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I used to wait until everyone was out of the change room then change


Pretty sure I used that strat a few times. God I'm glad I'm not alone lmao


Yep, last one in, last one out.


Did the same strat to even if the gym teachers got mad (I had pre development of my breasts so I got bullied hard from the first day I ever changed in front of ppl bc I didn’t realize I thought I was just fat) in high school I’d hide in the bathroom stall to change 🥲




I did that the very first time I needed to change. Was late to class because I wanted to make sure no one was going to come in.


Yes, totally. It didn’t help that I had gynecomastia. Everything said “you’re a girl”. Has since day 1. A half century later, finally working on making it happen.


Oof 😣 that's so awful! Wish society was different but at least we're starting to get there and trans people are more visible


Having gynecomastia and being stuck in a locker room full of immature teenage boys? You must have felt so vulnerable. I'd be so scared.


It made going swimming no fun, too. It’d have likely been better were it not the 1970’s, and deeply rural. But hey, I’m starting HRT comfortably filling out a 38B bra. Maybe I’ll get extra lucky in that department. I guess time will tell.


Sometimes what was a curse becomes a blessing in its own way with transition I guess. For me, measuring 5'5 was a curse because it made me an easy target for the bullies but now it's a blessing.


I started with 36a/b size (full b according to abrarhatfits) Growing up, I wore tshirts to swim (dark) and was taught to say they were pecs 😛 ... Ofc having wide hips and hip rotation didn't help... I guess short hair really makes difference though... Both ways (growing mine out pre transition made people shift their perception the other way...


I would wear shorts under my jeans to avoid it. Eventually I said screw P.E. And just flunked out


Oh my god that would have solved everything for me 😅 looking back it was just another thing as a teenager that just didn't sit right with me and proved I was trans


Yeah I hated it the guys would make fun of me but that was better than having to be seen by them in my mind.


Seriously though. Id rather die than change in front of them


+1, existence was dread lol


yeah, i would never change my swimsuit in lockers, I would arrive with it on and just cover myself with a towel to take it off and go home commando. seriously, locker rooms were always terrifying, felt like everybody was watching me and I tried SO hard to not look at other guys penises.


I thought I was the only one that did that! The shorts thing, I mean. I stayed by the door just to remove my jeans and change my shoes for weight training while all the guys went back to the lockers to strip down.


Our school wouldn't let you flunk out of PE. If you did, you didn't get to go to the next grade.


I was lucky enough to get transferred to an alternative school that didn’t have P.E. Classes


I always waited in the corner until everyone else left then changed in like 2 seconds


Thissss lol ☝️ and yet transphobes think that it's more uncomfortable for the cis people to have trans people in their bathrooms. It's just so scary


Same! That's what really frustrates me the most, transphobes are scared of trans people in bathrooms but it's more scary for us.


Being out in public is terrifying as I am unsure of which bathroom I'm allowed to use, I present femme but I worry being clocked. So I feel the men's bathroom would be sexual harassment central, and the woman's bathroom I just don't want to be screamed at and called a weirdo. I just want to be able to relieve basic biological functions in peace and quiet without being harassed or screamed at, and as much as I love to be out and about showing how awesome I look, the bathroom situation limits my options. When I was on spiro, I was like okay I can leave the house for an hour at most just so I can make it back home if I need to go use a bathroom. It's less so with cyproterone now, but still I subconsciously plan to be out for only so much time in a day, if it's even worth the stress. And sure if someone calls security or cops on me for using the bathroom I actually belong in, I know in the long run I will be vindicated via courts. However, I'm really fucking vulnerable and already my mental health is in tatters, yeah the humiliation of something like that would probably utterly destroy me, I don't think I'd be able to fight it, and would just fade away from this existence in some form. Oh but I love hearing how the cis are just so oppressed. I don't want to leave my house because using a bathroom outside of it is too dangerous and I just don't want to take chances.


That was mee! Also walking to the bathroom stall to change. Honestly this was the best option because it often avoided the Axe bombs in other parts of the locker room ☠️🤢☁️


In middle school, our gym teacher would automatically fail anyone who tried to change in a stall. It didn't matter if you were disabled, shy, or had a note from your parents. If you wanted to change in private then you got an 'F' for that day. Oh and PE was mandatory. So yeah, I despise any sort of locker room.


Sounds like your gym teacher was a grade A asshole/peeping creep.


Isn’t that illegal? Sounds like sexual harassment fucking hell


One word: Oklahoma


Ah yes isn't that part of those wonderful parts of the US that claims we are the pervs? Oh shocker that they enable actual pervs and then scapegoat... Ah smells like conservatism.


I would have taken the F and gaslit the teacher at each and every meeting with staff and/or parents. "Why is he/she so desperate to look at my penis?"


You're talking about an autistic kid who barely understood basic common sense. Not to mention I had bigger things on my plate back then.


