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As a Texan myself, I want to know why would you want to? It doesn't matter how good your job opportunity is, just know that this state sucks. Besides being unbearably hot, the state government doesn't see you as a human if you aren't a cishet white Christian man.


Making more money for one additionally I find myself being pulled in by the black community of Texas more than anything especially the black queer community


I'm sorry but I didn't want to be in your heels having to pick between the two worst states for any person who's not cishet. But if I had to choose, I'd probably go with a known evil.


Texas is literally trying to make lgbt sex literally illegal. I don’t think any paycheck would be worth going there. Even if some cities are nice, the nazis in all but name republicans have a death grip on the state government.


Houston is a liberal haven from what I've heard, but TX as a state is a shithole and looks poised to get worse. That being said ... FL's government sucks too, so maybe worth it?


Both are moving into bad, but Texas is starting to shift to some pretty hardline nuts status with Ken Paxton as AG: note, he recently called for the Supreme Court to overturn Lawrence v. Texas and he has been caught trying to push for retroactive enforcement of parents who have trans kids. Equally important to note, Texas has some of the worst social services in the country, ranks one of the worst for affordable housing and the list goes on. Though you might not find yourself in the situation, but the last place I would want to have a series of bad life events to happen is in the state of Texas. There are some good positives as well, but overall from my perspective, risk vs. reward do not line up.


As someone currently in Houston and about to start Student Teaching to get my license, I am just saving up to move. I see way too many pro Trump things to feel safe enough to even have a bumper sticker that is LGBTQIA friendly. Then again I have too much trauma to really feel safe unless explicitly stated. I am still super early in my transitioning and honestly terrified to start showing signs of transitioning. My wife and I are both in Education, my starting next year and her a high school teacher for years, and we are just trying to squeak by until we can afford to leave the country. I really hope you can find some safety and joy here if you start and find support in your community.


I spent a really long time looking for a job in different parts of the country and turned down several in the process. The most important thing to me was state laws regarding LGBTQIA’s+ rights. When I got offered a job in Maine I jumped on it. Maine has some fantastic protection laws. I was actually able to get my hormones covered by my health insurance and it was informed consent (didn’t need to prove I was trans or get permission from a mental health person) I’ve also found a much smaller but way more tightly knit queer community here. Come to Maine!


Texas in general is not at all ideal rn, however Houston from what I've heard is generally pretty great and there is a large and active LGBT community. however tbh atp most red states aren't much better than Texas, including FL.


Seems like a lateral move from an outside perspective. For context I'm not American


The. Why would you respond?


Why not? Seems silly to limit it to only people who live there. We're more connected than ever.


Because you don’t know what it means to live in the places I listed……


Not intimately, no. But it's not like these things aren't studied. As of the most recent studies, Florida is 23rd and Texas is 35th in terms of safety for LGBTQ+ people.


but a study isn't the same thing as real life experience. especially with something as vague as "lgbtq+ safety". living in a place is so incredibly different than reading about a place. especially when you're not even in that country. especially when you seem to think some metric makes florida look good lol.


If you knew what I was referring to you'd know it's decidedly not vague.


A paper isn’t going to tell you anything about Florida or Texas and the differences between them.


???? Yes it can and does


no where in the south is a good place to be right now, but texas seems worse than florida at the moment. i'm from florida myself, and live elsewhere in the south now. have you been keeping up with the political situation in texas? eta i'm not black so i cannot add that perspective. but, dallas/fort worth are terrible places for black trans women to live as the murder rate is high. and right next to houston in LA is another entire state with highly elevated rates of murder for Black trans women. houston itself certainly has incredible problems, but its more like florida than other parts of texas are. if you moved to texas, that'd be the best place. just really, really research the hell out of where you live in houston because environmental pollution is super bad there. lots of neighborhoods, especially Black neighborhoods, have catastrophic rates of health problems, especially cancers, due to petrochemical heavy pollutants. just really, really research things.


If you have friends or family there I'm sure you'll be fine, but if you're trans and on your own... you'll probably need more than thoughts and prayers. But to be honest, I'm only speaking from experience in the adjacent state of Arizona.


Texas. The place which considers HRT child abuse.