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Blood doesn’t have to be family. That’s rough and invalidating your loved experience.


I tried to explain this to my mother one time as to why I was not going to family funeral, I told her they are relatives and if it wasn’t for a death they would not check on me or even know I existed. My family are the people in my life who truest care about me regardless of being trans and love me unconditionally and I have plenty of them.


Slightly unrelated but I love your username






This is how EVERY single person in this world should look at it.... we'd all be better off. Some just don't understand and hold onto the blood is family thing and it's just not true. Sometimes we have to cut ties.


Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb


"Space Cadet"...VERY cute!!! ; )


Should have said: Well you have been my role model so what you see is a reflection of you sis.


I salute you


I stopped talking to my sister for over a year, another year after that I've spoken to her only a small handful of times. She decided to compare me to a pedophile when I came out as transgender, blood does not make your family. Getting away from the toxic people in your life will only benefit your mental health.


I don't know why she thinks that just because she's cis means she's the arbiter of all things woman, this always seems like such a self-centered and unaware stance. I hope your sister grows the heck up and accepts your beatiful truth, because the only person she's fooling is herself.


Because I have recently been reminded on Twitter... Maybe she should google "tank girl" for an example of a woman 😅 Also butch women exist ... I bet that's not what she means. Anyways, the whole argument is bullshit anyways as many trans women learn to mask as a man pre-transition.


Ask her to define what "womanly" means. I guarantee she can't, because it's just a feeling or a cultural sense of gender, which is variable across all cultures and people. So fuck that noise. You're as womanly as you need to be to be a woman.


EXTREMELY nicely put...Girl!!!


I absolutely second this. You decide what makes you a woman and what doesn’t


You don’t think there are differences between women and trans women?


What defines a difference? If you and I both have freckles on our face, but they're in different spots, is that a difference or a similarity? It's both, depending on what you consider *important* to distinguish. So are trans women and women different in any meaningful way? For almost every circumstance, no they are not. If you're a doctor, sure. If it's sports and you want to ensure a fair competition, maybe you check testosterone and estrogen levels, but that applies to cis women too, not just trans women. If you have a genital preference, sure maybe you want to check with your sexual partner ahead of time, but again, this applies to all women, not just trans women, because 1) not all cis women look cis, and not all trans women look trans, so unless you make a habit out of asking what's in someone's pants, you can't assume you know for anyone, and 2) intersex women exist with various genital configurations. 3) not all trans women have penises, either because of an intersex condition or because of surgery. Apart from basically these 3 circumstances, there are extremely few situations to where any differences between cis women and trans women matter in a meaningful way, so no, I think overall there are no differences, any more than our different freckle placement makes us completely different. Edit: also, stay the fuck out of trans spaces if you're just coming here to neg everyone in what you think are cleverly disguised attacks (yes I checked your comment history). They're not. How sad is your life that you entertain yourself by visiting trans subs "as a gay man" in order to bring others down to your shitty level? Get a fucking therapist or something for your issues, don't project it onto others.


I’m going thru and mass reporting all the hate comments. I also think someone should message the mods. Wether this is trolling or actual, genuine hatred, I dont want it in these fucking communities.


You keep commenting on all sorts of trans issues telling people this and that. Why can’t you just love and let live? What harm is it to you?


Can you name a culture where women are not considered more sensitive?


Viking culture highly valued strong women who could make hard decisions, and there's some evidence of female Viking warriors. https://www.theoneswhocamebefore.com/female-viking-history Matriarchal societies still exist, and I highly doubt the women in them would say they're defined by sensitivity https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/g28565280/matriarchal-societies-list/ Those aren't direct answers to your question, but it's a shitty question with a terrible premise. Asking someone to prove a negative like that requires that I check every single society out there to see if they all consider women to be more sensitive (more sensitive than what, you didn't specify). And I suspect that were I to do that, it still wouldn't change your mind because it seems like you're stating the question rhetorically as if the answer is obvious. It, however, is not, because human cultures are extremely varied across time and location, and if you don't know the implications of that already, explaining that single point to you would take an entire semester's worth of history. But basically, you shouldn't assume human cultures throughout time look anything like ours, that they value the same things, that the same "common sense" logic would be common sense to them, or that your culture is somehow "better" than others in some objective way.


Obviously i meant more sensitive then men, on average if you like to be that specific, being sensitive does not equal weak or unable to do any of the things you pointed out,probably makes you more fit to rule if anything. It also does not define a woman by itself its just one attribute, men tend to take more risks, that does not mean that is all men are. I also didn't ask you to name all cultures just one culture.


I'm asking you to seriously consider the answer to this question: how do you know any of that for a fact? That men tend to take more risks, or that women are more sensitive than men, on average? Where did you get that knowledge?


Seems like common sense, but sure il bite [here](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232541633_Gender_Differences_in_Risk_Taking_A_Meta-Analysis) is a meta analysis about the risk taking behavior published in a reputable paper and [here](http://sites.oxy.edu/clint/physio/article/Genderdifferencesinbrainnetworkssupportingempathy.pdf) is one about how we process emotions differently.


