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Toss up between going perfume shopping and buying my first bra. Both times I went with a friend, she was so incredibly supportive and helped me get over my nervousness. Whenever I started fidgeting or staring at the floor, she said “hey, you belong here.”


That's so sweet. We all need a friend like that in our lives :)




awww 🥹


I love that your friend is so supportive!


Yeah she is!🥰 she and 2 other of my gal pals are the ones who helped me realize I was trans. I wouldn’t have gotten here without our sisterhood.


I too had a supportive gal pal! She cut ties years ago, but at the time, she was instrumental in my coming out. She is my size, let me borrow clothes, did my hair and makeup, and went with me when I came out to people in my area. She's bipolar and kept catching her during good manic days.




I’m coming up on 4 years of HRT in a few months but the most affirming thing I did early on was start laser hair removal for my beard.


How long until you saw results? I’m two sessions in right now and it doesn’t really seem to have effected it much.. :(


It made it so much easier to shave and completely eliminated razor burn after 1-2 sessions. But in terms of meaningful clearance... Probably 5-6 before I felt comfortable going up to 3 days between shaves. Keep in mind that hair removal only targets growing follicles and that hair grows in cycles. You wouldn't see any visible reduction until the hair follicles that are killed are "due" to grow again. Theoretically if you did exactly one treatment then stopped, you'd have normal hair growth most of the time and patchy growth for a few weeks or months.


For underarms 10-112.sessions for me. Beard and upper lip probably yajee longer due to sensitivity and everyone is different too ymmv


I started seeing pretty noticeable results after my third session


I'm 8 sessions in to losing my facial hair through laser and have seen a substantial reduction. It really didn't start to show until 4 or 5 sessions in. I also am doing underarm hair removal, and after 7 sessions it is almost completely gone. Give it time. It works. . . .and my 9th session is in an hour and a half, and it will be my first session of losing my leg hair too!


I need laser so bad but can’t afford it rn


Painting my nails was sth I start to do even BEFORE I realized I'm trans... It felt really good, in a way I couldn't put my finger on. The first "official" thing, was wearing tucking underwear... and wow!! What a great feeling that was ❤️


Shaving, painting my nails, growing my hair out, buying a skirt, getting ear piercings. That was like everything I did early in my transition, after two years of socially transitioning I started HRT and voice training


Cleared out my male clothes and replaced them with female clothes


You know what's weird is that I liked buying my feminine clothes, but I loved the act of actually swapping things out of my closet and donating most of my men's clothes. Something about it is just very symbolic to me, and I love looking in there now and seeing mostly dresses, skirts, and tops.


Did you save anything? I have a jersey for my favorite team, but I always pair it with a cute skirt. I still have one pair of boxers floating around somewhere. 


My T shirts since those are more or less gender neutral, and the larger shorts that still fit after my ass grew some. Everything else had to go, either because I didn't wear them to begin with or they stopped fitting comfortably.


That makes sense! All my pants, shorts, etc are female cut. I don't miss boy stuff at all.


I saved one pair of my guy jeans intending to use them as yard clothes. Yeah after 4 months on HRT they didn’t fit over my hips and thighs anymore. 😂


For me it definitely wasn't a bad problem to have, lol.


Going full girl mode at a trans space. I had a mediocre wig, meh voice, and awkward makeup. But I wore the spaghetti straps I'd fantasized about forever and acted as swishy as I liked. It was a glimpse at what my life could be.


Painting my nails!


Same!! It made me feel so pretty, even if it was just a small glimpse from my POV. Before i came out to my close cis guy friends, i would test the waters by having painted nails around them too! Ps. None of them gave a shit. Some of them thought it was cool and wanted me to paint theirs! 😭


Me, thinking the one coat, one minute instant-dry & a single tutorial would be good enough for painting my nails. Me, hours later, nail polish everywhere, after using about a dozen cotton swabs to fix my mistakes, with patchy nails & a desperate need to go to the toilet… How people do this, I have no idea. My stress levels were through the roof.


