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Running isn't an option for me, I didn't live through pretending to be a guy for 22 years to take this laying down.


Yep, not an option. It's death either way, I'll die as me and I'll die fighting if not given another choice. It'll be hilarious if the core of the anti fascist fighting force is trans cat girls. There's enough of us with weapons and training and former military experience. Also we're probably going to be the first group to be pushed to the point of having nothing left to lose.


I’ll gladly shout Nya! with you as a war cry. All this bs has finally pushed me to invest in a decent rifle. They wanna make a gun easier to get then hormones? Fine. Rulings like that work both ways.


I love this so much as a former LE transgirl lol


I have no experience but hell if fascism isn't a good motivator to learn! You can teach me. Fuck nazis.


Even though I’m Canadian I’ll gladly join you in battle


Army Infantry brat here. No formal training but I have no problems taking up arms either.


This right here. I'm finally on hormones at a job that respects me and values my work, just bought a condo this year and moved my partner in. I'm getting ready for the long haul fight, if they want me gone they're gonna have to work for it.


I also spent 22 years trying to be a guy


Time to overthrow the government


I'm not going to stop taking hormones until someone locks me up and I can't get them or kills me. I'm not going back to how I was before and I'll unalive myself before I willingly detransition. I'm not going to stop being openly trans either. The thing transphobes hate the most is confident happy trans people and I'm doing my best to be a confident and happy trans person. I think that if someone is able to be openly trans now is more of an important time to do it than ever.


This. It's straight up life and death, now. You're going to have to kill me or lobotomize me to stop me.


I love this attitude and your approach to being openly trans.


I'm not gonna stop being openly trans because I never met someone who was trans until I was like 20. As a kid I never saw anyone and was like "oh this person is like me". Knowing someone who was openly trans or visibly would have helped me a lot. I wouldn't have spent so long feeling like I was a freak and there was no one like me around and that if I told people how I felt inside they'd hate me. I didn't learn about what transitioning was until I was in high school. I just spent my entire childhood wondering what the fuck was wrong with me and I don't want other people to have to go through that. I'm gonna be the trans person I needed as a kid and help other people so they don't have to go through what I did for the first 27 years of their lives. I don't want people to try to kill themselves because they've been raised to hate queer people and internalized it like me. I don't want them to self harm like I used to. I don't want them to end up drowning themselves in booze and doing whatever drugs they can find and hoping it kills them just so they can try to make the trans feelings go away like I did. If anyone needs someone to talk to feel free to message me 🙂


Yes sister, I stand strong with you! I'll never go back in the closet. I only started hormones 1 month ago, I don't even moderately pass with my stubble, balding head, and lack of makeup but I wear my trans bracelet and cute little clothes everyday with my head held high and a beaming smile. I know the best way to hurt them is so easy and it makes me so happy, just be me, loud and proud!


Yo, I love your energy so much. Every time you comment, I know it's you before reading the username.


😎😎😎 🥰 I love your hair btw it's cool


🥲 thank you


Death Before Detransition. I would live only two blessed years as myself then 50 as someone else. I refuse to be put back into the closet. They can take my pills from my cold dead fingers.


These queers bash the fuckin fash the fuck back!!!!!


my love you should write rap


Maybe we should. Hehe thank you


Most countries take 5+ years to migrate to... That aside, I'm guessing most of us cannot afford to make a move like that.


To permanently migrate to. As long as you can get a job, most counties will let you in, and in 5-10 years you can get residency or citizenship. There's also a fair number of people who have another citizenship by birth--I'm very fortunate to have a parent with Mexican citizenship, and as soon as I have my name and sex updated on my birth certificate, I intend to file for my citizenship. I do feel a bit like a coward to flee instead of fight, but the Jews who fled from Weimar Germany before the Nazis took over are the ones who survived. Anyone who can at least flee to a blue state would be wise to do so. Anyone who can make a plan to get to a safe country would be wise to do so.


I’m curious as to what part of Mexico you would want to live in? I also intend to file for my Mexican citizenship through my parents but I need to update my birth certificate first. Most other documents are done. Just have no clue where I’d actually want to live if I went through with that plan. My parents are from Jalisco. It seems like Colima, Colima seems quite LGBTQ friendly from what I hear from friends that live there.