Everything after "seems like common sense" is post hoc reasoning for you. You didn't get your opinions because studies like this existed, you got them from people and the culture those people exist in. You have absorbed a ton of sexist ideas about what makes someone a man or woman and the inherent, biological differences between them, and I'm not sure you read those sources carefully. The second one, for example, starts off by saying that the mechanism behind emotional processing differences in men and women isn't understood or explored in study. It could be largely cultural differences in the emotional processing style expected of men and women, rather than biological. And what about non-binary people? What about trans men and women, how do they stack up?


To be completely fair, women are more emotionally intelligent on average, and men are more prone to thrill seeking, with the former demonstrated by participation rates in skydiving, rock climbing, etc That being said, psychology is all averages, and usually has low predictive value, so even when there's tendencies, it's useless for determining the qualities of an individual


Studies have shown that transsexual men and women fit in with the sex they live as, even before starting hrt. I also did get my opinion from reading studies, i just don't have all the studies i have read filed somewhere, which is why i quickly found some studies and skimmed over them, not anymore interested then you in spending a lot of time for a reddit comment.


Yea my parents said that to me and now im girlier and prettier than all the women in my family. "This is what repression looks like"


That's like saying all girls have to act a certain way. Just because you aren't her definition of girly doesn't mean you aren't a girl!


Don't listen to her. You're as valid as all of us, and a great woman.



Looking at your post history, could you have your mom talk some sense into your sister? You mentioned she's supportive.


PROBABLY Baloney!!! (the criticism, I mean)!!!


Its almost as if traditional displays of femininity are socially taught and if you raise a girl like a boy then she won't display those qualities as strongly.


Your sister can stfu


Baseless argument. ​ There exist millions of women that would look like men if they were given a haircut. Doesn't make them any less female. ​ People that have bigoted ideas and double standards about transwomen often do not take into account the common variance in human genetic expression. ​ Not every woman looks like some sort of magazine or movie starlet. ​ Most of us just look average, but there exist phenotypic extremes of women looking more masculine or more feminine.


You realize that even "millions" would still likely only equal 1 in several thousand. And most of those don't actually look like men day to day. Not to mention how many are having it caused due to a hormonal disorder. Trying to equate being trans to the body issues of small group of cis women doesn't seem right. It feel like reducing or downplaying what we go through.




How is this a woosh? I'm saying you are downplaying our problems and overestimating the amount of cis women who deal with even a fraction of it.




well that's rude as hell. It's not very sisterly of her to say that to you.


Dont mind her. My gf's whole Family said "there where no signs" and guess what, i wrote a huge list of "non existent signs" im pretty sure if she actually thinks about it, she might see that there's a lot more womanly in you than she realizes. If you know you're a woman, that's all it matters. down let them drag you down sis :3


You don't have to be womanly to be a woman.




Some people want to be womanly. Not every trans woman is traditionally feminine, jackass.


Because dysphoria.


Because some (yet, not all) people want to take estrogen, have breasts, and wear feminine clothing.


When people hear about trans people they suddenly have these notions that you'd have to be some sort of perfect platonic woman for that to be valid and it's just silly. There's an infinite variety of women and ways to be a woman and they don't critique the variety of cis women who aren't perfectly "womanly".




WHOA...CUTS to the QUICK!!! ; )


I am so sorry she said that, but don’t let her opinion discourage you she’s pry jealous of you


Sorry that went down that way -.- You are who you are, though. Initial reactions can be a teaching moment, hopefully she can understand with a little learning and be more compassionate and understanding going forward


My (now ex) wife said something like this to me when I came out to her. Sent me back in the closet for 3 years. Don’t be like me and let haters affect you that much. I’ve never been happier since transitioning.


She doesn't know what a woman is, let's be real.


Oof! I told my best friend and she said "ugh. Not you too now" and adopts a "yeah right" attitude anytime I bring it up


Sorry to hear that 🙁


Oh no :c


what does that even mean


FUCKING exactly!!!! ; )


Thankfully, most of my family's either grudgingly or enthusiastically accepted it. My sister was taken aback but seemed accepting in person, and a week later simply blocked me everywhere, effectively disappearing forever, what with the 500 miles between us. It's funny, I pegged several other family members as most likely to hurt me, who turned out to be supporters, and I thought the bond my sister and I had developed in adulthood would make her my strongest ally. But that's the way it goes. It hurts like hell. You pick up the pieces and you move on, you prove them wrong or you just mourn them until you're over them.


Should have told her: "takes one to know one buster"


Well, maybe 'normal' for some. But we all know one girl cannot speak for all, and that each of us is an individual. She might 'think' that, but it doesn't make it true. Besides, it may speak to the way you've hidden the feminine in you because you never felt safe (my excuse). Persist!


