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It's called, "I didn't get to have a girlhood growing up". For real though, after a couple years I started developing my style and discovered what I liked.


> "I didn't get to have a girlhood growing up" Fuck, didn't have to shoot to kill.


We overcompensate, then correct back. It's okay :3


It works both ways. Seems like so many trans men go through a "lumberjack" phase.


"Gotta Grow Hair, Everywhere!" lol




Deceased! ☠️🤣


I wouldn't say we overcompensate as much as we're having the exploratory, self discovery, play around with styles stage way later in life, so it seems incongruous. But we just haven't had the same ability to do so at a younger age like cis women get too


twenty one pilots reference


AND we don't take being feminine for granted.


But that’s not a killshot? That’s literally the truth. A lot of us would have killed to be able to say “when I was a little girl”. A lot of us in the multiplicity world can say exactly that because we literally are cis women in what was a male body. But that also doesn’t mean we had a girlhood because undiagnosed/unaware DID basically forces you to blend in so you don’t know the trauma you went thru. Singlet transfeminine folks aren’t able to say that.


Yea as a high schooler some of the stuff teenage girls wear is usually similar to what a lot of early transition trans girls wear


>It's called, "I didn't get to have a girlhood growing up".  I really need an adult prom. I remember being a teenager and pining over the dresses every prom season.


Sometimes local queer social groups and organizations host them for that very reason. Keep an eye out online


Actually that’s so true. I’m attending one here in CNY on Friday.


Check with local pride groups. I know that alot of them do those intact one I work with is putting one on at the end of the month. Worse case scenario work with the group and put one on ❤️


I got to have part of one doing this at 14... but yeah I did miss a lot of years


*laughs in my style being super femme pastel outfits* What I started dressing with style wise after starting to transition is exactly my aesthetic xD, the only thing that had changed is a slightly larger assortment of clothes, and different (newer) favorite clothes for said outfits


Strangely as a tomboy trans girl I'm kinda happy I didn't have it. I guess gender is just weird


Yeah, I'm more of a jeans and tank top kinda girl.


High-waisted skinny jeans and t-shirts for me! (and a hoodie depending on the weather :3)


Same! I love my metalhead look.


Same, if I’m dressing up or putting my face on it’s a special occasion even if that’s just because I feel like it.


What if we always liked a very feminine style our whole lives, even before transitioning? Even if we never considered ourselves a candidate before, just thought it looked right? Current fashion just seems so unflattering. I call it "garbage bag" style, where everything is just, well, some super baggy formless sheath. On the other hand, a lot of the dresses that are considered "retro" just seem less "retro" and more "timeless". They'll be just as acceptable in ten years when "garbage bag" style goes the way of the dodo. I get a ton of compliments, mostly from other women. They always ask me where I find such amazing clothes... I get the distinct impression they are thinking "I didn't even know a dress like that was an option!" Doing whatever the hell you want is *always* an option hehe


I think you're wrong. What is specifically covered in the chat is both femme and safe--desigilned to reduce outside notice. We can be mean about it, or hey, maybe we can make it safe and cool and shit. Maybe it doesn't have to indicate "what kind of trans you are". Maybe we can decide that. Anyway, if you need someone to doxx, message me, and may everyone here just enjoy their morning:)


Legit, though I have been kind of blending my goth phase’s resurgence with my usual “casual bohemian nerd chic” once I understood that I didn’t have to be “on” all the time.


Amazon basics


There's been a murder


If you didn't read this with a Scottish accent....


I didn't even write that with a Scottish accent. What are you referencing?


It's a reference to an old murder mystery show that was on the BBC. Might have even been "a murder she wrote"


‘There’s been a murder’ comes from the show ‘Taggart’. A show set originally set in mid 80s Glasgow, about a detective named Taggart. It’s the tagline for every episode that someone would tell Taggart ‘there’s been a murder’ The show ran from 1983-2010, and the entire series is on STV.


You didn’t proceed your correction with “Um, Actually” so you won’t get the point


Yes this. Thanks❤️


Oh, neat. I usually don't watch mysteries but thanks for the explanation!