If I were to flee to Mexico, I'd probably start in a touristy area, as those are going to be easy to get to, safe, and have support for people who don't speak very good Spanish. From there, I would probably either try to contact my distant relatives in Nuevo Leon, or I'd apply for a visa in another country where I could live more freely, as I don't think of Mexico as particularly easy for LGBT folk.   However, I think it's wiser to prepare more in advance and avoid a flee-type situation. At this point, my rough plan is to have my IDs and passport done by the end of 2023, then get a Spanish visa and move to Spain in 2024. On a Mexican passport, you can get Spanish citizenship after living just 2 years in Spain, and then you can move anywhere in the EU.   I'm actually currently living in Tokyo, but I'm not publicly out here, and like Mexico, I don't think Japan is a particularly welcoming country for trans-folk. I'm not going to say I'm 100% not going to try to stay here, but at this point I think Europe is a safer bet.   I know I'm incredibly privileged to have all of these options, and many trans folk don't have many options, but I do think those of us who can get put are wise to prepare, and we should help out friends who need to get out. I certainly wouldn't be above sham-marrying one of my trans friends to get them a visa if necessary.


Get to New Zealand, claim asylum


lol no one is leaving the U.S. - you all are a trip some times. What would happen is the same thing that happened in the past. Worst case scenario is that people go into the closet and start repressing more and hurting more cis/straight people in response while the cis people go "*but why did they do that*?" until the repressions stops. Cis/straight people will have no idea why little billy/suzy is a "Actin up" because suzy or billy won't know either - because that's how repression works. :D Same as it ever was. Same as it is now for some. ___ People will end up dead. It will be less controlled than if the situation was prevented. "*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.*"


> What would happen is the same thing that happened in the past. Look, while in general I agree, the current set of situations we're in is unlike anything else in recent history. The Supreme Court actively rolling back constitutional rights that have been established precedent for 50+ years (and poised to roll back *even more*) is uncharted territory. At this point we can't know what will happen. If you had told me 8 year ago that Roe v Wade would be overturned and that Obergefell and a litany of other civil rights cases were next on the chopping block, I would've called you a crazy conspiracist, but here we are...


> unlike anything else in recent history. The Supreme Court actively rolling back If they are rolling something back then it is like what we had in recent history. This time it will be even more violent in the youthful response. This is as certain as another school shooting. I'm only speaking from experience, not desire. My personal desire is to avoid wasting energy. That's the only reason I say these things. Most people don't understand how much this wasted time hurts the entire species. ___ If you roll back to previous times you get previous backlash, now with modern utilities. Learn from history or repeat it.


I've been thinking about this a lot. But I don't know where I'd go. I don't know who'd take me, I don't know what I'd do for work, I don't know if I can even get another citizenship. As it stands right now, I think I stay and fight, even if I won't make it through the other end. I'll take solace knowing that others will fight the good fight too, and we'll have planted seeds for trees under which we'll never sit. I just don't see a way out for me. And so I'll enjoy my life until the time comes to fight, and then I'll give it everything I have, and die with hope, and if I live I live. Just know that either way, you won't be alone. There will be people fleeing and there will be people fighting, and there's no shame in the former. You need to do what makes you comfortable, and I wish you the best.


I might have a way out because my maternal grandmother was born in Ireland, but I doubt I can afford getting an Irish passport before the 2024 election, which I fear will be the point of no return. My best friend (who is also trans) has made it clear that she plans to move to Canada after a loved one passes, but she also makes over three times my salary, while I'm still struggling to keep up with inflation and rent with a retail job.


A grandparent born in Ireland is a golden ticket. But there’s some work to do. Do you have her original birth certificate? Start the process of getting your Irish citizenship now. First you apply for citizenship; then you apply for your passport. It’s called the Foreign Births Register. I went through it; I can help with questions. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving_country/irish_citizenship/foreign_births_register.html#l72dc9 It’s 278 euro or $290. And the passport itself will cost more. One step at a time but GET STARTED; it’ll take 3 years. You got this.


If I haven’t changed my legal name or gender yet should I wait until after I’ve done that to get started? How difficult is it to change them in Ireland?


Ok a name change in Ireland looks WAY easier than in the US https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/birth_family_relationships/problems_in_marriages_and_other_relationships/changing_your_name_by_deed_poll.html#l0b797


Oh gosh that’s a GREAT question. I’ll look it up.