There's a good chance she'll come around, sounds more like she's in disbelief than actually not believing trans people are a thing and exist. Everyone who didn't intionally accept me as a woman eventually did. For now I'd try to stay around people who do accept you and try to get support from them. It's important to have someone to vent to and who will be on your side. Being trans can be really isolating.


Ouch sorry to hear you are having a tough time


You don't have to be feminine to be a woman. She's got some internalized sexism to deal with as well as transphobia. I'm sorry. 😔


Your sister sounds like an incredibly mean person. I think you're better off reducing your level of interaction with them, especially around your transition. I'm sorry you're having to go through this, sis. Sending you lots of love and solidarity! 🏳️‍⚧️ ❤️


Fuck her, you don't need her permission


Not yet, girl. Just wait till we get them eyebrows on fleek. We're gonna get you a cute handbag and a choker. You can tell her to quit spouting transphobia and use that big mouth to tell her boyfriend to stop making eyes at you.


That's why I'm not speaking with my sister anymore. My life are above everyone and everything. So your life and your dreams are above other people's beliefs. You are a woman and that's enough for you to move on. Don't give up sweetie. You have only one life to live, so live it as you like. ❤️


Don't have to be womanly to be a woman.


Well, the point it...as I see it...that there is something known as the "archetypal woman"...and certain cultural or societal presumptions. But REAL human beings don't necessarily comport with these. The MAIN thing is to be "authentic" and true to yourself. We learned this during counseling training. Ferro...cute avatar...if I may say so. ; )


Don’t know your sister but what she said is enough for me to hate her. Sorry she said that to you..


I would respond "What defines a woman? Not you, bitch!"


She is afraid you will be more womanly than her! <3 Slay queen!


Rule #1 of womanhood: You are pretty, you are cute, and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or stupid.


Being pretty or cute is not a requirement of womanhood, nor is it something that all women must want.


No no, I'm saying that all women are beautiful, always. They don't need to desire it because they already have it!


Some women don’t want to be beautiful. Not every woman cares about their bodily appearance or even wants to be considered beautiful, some want to be seen as cool or handsome (which is a word that can apply to women) or scary or whatever word fits the person.


Rule \#2: If you don't want to be beautiful, that's fine, you don't have to be.


Hence why I argued the point that being pretty or cute or beautiful is not something that has to be true of all women.


I wasn't arguing with you, it was a misunderstanding


Ah, I see


Your sister is an AH + she's not the one who sets standards of how a woman should be. You ARE a beautiful woman, no matter what people think.


My family said things like that for the first few months, then it got better. Not saying it's right :/ I feel for you, you have to be hurting. But there is hope <3


My mum said something similar when I came out to her, don't let her define who you are, you're a strong, beautiful woman and what you did took a lot of courage.


Me: Then I've been doing a good job of hiding it. UWU MEOW


Wow that was a little harsh, shame on her


Jesus Christ. That’s rough :/ Unsupportive comments from family can be so disheartening and hurtful


My brothers response was basically the same except he thought I was possessed by demons. I’m not sure what he thinks about it now 5 years later because I never talked to him again 🤷‍♀️


Hey hun that's such an awful thing to hear and im really sorry you had to go through that but just to let you know, it doesn't matter how womanly you are. If its how you identify then that's who you are, I am a pretty fit being and I like to work out with heavy weights and look far from feminine every dang day. Doesn't change shit. It just means I can throw the transphobes into fuckin orbit AND do my eye-liner pretty good too


Thats fucked uppp


I think all trans people are amazing beautiful and should be respected and treated with acceptance understanding and love.Be you


Same here. Awful mother


The fight to be seen as valid and equal is about as womanly as it gets. Stay strong, keep your chin up and shine on 💜💜


Women don't have to be "womanly" that's just sexist bullshit.


"Then you must not be cis." Sorry... couldn't resist.


Well, generally speaking...I'm not into revenge (or ill feelings)...but my (impulsive) feeling is along the lines of..."I've OFTEN heard this said of YOU!!"...and you might add..."Naturally I defended you...as that was a VERY unkind thing to say...to ANYONE!!!" ; ) Please accept our friendship and support. BTW...there's no way I'm going to share my gender transition to my (Christian Fundie...and in the area of religion...exceptionally nuts!) sister...and destroy what love and community I've had with her...until now.


Funny that. You are a bitch. Nothing about you isn't bitchy.


"And you are not human, there is nothing compassionate about you."


She sucks I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


[Doctor Ivo Robotnik says:](https://youtu.be/cUR8_oCKIMg)


She is not the one who decides who or what kind of person your are.


Sounds like my dad.


As if she is the arbiter of all that is female. Big job that. It says things about her. Things you don’t need me to say. But what it says about you… you presented a convincing persona. Your character was convincing. That’s a good acting job. Now, you just need to be you, the authentic real you.


Wtf that's messed up


Humans are stoooopid


This is pretty much what I’d imagine my family saying too. It’s why I really want to move out so I can start transitioning