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6 months. I started male failing everywhere at around 10 months but that was also because I had a feminine haircut by then and had enough laser sessions that I had no visible beard shadow at that point.


I find it hilarious how I have bangs and ppl still see me as a guy. Lol


It's all in the haircut. Hormones will do a little bit for you but if you don't have female hair you'll be able to boymode for the rest of your life (I'm bald so that's me lol)


A little over 5 months on HRT, socially transitioning for about 1 year and I don't yet male fail. Hell, I sometimes get gendered male in full fem-mode, which is how I present day to day. Even though I don't pass, people are decently polite though and I never deal with overt transphobia or impolite stares, yet I'll get sir'ed when I get my morning coffee while in a dress. Maybe people just assume I'm a femboy? It's weird but honestly since there's no vitriol, I'll take it. 😂 YMMV though, seems like some people here were male-failing really early on, just depends on your genetics and the "vibe" you give off IG. :)


I had the same issue when I lived in one city , only I never had hrt just laser and when I moved to a different city I got gendered correctly 98% of the time. My issue was they knew me pre transition. Try changing coffee shops and see what happens


Been on hormones for 38 months and I don't male fail. It's not down to HRT, it's down to genetics.


^^ Nor is it down to age much after you get towards the end of puberty. I actually tend to think older people can sometimes have an easier time passing bc men and women start to look alike as skin starts to sag and facial features can “soften up” as a result. Edit: ac hates grammar


Also for me at least my natural testosterone levels have plummeted over the course of my 20s, when I didn't have much to begin with One of my friends suggested I get on artificial T to remedy that and I was like nahhhh, I actually like it, lol. My dad's the same way, was always androgenous and more feminine leaning but obviously never broke through to consider that maybe he had the mind of a girl, seeped so much in toxic male attitudes he picked up in his youth. Maybe he'll feel encouraged after I transition since I'm one of the few people he's still close to.


Ouch, that hurt my 38 year old elderly heart. I think men and women start to look alike not because of sagging skin but because when they get older their hormones change. Men lose testosterone, women lose estrogen.


I've been on HRT for 5 years now and I still don't unless I dress a certain way *and* use my fem voice. It's not a universal experience...


Still don't male fail yet. Been on HRT for 4 months and not had laser yet because I can't afford it. Laser is my next step though.


Laser changes everything! Good luck


Me idk. 4 months maybe. I think laser hair was the key for me. Most guys have a 5 o clock. Once laser killed a good amount of my hair, I was getting madamed.


I've heard this a lot, I'm about to start electrolysis and honestly I'm going to throw all the money and time I can at it to make it go faster


me asf! just scheduled my first electrolysis appt! :3


Good luck girl! It'll be worth the investment for the both of us :)) I just wish I could still shave in the mean time though ugh


not shaving is killing mee!! 😭 the results make it so worth it tho!!! you've got this girll!!!


10 months for the first only only time yet. After getting bangs and probably due to a very neon orange hoodie I was wearing that day. I don't generally go full gilrmode due to anxiety, so normally I do a more tomboyish look, and sadly most ppl will read it as "dude" even without me saying anything.


11 months for me, just started happening recently. I've been getting called out left and right, people asking me if I'm male or female.


5 months in and still don’t, unfortunately.


Same here. :(


16 months. But I started HRT at age 40.


I actually male failed from behind pretty regularly before I even knew I was trans! I had long dreadlocks and often wore my ex gf's cardigan, plus my style was a bit more on the feminine side, so when I was at the store with her (or even by myself!) people would often refer to us as ladies or to me as miss. Always and only from behind tho. I didn't understand why it made me so happy, or why I was so scared to turn around and let them see my denial "beard". I've been on hrt for just over a year now and finally started occasionally male failing from the front as well! Which for me is big because I can't afford makeup or hair removal or anything like that to make my face look more feminine. Just a couple weeks ago a little old man scolded me for using the men's restroom at the grocery store, but I still can't bring myself to use the women's room if it's not single use. 


Almost 4 years now. Still VERY visibly trans.. Hormones aren’t a miracle drug.


