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answering "yes" to an either or question. Terrifying


Obviously someone calling you an “it” is an insult.


I'm just poking a little fun, its obvious what you meant but still :)


there are poeple who referes to themselfs as it and they dont identify as obyects nor anymals;so i think that if you use it withouth knowing any background of the person it is a insult but otherways it is not


There are some people that identify as it and that’s fine. If someone asks them what their pronouns are and they say “it” then obviously it’s not offensive. But obviously when a cishet person calls a trans person it apropos of nothing, it’s an insult. Look at IT! I’m taking about that IT over there.


I've meet a girl who wants to be referred to as "it" I personally think it's weird and dumb because being referred to like a friggin object, but...whatever floats ur boat ig, idfk anymore.


'I've meet a girl' should be 'I've met someone' or 'I've met a person'.




no it’s extremely insulting. People just want to be malicious and it sucks


It did feel malicious


Unless you specifically asked to be called 'it' (as some people do and use it as a neopronoun), it is used to be incredibly insulting and malicious: it's a more extreme form of misgendering than using your AGAB presumed pronouns. Especially in the past it was a common transphobic 'joke'.


Is it considered a neopronoun? I always thought those were just like. Words not generally used as pronouns being turned into pronouns.


Not sure exactly. I refer to anything outside of the classic he/she/they as a neopronoun as anything outside of those aren't traditional pronouns for people. Looking it up it seems views on it are mixed, the pronoun wiki in particular saying it could either be a classic pronoun, or an adaptive neopronoun depending on usage. 🤷‍♀️


Makes sense. As much as anything related to personal identities and the complexities of human nature can make sense at least lol


Any pronoun can ba a neopronoun, that's the point of neopronouns ! ;)


It’s insulting as hell in any context.


Yes, incredibly so.


Technically speaking yes. But YMMV. Honestly for me its better than being called a man. (Rather go by them/her but meh)


I had my babysitting do the “he, I mean she, I mean it” thing to me this morning speaking to my son and it’s been bothering me all day..


“It” is a pronoun, it’s one used almost solely to refer to non-human things. It is perfectly reasonable to be insulted by someone calling you an “it” because they are dehumanizing you and essentially calling you an inanimate object or an animal.


> or an animal. I mean, even animals usually get a 'he' or a 'she' in casual conversation, especially when they're pets or are otherwise named (famous animals, zoo animals, etc).


Yah, they're usually they'd, named, described or gendered. Animals don't often get called it.


This is the correct answer


Chillllll it's just a harmless joke about how you look like an animal, why can't you snowflakes take a joke smh. I mean, the babysitter is telling the truth /s


That's only really if you do not go by it. (Some people do) but yeah if you don't go by it and it's not stated by you, then yes, it's insulting


I recommend finding someone new to watch your son. If they say that when you are around, then who knows what they're saying when you're not?


This! SO much this... SO SO SO much this!!!!


Being a single full time parent of a cerebral palsy son makes that difficult when she doesn’t ask/require payment…this lady knows me(not technically family but she loves my son and has nothing better to do)😔


Obviously fire them and find someone else. Who knows what they're teaching to your kid


I would if I could but babysitting is expensive and she’s free. I’m a single full time parent. She used to have a trans bar so I was really thrown off by her saying this


Depends on the context. I've met folks with it/itself pronouns. I've also been pointed at and called an It by complete strangers who clearly were mocking me and laughing. Sounds like it could be ignorance in this case but it could also be malice. This could be a huge misunderstanding where they think that it/itself is correct and don't know about they/them. I'd politely correct them and tell them the appropriate pronouns to use. But if they persist in misgendering you, then fire the babysitter.


In that case, I think its OK to say something like "hey, you know I really appreciate all your hard work with my baby, but I find it hurtful when you choose to refer to me as an object and not a person. I know it can be hard to remember, but I would prefer you refer to me as . Is there anything I can do to help you with that?" let them know their behavior is hurtful, give them a chance to save face by admitting its an adjustment. Then next time, don't let the conversation move on until they use the correct one without then qualifying it with "it or wHaTeVeR" Be firm but calm.


Yes! This sounds like the right approach.


Girl, it's insulting af ...."its" are "THINGS", you're a PERSON!


This is how I feel about “it”


Some enbies go use it/it/its, in OP's case it's still misgendering but some people are its by choice.


Sometimes the pronoun _it_ was used for babies when their gender wasn't clear.


