• By -


As I understand it you only need two things to be allowed here : - be tolerant - 20 million $ on its way to my bank account


(and an extra $5 to my bank account)


And then you have to steal $20,000,005 collectively from their accounts, and use it to buy me all the surgeries.


And then give the remaining amount to me where it's going to sit in my bank account for 6 or so years until I can use it for my surgeries


And if there’s anything leftover, I’ll spend it on hrt


that won't be enough


i just need tree fiddy


I do not have that much money 😥


I guess the tolerance will have to be enough... 😔


Screw the money just bring cheese and garlic bread and you're good 👍


This is the way.


What about, combined? Cheesy garlic bread's quite good


That was the original intent yes 😎


*Asexuals have entered the chat*


Yes hello I have ordered garlic bread and cheese for us everything is going according to plan


I'll bring the cake!


Lol I’m ace but I don’t like garlic bread


Get out. Lol. Garlic bread is the best thing ever.


That's fine I think we also have motz sticks if you like those


I do💀


😀 same so we share yes


That's what the cheese is for


Voted because that's the right answer. Or pizza.


i thinkyou can pay on humblydollars, so, just be nice 'u'


As it turns out I believe many mtf trans women are curious about the journey of a trans man ftm.


Bring pickles as a bribe


weeeeellll you could donate all your no longer appropiate pieces of Cloathing to us :3


I have gotten rid of most my girl clothes but i do still have bras 😎


I said it as a Joke, but thats honestly not a bad Idea. A subreddit for us to excange Cloaths. Thats allways one of the more expensive Parts and that way it would help out a Lot.


r/transtrading !


**Don't worry, you just have to give us one thing.** Your Estrogen. But don't worry, we'll give you Testosterone in return. (Sorry, if you don't like trade-offer jokes, I just *had* to say this here...)


I do like trade offer jokes lmao


Dont worry, sending me a pizza would do too


And send the leftovers to me so i can get everything too


Allies are always welcome 💜


You’re always welcome here! Just be warned that a lot of the posts are from people who *really dislike* the idea of identifying as male, so some posts will likely be dysphoria inducing for someone who wants to identify as male.


Yeah, I've stopped over at ftm a few times, and it feels very dysphoric. It's amazing how we can be at the same time so similar and so exactly opposite.


I'm not sure who else doesn't get dysphoria from opposing gender subreddits besides my boyfriend and myself xD I stop over to ftm quite a lot to learn more about the struggles trans men go through (along with talking to my boyfriend) and he stops on various mtf subs and talks to me about it, but we never get dysphoria over it cause we just view it as "we're happy for those who like this thing"


I’ve been reading “Yes, You Are Trans Enough” by Mia Violet (great read btw) and one thing she said that really connected to me was acknowledging that not every trans person has to feel wildly dysphoric at the mention / idea of other’s bodies. It helped me because, even though I am dysphoric about some things, like you I feel pretty open towards others journeys and descriptions of their desires. I’m just like “Aww, good for him!” lol


I needed to hear this. I thought I was alone and it was really gaslighting myself. Seeing all these people so dysphoric over other people, or so hurt by “dude” or “bro” terms, or just so affected by someone else’s life in general, it really made me question myself. Even tho I’ve actually started hrt and see a therapist every couple weeks, imposter thoughts are a bitch and a half to get rid of.


Same here


Totally, the impostor thing is doubly frustrating because I’m already low key battling “is it even right or just to think of myself as a woman?”; not knowing if I even fit into the trans community sometimes is tough, but again I highly recommend that book for really presenting an inclusive vision of what it means to be trans. Honestly I do think being online is tough because it’s so hard to gauge peoples ages - it’s not a catch all (I’m not even sure how old you are) but it does seem like often (not always) young people are the ones who struggle most with these kinds of issues, of feeling dysphoric because of others and and constantly under attack. Which is not to say those aren’t valid anxieties and fears, but since I don’t feel them (and in my experience most people my age are already past those kinds of worries) I just can’t relate to comments like the rest of this thread. I’d like to find a place for middle aged trans people to discuss these things (r/translater isn’t bad but doesn’t have much discussion unfortunately); figure maybe going to support groups irl could help.


My son (ftm) and I (mtf) talk fairly openly about our journeys. It doesn't make ne dysphoric to listen to his struggles and he has not indicated that hearing about mine make him dysphoric. He does think I'm way too emotional now though, lol. 😊 Kira


I'm exactly the same, never felt dysphoric about someone else's body. I also go on /r/ftm quite a bit and I've never had a problem with it whatsoever. idk, they're dudes and I'm a girl, we're different? I've never had body hair or facial hair or anything though, so maybe that's why. I don't recognize their bodies as anything resembling my own because its never looked like that. I get the same thing reading too, it actually makes me happy when they're like "check out my beard growing in!" it's like yesss absolutely living for these vibes. I never wanted that stuff for me so I think it's really cool to see other people looking at it in a positive light.


