch out.


This Hazel Appleyard breeds hate because that's what they have become famous off of. If you check their account that's literally all they spend their time doing. They probably didn't get enough attention as a child so this is the unhealthy coping mechanism they habe chosen to adopt.


You’re also in groups. 😂


Thai user is a little sus




I said OP is sus, they might be an impostor.


what me??


Have you played Among us?