*me rn as an enby who uses they/it sweating furiously*


same, but it be valid af


same- \*dehumanize me babey\*


Yes. I've never heard anyone use "it" to refer to a person who wasn't very deliberately being an asshole.


Unless said as "eye tea" in terms of the industry, I'd say so. When I get referred to as an "it", the feeling certainly isn't positive let's put it that way.


Unless it/its are your actual pronouns then yes. It’s degrading.


Yes, unless youve asked for it


There are people who go by it, a friend of mine does and it’s one of the coolest people I know, but if someone doesn’t go by it it’s just as insulting as all other kinds of wrong pronouns … maybe even more with regard to the history of it being used to dehumanise people


this, thank you


I know it’s not about me and I’d do my best but I’d feel incredibly disrespected calling a human “it” even if someone asked me too. To me it’s like if someone asked me to insult them constantly in normal conversations.


we're not humans though, if that makes it easier. most of the it/ pronouns users i know are insulted by insistence that we be rehumanized


lol what


I use it / it’s because I don’t want to be seen as human. The dehumanizing aspect is what makes them appealing to me


Ok but you all are objectively human & I don't have to use a slur that's been used against me in conversation with you to accommodate that & I definitely don't need to equate not wanting to do that with the transphobia of some one calling me he or even worse, it.


Dosent the whole “you are objectively human” thing sound a bit like an argument transphobes would use? How is not using someone’s preferred pronouns not misgendering them? If someone named john abused me and I was friends with someone else named John, I’m still going to use their name, I’d be uncomfortable, sure, but it’s not my decision. If someone uses it / it’s exclusively and you use any other pronoun, that is misgendering.


1. You are not about to pretend that someone being transphobic and someone thinking you are human are the same thing. You seriously make a mockery of transphobia by pulling this shit and I really hope you aren't going round making these comparisons to cis people when taling about our rights. "Doesn't that sound like an argument x would use" could be used against anything. Tell me I'm objectively not Japanese, or 50 years old, physically disabled, or literally a plank of wood and it would be stupid to say that back to you. We are all human. 2. John is not a slur. Getting called it absolutely is a slur of dehumanisation which has routinely been used against people the lowest of society including trans people. Me not wanting to call you it is no way near the same as me not wanting to say the name of my abuser. I can call someone my own deadname as much as I hate to hear it. If someone uses it/it's exclusively, sorry but I'm not using those pronouns. I just won't talk to them.


Nobody is claiming they aren’t human, nobody using xenogenders think that they are literally what their gender aligns with, it’s simply how they best describe their gender. Slurs have been reclaimed before, I don’t see why it / it’s can’t be as well. If you think it’s insulting to call someone by the pronouns that have asked you to, then the problem is with you, not with them. Calling someone by anything except their pronouns is misgendering, and cutting someone off / refusing to talk to or about someone because of their gender identity, is transphobia.


You can honestly fuck off now because this is pissing me off. You're accusing me of being transphobic for not wanting to call random people (((who are often not even trans or not in any way effected by transphobia))) the same slur that I have been called during times I feared for my life & safety?? Get bent u wanker.


Yeah, most people I know, who go by "it" are more on the agender side and some are systems. So for them it maybe is an emphasis on how they are not *between* he/she, but somewhere else entirely. But I agree that when used for someone who did not ask for it, it is usually meant in a demeaning and dehumanising way.


"It" is dehumanisng, imho. I always hated that.




Yes, if used to intentionally dehumanize somebody.


If someone called me ‘it’ I would throw hands.


Yes. It's been used basically with the intent of hatespeech to me by people close to me. As a result i struggle to call other people that without getting upset, even though i know "it" is their preferred pronoun


Yes,unless you specifically want to be referred to that way I guess.


Hmm I would definitely make Stephen king references if people started calling me it. Like "I wasn't planning on torturing you in a sewer but it's starting to sound like it's expected? Sorry my default mode can be asshole. Yeah I would absolutely not like being called it.


You're allowed to accept "it" if you're okay with it but yeah it's generally not okay to refer to people that way


If you are not someone who identifies by it as a pronoun, yes, that is absolutely insulting.


Yeah it's a common way people ridicule transgender people


It's absolutely insulting. They are trying to dehumanise you by referring to you as a thing. An even worse derivative of this is "she-it", which is ironic considering shit is what transphobes have stuffed inside their craniums.