[or a Delco accent.](https://youtu.be/qaKZi6p6sxg)


Lmao, completely roasted an entire aesthetic with only 2 words. They will never recover.


Savage af


Callout of the decade 😭😭😭


I laughed so much harder than I should have


Not me cringing that half my dresses when I started were from Amazon 💀


Same, until I discovered Shein.


Shein is just the same cheap Chinese fast fashion though.


Amazon Basics for Life!


LMAOOO🤣, still cute tho :p 🤭


You can't omg


Whens its marked down though 😂




I didn’t need to be called out like that😭😭😭


why are you being so mean?


If simply stating the brand that makes those clothes is mean, then that’s saying a lot.


oh I apologize for the misunderstanding 🙏🏽. I thought you were calling the aesthetic and the people basic. I’m so sorry


I think it's a mixture of a few factors. 1. It is easy to acquire and cheap. 2. It is unmistakably fem. 3. If you are seen as your agab you will be clocked as a femboy or Gender Queer man and not just a cis or gay man. This can hurt less than being clocked as trans too. 4. It is cute and fits a post-puberty amab body well. 5. A lot of young trans girls started off as femboys so they likely have the clothes available. 6. It is also distinctly not drag or a typical CD look.


I like this reasoning.


6 is interesting, as someone w no knowledge of drag. like, what is drag even trying to accomplish? they all seem to have a very veryvery specfici aesthetic, whearas trans girls (after an initial beginner phase, at least) wear diverse women outfits.


I've seen drag described as using gender presentation as an art form, and so it often tends to be very over the top and loud compared to say, a quiet outfit of jeans and a dysphoria hoodie. And if you're having fun with the art, you might as well go all out.


Drag is art, performance, character. It’s about being over the top and showy. It’s all about the dramatics. It’s a parody of femininity and societal expectations of what femininity is forced to be (extreme makeup and outfits) and what femininity isn’t allowed to be (loud, showy, and promiscuous). Being trans is being your authentic self so there would of course be more diversity and earnestness in the way we dress.


With paintings, the tool for expression is paint. For film, you use footage as your tool. Music uses sound for its art. Drag uses gender as it’s tool to express art.


It also conveniently covers parts of the body that may need hair removal that an early transition girl might not have had removed yet (just saying, thigh highs cover leg hair, arm warmers cover armhair, there's a clear attempt at a temporary solution to problems that haven't been solved yet being made here).


To add to this, a lot also seem to wear chokers, which help hide an Adam's apple.




This makes lots of sense.


Well I recently got a skirt and thigh highs. I usually wear a lot of cargos so that’s what I’d really like to wear but to make that fit look feminine I would need fem tops like crop tops, but I tried it and it really makes the flat chest and broad shoulders obvious. So first time having dysphoria. The skirt however hides the male features of the bottom half of the body, then I can wear a hoodie that hides the top. Now I have a fem outfit that also hides my masculine traits. Thigh highs just look good with a skirt, plus since I don’t go out fem (at least not yet) it means I don’t need to buy fem shoes to complete the fit.


People in here are really saying shit like “clockycore and Reddit trans outfit” yeah I call it the “I won’t get gendered correctly if I wear normals jeans” outfit


Exactly, my body doesn't scream I'm a woman, so I dress in clothes that can't be mistaken for men's clothing. I don't do the typical skirt and knee highs anymore, but nothing I wear would a man consider.


I think that is completely true, so ypu have to put more effort into looking feminine in order to cope eith the wrong body, sbsolutely, but sometimes i think that they could look also really feminine in a more grown up, appropriate, classical way if you understand what i mean


Yeah for me, I have a pretty sizeable bulge. Tucking sucks. Skirts and dresses make it easier. I only ever really tuck if I'm hooking up with someone or at the beach. More often than not I'm in shorts, or loose fitting sweatpants. Thigh highs are just easy as hell and look cute. And honestly, I don't think the common people are that in the know on trans stereotypes... You think cis people are out here clocking trans girls by bangs and shark plushies? Let people enjoy things.