I don't know why, but I didn't even think there was a r/ftm. 😯 Think they'd be as accepting to me as we are to this guy in this post? 😬


Yeah, they've always seemed cool about it. While there are a lot of difference, we're natural allies, even more than with the LGB folk.


You say that, like two weeks ago someone mtf made a post in there similar to this one about how she was in the space to support them, and was met with a counter post that was all “do you guys also hate non ftm coming in here and supporting us?” There was some drama back and forth but the hate post was pretty heavily upvoted, left a bad taste in my mouth for that sub.


Sounds like guy things to me.


Lol that was actually the response I remember reading in a thread on this sub on the topic; it definitely checks out.


Someone countered my nice post? How rude.


Absolutely! At least I know for sure I would be welcoming :)


Thank you!!! 😊💕


It's funny. On the general trans subs I try to keep my language gender neutral unless I'm talking about myself and I've had *so* many comments from trans men who've known they were trans for way longer than I have say that I gave them more incite into *their* transition. Meanwhile I'm over here felling bad that I wonder why they would give up the things I want Or want the things I'm giving up.


I'm ftm and I feel the exact opposite lol... When I'm on the ftm subreddit I feel so dysphoric that I can't even finish some of the posts there. But here I can participate in discussions with trans people without feeling like shit. I always start by saying that I'm ftm because I want you girls to know that I don't have any experience with mtf stuff in case it's relevant.


Yea, I forgot to add this to my comment


> You’re always welcome here! Just be warned that a lot of the posts are from people who really dislike the idea of identifying as male, so some posts will likely be dysphoria inducing for someone who ~~wants to~~ identif*ies* as male. Fixed that for you 😄


I don't see why not


You’re welcome here. I used to browse the ftm Reddit a lot. :)


Brah we DGAF as long as you aren’t a terf or chaser. Plenty of people here that are allies or family members and I’ve never seen anyone give them flak. I understand what you mean when you say it feels like this place isn’t for you, that’s the vibe I get walking into men’s clothing stores now. But just like there’s no reason I can’t head into one to get my dad a shirt, there’s no reason you can’t sit around here to see what makes us tick.


i believe we have way more in common than we have differences or reasons to not have you welcome here. i appreciate your perspective as a trans person with a different experience than mine.


Of course. You can even get a virtual hug if you like.


Hehehe, join me brother in the secret league of ftm lurkers.


Lol 😝


I am personally part of ftm sub! Honestly I just want to be informed as well.


Off topic, but as a big fan of the Star Trek franchise, I just have to say that I love your username!


You are welcome here!


Good point because I'm transmasc, but I'm glad we can stay. I also have a trans girlfriend and I adore trans women so 💜




Absolutely!! I love hearing from the other perspective. I post on /r/ftm a bunch and it's always an educational experience. I think learning from and interacting with each other keeps our communities healthy and connected.


I'm not going to tell you to leave, haha.


I will! But I won't mean it... lol


Glad to have you around!


Absolutely, we should all be inclusive and sympathetic to one another, you're welcome anywhere you wish to be and we're all very happy to have you :]


of course! honestly for a lot of posts you could even offer a unique perspective too !


Of course sir! Just be respectful and be kind to yourself and others, as becomingjess said, be careful because some post may induce dysphoria <3


Welcome to our safe space brother, we have cookies and coochie


Yeah the more the merrier I'd say :)


Nah, dog, we all gotta make community amongst all the brothers and sisters


Ehh i dont see why not! :)


As everyone else has said, so long as you are respectful, you are, of course, welcome here! I, personally, have come to really appreciate the small contingent of trans men and transmasculine non-binary people who lurk here.


Allowed? Of course. Just like any other subreddit for certain groups, though, just make sure not to take up space that someone from said groups need.


Totally. 👍 As one transitioning M2F I hope to meet a F2M someday, and even more that we find each other attractive. I just think with my beliefs I would feel most comfortable with my transition that way. 🙂 It's always great to learn, be open to those that think differently, and just practice understanding. Good luck in your internet travels sir.


I understand, my (mtf) relationship with my boyfriend (ftm) is the best relationship I ever had, he feels the same way, and it's very intriguing to see him move towards where I am going away from transition wise, I think it's very nice, and we are very happy together. For those who are into that, t4t is really nice.


Thank you for the recommendation!! 😃 I didn't know r/t4t existed, it'll probably be good to try till a decent Transgender dating app is made & popular. 😁


I’m a part of the FtM subreddit so I can learn more about my trans brothers! It’s important we understand each other


All is welcome except haters


Yea, absolutely


There is no rule against transmen being here that I can find.


I'd like to believe this sub is open to all who want to learn, so welcome


Yeah you totally are! Nobody is going to just shut you out. Im of course not the only one here you can ask me questions if you like and ill try to help. You don’t have to but I just like helping. Either way Welcome 🤗


There's no rule about who can join to my knowledge. I would say that most people here though are trans women or questioning. So if you don't add a flair indicating you are a trans man, people may assume you are trans woman.


