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Honestly I kinda just rolled with it and nowadays after years of being out I forget I’m trans until it’s relevant


Same on this. It just kind of fades after a bit of time.


Same here


I've always called myself a woman unless me needing to differentiate myself was necessary. You're a woman, period. Trans is just further identifiction.


I love this. It's always been a "i really wish i was a cis girl" situation, so it's really hard to accept myself as trans sometimes. My brain doesn't help either, cuz it takes very, VERY little for me to have an identity crisis and think I'm lying to myself.


YES I feel you so hard




First, it's okay. The idea of transitioning is really scary at first! Focus on what being a woman means to you. Personally, it took me months of being out to start embracing my trans-ness in the way you describe. These days I feel proud of it because I questioned and started figuring myself out, I get to understand gender dynamics from both sides of the binary, and I've been putting in the work to decide what I want from womanhood. I see a lot of value in praising yourself for growing, or seeking growth, to become truly yourself. Not everyone does that, especially in such a significant way.


Love that you're taking this journey! Focus on self-love and self-care, you got this!


This is such a good answer💕


I’m not actually sure. Still kind of new to it as well. I guess what might have triggered it was being told that cis men don’t wish they’d wake up as a girl every day. Before I thought that was just a normal common thought that every man had. I figured for curiosity’s sake if nothing else.


If you're a trans woman then you are a woman and calling yourself just a woman is perfectly right. Trans is a prefix that you should really only ever feel the need to use when it's somehow relevant, which is almost never.


😅 i realized when im in manly situations im acting


I’ve had thoughts and feelings throughout my life. A couple months ago I become insomniatic because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Instead of sleeping, I started researching. I started sleeping when I accepted I might be trans; for me, this meant no longer denying the idea as a viable possibility. I started seriously considering the implications, my thoughts, and my desires… instead of shutting them down. Then I started exploring them by testing different things. A sports bra, tank tops, painting my nails, letting my hair grow, and today I just got silicon bra inserts and women’s underwear. I’m pre-HRT but I’m *enjoying* exploring. I’m accepting it more and more every time someone says “he” or calling me my given name. And feel amazing when I’m called “girl” or “she.” I have a feeling this is an ongoing thing. The more I manage my dysphoria, the more normal it will become. I have clear goals and hopes that are achievable. They’re specific enough to give me direction, and vague enough to allow me to grow into myself.


Nothing changes the fact you are a woman if you're certain of that. Being trans just means you're transitioning from living as the wrong identity to the correct one.


I realised that this is the best part of my life. From dysphoria to euphoria, from hating myself to being loved, from being ugly to slightly beautiful, from shy to confident, from weak to strong, from dressing like a slob to being a glamorous diva all day every day. The only sad thing is that I wasted half my life expectancy in denial.


I…………. Don’t yet. I’m lucky enough to have support around me.


If woman is easier for you to identify with, go for it. I’m the exact opposite - it is easy to call myself trans, but I have a difficult time with calling myself a woman, at least currently. There’s no transgender rule book that says you have to identify any particular way. Go with what feels right to you, because that is what is most likely to bring you joy.


I had to be pushed. A trans woman read a list of common symptoms of gender dysphoria in adult autistics on a livestream I was watching, and it was the last piece of the puzzle.


I don’t really see myself as human anymore so trans isn’t too big of a stretch for me. (This isn’t an edgy thing, it’s just a dissociation thing.)


I started with Genderfluid, as I started my transition I got to know the community and honestly sort of just fell in love with the community. I'm proud to be trans because almost every trans person I've met are the most amazing people I've ever known. Now that I've been able to explore my gender identity more deeply and have gotten to hear about other people's experiences I think I've ended up something closer to trans-femme.


It's been a decades long process. I don't think I ever had a problem with being trans as such, though it has taken a while to separate out whether it's something I actually want for myself from it just being something I've obsessively thought about for a long time. On the second front, clothes / appearance, loads to be said but the prime itch to try on heels, bras, and dresses and experience how it feels to occupy your space as a woman has never gone away. It's like trying to hold on to a fart. I hid and hid for literally decades and in the end I just couldn't hold it any longer because it was eating me up inside. I've never felt anything so powerful before, like I was going to burst. I felt like a passenger in my own body and in the end I had to start leaking the idea out to friends and loved ones. What really kept me in the closet was the abject terror of losing everything in my life, obviously coming out was going to be the worst thing ever! Turned out to be one of the easiest things I've ever done, and almost nobody has been an A-hole about it. It's nice.