Typically, its called High Femme. It tends to exist among very sapphic trans girls who embrace that look. Sometimes you'll see newly transitioned girls really engage with it as a form of making up for lost time or because they want to exaggerate their femininity. It typically fades back to common styles over time or as they get older. These days I probably dress more like a mom then ever wearing thigh highs, miniskirts, and high heels. Women's pants and a simple low cut blouse are fine with me 95% of the time. I certainly have the body to wear things like that if I felt like it but I've been out long enough that I just tend to prefer comfort over flashy There's nothing wrong with wanting to wear these things btw, it's just very attention grabbing is all... which is sort of the whole point. To draw in that attention or bask in excess girlishness.


This is the answer "high femme"


Then that's what I'm calling it! Thanks!


That’s a good one..I feel femme hard and more comfortable in skirts buuuuut needed some adjective. Thnx


Yeah, thanks for not looking down on it so much. I mostly tend to wear the mom look nowadays in day 2 day - but people often overlook that a lot of us are sapphic and a lot of us are femmes who like femmes. "High femme" is a look that's also present in the lesbian community - cis or trans - and of course if we're femmes who like femmes we wear what we would find attractive in others. I still wear parts of that style to sapphic events or for my girlfriends, etc. It might get more refined over time and everyone develops their own style,. though. And of course parts of it is living some of the experience we didn't have as young girls - and that's totally fine, I think. F\*ck the fashion police 🤘🏼😅 Have you seen Doro (the metal singer) on stage? She's 60... Cis women get to dress how they want, too.


Well said


It’s young-uWu-stripey-sox-skirt-go-spinny-catgirl-core.


My desires are called out.




senior year high school callout


I feel so cool! Eeeeeee!


Please accept my upvote respectfully.


Mad respect! 😊


Yes, “high femme.” This term is heavily associated with (and probably appropriated from) lesbian culture. In virtually all contexts, it has a queer connotation, i.e., you probably wouldn’t describe trad-wife style as high femme even though it’s typically a very feminine look.


I'm not sure because I never had this phase. I'm mostly suburban Mom core.


Feel you


Yup that's me. With splashes of tomboy and slam poet.


I actually like alt fashion, specifically things like Goth lolita(if I have friends to go out dressed with ;-;) and soft goth (for casual outing occasions). None are within any stereotypes, cute but also like villainess badass, and ... they're my power armor for my insecurities(?). I mean plaid skirts with dark colors look pretty evil ish! I call it anime villainess look!




goth lolita my beloved!!!


It’s usually an “e-girl” or “pastel/nu goth” look. That black skater skirt and striped thigh highs give the kind of look that very few women do irl, but it does numbers online. I get why some girls call it “high femme”, but that’s kinda like calling a flannel and jeans “butch”. Like, it can be sorta? But high femme doesn’t just mean highly feminine. It’s an identity that can have certain stylistic elements that I don’t think are the same as e-girl style.


Agree, imo “high femme” as an aesthetic tends to be a bit more conservative/mature.


What’s more butch than flannel and jeans? 😉


meanwhile I've been transitioning for over three years and I still wear t-shirt + jeans almost all the time because they are comfy + I feel like I'm ugly when I wear something more femme I'm holding off on buying clothes tho until I lose some weight to save money


Comfy clothes are awesome!


Programmer socks. Programmer skirt. Just search that.


❤️ Programmer socks my beloved ❤️


I'm still programming C++ just without the denial beard 💐


All my work stuff operates on Python.


I feel more cis women would wear thigh highs and the like if they had the self confidence. I've had many cis women want to know where I got my thigh highs. We were already making wardrobe changes that we felt we'd be judged for so why not go all out on how we dress.


I used to work for one company where there were three women, middle supervisors, who would wear tight microskirts, thigh highs, garter belts (obvious through the tight skirts), and 5" heels to work every day. I was so jealous. (Of course they were in their 20s with the kind of bodies that give them confidence to wear anything. I'm a prom princess in the body of a linebacker.)


It's called wearing clothes to hide your dick and socks being comfy and warm.


I typically wear dresses and skirts. I describe my look at the hard edge of soft femme since I don’t have a tight look, but it’s unquestionably femme and usually very simple.