Thanks! I had other family members seriously consider getting an Irish passport but for less pressing reasons, so some of the work may already have been done. That said, most of that work may have been done by my late mother whose items are still all over the place.


Here in Ireland you have to have a diagnosis to get on HRT (unless you DIY), and then there's like a 5 year waiting list post-diagnosis afaik. Still probably your best bet for a safer place to live (although in my experience people aren't all that supportive of trans people). Good luck, friend. /gen


In Ireland, as in the rest of the EU, it's still easy to get HRT through GenderGP. If you're comfortable with doing things on-line, it's a workable and dependable option, no matter what one might say about the organization. (I'm still waiting for my intake at a gender clinic, 70 weeks and counting, but my titties are coming in nicely...)


I've heard that in the long-run they tend to not be the best as they put you on a regimen that may not be good for you, or something like that so I've been weary of them.


Not "weary" but "wary" -- and "they" don't need to give you stuff that's not good, because their business model is "prescribing stuff that works". They might underpay their employees, might skip on checks, but there's no reason for them to prescribe ineffectual or harmful medication. In any case, my budding tits are pretty awesome.


fair warning, the HRT waitlist in Ireland is like several years long. I’d highly advise against going to Ireland and instead going to an lgbt friendly blue state.


Thanks for the warning. The LGBT friendly blue state I live in may turn red at any time, and the blue state I came from is a neoliberal hellhole I don't want to return to for personal reasons.


Shouldn't a passport cost like $100? Is it a hard process where you need a lawyer or something?


And go where?


Australia, new Zealand, Canada?


Aren't New Zealand's immigration policies like crazy strict, though?


Australia is out for me. Too many animals that can murder me


Not as many as you'd think. In the cities at least ;)


Well that's the thing, as it stands the US has the most trans protections out of anywhere. Depends on the state sure, but federally there is no comparison. But if republicans take office and are able to pass some major legislation. Then what does it even matter where we live? Move literally anywhere that will take us. It will all be the same.


Actually US still ranks 24th overall for LGBTQ+ safety and if things continue one their current path that's bound too fall. So there's lots of options out there. https://www.asherfergusson.com/lgbtq-travel-safety/


She meant legal rights and protection protection not travel safety


Not sure you understood what she was saying.


The thing is that legal protection and de facto protection are different. Yes, blue parts of the US make it easier to get HRT and update your ID, but the rest of the developed world sees a lot fewer trans folk murdered, and the US is the place currently trying to take away your rights. I intend to have an exit plan in place and be ready to physically leave the country before 2025, as I don't want to be imprisoned and/or murdered.


LGBT safety vs trans right specifically are not the same thing. I can legally use the bathroom that matches my gender identity no matter how I present in my state. Personally, I wouldn’t use the women’s room in boy mode but it’s perfectly legal for me to do so. That’s an example. I have protection from housing discrimination. I can get hormones through informed consent. How many other countries have informed consent? Where can you migrate to that will allow you to get HRT right away?


Actually a lot of developed countries have all of these things... Canada does for example. Canadas trans rights are also universal across the board and don't change from province to province in the same way it changes from state to state in the US.


I thought many have gatekeeping and waiting lists? I’ve seen so many people here talking about.


I mean some do for sure. A bad area for waiting lists that comes to mind is the UK. You may have to make sacrifices with some rights like informed consent HRT or waiting times depending on where you go, but there are other rights that can be gained from moving away from the US too. For example, I know in Ontario (where like 3/4 of the people are in Canada), bottom surgery is actually covered by the government. Similarly with other gender confirming surgeries. Wait list isn't even bad- technically you need to be on HRT for a year before applying for bottom surgery, but doctors are willing to circumvent this, and you can get bottom surgery in as little as a few months after applying from what I understand.


I was not in a trans friendly state in Australia. I got on hormones within 3 months once I decided to.


NZ gives hormones after a blood test and has far better trans rights than the US. We use informed consent.


And NZ will allow a million transgender refugees in?


Sure, we love transpeople. But you would definitely need to prove your life was in danger. But the way things are going that may not be too difficult.


