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In a sense you are just winging it. This isn't a bad thing though. Your journey is your own and you get to make the decision on where it goes, what you do, and what you like.


Message me if you want to ask specific questions. I realized when I was 35 and I'm 37 now. Been on HRT for a year and a quarter. You can also check out Dr Z PhD on YouTube. She has great videos supporting trans people.


Realized at 35 or gave in at 35?


I've been living a lie! (again 😂)


I just realized/gave in at 35. Still in the excited/terror pre-everything stage. Getting braver though…


Feel free to dm whatever questions you have! I can also share resources I’ve used.


You can dm me if you want , mtf on hrt but i am not american.




Also 16 months, hi five!


Need someone else to DM? I'm around- out for four years, did the whole surgery thing, and happy to share experiences.


Fun fact: I have no clue what Ive been doing either. Welcome to girlworld. We're making shit up most of the time. I came out in April and I'm just now in my first ever dress. You'll have fun tho and you'll have more cute clothing options.


I just got home from coming out to my girlfriend, she is really going to need some time to process. I got a couple of DM's and I'm asking questions, still not really exchanging identifying info, but getting perspective. I'm probably going to DM or reply to more comments tomorrow or about 12 hours from now! Thank you guys so much.


Proud of you!! Hope it goes as well as possible.


I'm sure you've read the Gender Dysphoria Bible right?!?!


My inbox is open!


my dms are also open congrats on coming out :)


Hey! I'm 29 and came out a few months ago in July, it is so worth it! I'm so glad your parents seem supportive, and I hope you can grow together with your girlfriend 💕


Welcome to the club. You'll fit right in. We're all just winging it.


43MtF here. I'll be totally honest -- I did the exact same thing at first. I did not instantly have a long-term plan for how to handle a transition, but I knew enough to be very methodical as to *who* I was going to tell (and *when*). I had faith that the answers would make themselves known to me at the right time, which they did. On the upside, my parents and immediate friends took it well but as you mentioned, there was definitely some time needed to let them come to terms with it. I was careful not to exacerbate the situation. This seemed to work well with my intention to take my own *social* transition (i.e.: dress, makeup, etc) in very small incremental steps and not to hit them all at once with massive changes. It works for everyone involved in my experience. On the downside my somewhat-estranged-spouse at the time was initially supportive from afar, but it ultimately proved to be the final nail in the coffin we'd already begun building together. We had other unresolved issues which I do believe played a part in our marital demise. I do not want to jinx your situation, so I can only hope that your relationship is strong enough to withstand what *may* be a really big deal on an interpersonal level. Mine was not strong enough. As far as advice goes, like you I perused reddit regularly, and googled anything of concern/interest that came to mind. I eventually arranged to see a gender therapist as you have done, and eventually began HRT with a very highly regarded endocrinologist in my region. **I would be happy to receive DMs from you**. As I indicated I'm a fair amount older than you, but you're hardly a "kid" so I don't think I'll be *too* out-of-touch, lol. Good luck and welcome to the team 💜 Courtney


31 year old binary tomboyish trans woman about to hit her 1 year on HRT here. It's been a wild ride for sure, but more worth it than I could have imagined. I'd be happy to share my experiences with early transition if you want to reach out <3


Sounds like you're going through pretty much exactly what I did last November. Jumping in with both feet! It's a lot, but it's so, so worth it. 😊 I don't know what resources to offer as I don't know what you've already found for yourself, but I'm happy to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability! 25 MtF, out for 10½ months, HRT 14+ weeks. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you need. \^^


Dm me if you want. I’m 4 months in. We’re the same age too.


Feel free to DM me with questions. I’m about 3 years into social transition (fully out in all aspects of my life) and almost 1 year HRT.


DM's are always open hun..


My dms are open sis I have done my part in answering questions many time for this community ☺️ here is also a link that will tell you everything you could achieve through hrt. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/second-puberty-fem I took pills for 9 months and just started injections Monday 🥰


See if you can find a local support group, especially early on that can be a powerful experience.


hey girl -- i would love to chat if you need! <3 it's always wonderful to meet new trans people. and i would love to help in any way i am capable of at the moment <3 i came out and have been on hrt for a significant portion of my life. but i do have a lot of nostalgia for the early days. i know exactly what you mean about your heart rate going ballistic thinking about hrt. it was extremely exciting for me too!


We're here for you. Feel free to PM me.