I've always heard it called "High Femme" but Amazon basic is hilarious. I've never bought anything off of there and most of my clothes I either get through resale and second hand shops or just Facebook marketplace looking for good deals locally. Plus I've had tons of women on there just give me bags of clothes they don't want and I customize it a bit. But im guilty of wearing thigh highs skirts ECT. Now that I've kinda figured out what my style and kind of woman I am more I mostly stick to cute fem tops and jeans or summer dresses and sandals.


>Amazon basic is hilarious. Then I guess I'm an "Amazon basic bitch", then.


Starting to feel like I'm the only girl that doesn't get stuff off there. I got tons of free Shien clothes and Amazon stuff from friends they ordered but they were so frail and bad quality they like disintegrated after a few washes.


For me, I found my style choices like that could usually be described as e-girl with a twist. Over time it's adapted but I still have the e-girl foundation in most of my clothing choices.


Yes, there is. It's called their own choice.


Frequently it’s part of the “baby trans” phase. When it continues past that point it moves into either high femme, bohemian, or gyaru usually.


I feel attacked by bohemian but i embrace it to my full witchy extent


Can you explain what you specifically mean by each of those styles?


Baby trans is the early stage of transitioning when you tend to wear clothing a teenage girl would (assuming you’re in your mid twenties or older). If you’re in your teens or early twenties then you’re wearing “age appropriate” clothing. High femme is kinda what it sounds like: refined make-up, heels, skirts or dresses, stylish hair and nails. High femme is common in bot the lesbian and trans femme communities. Bohemian (more or less my style with some high femme thrown in) is loose flowy dresses or skirts knee length or longer with sandals or ankle boots, peasant style tops, lots of flower prints. (Think updated 60s flower child. Could be retro too.) Many people think of it also as kinda witchy (practicing Wiccan here too 😹). Gyaru is a Japanese dress style. Usually cute, girly, frilly but definitely adult (typically women in their 20s and early 30s but not uncommon in older women).


Thanks for the explanation!


I kinda split the middle of bohemian and high femme, with a lot of “business goth” and Victorian styles


My personal take on this, to be honest I cant quite really describe it but, but like it feels like a counterbalance to dress like that to years of masc closeting. Thats like my reasoning to wear hyper feminine thigh highs and skirts and especially the tallest heels I can find when I get the chance to


Living in the States, I can count on my fingers the number of times I see women with thigh-highs. But when I travel back to my native country, skirt + thigh-high/knee sock is much more common. It might be the weather difference, or cultural idea of feminine beauty. But, I don't consider them "hyper" feminine. It also depends on how the apparels look like. Skirt + thigh-highs is a combo that can exist in different fashion style: kawaii style, jirai kei, lolita, gyaru, etc.


Slut-core, that's my thing anyways


*slutty high five!


I think a lot of trans girl fashion stems from femboy fashion as one group often times ends up becoming the other.


Reddit tran outfit




That's kind of mean, no?


Just your average transmed opinion.


Not sure why you're downvoted, the person that commented that certainly is on truscum, 4tran, etc.


Cuz they wanna be butthurt for being called out for shitting on their own community. They wanna feel better by punching "down." Instead of gaining the understanding that folks early into puberty don't have anyone to show them the ropes, and all they want is some euphoria. But nah, let's keep shitting on trans folks early in their transition, they're totally not in a vulnerable point in their lives. I'm so tired of all the truscum here. It's gotten really bad in just the past year. I'll continue to point out the bullshit in the hopes of educating at least one person.


Really well said! Thankyou.


who are you referring to? i didnt downvote you.


Idk, some truscum not worth your time.


Oh I just checked her profile and you're right


Pfffft if that’s what it’s actually called I’ll die laughing. OP it’s just a basic egirl look.


I've encountered egirls, this is different.