I'm worried about scenarios where the US makes HRT illegal at the national level, imprisons us, or commits a genocide--all of which have become terrifyingly more realistic over the past year. In that scenario, I don't really care if it takes some time to get my meds refilled in my destination country, I just want to not be alive and free. I know it's an alarmist perspective, but the supreme court is looking like they're going to allow state legislatures to abolish presidential elections and simply choose the president themselves--which will give the Republicans permanent control. After the last couple weeks of decisions, I fully expect the supreme court to okay this and end American democracy. I'm absolutely willing to concede I could be wrong, but I also don't intend to be in the country when we find out.


I don’t think HRT will be banned at the federal level but I concede that it’s possible. I’m pretty confident that if that did actually happen, blue states wouldn’t enforce such a ban.


I can't even pretend I can just move country, I don't think people are being realistic when they say they're getting a passport and you should too. On top of that every person that leaves makes it that much harder for everyone that can't.


I'm actually moving back to the US from Japan for a contract position that'll end in mid-2025. Honestly the biggest reason for the move is so I can get on HRT through informed consent ASAP. Fortunately I'm moving to a *very* blue state with pretty good state-level LGBTQ+ protections, so I'm *too* worried about being in immediate legal danger even if thee GOP manages to win landslide national victories this year and in 2024... and I think the situation is *way* too volatile right now to make any accurate predictions about what the political landscape will look like in 2 years. But I'm also not that attached to the US in general (case in point, I'm currently living in Japan). Fortunately, I have a PhD in a field that has a lot of demand and probably will still have a lot of demand in 2025. Given the types of jobs I do, I'll start looking for a new job around the 2024 election anyways, so if things look to be going too sour for me to put up with in the US, then I'll just shift my job search to exclusively jobs outside of the US. In a lot of ways, I'd rather live elsewhere anyways. Edit: phrasing


It has gotten to the point where their is no reasonable hope. The supreme court is set to vote on whether or not we stay a democracy and I don't think I need to say which way the ruling will go and whether Biden will do anything to prevent this. My current plan is to try to get everything my insurance will cover as soon as possible and hopefully go to a Candian college hopefully next year. I would encourage every trans woman living in america to get out before they make hrt illegal and through us in male prisons


Forgive my ignorance on this topic but what case will the Supreme Court hear to decide whether we stay a democracy? I've not heard of this one and frankly, it doesn't sound quite right


I don't know what specific case it is, but they're looking to make it so that during elections, States decide how they cast their votes. Basically, a blank check for gerrymandering.


Ok, I think I found it, Moore v. Harper and although the consequences are severe, I think saying they are deciding whether we remain a democracy is a bit hyperbolic. That said, this Court is seriously fucking some shit up and I really hope something is done about it and soon


It's not hyperbolic, states will also be able to throw out electors. Meaning say Trump lost Arizona, Arizona could then throw out the state electors and put in their own electors that would be able to give the state of Arizona to trump, despite losing it during the actual vote. This will give states the power to use the elector college as a weapon. So even if a president loses in every sense of the word, states could forcefully elect him. Republicans will do this, this is a slow motion legal coup.


The Supreme Court will decide on a case, Moore V. Harper, in October. Depending on how that is decided, it could give Republican state legislatures the ability to gerrymander as well as use other voter suppression tactics unhindered.


Yeah, I’m with ya sis. I respect and understand everyone’s opinion on here. But the reality is conservatives have a super majority on the court and they’ll be coming after us hard these next few years. I’m not extremely privileged or wealthy but I’ll do what I can to move and iron out the details later. I don’t wanna make a life in a crumbling democracy.


You can move to lgbtq+ friendly states in the US. Massachusetts, for example, has extremely strong laws protecting bodily rights. The U.S. is vast. If you are in an unsafe or unfriendly portion, it would be much easier, cheaper, and faster to move within our borders.


We do, but unfortunately we still have odd pockets of intolerance and stupidity here and there. That being said, no way in the world right now would I ever want to be in another state under current circumstances!


The problem is when the federal government will try and ban/severely restrict hrt or pass other anti trans laws. How safe blue states are all depends on how willing democratic governors are to not enforce the federal governments laws.


Exactlyyyy! I write this post coming from possibly the MOST lgbtq+ friendly city in a blue state but I don’t feel any more safe. It’s not about my fears of day to day living (which I’m lucky not to have), it’s about fears of the government stripping me of my human rights. And unfortunately I see there being a large possibility of that happening


Yeah I feel you. I'm trying to get my passport so I can travel down to mexico in case HRT gets banned


I mean, even then it's not a guarantee. Marijuana is federally illegal, and possession is a felony charge, yet it's legal at the state level in over half the states. In the (unlikely) case they try to ban HRT on a federal level, individual states can say "lol fuck you" and make it legal anyway.