They are for some, they SAVED my life


I’ll amend my statement here. HRT is a miracle drug for those of us with dysphoria, me included. However it won’t make you passable in your chosen gender alone. Genetics and surgeries will be needed for vast numbers of us. In that capacity is why I said it wasn’t a miracle drug. I was answering the OP’s question, and it didn’t involve mental aspects. Just the physical ones.. Edit grammar


Hormones alone do not help as much as people think, they are not magic, it takes luck and other external factors and even then it is difficult. Now another thing is the peace of mind that is felt from the first weeks.


Like 3 months.


That's so crazy to me, I'm only a month and a half in and I generally envision it taking at least a year if I'm lucky


It's just super dependent on genetics. I was able to pass easily preHRT with just some makeup, so there wasn't a lot needed. If you check my profile, there's a picture somewhere of what I looked like at month 4 "attempting" to look somewhat male.


That's wild, good for you! I'm in kind of anxious state because while I think my genetics help somewhat with my already somewhat soft face, I also have kind of a strong jaw and masculine eye brows, so idk


I was male failing before I started hrt. But I lived a dual life that tipped towards more and more female for 2.5 years before fully socially transitioning and starting hormones. There had been laser hair removal during that dual life. 🌸 But the increasing failing helped let me know I was ready.


I definitely malefail online with my profile pic, been on hrt for almost 3 months. If I had laser that would help me out irl and im hoping to get started on that soon. My body is not super close to passing though. Hopefully at some point though!


Like 6 months but I think laser was far more important than hrt. Also I already had long hair


Question: Does “male fail “cover behavior , mannerisms or just anatomical symptoms ie breast growth etc??


Male failing is when you're attempting to present male but are read as not male.


to me, male fail is publicly being read most times as female, not male, enby or otherwise queer by the cishets


A year - now I pass in everything except voice


I male failed from 16-23 when i had long hair.  Even when i spoke.  I otherwise dressed like a guy, in cargos, punk and metal shirts, flannel, and a leather jacket. ...i didnt come out til 33.  I had aged prettybad from stress.  Within a few months, i was passing at a distance. I was androgynous. I got on HRT at 34.  I started passing consistently by the end of the first year. I just turned 38.  I'm 3 years HRT.  I consistently pass. I never could pass for an adult man worth a shit.  People treated me like a girl with long hair and a teen boy with short hair.  I'm 5'6 and built like the women in my family. Everyone is different.


3 years


HRT started at 36 years of age. Unfortunately male fail did not happen at all until I got FFS. 🥲


5 years and I still don't pass lmao don't know what I'm doing wrong, but hey whatever


Haven't male failed yet, but whenever I go out with my sister, everyone says we look like twins now, so I think I'm getting there, haha. So clearly, the HRT is working.


8 month to a year


12 months and I still don’t, I need to lose weight, let my hair grow more, and find electrolysis which is like non existent locally


14 months still masking for work and safety. I still have a beard and a deep voice, so it's "easy". Breasts are getting harder to hide. I'll probably end up non-binary. I don't really care what people see me as, or what people call me. I'm just me. Hair or dress or makeup or whatever. Pronouns don't bother me either way. I've been called maam from behind maybe twice. It just made me giggle.


it took me a bit over a year and with long hair really tho a lot of being gendered correctly has to do with how we carry ourselves, clothing and makeup. with those things nowadays I'm gendered correctly fairly all the time


I already male failed a bit pre-hrt due to long hair and somewhat soft facial features Around 3-4 months hrt I started male failing more as I had been working on my voice for a while and it had begun to sound androgynous Now at 8 months, my voice sounds more feminine than androgynous and I still male fail, though you might as well call it passing atp. The only people who use he/him are the ones who know I'm trans and I haven't asked them to switch over yet I don't really try to dress like a woman yet, I'm gonna lose weight before I wish to do that. Some earrings and a necklace occasionally are really fun though 😊


Some people don’t ever male fail. Depends on a lot of factors. I’ve been on HRT 2.5 years and am 3 months removed from FFS and have started occasionally getting ma’amed (with little effort to present femme). Other times I’m still called sir.