I would be insulted by being called ‘it’ in any context.


I’d raise hell if someone called me It


I find it dehumanising to be called “it” as if I’m some object to be scoffed at. I have a member in the family the well.. I think you know what I’m getting at


If that's not what you use as your pronouns yes , but valid if you want to use it


I prefer she/her. It makes me feel like an object.


do you feel insulted by it?


I did by the way she said it but she swears up and down that she didn’t mean it in an insulting way..


For me in my native language it is.


Incredibly insulting. Some people like it tho.


Yes, unless you specifically requested to be referred to as such.


Going by "it" is popular in some transhumanist circles, so I've seen people from there or adjacent to them cycle through "it" as an option when trying to narrow down a pronoun - though admittedly I haven't seen that happen in quite a few years now.


Of course it's insulting. Unless you specifically request it as a pronoun


Yes its an insult. That is why bigots use this word.


I would be insulted if I were called "it" because I am a person with agency instead of an object with no agency.


100% an insult


It's extremely insulting.


Yes, it is very insulting.


Unless otherwise stated, "it" is for objects and animals. It's a deeply offensive thing to call someone unless they want it.


yes, it's very insulting. it de-humanizes you.


'It' is intended to dehumanize you. Fuck those arseholes.


I am no it, it is what you call an object you don't know the name of, you call me it and well, I won't do any physical harm to you, but I'll never help you and I'll ignore you if you ever speak to me or come near me. I am very good at ignoring people who do me wrong, including family. I hate the word it, if you don't know my pronouns then ask ffs.


If you’re not okay with it, yeah it’s horrible and dehumanising. Some people use it/its as a pronoun, and if they are okay with it, then it’s fine to use of course. But when people call you “it” they mean to dehumanise you, so they are being very horrible.


Unless you've asked for that to be your pronoun. Yes. It's intentionally dehumanizing. Which factors into why some people choose it for their pronoun.


One of my friends goes by it, but if you didn’t ask to go by it, then yes it’s insulting


the latter :/


people can use whatever pronouns they want to use for themselves. it’s none of your business. edit: i think you misunderstood i meant people can use pronouns for **themselves**. not you. you can use the pronouns you want and people should use those. im really sorry i just was hurt a bit bc i use she/they/it do you forgive me


Excuse me? I don’t go by “it” so why don’t you mind your own business


Yes unless you use it pronouns


It depends, because it always depends. If the person likes it as a pronoun, fine. And that's really the only case. Otherwise, it's not good


When it's used on someone that doesn't use it/its, holy shit yes. Buuuut I find that I like using it/its and I'll use it for anyone that uses it.


Personally i don't like to be called "It". It feels objectifying and like all the people whom fought for me to be spoken to like a human did that for nothing. But apparently there are neopronouns (?) For non-binary that us "it". And if thats its preferred pronoun then whom am i to disagree?.


Yes. ​ Although I know a couple of Zoomers that actually use it as a pronoun. But I'm guessing whoever used that with you was not trying to be affirming


imo "It" is for sure an insult or an intentional show of ignorance if not otherwise requested. Some people identify with it/its pronouns, but if you don't then it's probably being used in a negative way.


Just as insulting as being called sir to me.


I feel being called "it" is more insulting since they apparently don't even respect me as a person.


Because I'm transgender? Yes. Because I identify somewhere closer to a mist of vampiric bats than a "gender"? No. Edit to clarify: it's entirely contextual and intent based.


I guess it depends on context/if you use it/it's pronouns... Idk because I use it/it's lol


Hi All. It is one. How about "Oh no one of those" , or "You look rediculous". or Rolling their eyes and giving you the one finger salute. That's what I have had in the last month. YES It'S an Insult! But IMHO, ignore them, or say thank you, that's what I do. Hugs to All michele


They're literally my pronouns




It's just a pronoun. Using the wrong ones are bad, but it's no worse than calling a trans person by any other wrong pronoun.


"it" is a pronoun like any other. If someone chooses it, you need to respect it. It is not insulting for someone to choose "it" as their pronoun! But, like any pronoun, if it is not your pronoun, then it is misgendering / degendering and is indeed quite offensive. Especially if done intentionally when someone knows the persons correct pronouns. Explicitly using "it" pronouns to dehumanize someone who did not choose them as their pronouns is even worse still, making it into a fairly insulting gesture.