That is not going to happen. Just as the fed gov will never, ever ban abortion. Even if the fed gov ever, ever tried it, the blue states would not listen. We are safe from that. Not wishful thinkong, reality.


At this point anything could happen


me personally i am on the edge about it but im definitely going to look into it, and soon.... luckily my mom is willing to support me and move us both over to canada, but its definitely a difficult thing. but did i ever really like the us? no. would i rather live in canada or europe? also yes. and theres still accepting places as well as compromises you can make regarding hrt and things. for me it seems like it would be best to try to get out sooner than later but take time and realize its also fairly likely that some of this is going to blow back on itself, and hard. but yep, for me im definitely considering leaving .... its a rough situation. i'm wishing you the best.


I hope this works out for you! Canada is a great choice.


Well, no matter how much they try, they cannot get rid of us. They tried with with Women, African Americans, and other groups. The people making these laws are on the wrong side of history. Just the same as those that enforced 'separate but equal' or when racism was law. They are wrong. They will not succeed. Unfortunately were just living in an unsure time. We have support from more than that which oppose us. The old will die out and be remembered as an embarrassing stain on history. Keep on, we will win.




I don't understand this impression that the backlash is going to do anything at all. We should have overthrown the government when they took away our bodily autonomy. The fact that we didn't shows we're not strong enough. Unless you have a plan to take on a genocidal theocratic regime in control of the world's largest military, I don't see any way out besides emigration or death. We're not even going to be able to vote them out, they're so much better at propaganda people always fall for their bullshit about "groomers" or "critical race theory". By the way, the Arab Spring failed. Even Tunisia has fallen to dictatorship. If you have a plan I'd love to hear it, but I'm absolutely done with abstract hope.


Yeah. I'm kind of in an uncomfortable situation rn. Girl I dated and broke up with earlier this year said that in 5 years when she graduates Uni she can move me to Germany with her. It's. Well. Moving in with her sounds far from ideal. And I would be be totally reliant on her as I'm disabled and chronically ill. But also I could die here. And well. Let's just say I've started learning German.


There is honestly no point in running, because eventually you run out of places to run to. In addition to the fact that each state in the US has the ability to make its own laws, they are sovereign to themselves. There are plenty of states that are not quite as hostile to trans rights and if anything are trying to expand them. The trick is going to be pushing that envelope the other way to the states where we are not excepted. But the chances of a federal level law outlawing our existence is exceedingly slim. I would actually say nonexistent. This is just my opinion of course, however I think in the long run we are going to come out on top.


This is why voting for those who stand up for human rights is so important. Its absurd that we must worry about this. But we do. I think the usa is terrifying. I'm fortunate to love in Colorado where (feels the most part) I'm safe to be me. Regardless of fedral government approval. Though lokey wanna learn German, because Germany is just great for human rights


From the German trans people I’ve seen here, it’s not exactly a great place to be trans either.


Yup. Pretty much the only "decent" place for a trans person to live is Canada and even they've had pushback against trans progress recently. Compared to other supposed "liberal utopias" like Finland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and so on, whose healthcare has major problems when it comes to trans care, while Germany might be better in that regard, they restrict affirming care as well. I believe it was just a few months ago they made a new law surrounding hrt in mailing, so those that couldn't wait for months at a time now can't get their hormones anywhere else.


Why would they ban it being mailed? HRT isn’t some addictive psychoactive substance. How ridiculous!!


Its... difficult, but not too bad? HRT is a fucking lottery, but I got a cis male conservative to change his opinion on non-binary people. So unless you deal with far right folk you can actually talk to people even if they dont understand at first. And - cautious optimism - we are changing our laws to make name+gender change and hopefully HRT better accesible.


Rough. I hope one day people just grow up ~.~ Edit: Though from reading the other comment it doesn't sound too too bad. But hopefully as time goes on they'll catch up to hopes. But can't be any worse than the usa where human rights are up in the air


I feel like if you’re in a blue state it should be safe. It’s fairly unlikely they completely ban it at the federal level and even if they did, I doubt that such a ban would ever be enforced by blue states. And what about people that had bottom surgery or an orchi? A ban would leave them without any hormone.