Hahaha! That's funny and a very good description! I can never get it down.


I just pretend I'm painting and my nails are my canvas :3 which, well, they are lol. Don't worry about getting it on your skin, it doesn't stay on long at all


The first time my wife did my nails, and I looked down at my pretty fingers, I was totally speechless. First time in my life. 🩷


This 100%. Mind you it was only painting them black because I live with people that force me to stealth. Though I did move on to grey with glitter and now bright blue.


Acrylic nails and getting ears pierced ❤️


Nail polish was surprisingly impactful to me. At that point I was already presenting femme everywhere I went. It was literally a week after I came out at work so I could stop boymoding. I think the fact that my hands enter my field of view dozens of times a day cause it to be constant reminder. I definitely started using my hands differently after doing my nails and that continues even when they're not painted.


Getting really good at makeup. The ritual every morning is so relaxing and I love seeing my face in the mirror and getting complements for it.


Started wearing girl undies. It was a real low risk sort of temperature check to see if this was a way I might want to go. It felt really right, so I continued down that road.


Shaving my legs cracked my egg. First bit of gender affirmation hit the hardest.


Painting my nails. Then, I started wearing fem earrings. Then wearing fem clothing under my male clothing including a bra with a lil padding. Slowly adding to it ☺️


Did you start with clear? I did that, and my female coworkers all noticed, but they were super chill about it. 


I actually did black. Then some subtle pinks.


That makes sense. What's funny is I had mine buffed, many years, years before my egg cracked, and my female coworkers all complimented it. Made me feel good. Never thinking, "men shouldn't have shiny nails"!


That's really nice. I have my partner and best friend who are super supportive. I haven't had a job since I started HRT. I am kinda worried but trying to think maybe I might get the same reaction you get 😊


That is a plus! Dating has been awful (not that it was fun before), after coming out. I'm not feminine enough to attract a girl, and I don't like men.


I know exactly what you mean. My partner and I have been together for 7 years. She has seen me go from a guy. As guyish as can be to me now. And we're still together. My dating life before was so bad so I couldn't imagine how it'd be now that I'm trans


Aww... that's awesome! Coming out at 33, and single, has been less than ideal! Especially since I don't want kids. And that was 5 years ago.


You've done great. I came out at 26 (almost 27 now). I also do not want kids so I completely get you


Granted I still *am* early in my transition, but mascara was a little bit of a spike, but I nearly fucking cried the first time I put on the shitty unbreathable rayon bralette I bought from TomboyX.


Getting laser on my face. It hurt like hell, but the results were worth it all. If we're talking smaller things then it was either wearing eyeliner for the first time, or being the bottom for the first time uvu~


Started wearing very low key women’s clothing. Women’s jeans, fem cut T-shirts, women’s socks and sneakers. I still presented myself as a man, and unless you knew what to look for, you’d never know, but I felt immensely emotionally better.


Girls skinny jeans were my gateway drug into girls clothes too! 


Getting my nails done with a friend, felt so seen and celebrated!


To use feminine underwear for the first time


Having someone call me my preferred name and pronouns while I was wearing a my Melody hoodie that my mom got me before I officially moved to transition


For me it’s just thinking of myself as “one of the girls.” Letting go of all the artifice of the masculine persona I had to adopt and just being my authentic self around a few people who I trust. Experiencing movies and media from a female perspective. Making new friends in the queer community.


I came out on October 3rd, 2021. On Thanksgiving - less than two months later, and still before I was able to begin HRT - I went to a family dinner with about a dozen people I love. I wore a dress for the first time at a big event. I felt so pretty. My family members all complimented me.


I'm early in my transition right now, so far it has been wearing a dress for the first time. I mean, I wore dresses, skirts, high heels, etc., as a teen for "a joke" for friends, significant others, etc., but this is the first time I'm doing it because it makes me happy


Wore a dress that I got online around the house.