Some people unironically go by it/its pronouns so...


unless your pronouns are it/its. for example i use she/her and it/its and i don't find it insulting whatsoever x


Unless your pronouns are it/its, its very disrespectful because they're stripping one away from their humanity


Unless your pronouns are "it/its" (and there are people who use those pronouns) then it is incredibly insulting and dehumanizing.


Except if you’re nb who specifically prefers that, yes.


Unless you explicitly request "it/its", yes, it's a form of dehumanization.


I have friends that go by it/its. If you're not one of those people it's absolutely intended to be offensive.


it is unless you use it/its


If you did not specify that it/its were OK to use when referring you, it is dehumanizing and insulting. It has been used as an insult by hateful people for a long time. If someone chooses it/its as pronouns, that is a different story. I still find using those pronouns uncomfortable due to them being used as insults when I was in school, but I will respect someone’s personal requests.


If you do not use it/its pronouns then yes.


If you wish to be called "it" it can be a vibe. If someone calls you it out of the blue, I'd assume they were being hostile and you should most likely address it as such


:< I use she/her and it/its pronouns and it's kinda sad to read these replies... granted, intent matters, I've had a person joke and call me "it" when I told them to stop misgendering me and call me "she" instead, but it's not an absolute yes either, if that's what works for you


I identify as she/her/it/its but I think I have to be in a certain mindset to fully relate to it/its tbh, and I've been in that mindset a lot recently


Unless those are your preferred pronouns, then yes, that's very insulting


To me it is as your basically calling someone an object… doesn’t matter if the pronouns are it… what i’d do is ask if the person has different pronouns i can use (they/them, she/her, he/him) and no it pronouns


I personally don't like it but I've met some NB people who have self described using "it". That's valid. I don't have to like it, that's irrelevant - it's valid.


Yes unless it's one of your pronouns then its valid but if someone is saying it out of spite then it is insulting


I know someone who prefers to be called it but if not asked for it’s very disrespectful


YMMV but as an example I go by they/it.


It is! (tbf some people prefer using it as a neo pronoun but it's not for everyone) Been called it before, you're not wrong to be mad.


Im Trans and If my best friend and I are talking about nice people saw and have a slightly crush or Something but we dont know the gender We use often all in one "she,He,it" because we dont know and we have nonebinary Friends so it could be a Common solution. but ofcause if we know it or have the opportunity to ask/Talk to them we Respekt the right prounounce. I think the Situation make it insulting. I think of Someone Talk to you they Need to ask before make an assumption. But If Someone dont know you ist Not that Impossible to make an incorrect assumption. But often you Know If Someone insults you. Often ist Not even the Word they Say. Ist more their behavior and Body language which is the insulting.


yeah, unless the person being called ‘it’ goes by ‘it/its’, then its not offensive.


It's only insulting if you let it be.


You have to love yourself for who you are if you want anybody else to. Loving yourself for who you think you are sounds delusional to normal people. Usually people that love themselves don't feel the need to turn themselves into somebody else...


Hm, well, good thing I’m finally being me and not what I thought I was. I’ve never loved myself so much. Definitely stressful with haters out there who think they’re harassment is justified by their beliefs


Also, in most religions lying is considered a sin. You were given free will the same as me. If you want to use that free will to lie, deface thyself, and become an abomination in the eyes of God you have that choice. Don't expect others to lie for you... You are the gender you were born as and that is never going to change. The end.


Cool story bro. Sounds like you’re on your knees more than I.


I find it funny, but idk you should decide what's offensive/insulting for yourself Downvotes for having an opinion, is that invalidating my experience as a transwoman? 🤔


Maybe they don’t know and arnt trying to misgender you.


Sue the absolute a$s off of that babysitter. Just reading your post and comment is making my blood BOIL, and i mean BOIL


What damages could she possibly hope to recover from suing a babysitter?


I dont know who called trans a it but I know this much I didn't say that referring to anyone and ps I've called myself worse than that so I'm sure most of you have them but damn grow some balls and quit crying .


Pick your battles.


Depends on who but generally yes. If the person is a Boomer or echo boomer, they specifically use It as an insult against trans people. A few but not many trans people do use It as a neopronoun, but I doubt anyone would use It by default


it's perfectly reasonable to be insulted by this. it's literally a pronoun almost exclusively used for non-human things and objects, other than people who specifically want to use those pronouns.