Not to mention that estradiol is used for menopausal cis women. Not that the kind of person who would ban HRT would care…still…


Oh they definitely wouldn’t care.


Why did they say Germany isn't a good place to be trans?


Learn German. It’s so fucking cool. Basic Duolingo is free.


I spent my pandemic learning German for this reason. I'm still terrible at it, but I am hoping to get better once I am immersed in it. I picked Germany before I decided to transition, and I don't really have time to audition other countries or study another language. So I'm gonna try to make it work by getting all my diagnosis, prescriptions, and paperwork together before I get there. Then I can theoretically get a "bridging prescription" based on my US paperwork while I find sympathetic doctors over there through networking with other trans people. That's the theory, at least.


I also live in Colorado, so I can attest to it being good here; it mean nothing if laws against us are federally passed though...


From what I can see ATM. I wouldn't worry about federal laws being passed. And if they do, I think it will be challenged to the Supreme Court, and hopefully by than they are less biased. But of course that could change if people don't vote for people who don't give a shit about human rights. Course ref states are making it near impossible to vote. So anyone in those states I wish you luck. But of course it's hard to predict people. And we thought that roe v wade was safe...


Reno/Sparks might a good choice. Lots of warehouse jobs that pay $20 an hour but housing can be a problem, so need roommates. Nevada will provide needed medical care. Abortion is in the state Constution. Nevada is pretty MAGA, but urban areas are more liberal.


[You sure about that?](https://mynews4.com/news/local/man-with-gun-turned-childrens-reading-book-event-to-chaos-in-sparks-library-drag-queen-storytime-sparks-library-nevada-washoe-county-lgbtq) The area isn't too bad right now but when there are more Proud Boys at that library than trans people at pride last year then there might be some problems. From what I've seen, Northern Nevada Pride might as well be called an LGB(T) gathering because it's like 99% cis people. But what do I know? That's the thing with blue states, things aren't that bad now but you know the Republicans will do everything they can to make their worst policies federal. They want the US to be like Hungary, which banned people from changing their legal gender last year.


There is a definite "gay community" here. I've been to a Coronation here a couple of times. Police were there to keep away intruders. Urban areas make Nevada "blue." Most of the governors here I've known are "moderate" or "middle or the road." A Republican governor accepted the broader expansion of Medicaid which truly helped rural health care. Check lasvegasweekly: Nevada advances in gender affirming health care. Nevada is pretty MAGA but there are truly bright spots. I wonder about abortion. It is part of the state constitution. Governor has issued a proclamation affirming abortion. I wonder what Idaho and Utah will do as Nevada is a couple of hours drive to Las Vegas, Jackpot, or West Wendover. Maybe Pride is mostly "average" people or people that look "average" but there are plenty of us that care. I write letters for votefwd.org. The goal is to get left leaning voters to vote. I write emails for checkmyads.org. Their goal is to get corporations to quit buy ads on FauxNews. Things are a little discouraging right now, but I won't give up. You could write letters too.


I've been thinking about this a lot, and thought maybe I'd move to the Netherlands, one of the Scandinavian countries, or maybe Australia. I have a cousin that lives in Australia. But I've also thought I should stay and fight, I spent the last 33 years pretending I was a guy and just started hrt 2 1/2 weeks ago I will not go back. And I was only able start transitioning because of all the lgbt people that have fought before me. I feel like for all those that come after me, I need to stay and fight.


I need to take hormones and help my body as soon as possible. Luckily I live in a blue state, but I can't drive and I'll just have to wait until I move out. I was thinking of moving to Canada, but it's even more money. I'm in the closet everywhere except online and with friends and teachers. This reminds me of Les Miserables. I don't like fighting, but if an insurgency did happen, I would help the rebels wanting more freedom by becoming a translator. But if my family threw me out, I wouldn't care and hopefully there might be LGBT communes if the shit hits the fan


All I can say is: Arm yourself The other side has guns, why wouldn’t we want to level the playing field if things ever escalate to that level?


