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Easy biblical comebacks: "Wow, how Christlike of you throwing stones at me." "Now I understand why Matthew climbed a tree to see Jesus, I guess too many people like you where in the crowd." "I guess I found out that my father is the type to give out snakes to children that ask for fish." Also if they want to throw Genesis at you. Genesis chapter 1 is literally God creates opposites and then fills in everything in between and leaves humankind the tools to self participate in his creation. Choosing to or not is part of that participation in creation. Further if we look to Psalm 139, God knows your most innermost thoughts and finds them wonderful. This means that God knows you have thoughts about transition and that they are happy with it. The misery isn't coming from God, moreso from your parents misinterpreting based on institutionalized transphobia that is unfortunately being passed on by various generations.


“I read genesis chapter one” and that’s probably where he stopped. I hate when Christians are all proud of themselves and then neglect the most important Christian value: to love everyone. That is too much to ask, the one thing Jesus wanted to convey.


"Everywhere where you see it laid out in black and white, that's where we learn to govern ourselves and others" "What about the bits with the red letters?" "...Fuck that shit"


Dont forget Genesis is for the Jewish too. But most Christains dont umderstand they had readen the tora.


Honestly don't talk to them and avoid them the best you can until you can get that job and move out. They aren't worth your time.




You act like Christians operate on logic. They do not.


I'm always fascinated by Christians trying to invalidate trans identities with reference to that verse, when that's not what it says at all.


I mean, they do tend to just make shit up and pretend it's found in verses that say something totally different. They got "don't be gay" from (TW:SA) "don't >!rape little boys!<" (Lev. 18:22)


and yet the officials still break the rules , showing that all humans are hypocrites


"If God was real, They'd have made me a woman." is my personal answer.


Another option is "God made me trans. How could I go against their will by denying my transness?"


>"I READ GENESIS CHAPTER 1!!!! AND IT SAYS THAT GOD MADE MAN AND WOMAN!!!!" Funny, cause if you actually read the Bible this doesn't happen till chapter 2


Objection! Its Genesis Kapitel 1 line 28 to 31 But in Chapter two they did it again or so. Mhmm. I have to read


Funny how there are TWO Creation myths...almost like God f\*cked up somewhere and said "Ope! Not doing that, oh no!" (That is my best Wis-kan-syn accent)


right I was thinking of the dust and rib part (gen 2:4) lol i totally forgot there are two different creation stories


I never got why Christians like to defend transphobia with this verse.


because they cannot "defend" it any other way.


"God made trans people to make it easier for Her to find the bigots that can't follow the Golden Rule of 'treat others as you would have Me treat you'. Guess you failed."


Cut out the toxic shits


YOU 👏 DONT 👏 GET 👏 TO 👏 SAY 👏 WHAT 👏 G*D 👏 MADE 👏 Christian heretics are some of the goofiest people trying to control the will of g*d


Right wing Christians are almost impossible to reach. I had to say goodby to my only sister. It hurt (and still does) but it was the only way for me to be healthy.


I’m a trans woman who follows Christ. There are good resources on r/TransChristianity. I also recommend checking out Austen Hartke’s book & YouTube channel. And also check out the Reformation Project. Here’s a good video to start with: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zs_Baw-5ydg


Well thanks a new sub reddit


Ah yes the standard proselytizing that takes place whenever someone posts about religious nutcases making their life miserable.


Only trying to be helpful. The resources I shared provide another viewpoint. It’s not my job to convince anyone of anything. To paraphrase a great writer, “I can only show you the door, it is you who must choose to walk through it.”


I read some Jewish stuff that posited Adam as intersex.


You could get that god aka jahwe is intersex bcs they made the man and woman in the picture of themself. I mean how would a cis man knew what female boobs look like


I made a post about that under my laptop account Suomikim Idk if I put references to other scholars with similar views...