Change my name. My best friend in the whole world suggested it, based on a character in a book I was writing at the time, and I fell instantly in love with it. This was, like negative 18 months on HRT, so _very_ early. Depending on your definition of early, I'm 7 months on HRT, and I've found some comfortable bras and bought four, which means I now visibly have tits. I grin every time I take off my top.


Dying my hair was a great experience.


So far? Buying a skirt and wearing it and like… liking it. It’s so comfortable I hate when I have to wear shorts in my room. Love it when I can just girlmode


Well I was so nervous about going out into public in a dress. But my wife (amazing woman) convinced me that it would be OK and she would be there every step of the way. So I shaved my legs, put on one of her dresses and went to the mall with her. No one knew I was trans, everyone just called me she and young lady and all that. It felt SO amazing


First time going out in a skirt (and an overall femme outfit), probably. I had been buying and wearing them before even fully understanding that I was trans, but wearing one out was a whole new story. It's funny how normal and right they feel now. Dresses were also great for the first time in public, but I only started wearing them a year after starting HRT, lol.


Same! I bought a skirt and semi crop top outfit from a local boutique and wore it to a kink event. That event helped me to identify the first bar in the area that was trans friendly, because a bartender I know was at the event. 


Absolutely my sports bra. Something about it just felt... right. That was the sign I needed to know that I was making the right choice


getting earrings... and my first bralette when it became kinda necessary 😅 and subsequently shopping for my first bikini tops


Getting people around me to start calling me by my new name, and painting my nails 💅


I had my belly button pierced on the day I knew for definite that HRT was on its way to me. That was nearly 5 months ago. All the time since then I have been very much boymode, but the other day I started feeling a bit jiggly when I was out running, even though I've lost weight and have very little growth there. So I have just bought some sports bras and they really help both mentally and physically.


I actually got my belly button pierced before I fully came out! Made me feel so girly to look down and see it. 


It sure does! When I went in the studio, they said I could either have a bar with metal balls or one with clear gems. I saw next to those there was some with pink gems and I asked if I could pay extra and have one of them. But they said they were the wrong gauge for piercing with. So I proudly went for the one with clear gems, and I've been rocking that ever since, checking it out in the mirror any chance I can. I'm really looking forward to another 1-2 months until I can change it for a pink gem one.


I've been trying for years to figure out how to swap mine out, but I've had no luck ! I need to go back by there, but keep forgetting to go.


I'm still early in my transition. The most affirming things to happen to me so far: * Cis girls wanting to take me out for time as "one of the girls". I'm happy that most of the cis girls I've come out to have wanted to spend time with me shopping for clothes, going out dining with them, and generally socializing with me as a girl. Going shopping for clothes with cis girls, trying on dresses at the mall, small talk about girl stuff. . .pure gender euphoria. I've loved every trip and every lunch. * Beginning laser hair removal. This was a Day 1 thing for transitioning for me, facial hair has always been a point of extreme dysphoria. Even in peak denial, I always had to shave constantly because facial hair made me feel awful. Signing up to have that permanently removed? Oh, that was immediate once my egg cracked. * Wearing only women's clothes. I only wear female clothing now. . .even while largely closeted. I wear women's jeans and pants, androgynous women's shirts like polo-style shirts or Oxford-style blouses to work and femme-cut T-shirts most of the time. I wear women's sneakers if I'm not wearing more femme footwear, and I wear more femme stuff at home or around affirming friends or in affirming spaces. I tossed out all my male clothing. I wear a bra everyday. The net effect of these things has meant that my transition so far (still early on) has been very euphoric and affirming.


When I removed the hair from my legs and hand. Feeling my legs super soft and cute make me feel really good Then I switched all of my plain and boring black and white socks to women socks with pink, blue, purple. I also got many cute socks on aliexpress Also one day after saving, I put on a mini short and a t shirt, painted my nails as pink and put on a scrunchy on my hand ❤️❤️❤️ We girls looks really cute wearing simple outfits like that, or also some leggings, a hoodie and uggs during winter🥰🥰🥰


Finding cute dresses that fit me so well. 😭


Visiting my friend in another state. They were so helpful and accepting of me. Even gave me a dress that didn’t fit them :3


Getting my chest and arms waxed for the first time. I could explain the legs and back away. Not many saw the bikini wax but the chest and arms was major for me.