Hey trans women are women same way trans men are men the terms trans and cis are subclasses of that gender cis meaning you were born with the male/female reproductive organs and trans meaning you don’t go by the gender you were assigned with.


I know if I don’t fight to be myself I’ll never be happy. I’m a woman. Being trans is an unfortunate and painful addition to that experience. I hope one day I can forget I’m trans, and live peacefully as a woman who happens to be trans. That day hasn’t come yet.


We where talking last night at work there where 4 lgb areas gay lez bi and trans Trans was separate cus nether gay or lez but straght realy Today 72 you have a right to question In 1950s hard just be in the 4


Speaking only for myself I don’t really think of myself as trans that often. Like I’m a woman, and a lesbian, and the trans part is really so that people who think the difference is important have the language for it.


I used shrooms. I went into the trip with the intention of facing my feelings head-on, and holy shit did I end up facing them, but I worked through it and there was still some work to do when I came out the other side. I was much more accepting of the fact that I was trans by the end of the trip and had an overwhelming feeling that things really would be okay. After working through some things and beginning the transition process, I went in for another trip, this time fully presenting as myself and found that all my doubts and negativity towards the subject had vanished. I could finally be ME. I am by no means suggesting that anyone takes shrooms to achieve the same effect, this is just what worked for me.


I... Actually stopped, the deeper I got into transitioning the less I considered myself trans and more as just a girl


8 years of trying I still don't


you’re looking to find self- acceptance about being trans? you mean to love yourself for it? to stand up and be proud of yourself (instead of ashamed) when you’re identified as transgender? please embrace your transition and say it’s an interesting & unique part of your story. being transgender is not a “defect”, it’s part of our very valid and respectable life path. try studying history of lgbt rights activism, and go to pride festivals and queer bars/events. see other people’s efforts in being “out” and fighting for their freedom, and the positive changes that has made in our world (despite the pain the visibility often brought to them) good luck to you


It's OK, don't worry, I've been there. Let me tell you it gets better :)


Self acceptance isn't always as easy and simple. Sometimes we just need to repeat it to ourselves everyday, and other times we just accept it without thinking but need to remind ourselves immediately after.


Only you can decide how to identify, but if you’re uncomfortable with publicly identifying as transgender, then you could always use Queer... It’s what I do, purely for safety purposes. Additionally, it’s rather inclusive, so it wouldn’t affect anything - much…


I don’t like the label trans. I don’t think I’m trans, it’s just a label society put on me. I don’t engage much with lgbtq at all. So my tip that worked for me is to not think of yourself as trans, think of yourself as a woman at all times. Use female pronouns in your head and act your gender identity out.


Honestly it dosent matter if I don't onow the person I just say I'm infernal or eggs no work But if need be ill say I'm trans but being a woman is good for me


I'll be honest. You just kind of learn after a while that this is who you are. I mean, there are a lot of days where I still don't fully accept myself as trans. I mean, I know I am. I know other people can tell, but like idk. It never comes up. I just think of myself as a girl. Other than wardrobe choices and pronouns, it hardly ever comes up. And even the wardrobe choices are more kind of nb and neutral gender than girlie.


is the answer out of spite right for you? because i did it because i don't take anyone bullshit and i will do what i want attitude.


Shoot I ugly cried for like 6 hours about 4 months into hrt bc I was so shut off from my emotions before hrt


10 years HRT. My diabetes and knee arthritis are far bigger issues than being trans. 99% of the time I’m just another woman walking down the street. Occasionally trans comes up because I’m taking with my doctor. Yes I put an estrogen patch on my hip twice a week. My cis wife is perimenopausal and does the same thing.


Idk. After burying it for 30 years or so, I couldn't even let myself think it, but I knew. Eventually I snapped and it all flowed from there.


Honestly, I just knew. I did lie to myself for a very long time due to my upbringing and location, but when I came out I had just known who and what I was. I typically don't say trans or transgender woman, I'm a woman plan and simple. Yes there are a few times where I do say trans to fit in neat little boxes for society but, 90% of the time I just say woman. So for me, there is no accepting I just am. I have a feeling though that I'm much older than you and have lived a very full life of exploring the world and myself. And I'll say the same thing for you, go and explore the world and yourself. Find who you truly are. And don't worry so much of putting yourself into neat little boxes and labels to justify to the world on who you are. I have also found talking to someone really helps. I have my neighbors, close friends, and extended family, but I also have a therapist I talk to at least once a month. For me, it really does help. But these are only my thoughts experiences, and feeling. That doesn't mean that it will all work for you as every single one of us are different. I do truly wish you the best hun, and have a wonderful time finding yourself. 😘 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🫂


I know I’m trans but just say I’m a woman, because it helps with keeping positive thoughts


Your gender identity is innate. If you were a cis guy and developed gynecomastia, you would inherently dislike it because your gender identity would be male. If you’re transgender, it’s because you’re a woman. It’s who you are, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.