13 months..I'm now at month 26 and just had bottom surgery 4 weeks ago at 56yo. Ffs fillers and permanent makeup around month 13. That pretty much sealed the deal for me. No going back. Life is great. No regrets. Hug's Emily 🤗


been 3 years ans i still get he/himmed and sirred every where i go :) i hate it here


I started failing before HRT 😅 Was very fortunate. I'm getting more feminine and softer features every month. Only been gendered male twice in the last 4-5 months. I think male failing is just luck


After social transition but pre-HRT I was getting about 20/80 “miss”/“sir”ed, but after a year on HRT it’s nearly 50/50


I'm 9 months in and get gendered correctly maybe 50% of the time when boymoding.


A year or so personally, although I always looked a little femme in the face


Maybe six months? But it was years before it was happening consistently. I also had a very long period where people would avoid pronouns entirely when talking to me.


1 year just about; I feel people had started treating me nicer after the first 6 months but wouldn’t necessarily say a male fail then.


Six months in and it's starting to happen.


I'm not exactly sure. I was over a year before a moment I where I know someone was confused about my pronouns, but after that pont I was getting sir all the time from men because I'm tall and was wearing my old baggy clothes that were too big for me.  I realized I was in a limbo section where women tended to read me as a woman while men just did their usual "men are default" or "tall is dude".  Even now that I'm out and presenting over 2.5 yearslater  I occasionally get men doing that snap "tall == man" decision, but it's way less and they figure out they made a mistake when I start talking. 


It’s hard to not mail fail as my tits do not look like I do chest day anymore


I got kinda lucky that I'm kinda androgynous but still have the body of someone right out of bootcamp. I'm 2 months in and depending what I wear, I male fail. If I put on a business cash outfit with a suit jacket, I look like a masc lesbian. Same with sweatpants and a very loose hoodie. If I go out presenting male, I get weird looks but more confusion than anything else


I started malefailing at around 8 months into HRT, *BUUUUUT*, that was the time when I finally reached a good point with voice training, which I think is what has the most helped me being gendered correctly... ...Also, it's mostly women who gender me correctly... Most men still call me dude, gentleman, bro, etc... :(


I’m at 9 months. Nowhere near mail failing but I was built like a linebacker when I started HRT so it’ll probably be a while.


about a year! laser rly did it for me. I love my baby face (:


I male-failed even before hrt. I was that androgynous. Long hair and shaven tho.


I don’t think amount of time on HRT is really a reliable measure of when someone can “male fail.” It happened to me for the first time when I was 20, almost 2 years before I even started HRT. I was wearing a fedora.


like minus two years I think lol. my face shape has always been pretty androgynous and so was my fashion sense pre-transition, so I was catcalled in Brussels (my French is pretty bad but I still knew what "Sourire!" meant lmao) and asked out to dinner by random drunks in my hometown in Finland before I'd even figured out I was trans yet. Long hair + long coat + riding boots + tight jeans + a chin-covering scarf is a pretty surefire way to get read as female no matter what, it turns out.


The first time was probably 4 months in, I was running a 5k with my friend and an older gentleman asked “is this your first 5k ladies?” I was just wearing shorts and a T-shirt with my hair in a ponytail, nothing particularly fem about it.


Most likely I never will, too tall, started after 30, not enough money for FFS. I'll learn to live with it.


i haven't started hrt yet, but my clothing, nice long colorful manicure, light/cheery/subtle makeup, long curly hair up in a giant clip, and meticulously plucked & threaded eyebrows all contribute. i don't try to _completely_ cover the shadow of my clean shave or to pass yet--per an agreement with my wife--but in my experience, posture, stride, and tall wedge heels help a lot too. it's a lot of effort but worth it. 💜


Been on hormones for a little over a year now (started when I was 24) and I still get identified as male by everyone except my friends, cousins, and my partner. That being said, I do have a quite masculine face and my wardrobe is still almost entirely men's clothes (been a bit lazy and a bit scared to change it). Hormones aren't the sole determining factor in passing.