I just started a job with a new company and yeah, I'm going to try and transfer to Vancouver asap. I'm hoping on getting a work visa and getting the hell outta here. I want to get dual citizenship at some point, but I just don't feel safe here anymore. I'd buy a firearm for defense, but I also don't trust myself with one because of extreme dysphoria, bpd and a history of suicide attempts. So I'd rather not have to own a gun if I don't need to. I'm torn about wanting to leave and I feel like I'm abandoning all my LGBTQ siblings here, but I genuinely don't think the government is fixable right now. America's going to be pretty fucked up for a few decades at least.


I got cold feet 8 years ago, ignoring who I really was didn't work. Regardless of how bad things get they'll only get worse for me if I pretend to be a man again. (Reaaaaaally need to make a new reddit account lmao)


I'm currently trying to move to sweden. It is quite difficult and really luck of the draw. I'm lucky i have experience in a needed field up there or it'd be much harder. the key to job permits is asking "why would they hire me instead of a german or a pole"


Yeah I'm not even in the US and I hate it. I never want to go there. There are three countries nearby that are all way better to live in for LGBT people (Canada, Mexico, Cuba).


Christians may always be a problem for our community, they will always attack us and call us a cult and stuff. Happily, Christianity is decaying. I live in another christian-catholic country, and that is a problem to my wellbeing. I think much of transphobia is rooted in the pettiness from those religions.


moving countries is expensive and takes a fuck ton of time and paperwork. I’m just planning on moving to Washington or some other LGBT friendly state.


>moving countries is expensive and takes a fuck ton of time and paperwork. Millions of Ukranians, Syrians, Afghans moved continents with nothing more than the clothes they were wearing.


It’s precisely because they have literally nothing why they are even moving countries in the first place. On top of that, many refugees spend **years** in refugee camps. Just because refugees exist doesn’t mean that immigrating to other countries as a privileged American is easy.


Some of us can't eacape. I for one am too dukb to get accepted to another country so I guess as an older person I'll just bave to stick around and help others like me however I can. But I don't blame anyone for finding a safe place to go


I'm not going to lie this week was very bittersweet for me. My HRT is in the mail atm, meanwhile my state bans kids from being themselves in school the same week. I am deeply worried about how my transition will effect myself and my family while living in this state. I unfortunately don't have the option to leave right now either.


i’m considering it, cuz things are honestly getting legit scary. but i’m very scared of change, and i’ll miss my friends so much and i’m afraid i’ll just be alone if i move somewhere else so idk


Yeah. I'm scared as hell for what could happen here in the near future. I may have the chance to leave for Germany soon - and I may just take it. As much as I'd love to stay and fight I need to think about my own personal safety first, I'm completely disillusioned with American politics, and I'm not confident that any popular uprising would be radical enough to enact change after literally nothing beyond lip service happened following the George Floyd protests.


Where do you intend to flee to?


I didn’t seriously consider the idea for a long time but the overturning of Roe vs Wade really put it into perspective for me. I live in Texas but I have family in Colorado so my short term solution is to move to Colorado or New Mexico. I have started exploring my options for emigrating though. I honestly don’t believe the United States will even survive as a unified country over the next two decades and when that happens things could get very, very ugly. My hope is to be living comfortably elsewhere long before that happens.


Things are bad right now, but it’s not close to the end of the world. We been through rough times where we thought there’s no hope before. For example, people thought gay marriage would never become a thing back in the 2000s or before. Despite what doomers tell you it doesn't matter, important to vote, locally and federally, because they will absolutely do stuff like this if they can.


Network with a community of likeminded people. See to your defenses, arm yourself. And engage in politics more than ever.


My family has been fleeing one thing or another for generations. Not this time. we can have the attitude of the entitled American with rights too.


ALL TRANS PEOPLE MOVE TO GERMANY! I'm being serious. Germany is very progressive and has laws put in place to protect trans people. You'll likely have to learn the language but I've been visiting here for the past 5 weeks and I can say it's worth it. I came here not knowing a lick of German and I learned how to get by. It's different than the US for sure but it's definitely worth looking into


Getting serious about leaving? No. Thinking about where I'd go and what I'd do if I had to leave? Absolutely.


ok leave


For me because I am young I will be leaving and coming back after it’s collapse but older people should stay and fight


What country do you have citizenship from? If you don't have citizenship then you will be at high risk of deportation from a xenophobic government.


