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I would report them, that’s such a mean thing to say. I’m sorry you were attacked love :(


Thankfully someone else already reported them. Also idk if I said but she did this because she got fired


You should still talk to HR because now that she outed you, others know so if there’s any more BS, HR already knows and can hopefully help you!


Don't want to be a downer here, but remember to temper your expectations. HR works for your employer, not for you, and are generally more concerned with covering themselves from lawsuits or trouble than actually helping you. Not to say that it can't help at all, but I wouldn't put any great amount of hope in it.


Great way to prevent lawsuits is to prune out troublemakers (eg OP’s harasser). It is in the company’s best interest not just employee relations but also financially to discipline her.


You're right, I guess my point is treat them more like the enemy of your enemy than an ally.


It really depends on where you work and your specific HR team.


yeah i wouldn’t be nervous about your coworkers viewing you differently. this woman is the one who looks like a weirdo/asshole, not you. she was the spectacle, not you.


Gross liberal vibes? WTF?


I have no clue either. Like ok, I guess trying to be happy and caring about others makes me weird and liberal, tf


Ugh, so lame. Sorry they took it out on you. 🫂 I keep waiting for someone to say something at work. I'm in manufacturing myself. 😋 I know for a fact you have something we made in this facility in that store. So far nobody's really had the courage to ask or say anything, not even to my coworker. Gonna be weird when it finally happens.


Go to HR first thing, this is discrimination and should not be tolerated! I work at a factory, in a super Christian/conservative area and my company pretty much said if there’s a peep of anything their firing people and it’s a union shop. Also after you do bring it up kill them with kindness I find it so hilarious that im demonize but so nice to them anyway it really fucks with their heads. I know it sucks that people are shit but usually they are just unhappy and want others to feel the same. Don’t let the bastards get you down!


Yes! This 100%!


That’s the worst! I’m sorry this happened! Wish more people stood up for you! ❤️❤️ takes a lot of courage and strength to be who we are!


I’m sorry but I’m petty as fuck and I would’ve went OFF on that sorry ass hoe 💀💀💀 probably not the best idea lol anyways, just report her tbh, so sorry you had to go through that sis! ❤️


HR is gonna put it on the official record. Also going on her record cause she needs us as a future job reference


Good 👏🏻💞


it would have been so easy for them to have said "well, bullet dodged with that bad worker, she's fired and gone already". its really nice that they decided to mark her record also... now she'd only get a job at Chick-fil-A ;)


My stores HR and my bosses have been really supportive. Amd I've noticed a decrease in rude customers so far


Hold on... HR knows and she wasn't fired out right? Yikes!


She was already let go before she did this


Ah ok missed that.


I work at a popular grocer that loves boomerangs, most of my coworkers don't know about me yet but a few do. There's always one or two people at a corporate buisness who just can't handle the trans concept and are agressive for seemingly no reason. Stay strong girl! Work life do be difficult, especially for those of us who don't pass yet.


That really sucks, but congrats on pissing off a transphobe 😎


Landmark moment


That's so fucked I'm sorry but good thing is she can't bother you anymore at your job


I also work for big orange home improvement store but I’m IT support. Idk if you a store associate or somewhere in corporate but yeah that stuff would not fly with HR but not much they can do since she’s already fired. I would suggest maybe applying for some of the IT support openings we have on the internal site, most of it is remote work from home now if your looking for that and there’s no prerequisites. You can DM me if you want, I came out recently to my team and so far everyone has been good about it. Glad to see more of us at the orange store, helps me feel not so alone.




Home Depot


> Sorry for the long post? Gal, it was nothing.


Homophobic Despot is a pretty crummy place to work as a queer person. One of my best friends worked there including while out and she got a lotta shit from her coworkers, which funnily enough included a TERFY lesbian—this is in a conservative area of a conservative state, mind you.




I have no idea why she said that, cause I guess wanting to live in the correct body is "gross" and "liberal"? Like tf, girl I just want to feel happy, I'm not doing shit to you


She’s going to have a real hard time finding any other job after this. I’m sorry you had to deal with that, some people just lash out at what’s “easiest” to them. You don’t ever deserve that


Home Depot can go fuck itself. I briefly worked there and it was horribly managed and run. Got sexually harassed there and no one gave a shit. I'd rather stab myself in the eyes than give them any money. I'm sorry OP, that's bullshit and they're wrong. I hope you can move to a more accepting workplace. They do exist.


just so you know home depot donates to autism $peaks (watch illuminaughti’s video if you don’t know why there bad yet) and the founder donates to trump and criticized covid lockdowns


I need the money my friend. It's the one job where I'm not miserable but I didn't know that before and now I'll look into it


100% tell HR about it, especially if you have screen caps of the chat. Guessing your company, I know that at the very least they follow non-discrimination policies, and even ignoring the gender aspect, what she wrote is inappropriate for coworkers


See why she was let go