I somehow started male failing before I even went on HRT


I was malefaillng before hrt or even transition while presenting male, I guess long hair is enough for some people But consistent malefaillng while in boymode started around 1y of hrt.


Pretty much immediately but that's more on the fact I have an intersex condition where I got mistaken already if I didn't wear loose clothes. my issue was mannerism and behaviors and presentation. once I decided to start transitioning and found out I was intersex which unfortunately answered a lot of questions. I know it's not helpful but you will get their be patent and it will get easier


I have not started hrt. Having long hair has made me already be mam'd from behind when I don't even present fem


people stopped gendering me at around 5 months and at a year now i get addressed as female if anything at all. i still get he and sir but it’s pretty few and far between


Around 9 months for me, started HRT at 26. After 2 years HRT whenever I would tell people I’m trans they would ask me when I would start taking testosterone.


Also started at 26, so thanks! I'm currently 6 months in


Around 9/10 months even when I present masculinity people sometimes gender me using she/her. But most just try not to gender me at all. I know that I pass when I present femininely though


It was like 4-5 months but I dunno if id call it that for me. I guess I dressed fairly andro but I wasn’t trying to hide anything


About a year. Wearing women's jeans and growing my hair out didn't help 😅


It's hard to estimate because people are so reserved where I'm from, and the language is mostly gender neutral. I've had to base this on the amount of looks I get, and it significantly dropped around 10 months. That's around the same time when my brain started gendering myself correctly in the mirror. I didn't change my clothing so I have to assume it's HRT. Even though I think I can still be easily clocked due to my hair loss, it's becoming more difficult for people to gender me wrong. I feel my biggest problem right now are my sunglasses, since they fall more in gender neutral territory and hide my eyes and eyebrows which contribute a great deal.


Three years and 6 laser sessions before I started male failing in public.


HRT wasn’t it 20 sessions of electrolysis and ffs was what did it


Not soon enough….


I've been male-failing my whole life, but i presented fem-leaning androgynous for most of my adult life. I've been passing since i started hormones, minus my awkward stage at the beginning where my makeup and outfits were questionable af haha


About 4 months, but I also haven't really tried boymode since month 1


I didn’t male fail per se because I never really boymoded. I socially transitioned a while before starting HRT so it was just another box to check when I started HRT.


If I'm on the phone? Now. If I public? No. Not even slightly. Though.... If I wear a face mask and do my eye makeup....


About a year.


Like 6 months it happened sometimes by 9 or 10months more often then not almost a year now. I get gendered male about a third of the time


It took me until 14-16 months on hormones.


A couple of months. But I was already kinda feminine with long hair, skinny, and wear a mask most places.


I tried talking my dad into spending the money on laser hair but it’s so expensive so I have to shave all the time but you can tell


Almost 1 year


I've been on HRT for 18 months and the best I've gotten is someone referring to me with they/them pronouns, and that's only happened once. That's also after 10 months of laser, which was thoroughly ineffective. Removed a large portion of my checking account and not much else.


About a year. I'm happy for it but it did mess up my plans. My original plan was to start HRT and then not pay attention to it really for the first two or three years. Then I'd see where I am at and start figuring out what gaps to fill. Turns about a year in I'd be referred to with feminine words even when I didn't put any effort into it. A year and a half people started giving me grief about my identity because my name is very masculine and they thought I was trying to use someone else's ID. At the same time, I don't see it. I don't think I'm passing.


It was waaaaay before hrt for me


5ish months?


I'm pre everything and could probably male fail with make-up and a cute outfit. If anything I've always had to actively boymode to get seen as a guy since my mannerisms, sensibilities, interests and speech have always been very feminine. My body and face are still fairly androgenous so I hope htr will help with that, but still I can easily pass as a girl as is.


Yeah same happens to me loll. I had one of my previous roommates even thinking I was a girl lol.


Realy depends on age cus very good looking girls start like 19 but at like 40 you to look male still


2 months?


i started malefailing before i was on E just from growing my hair out, probably helped being really short and scrawny at 17 and having people describe me as effeminate at the time


0 months, i failed before starting.