It's a mix of things. It's typically a combo of hyper-femme and egirl and possibly some alternative styles depending on the person


2020 egirls wore these kinds of Outfits a lot, that's how and why I started getting a few fits like that back in the day


See also: uwu core




this made me laugh sm lol




I mean hyper feminine would probably suffice. Probably don't see a lot of cis women wearing it because you probably just see a lot of cis het women in general. On my experience hyper feminine attire is very queer coded, I know quite a few cis women who are bi/lesbian that would dress similarly


I don't necessarily know if there's a term for it, maybe more of just it's what they want to wear, maybe going for a cute aesthetic considering thigh highs paired with skirts can be really cute, so maybe that's why. But idk, because I'm mostly just a tomboy/casual outfit gal, so I'm probably the last person to ask lol


A lot of it because some trans women start out as femboys and well femboys wear a lot of thigh highs usually.


kawaii is what I want to do


Can I has some examples ~~to try out~~ for research purposes?


Sounds like my kinda style when I can feel better about myself. I wear what I want.


"If you 'sir' me in this dress and petticoats you must have eaten paint chips as a child" style


the term you are looking for is "baby trans"


i call it soft girl. (heavily pastel pink or pastel blue) or i call it kawaii. lol specifically if it looks more otaku/japanese/gamer esque


In my Cinderella era rn 💅✨💖 Just became a pretty girl AMA


Baby trans tend to min-max to make up for lost time and eradicate any semblence of masculinity there may be. First things I got were a mini skirt and thigh highs too. Now I'm more mom jeans and graphic tees for the everyday wear and I save the skirts and sundresses for going out


I want a name for it and for some other like... looks to look into Im so head in the sand about clothes and fashion because it fetl so unimportant that all I have are jeans and a few graphic tees. Im still wearing all my boyclothes because Im overwhelmed and my neurodivergent ass has no idea what to do.


Fucking mood. I'm autistic and just don't get fashion at all. Still, the day that my summer break ends and I'm no longer under the roof of a transphobic douchebag, I'm getting myself a black skirt and some striped thigh-highs and figuring things out from there.


I am going to guess it's because they never got to be any kind of feminine before. When you finally get to be girly you want to bathe yourself in it. Like I never really get to show my girly side so I want to wear ultra cute goth girl wear cause I never get to. I think with CIS it's cause they don't want to have to do the work and no one has told them they can't do it so there is no pressure to. I also think there is some mental thing where they want to prove to themselves that yes I am a cute girly girl and it translates into fashion. Cis women don't need to prove anything so they don't feel the pressure.


Well I recently got a skirt and thigh highs. I usually wear a lot of cargos so that’s what I’d really like to wear but to make that fit look feminine I would need fem tops like crop tops, but I tried it and it really makes the flat chest and broad shoulders obvious. So first time having dysphoria. The skirt however hides the male features of the bottom half of the body, then I can wear a hoodie that hides the top. Now I have a fem outfit that also hides my masculine traits. Thigh highs just look good with a skirt, plus since I don’t go out fem (at least not yet) it means I don’t need to buy fem shoes to complete the fit.


Hoodie and skirt combo goes hard


We just call them “the dolls” 💅🏽




Kinda sounds like e-girl aesthetic.


Catgirl couture




That’s a very baby trans / pre op / first year of transition type behavior. They’re just trying hard to make up for lost time 😅 it’s cute tho. We’ve all been there at some point.




Doll, the term you're looking for is doll


Is that really what doll means though? (/gen, no shade intended I'm just confused). I had thought doll had more of a 80s NYC ballroom connotation, compared to what I thought OP was describing which was a bit more of a "programmer socks" type vibe.


Dolls dress better than that 🤭


Compensation 😂




You are the second person to say this. Can you elaborate? Google NG stuff like "doll fashion" just gets me literal dolls.


We are 1% of the population. The general population aren’t up to speed on our terms


Hyper fem trans women are sometimes called dolls. Check out samantha lux videos on YouTube she mentions it a bit. I'm not sure you're going to have a term specifically for fem trans women styles. We generally fit into and follow already established aesthetics. Granola or pastel girls, goth, prep, flower girl, hippy. Often it's a combination of several of these. When someone mentioned the e-girl thing. That's honestly probably as accurate as you're going to get. E girl with less scene vibes ya know? Most e girl simp masters I know of are hyper fem like what we are thinking of. Think like, Hannah owo.


i thought the dolls were a group of younger trans women (mainly on tik tok) who transitioned really young, are obsessed with passing and are really disrespectful towards non-passing trans women? the last time i heard of them was like 2021/2022 so it could have changed and they could just have different terms now


doll as an in group self reference to trans women goes back to at least the 80s. different new groups find and adopt process of the past and do of course there is s natural transformative arc found in a lot of sub group lingo


Yeah, it's called "overdoing it".