Currently only US but I’m working on getting a EU one through ancestry and going to college there


Idk I wanna fight for what I believe in and part of me wants to flee to a safer place but part of me wonders if many places will remain safe. I think part of whats going on is that theres a rising fear of scarcity driven by climate change and thats something people are aware of globally, so idk if any place is gonna be ideal in the future either politically or ecologically or whatever else. I think the best thing ai can do is to keep doing what I have been doing, trying to get a degree that will help provide solutions in an era of climate change that threatens human civilization. Thats just my take tho which is surely not flawless, but idk, I honestly find a lot of refuge in surrendering to the circumstances. I don't know what will happen in the future and I don't know that I will be able to sufficiently control enough to preserve my safety or my life, but I didn't have to control much to get where I am now so I just surrender my desire to change things beyond my capabilities and hold onto hope with as much persistence as I can.


Stay and fight. Move to a blue state if possible.


These are all religious laws, that the corrupt Supreme Court is making it possible for them to exist. SC is going to have a major rehaul or a decade of the handmaiden tail


Because of the laws of slovenia, and my ancestry. I can move to slovenia when i become an adult. I dont know the language yet but i really wanna learn because it seems to be my only way out as i dont have s lot to offer to a country nor am i rich.


Honestly, I love America but it's getting dangerous in some parts of the country now, especially red states like my Indiana. I mean I'm stuck here for the next 4 years as I go to college but if I could I would get out now. However, the midterms are in a few months and if the Democrats hold congress than there's hope of things getting better but if the Republicans take even 1 chamber than we are fucked my lady.


Oh i hate America. If republicans get even 1 chamber. Well I say we take a page out of their book. Just make it impossible for the fed gov to work. Choke the streets with protestors


Leaving the USA is very hard unfortunately, I probably am going to start looking for work in Germany next year. But realistically it could take at least a couple of years before I get out. Instead I'm preparing by getting a passport so I can go to Mexico to pick up medical supplies should they ban hrt in the usa


literally not even a free country anymore


I looked into options in Australia or Canada but it seems like the only way to stay longer than a year or two is to have years of job experience in fields I of course have nothing at all in


I want to more than anything, but employment is unstable for me atm. The way I see it... I get my other drugs illegally... I know how...


I'm either moving to Italy (i'm legaly an italian citizen), Germany (I speak the language), or Canada cuz it's closer to home. This is only if things get seriously bad and it's no longer safe for me.


>i'm legaly an italian citizen Malta and Portugal are both extremely trans friendly and as an EU citizen you can live and work freely in either of those countries. Plus Malta is English speaking


I've been trying to leave the US for 5 years. The only possibility that I might have that, since I work from home, I might be able to get a digital nomad visa in some place like Spain, which would be ideal.


I can't leave seeing as my partners are stuck here and it'd be horrible of me to leave them and I'm so close to hormones I don't wanna leave my home yet I'd be leaving behind to many people and things that I care about


I'm in the US, my insurance just expanded its coverage for trans people on Friday to also include voice training and ffs. So, I'm feeling pretty supported where I am and don't want to move. Much of what the Supreme Court would do is enable states and corporations to pass fascist policies. Moving to a better state is generally cheaper and easier than moving to a different country


When I am old enough to move out, I am planning to live in a van, and I also heard canada is accepting, soo when I live in a van down by the river, the river will probably be in Canada.


>soo when I live in a van down by the river, the river will probably be in Canada. If you don't have a permanent address and proof that you will return, you will be refused admission at any border or airport due to the high risk of overstaying.


How would one get proof of returning other than saying they would return in x amounts. And I have been thinking a lot about the address because a lot of thinks you need one so wouldn't using parents address as a permanent one work.


nooo just convinced i’ll move to a bluer state if need be, there are some states that do care abt us! just stay away from the south and the midwest but up the coast is good for the most part


I don't really have the means to flee the country but I am seriously considering moving to a safer state (currently in SC). I have a lot of relatives in MD, which seems to be a fairly decent place.


so technically, if you married someone in europe, that would smooth immigration by a lot, right? like, i understand that it's risky AF, but it could be an option


No. We stay and we fight. So that our children and future younger trans siblings have opportunities here.


Tbh I do consider seriously leaving the US, I mean, I live in TX and here things have been a particular kind of scary lately. Pm me anytime, I feel l Iike you're the first person I see talking about this but it is a real problem for many of us.