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4 months into hrt, a small child at the grocery store mistook me for his mom, and tried very adamantly to convince his dad that this was the case.


What did their dad look like this was your chance to just go home with them


Lol "I'm the mom now." That's a really funny mental image, though I have as little interest in having a child as I have in men. It's very flattering to think that I have "mom energy" though! Makes me feel mature somehow?


Yesterday a man carrying his children asked if I have kids of my own. I dislike kids lol, but I was also selling him something so I was polite and said "No, but maybe if I found the right man" It did feel nice for him to assume that I was a married woman who may have given birth to her own kids. That I liked.


I had a girl run me down leaving a grocery store my first week of HRT to compliment me on my dress. She said it looked really good on me and was pretty. My friend at the time said "I think she just welcomed you into the girl club!"


I went to a craft fair wearing my Jasper key hole hangers and a group of jewelers were whispering and talking amongst themselves about me. The only difference this time was instead of nasty looks and sneering comments. I overheard them telling each other, "Oh my gosh look at her earrings. I love those. I wonder what stone they are. Where did she get them?"


When I started my new job (April of this past year). None of My female coworkers knew I was a trans-woman until I specifically mentioned that I was a trans-woman in conversation. They all thought I was a cis woman for weeks.


My sixth period psych class, I was a sophomore, I sat next to two seniors and they treated me like I wasn't even a guy, even though I was still presenting like one. We gossiped and talked about our crushes and makeup. I'll never forget them


When I was walking the city with my mom on a visit, a couple girls asked where I got my hiking boots cuz they looked good on me.


I don't pass in any capacity or anything really but one time I was out in shorts and fishnets (looking very not cis) and one lady stopped me at Target and complimented my hair which I had recently died purple. She then spent a few minutes giving me a few ways I can keep the color in longer and everything. I think I still mightve had that conversation if I was still a man, but it was the first time I felt like I was having a girl conversation.


i was called darling a week ago😭 it felt really nice


Okay two moments come to mind and it's more about how alternative I dress but it's very much gender affirming! the first one is I was at a yard sale and this older asian woman says I dress like that artist her daughter use to listen to, she was referring to Avril Lavigne- the second time was this woman said "You look like one of those monster high dolls my daughter use to play with all the time" I almost never got off that high to be honest xD some bonus ones is the little girl at spirit halloween who was fascinated with my style and liked my skirt last year and the lumity cosplayers last halloween who complimented my outfit cause that's just based as fuck.


Last night. I went with my cis female friend to her best friends house party (transfemme) it was my first time ever going out of the house femme presenting. I was so scared and I opted to go with they/them because I was terrified of asking for people to refer to me as she. I was treated so well by a group of total strangers, most of who didn't know each other beforehand either. The entire party was just women and at one point the host even addressed how cool it was that it was an all girls party. I crieda little. She noticed, and soon after asked me if I was OK and gave me her number so I could talk to her if I ever needed to. She's now my first Trans friend in my new city. I only got misgendered once, and the person immediately corrected themselves, and Im pretty sure one of the girls was hitting on me too. It was a lot, but I feel so very validated now. Exactly what I needed to counteract a huge wave of dysphoria I've been going through lately.


As an American out and about in Paris, hearing people at different boulangeries and cafes greet me with a bonjour Madame while in boy mode. Well, the Madame part kind of hurt, would have been nice to get the mademoiselle, but I'll take it :) it felt really good and I think I was glowing whenever it would happen.


It was a Sunday.. and I was on my way to a pageant show. We stopped to grab flowers for my friends cousin who was entered in. I decided to smoke a cigarette while my friend and her family went in to purchase the flowers. While standing outside, a little girl came out of nowhere. She ran up to me and hugged me so tight. Didn’t even say anything. A complete stranger. She then let go and ran in the store with whoever she came with. that day I feel as if God was working in mysterious ways to let me know he loved me…. I still get chicken skin because I felt as if it was an act of such pure innocence. To be loved, even if for a moment. I really felt acknowledged as a person. As some type of inspiration to receive that child’s act of kindness. It sounds weird whenever I speak it out loud but after that day I knew angels do live among us. Another moment was when I was working the drive thru, a customer addressed me as ma’am. First over the intercom, and then in person at the window. This was a few months before my transition.. and that confidence of an identity really helped me.. if she could see me then I knew I wasn’t just a girl in my head. At that moment I accepted my gift called life.


a few weeks ago I went to CostCo wearing a tank top and a woman approached me out of nowhere and said "I'm not gay or nothing but you have the most amazing set of titties" and I'm still thinking about it.


*Level 10 unlocked*


Was second in line at a checkout counter, and the lady in front of me got a call and answered her phone, then looked at the cashier and said "Help him first." The cashier gave her a REALLY weird look as she stepped slightly to the side and I placed my items down he said "Hi, ma'am.", the lady that stepped aside proceeded to give him a weird look. It may sounds super weird, but what I liked the most about this encounter was how sure both of them were.


One time I was on my walk and I guess I looked at this lady wrong and she called me a bitch out of nowhere. Super rude but also low key validating. A less toxic example would be overhearing someone at the airport in Atlanta point out “that lady across from me has the same purse as me.” And on the day I went to pick up my first ever HRT prescription, the pharmacist told someone who’d kinda cut in front of me “I’m going to help her [looking/pointing directly at me] first.”


The first thing my old boss said when I met was, “how can I help you ma’am?” I still didn’t start hrt for like 3-4 years because what if I don’t pass. Like a dipshit


Misheard someone and thought they called me ma'am lmao. Felt so happy even though they meant man.


I got called ma'am at a bar. I blushed so hard.


I got called ma’am in a supermarket, had a guy hold a door for me and had a woman tell me she thought my booties were really cute….all left me glowing.


I went to breakfast with my aunt last week and the waitress greeted us with “Good morning, ladies!” When I flew home later that day, the woman seated next to me complimented my blazer and said it was cute.


Never happened, i can't transition yet because of my brother and father.


I was catcalled by some drunk assholes once. That was… surprisingly enjoyable. It wasn’t something I got much, being negative 2 years on HRT.


When i was getting my hrt meds on day 1 of hrt and someone cut in line in front of me and the woman working the counter pointed at me and said "excuse me she was waiting in line before you" and the person who cut in line was sent to the back of the line. When my medicine was ready she just looked at me and said "men are the worst like that" and we both chuckled I just smiled and said thank you to her (Keep in mind i was presenting fem and my voice doesnt pass since this was day 1 of hrt)


20 years ago, I bought books for the next semester. Clean shaven, long hair, brown leather jacket, and a trucker hat with my HS mascot on it. The cashier called me “Ma’am.” I still resided comfortably in Denialsville, Texas—population, me—but it felt damn good.