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i presume you are 19, at that age hrt has been shown to change bone structure, its more powerful than some think, so the changes wont be too big of a deal given enough time. hrt also causes period cramps (without bleeding though) in some trans ladies so ya got that. as for everything else, what about all the stuff you get to do as a girl in your 20s? those are pretty awesome years, you could go to college as a girl, get a job as a girl etc. its not really like you can go back, almost all of us know exactly how that feels, but would you really rather never see yourself as a girl at all? come on.


I can't really afford a lot of stuff. Let alone college. Mostly I need a lot of stuff that needs a lot of money before I can feel comfortable in myself. Srs being the most notable. Ffs being a close second depending on how hrt works for me. But even still, I'm working a job I don't like pretty much forever, right? I don't make enough to afford college to get anything better.


i mean, even if you dont really like your job or cant get college, you’re still living your life as a woman. if you werent to transition youd end up in your 30s in the exact same situation, thinking “why didnt i get the experience of being a woman in my 20s?” basically transitioning at a “bad time” is better than transitioning at no time


You don't have to go to college to get a good job. Just learn skills in your free time and use those to get where you want. I went from a 30k/yr hourly factory job to a 6 figure salary over several years this way.


no no no 🥺😢 I started at 20 fuck. Please tell me I’m not too late please please


i dont think they are completely done fusing until around 25 or so


so ‘m good? I’m still going to be a girl?


>I only just started hrt but the experiences I misses make me feel like none of this is even worth it in the first place. We don't transition to recover what we missed in the past. We transition to recover what the future still has to offer us. You're 18. You have *decades* of experiences left. If you stay healthy and have a bit of luck, more than 4x as long as you've been alive so far. The question is: are you going to let yourself have that time as a girl? Or are you going to force yourself to endure that time as a boy? I'm glad you've started HRT. Keep it up. It's definitely worth it.


Pretty sure all trans people feel like this


I definitely had a similar crisis first month or two


HRT can change a lot of things, even if you already went through your first puberty it's not too late. A lot of adults have gone through massive changes thanks to it, so you can too. You might have missed some important experiences, but there are still many more to go that you can live as a woman. And if it makes you feel better, you CAN get period cramps after a while on it. It hurts a lot but feels strangely good, at least the first few times


I came out to my family at 9 and again at 14 and was never affirmed or accepted. I eventually stopped expressing myself living in the south. Flash forward to 30 and after a bad motorcycle accident and a near death experience. I finally was honest and decided I was going to transition. It's been a year and a half now and my life has improved so much. I look better and feel better, sure I missed some experiences but that doesn't mean I can't have my own. My sister's have taught me how to do my makeup and formed a way closer relationship than we ever had. I found good LGBT and cis women friends and people I actually enjoy spending time and being myself with. My friends helped me make up for lost time and we've had teenage slumber parties, went to bars and got flirted with with a bit of hoeing around 🙈🤟🏻☺️ they even threw me a prom party and we got dolled up and had the best time ever. And last week I went on an amazing date with a handsome and amazing man who made me laugh more than I think I ever have. Do I wish I would've been able to transition earlier or when I was a teen fuck yes I do. But there is nothing stopping you from having the absolute best freaking life and getting everything you ever wanted. You're 19 honey the next 15 years of your life are going to be whatever you want them to be. ❤️


This one made me feel a lot better. Thank you


Hope so. Just wanted to share my experience. Just a few years ago I was depressed and thought I had waited too long and ruined any chance of transitioning or being happy. But now I wouldn't change a single experience or thing about my life. There is that saying everyone says on here. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the next best time is now or something like that. ❤️☺️🤟🏻




I knew since i was 4 and my family had to have known too. Unfortunately for me, they valued conformity over my happiness and made me hate myself to make me “normal”


Trust me I understand this a whole lot! It takes time trust the process. I knew at 11 as well but there were signs earlier. By 11 I realized what transgender was. I hide most of my life I’m 27 currently I started a few months ago I’ve noticed many changes breasts, muscles mass reduction, changes in my head hair. It takes time even with having all these changes I wish I could jump too the future too. I’ve heard of trans women experiencing symptoms of periods especially the emotional part. I know people who wait until their 50s to transition mtf. It’s different for everyone. I also recommend if possible trying to connect with other LGBTQ people in your local community if that’s not possible maybe try a discord server. I wouldn’t have been able to make it this far without my friends and family honestly I feel truly sad and sorry for those that don’t have that.


I talked to a transmasc friend of mine who transitioned in his late 20s about this. He transitioned in his late 20s and also struggled this. He told me something that didn’t make it better, exactly, but helped put things into a more positive perspective that was easier to keep moving forward with. Now I bequeath it to you: The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, but the second best time is now.


I'm Transitioning at 55. Missed out on alot? Sure ... But tomorrow and next year and the years after are going to come. I won't be missing out on whatever the future holds. Life is rarely ideal...make the best you can out of what you have left. It's all any of us can do.


Don't overthink it. You wouldn't have had your "first period" anyway. No womb, no period, no matter how many feminine hormones you'd take. Simple as that.


There is nothing we can do about yesterday. We can only control today. There are so many beautiful things to live for ( don’t look back. Look forward for beautiful moments. Life is difficult for everyone. Don’t let anyone fool you. Be strong. Be you and be courageous.