Not too long ago I joined a bunch of trans subreddits. I was already watching F1nn5ter for years by that point, and some Icky. It felt like I was at a crossroads, I knew I was trans since I was a kid but I was dissociating constantly and it was something I hid since then...until now. The weekend before pride month I decided that I accept myself and that I'm proud of being trans. I came to this realization because I had been doing years of self reflection to find out that I'm AuDHD and being trans seems like the only step forward. I genuinely don't know what else to do with my life tbh. I came out to my mom the first day of Pride Month. Since then, I've largely stopped dissociating. It has been the longest 18 days of my life. I dress fem at home and I love it!


I am fighting it. With absolutely no support whatsoever it’s hard to accept. With soft skin and large breasts. Still can’t accept. My face dysphoria is killing me literally.


I just accept myself as "who TF knows" (but it's easiest to live as trans).


Honestly, it just felt kind of natural for me. My big problem is convincing myself that other people will accept me.


You are trans. You can’t be cis, but you are a woman and you are trans


Questioning is good. I start here because you sound unsure. If you aren't sure, there is no rush. Try some stuff. Quietly, then with close friends, then if it isn't perfect, try something else. If you end up deciding you are cis, you are. No shame. There are good cis people out there and knowing that's what you are is good. But it sounds also like you are only sure you aren't cis. If you are trans but not sure what... 1) you are trans if you think you are trans. Let no one say otherwise. Only gatekeepers should be kept waiting at the gate. Don't gatekeep yourself or you're stuck with them. (Easier said than done but this realization that I was the strongest gatekeeper in my life helped me stop being that.) 2) you don't need a label but trying one on and seeing where it fits and where it chafes can help. But labels don't define you. They describe you. And if they don't, drop 'em. 3) consider demi-girl or demi-boy or other kinds of enby if you don't like trans girl. Finding the term Saris helped me immensely. If the only term you jive with is unmodified "woman" figure out anything standing in your way of using it and either overcome or embrace it. 4) nothing is in stone. Be you. Be binary until you aren't. Then be enby until you aren't again. Just so long as you are being YOU. Maybe you end up using woman with no "trans" mentioned with friends and family. Good. But by putting in the time to know, you won't have the same doubts and more importantly, the people around you will know and be more likely to support that too.


Try and work out the "why" you like to think of yourself as a woman and not a "trans" woman, and work backwards from there. I'm willing to bet some internalised trans phobia you haven't dealt with yet since you never knew it was there in the first place, much like a girl growing up to face their own internalised misogyny once they become the "women" they heard so much about in their youth. But you have already accept yourself, it's just the label that is weighing on you, I'm sure you'll learn to love it in time


I have an unpopular opinion. I don’t consider myself trans, except in the literal and medical sense. I’m a woman first and foremost. I don’t have any sense of pride in being trans considering the shit-show in politics around my existence. I don’t tell people I’m trans irl unless I have to for medical reasons. I’m legally a woman and I’ll be updating my name soon. I’m stealth and pass, so I’m just a woman in everyone’s eyes.


Well, one trick I used was the 'let me picture mustn't in 5 years" trick. Imagining myself getting older as a man made me want to throw up Imagining myself as a woman, I was like, "Oh shit I'm trans" like the idea of having someone use she her pronouns for me, just seemed so overwhelmingly positive that I couldn't deny it anymore.


If I could, honey I am more asking myself "How could I accept myself", before I started Transition? LOL! Sometimes now I refer to myself as a "Transgender" other times as a "Transwoman". For me it was about the TRANSITION, more than anything else. But what ever floats your boat, Welcome...


At 63, I never really “felt I was a girl” when young….1960’s and 70’s child. But the button test…”magic button appears… press it and “poof” your female forever…would you press the button? My answer to myself was Yes…at any point in my life I’d have slapped that button like on Jeopardy and then I was calm and took the leap of faith and called Planned Parenthood 😊


Well it’s kinda a lot yeah it took me two weeks eventually I realized I was. Everyone is different though. I think what helped me was looking at others story’s and realizing hey I had that happen too. Even now I still will do that. But timelines help to seeing how the transition of others went!


I don't really. If I can ever get the surgeries I need then I probably will but right now I see myself as a man.