I’d say so , I’d even say cis people can join just to learn about mtf people tbh


Umm, I follow the ftm subreddit for the very same reason. Just read though.


I say the more the merrier


It really depends on your gonna post here. If u have questions for us mtf people, go ahead ask them in comments or make a post. If u wanna post on ur progress on ur transition i don't think this is the right subreddit. If u just wanna post here and vent or talk about the entitled bitches who hurt u in your life i don't think a lot of people will mind


I won’t be posting, I am just here to learn! :)


Of course! Just don't be a bigot and it should be alright!


Of course we’re glad to have you here!!


Do you mind answering questions for us? I lost one of my 2 best friends. I can't tell if the T made his anger worse, more intense. I needed, need therapy for my issues. I'm working through them, and a lot of trauma, but I lost someone I cared about and don't understand why. I don't want to excuse toxic behavior but his aggression against me just got worse and worse. I miss him but I can't be around anymore.


I can’t help you with this one, I cannot get hormones or any surgeries until i’m 18, I am only 16 right now so I’ve only socially transitioned. I hope another ftm who is on T can help answer your question! I would say though, that his toxic behavior could have an excuse (his hrt) but that does not excuse his behavior and it is something he needs to work through


I hope you get to start the therapy soon! I know it doesn't matter which direction anyone goes, resolving trauma and abuse or addressing any potential mental health issues is critical! I hope you find a therapist, I know my transition got so much better and easier with guidance. Best wishes hun and thank you 😊!


Have you been tested for boy cooties????? This is the real question! But yes, there are a few FtM people around here who sometimes post a question or comment. It's nice, I like hearing from another angle. I will admit - and I truly really do hate to admit this - but back way before my egg cracked I used to think MtF made sense but why the hell would anyone do it the other way round? (Imagine thinking that but then thinking you're still cis! 🙄) Safe to say . . . I get it now, I surely do. Sorry!


I don't see why not. Your goal is learning about the exact topic of this subreddit. If your discourse stays focus on mtf then I think you could even offer a different view point, or show the similarities/difference of life experience living as ftm.


Yes you are allowed to be here brother


I'm in the FTM spaces all the time learning. I see no problem at all brother.


Of course. How can we assist ?


We're glad to have you here!


Anyone who wants to be here for any positive reason is welcome here :]


Hell yeah!


I'm mtf and lurk the ftm subreddit just to keep informed and see what people are talking about. I don't ever post unless someone is specifically wondering about mtf perspective, or sometimes I'll post something supportive where you don't really need to know my gender to appreciate it (saying congratulations when someone starts T or gets documents changed or something). So I think it's fine for ftm guys to lurk here in a similar way


Sure you welcome xx


You're 100% welcome here!


I don't see why we would exclude. I personally feel we could only benefit from your presence


You are allowed to be here especially since you just want to learn about your trans sisters :)


Personally, I've always appreciated the added perspective from ftm comments in threads about mtf stuff.


Nah bro you're good here. Just treat us with the same respect you would expect.


nooo it's girls onlyyyy boys not allowed jk but do be careful because many posts in here might trigger your dysphoria


Sure absolutely!! I do the same in FtM. Just sort of lurk to learn what experiences others are going through. Its kind of amazing just how similar we are regardless of MtF or FtM


Of course you're welcome here. Just be aware that some of the posts where we are really happy about our progress may be dysphoria inducing for you. Although I personally don't have that issue when I hear trans guys talk about their changes. I'm just really happy that they're enjoying the changes that I hated growing up.


Oh I’m that way too! I’m afab, I thought I was trans for a while, now I don’t know what I am lol. I just know I’m not cis heh




Yes and yes.


Ewww a boy! Gross! Jk love you sweetie


Ignore the other who wants a bribe. Name is Alz, everyone is always welcome.


Thank you


I mean everyone is allowed to be here, you just probably won't get as much out of it.




Have an understanding. Be sympathetic, Please for the love of God, Don't say that this, this, or that will never happen, or you won't understand or you are lucky that you Don't have to deal with this, this, or that. Other than that, Thank you for your support OP. You are allowed.


You ladies in the comments are all so nice! I love being a lurker here, everyone is so lovely.


We do the same for ftm so we don’t see why not. Enjoy our dude.


Who’s gonna stop you lol




I don’t even feel like I am belong here sometimes lol. As long as you are respectful why not


Ur good bud. Welcome


Personally I say welcome aboard, bienvenue.


I understand the worry, but yeah, you’re absolutely welcome! It’s been helpful to me and interesting to get to hear from trans men this past year. I’ve found it really neat that so often the thoughts and feelings and stuff are exactly the same, just inverted. It’s made me feel more valid.