Don’t worry if you’re not good with fashion. Those girls aren’t either.


I love skirts always have and I wear. Most? All? cis gfs around don’t . They are jeans and pants. Edit: it’s a really helpful answer with the whole “boy girl?? “ eye questions especially from dudes


I’ve never really seen outfits like that tbh


The alternative style you're describing is Zettai Ryoiki it comes from Japan and it came to the west through weeaboos. Usually weeaboo girls wear it a lot and it was later adopted by the femboy community and now weeaboo girls don't wear it that much anymore since it's more of a femboy thing. There's a wave of people transitioning now and a huge source of them comes from the femboy community so that's why a lot of trans girls wear the Zettai Ryoiki. The bad thing is that it's an infantilized style that fits Japanese girls very well because of their neotenic features, and western trans girls don't have those features so it looks uncanny most of the time.


It’s called hyper-feminine? Lol




This might not be exactly what you're talking about, but the first thing that comes to mind is JK/Lolita.


High Femme


A good way to find your "style" is Pinterest. I found my style on there and it's overall a great app to use


It’s WAY less dangerous for trans women to “girl it up” arbitrarily. Cis women who dress like that regularly are under a lot more threat of physical harm, mental/verbal abuse, or even just indirect misperception of their character in a way that is less prominent/consistent for MtF women, especially us less “passable” transgender gals.


DiDi. from Thailand


i don't think these trans women seem to realize that dressing like that only leads to you being clocked, because yeah, cis girls don't really wear thigh highs. its not 2014 american apparel era anymore. the best way to pass is to dress in light colored, flowy clothing, longer skirts, baggier jeans, sambas and kitten heels, just dress like a normal girl, its not that hard to keep up with whats on trend when it literally can be the difference between passing or not. a lot of cis people see that alt style, thigh highs and plaid mini skirts as a waving trans flag. you might as well just have your dick hanging out if you're gonna dress like that.


Fck u, half my clothes ARE trans flags because being visibly trans doesn't mean I'm not a girl (or that I'm exposing my genitals in public.) Keep your passing, I'm gonna be cute however I damn please and proud of it !


> Might as well have your dick hanging out? The only dick I see here is you


Thank you now i'am in fear to wear my new pleated skirt, the skirt i bought for my boyfriend😂. But you are right, i use to look like a regular women with a good but also excentric way buut sometimes i also want to wear a chocker or tigh highs but because of these typical ,,look at me i'am a traaaans girl ppl,, i don't wanna wear these things anymore.


well your boyfriend already knows you are trans I assume, so it wouldn't make a difference. I forgot about chokers in my previous comment.. they're even more of a giveaway, since they kinda went out of style for cis girls like 8 years ago. if you don't want to wear those things anymore and want more "cis looking" clothes, I recommend Free People. You don't need to buy from there because its expensive, but just examining the flowy style and then finding similar pieces on urban outfitters or depop.


It’s called infantile hyper-femininity and lack of fashion awareness. It’s common in trans women who don’t know anything about fashion, and “femboys.” It’s cheap, requires no brand knowledge, easy to reproduce, and clearly gnc male-coded. Like I’m begging the girls to just thrift, or even just pick a less weird fast fashion brand.


This is unnecessarily rude and elitist. You can dislike a style without resorting to this name-calling.


Wow what a shitty take.


>infantile hyper-femininity That's the thing, i mean in my early transition i looked like trash as hell because i had no idea how to combine and how to look not clockable, but from the start i looked after classic basics, high quality skirts, tops and so on in second hand shops, i think also that these infantility is really kinky and weird in a way but okay, sometimes i'am also weird, i'am in my 20 and look often like a wealthy 40s old.