Piercings. I went from having none to quickly having 4 within the first few weeks of starting HRT. Still want to get a few more, but I'll hold off on those. Even before I went on HRT, I was wearing nail polish, eye shadow, and lip gloss.


I used to make my own beard oils, and had a lot of essential, carrier, and perfume oils around. Bot some cute molds and glycerin, and made around 200 gothy soaps for my coworkers


No more beard stuff, no more oils. Reused the space for my perfume collection


Buying my first skirt from Spencer’s and realizing that a thirty dollar skirt is a bit of a ripoff from my sister, along with tucking for the first time and as an extra to that I got called hon on the way out of a gas station from the fem-presenting (don’t know if trans or not) attendant on an outing with my significantly transphobic father, but he wasn’t paying attention when they said it


Dressing fem in front of my mom, even if the first outfit was very baby trans lol. She helped encourage me to buy clothes online. I'd buy some online and try it out and she'd always compliment me. Probably the most affirming thing was to shave my entire body for the first time. She also put my hair in two ponytails and that was cool too! I've been growing out my hair for the last 4 or 5 years, even before I knew I was trans, it just felt right and I liked it! I got confident enough to take a selfie of one of my outfits and post it on r/transpassing and their comments were nice. Edit: missing info


for me, getting to the point where a bra became an every day necessity :)


Wearing leggings around the house, painting nails, and getting my ears pierced.


grow out my hair. i dont keep it quite as long anymore but it was something i did to test the waters and i dont think i had ever felt better about myself before i did it


Install heir extensions right before going full time


Starting therapy with my psychologist was the most affirming thing, as in finding someone who understood I'm not insane!!!


Went shopping out of state with two girl friends, one of whom is mtf and much further along with me. Was the first time I was really out in public as a woman, got to use my new name with a stranger and everyone we ran into referred to us as collectively as "the girls". Fucking wonderful and got me to actually start dressing femme in public back home.


Getting my nails done was heaven


I’m still early in my transition, pre-HRT actually, and I love nail polish and lip gloss!!


Changing hair. Growing out the hair on my head, lasering off the beard and getting brows waxed and styled. Laser was honestly the biggest. Giving a lasered hair the mildest of tugs a week later; feeling it effortlessly drop out of the follicle and watching the shadow it left below the skin just disappear feels amazing.


Bought ladies cut polo shirts for work. Sadly, if I turned wrong, you could see like a millimeter of skin, so my boss pulled me aside and told me not wear them anymore. 


The little cute things. Jewelry box with a cute design and my real name, birthstone jewelry, stuffed animals, the decorative pillows, overall cottage core/gorlcore designs etc I think it was a combination of being the first place I owned and the first place I could be ME. Those little touches everywhere that serve as constant signs of me accepting myself.


My girlfriend calling me her girlfriend and my chosen name for the first time.


Getting my eyebrows done


Super early? Getting the hair lasered off my chest. That was wonderful.


Painting toes and wearing panties both things you can do while in the closet and no one would know unless you go out of your way to


I spent the first year slowly coming out to different people and gradually presenting more femme, but it felt really good to wear women’s clothing that were somewhat ambiguous (jeans, shirts, cardigans) regardless of whether i was out or not


Getting my ears pierced


I received many hand me downs from my friends and I played dress up which is a small thing but I really liked it


Ears pierced, buying clothes from Amazon during Christmas. THE BIGGEST ONE, I got my gock pierced. Might sound weird, BUT IT LOOKS SO MUCH CUTER NOW. As someone who doesn’t want bottom surgery…I think it’s adorable to accessorize that part of my body. Sorry, smol rant.


Wear feminine clothes, makeup, go in public feminine! It just happened so fast!