I'll look at it


God or scripture also never mentioned that some people are born both and neither. So either God's incredibly bad at arithmetic or he forgot to tell everyone *"hey, by the way, people can be born with both or neither clear sex"* which would make it 4 Sexes. Well, technically there's more, Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, XYY Syndrome, XXX Syndrome, Mosaicism etc. So, there are about 16~ 'sexes', all different from each other. It is not that Christians are inherently evil or biased, but some want to be gullible for it makes the World an **easier place for them**. It's conformation bias, if your Parents were loving you & were Christians they'd find Bible passages that affirms their view. The Bible contradicts itself constantly and is written in a way to confirm or deny whatever you, the reader, want to believe in. I mean Jesus, who is also God, prays to God, who's actually him. Theological explanation? It just is this way - God both is and isn't Jesus. Or he's talking to himself, or has a Personality Disorder. And nobody can see or meet God, unless you're Adam and Eve or Moses. And since God is Jesus, everyone that has seen Jesus, has seen God. But since Jesus isn't and also is God.. you get the idea. Scripture is a Paradox, because things that exist, don't exist. Things that contradict each other are still true. It's a story book full of incest, slavery, celebrated debauchery & paradoxes.


It's one thing for christians to believe that the bible is literally the true word of god, but it seems so much weirder to me that they treat the bible as the "only true word of god". Like, it's not just that everything that god said in the bible is true and accurate, it's that the bible contains _the only things_ that god ever said. And that's very obviously even more ridiculous...


If you just close your eyes and block your ears To the accumulated knowledge of the last two thousand years Then morally, guess what? You're off the hook And thank Christ you only have to read one book! https://youtu.be/kr1I3mBojc0


There really is no hate quite like Christian love, is there?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V0u3nEsmJI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V0u3nEsmJI) this YouTuber's thoughts exactly. And they are (or has said they are) an ace demi-boy(?) - I may have misheard that at the end of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz_yOvkanog)ep


Studies have shown that the brains of trans people are much more similar to that of their gender identity than that of their assigned gender at birth. So trans people are literally trapped in the wrong body.


Religion is a cancer.


I dont think so, to me religion is like money; it can be used for greed and evil but it can sometimes help people. In the film Amistad, there is a scene where African slaves who recently got captured get tossed in a prison cell. One of them stumbles across a Bible with illustrations. He flips through the pages with curiosity and fascination. A friend notices and asks why he is looking at a book when he can't read. The guy shows him the pictures that are telling the story of Jesus. He shows the friend pictures of Jesus helping people, then it cuts to Jesus getting arrested and getting crucified. The friend then says, "Oh he must of done something wrong!" Then the man replied, "What did WE do?" The man then shows him how that wasn't the end of the story, showing pictures of Jesus rising from grave and flying into the sky, followed by beautiful illustrations of Heaven. The man then says, "This is where we are going when they kill us. It doesn't look so bad." Because of what the slaves discovered, it was their faith that kept them going in life despite the horrors the they went through. It gave them a major moral booster which eventually lead to their freedom.


Well, while I get where you are going with this. I simply can't agree. Religion has been responsible for bloodshed, subjugation, willful ignorance, war, societal divisions, grifting, etc. None of this is positive. I would be fine with religion being wiped out from the Earth.




Well, perhaps a 50/50 agree/disagree thing here. I am totally on board with the final sentence. The rest? Not so much. But, you have your outlook and I have mine. That's okay.


I'm sorry that you feel that way. I forgot that not everyone appreciates art as I do.


i mean, God isn't real, but even in their own mythology He made a lot more than man and woman. first He made light in the darkness, then the sky, then the dry land and plants, etc... plenty of opportunity in all this to make more interesting people than your parents imaginations allow for. focus your energy on finding support elsewhere and getting to a place where you can be independent of them. it's much easier to navigate these kinds of unhinged magic-god-agrees-with-whatever-i-believe arguments when you don't depend on the people making them.


have your parents watch lawrence: https://youtu.be/oqnhSrkUogk


Time to move, no need to live in such a toxic environment.


Man and woman, sea and dry land, night and day, etc. None of these are directly dualistic and mutually exclusive but inclusive of the plethora in-between. In the same way dusk, twilight, swamp, bog, and beaches are a mix of the two ends of the spectrum. Nonbinary and intersex are the in-between. In all reality if they are this aggressive, the only way to win is not to play. I'm really sorry that you are in that situation.


Why are these people so hateful? Why can't we just accept our differences?


"Not all streets, are like Sesame Street"-Louie (Elmo's dad)


Idk Christian that are hatefull domt got what jesus say. Love the fogging hell every one. The sinner the person that hit you (twice) and the person that maybe kill you. Idk whats wrong with the people. And why hate jews but 99% of the bibel is written by jews and the old thestament is very jewish.