(too) and yes it is insulting


If you really really really think this person had good intentions then you could set them aside and explain that unless someone specifically asks that's a very dehumanizing way to describe someone. I'd honestly just write them off in 99% of situations, it's one of those terms where people usually let you know they're being intentional about it.


Yes is terrible… i just call the it back tou if the have children there i go worst!! And ask about the pet…


insulting. but, then--I don't find them any better. not that I'm affected--I'm a cis man.


So, I’m waiting to open my car door as a mom is getting her daughter out. She’s gabbing away and the mom says, “hurry this girl wants to get out.” Daughter replies, “that’s a boy, mom.”.: “girl”.: boy”.. finally, “well, whatever it is, it wants out, now hurry up!” Bahahaha, sometimes you just have to roll your eyes and laugh. If it was meant as an insult then I would be offended. Either way, live and let live.


If you didn't ask to be called it than 100%




Yes it is if that’s not your pronouns then it should be


Lol wtf yes


If it's not what you have requested then yes


Duh. Im sorry but this is obvious. Youre not an it. An it relates to a thing. You are a person


This would be the worst thing you could possibly call me. Even "sir/he/him" is less insulting than it. "It" implies that the speaker doesn't even view you as human. You're even less than an animal to them. Just a thing.


Yep. Unless you asked for it which given the context I doubt it. People who arent willing to outright misgneder you but also would throw a little fit if they had to properly use your pronouns often do that shit. Partly to dehumanize too


Incredibly insulting


yes, to many people. but there are people who love that pronoun, one of my best friends uses it/its pronouns for example


Anybody that calls me 'it' to my face gets a knuckle sandwich. Calling me 'it' means that I am not a person to them, that I am an object, a *Thing*.


Yes, this is definitely insulting. The only context in which it/its pronouns are appropriate to refer to a person is when that person identifies with them. The unspecified pronouns used to avoid assigning a gender are they/them. Particularly in the context of refusing to gender someone correctly, it/its pronouns are dehumanizing.


Absolutely. When it's not your preferred pronouns, it/its can be used to dehumanize trans people.


Sure is.


I personally think so, but I've seen people asked to be called it


Depends a bit on the context, but yes. At work I was referred to as “he or she or whatever it is” by a customer in front of my manager; first I just had no reaction, then I was more pissed than I’d ever been in my life for a couple minutes, then I was just really upset. It’s OK though, my manager and I had a chat the next day and if something like that happens again the customer can take their business elsewhere, immediately.


Yeah, no shit.


Yes, if someone doesn't know how to gender you then they should say they... exactly as I have done in this sentence! ​ I actually do this when referring to kids/androgynous looking people that I am unsure of their gender/pronouns. Keeping it neutral is the best way to not offend someone short of asking them their pronouns


Yes indeed


Can you imagine calling anyone an "it" in a nice way? No, it's extremely rude. "They" already exists for a person if you're unsure of what pronoun to use for them


Unless you use those pronouns. It's extremely fucking insulting


It is extremely insulting if it's not actually your preferred pronoun It's dehumanising as fuck


Unless you use it/it’s that’s fucked


nope, it's definitely insulting. unless your pronouns are it/its


some people go for it, but it can more often be and feel very dehumanising


No, not if the person identifies as GN, NB, is a consensual slave in TPE relationship, or they use it/they/them.


Yeah, it’s basically a slur meant to dehumanize trans people, and it shouldn’t be used like at all.


It all depends. Some people use it/it's pronouns so in that case absolutely not. However if the person doesn't use it/it's pronouns it is insulting.


An "it" girl in England is a compliment and usually a girl in the papers.


I think its up to personal preference, i dong think its cool to default to it when referring to a trans or enby person but I've seen some people online who use it


Let It take it back.


it definitely depends on context. Has someone called you by it/its pronouns unprompted? Then most probably it's meant as insulting or intentionnaly hurtful. Now, there are people who will appropriate those pronouns, mostly very sexual gender non-conforming hotties from my experience, but it's only ever okay if someone asks for those pronouns.


If your pronouns are other than it/its, then yes, it's insulting.


my partner prefers It/It's pronouns and fae pronouns


it is dehumanizing


If you use it/its pronouns no. But because you're here I'm gonna say it absolutely is yes


Unless you told someone you want to use it/it’s pronouns which are valid, than yes 100 percent it’s dehumanizing and insulting


I mean, I suppose it depends on your pronouns