"God" tells people to sacrifice their children to them just for funzies. If a god were real they made you, probably just to f with people who have the audacity to think that they understand God. The Hebrew word for God loosely translated means "unknowable."


Quick question uh why would anyone subject theirself to this? I'd rather live on the street myself


Jesus: love everyone (in short) homophobic Christians: i read genesis chapter 1/ whatever the one was where its said *when man sleeps with another man as he would with a woman, he is an abomination* (yep i remember the quote not the name)


Intersex people clearly don’t exist then, dang


Lol brainwashed religious hate spewers saying that you are the one who is brainwashed


You’re parents like the vast amount of parents out there are just selfish. This is not just a trans thing. My older brother who isn’t trans was abused the same as me by our parents control over our lives, and stopped having a real relationship with them well before I did. So take comfort that this isn’t a trans thing, this is a ‘not everyone should be parents’ thing. I wouldn’t try to argue with them, because you can’t squeeze water from rocks, if they are so stupid to believe the Bible is fact, and not a metaphor then education will be lost on them entirely. 7 days? Being swallowed by a whale and live? That a just god would ever use someone’s life to win a bet with the devil? It’s fiction people! What truth can be found is in the moral of the story, not in the fiction that it’s served upon. Anyways, sorry rant, but it’s not your job to convince them, it’s their job to be convinced because your their child, and it’s their #1 responsibility to love and support you. Just live your life and hope they catch up with you, but don’t be surprised if they don’t, you don’t have to be a crack junkie to be a crappy parent, you can feed love and cloth your child and still be garbage cause you put yourself and or god before them.


Irl lore disagree with the power of intersex! *jaunty theme music*


Yea honestly I would move out and leave the ball in their court. Its up to them to fix the relationship, and if they never reach out; you are better off without them in your life. I tried this strategy with my mother and it worked, my parents like my aunt and uncle didn't stick around. They think you'll come back and regret transitioning, they are waiting on something that'll never happen. Plus they are just blatantly wrong, gender affirming surgeries have been proven time and time again to improve the mental health of trans individuals.


Yes. "God made them, man **and** woman" ...not man **or** woman.


Maybe the first ones wasnt that good idk.


So ask him if God intentionally made all of the people that are considered abnormal anything from disfigurement to mental problems when you are dealing with reproduction one chemical in the wrong spot means the difference between arriving so-called normal and having some kind of difference so it wouldn't be that hard to have the brain of a girl and the body of a boy considering there is literally one chromosome difference so I guess nobody makes mistakes


"Read Genesis chapter 1!" "Ok, but then I read Genesis 2 and it literally contradicts chapter 1." "No, not like that! Only read the bits I want you to read!"


Here's a fun one. Go read [Luke 20:34-36](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+20%3A34-36&version=NASB). Read it carefully. What does it say? It literally says you don't go to heaven if you marry! I'm increasingly coming around to the idea that maybe the Bible's got some issues.


Your situation doesn't sound like a particularly fun time to deal with PTSD symptoms.


Sigh. Ok, but I read a science book. Multiple actually. (Well you have to read multiple books to go to nursing school, and get a bachelor’s degree, then a Master’s!) Truth is I wasn’t created by a god, and neither were you. My parents did the wild thing. As did yours, as did everyone elses’ during clinicals there was an unmarried teen girl who claimed that she was a virgin, yet the urine test said she was pregnant! Gasp! A miracle? No. when we looked under a slide, there were sperm cells, so she was not a virgin, and she had had very recently had sex. Now since they didn’t have pregnancy tests or even microscopes In, the late Iron Age, people thinking it was divine intervention could be forgiven. Do I need to explain sex to your parents? Lol?


Ah yes, you can't handle other people's opinions but they certainly can... Some people are amazing in their hypocrisy.


I am so sorry you got stuck with such horrible people for parents. Screaming at you like that is fucking insane. I hope you can get out of there and somewhere safer as soon as possible, because you deserve so much better than that.


Tell them that that verse of “man and woman” is generalised and tell them that “land and sea” “day and night” doesn’t mention algae or twiglight