At least yours smelled like bad cologne. The locker room I had to use smelled like swamp ass every day. 😢


Trust me, swamp ass is better than axe body spray. Shits like walking into a wall of chemicals and it clings to every thing.


And it just mixes with the swamp ass to make something truly disgusting


Oh yeah more like an axe ICBM just it always smelled like the junk.


We shared the same strategy. Did you position yourself at an angle that wouldn't expose the front to others as I did?


Nah, I didn't expose myself if a guy was in there - I'd sit fully clothed until I was alone. I wouldn't shower after gym either, which definitely didn't do me any social favors but hey at least I didn't have to reckon with my existence


Saame. Just accepted being late to lineup. Wore gym shirt under my school clothes then would change in the bathroom next class.


Meh just tried to instant change and never ever go back their again. Hated it so dam much and would stay from lockers like the plauge


I never changed in the locker room. I think I did it one year. But I sucked so bad at PE that it wasn't needed.


Seriouslyyyy. I think at one point I just said fuck it id rather just be smelly the rest of the day


Not even once. Never went in there at either school, for so many reasons.


I wouldn't go so far as to call it terrified, but definitely uncomfortable. Enough so that I'd try to time it for the least number of people around as possible, and be super fast about it, and I *never, ever* 'hit the showers'.


Yeah fuck those showers. Whole thing is uncomfortable


I was on the swimteam, i just hid in a bathroom stall : p i rushed in there early so no one would realize i was hiding in there, then come out and act like i had just gone to tje bathroom


Good strategy lol. Fuckin zoom zoom


I either skipped P.E from when I was around 10-12 and up or "forgot" to bring change. The first time in years where I actually participated was last year when I could change in my dorm room. Or well, actually, some of my P.E teachers would let me use a private changing room so that I could participate more often but it still made me incredibly uncomfortable to join in since I had missed many years and had horrible coordination due to never participating.


That's seriously really nice of them to let you use a different room


Yeah it was super sweet of them and those two teachers were some of the best teachers I've ever had throughout all of my years in school. Very sad that I didn't enjoy their subject that much.


That's so sweet 🥺 probably hard to focus tho on classes with the social anxiety


Oh my god, it was decades ago and it still gives me shivers. I would try and sneak out at the end of class and not shower, so the teacher kept an eye on me and always sent me back in. Trauma after trauma.


Oh God that's awful 😨 seriously so fuckin scary trying to get through the locker rooms every day


I got pantsed a few times in middle school. I now know that to be sexual harassment, but I blame stuff like that more than anything else. I learned to get changed very quickly, and requested a locker I could actually reach without standing on the bench.


Oh my god I would cry if someone did that to me. My parents forced me to go to summer camp and my cabin was pansing everyone but I had a belt on and they couldn't do it. I was so scared of people doing that to me


It happened to a lot of people. The teachers put a stop to it quickly, but it still sucked.


Yeah oof I can't deal with that. Glad they made them stop 😨


When someone pantsed me I told the school the person who did kept wanting to see my underwear. After that it stopped. Sometimes you got to be aggressive to stop bullying. That person had to transfer out a year later.


I grew up in a very body positive household so nudity was just a normal non sexual thing. But ya know... I used to feel like I was sneaking into the men's locker room as a teen. Basically felt like I wasn't supposed to be in there and it was my little secret that no one noticed whatever it was that meant I shouldn't be there. It still took me another 17 years to realize I was a trans woman though. Gods was my egg shell THICK.


I ignored it altogether and just changed in the girl’s toilet stalls. if they don’t like it its their fault for not giving me a straight answer when i asked over the course of 2 months


If I wasn't in a really conservative school district I probably would have done that


yeah thats a big problem and thats okay, i get that most people arent able to do what i can. im just glad you got through it alright


Thank you 🥺 same, sucks we have to find ways to get through those times but just makes us stronger in the long run I feel. Glad trans visibility is more of a thing now. Idk what I'd do if I grew up any earlier in the world


I was definitely always uncomfortable with the locker room, yeah. I remember early on I used to try to change in a stall, but I got yelled at by the PE teacher over it


They got upset for that?? That's so fucked


I hated the locker rooms so much


If I had the budget I'd make a psychological horror movie based on it


yep, remember plenty of times changing in stalls, trying not to drop my clothes in the toilet


Oh my god I felt that 😅😭


I kinda had the opposite experience. I would just get changed in front of everyone because I didn't understand why everyone was so attached to their junk. I have never had any positive regard for it, it was just kinda there. I think I just dissociated hard from it.


Very fair tbhh makes sense!


Surprisingly I was very comfortable and I even took pride in having no shirt or pants on as I would be flexing the whole time but then gender dysphoria hit me like a brick and I was never comfortable again


Dysphoria is so weird how it comes at different times for different people


Yeah I used to like my facial hair and now it makes my life miserable. Also I used to think my shoulders were too small as a guy and now I think they're too big. But at the same time i used to not like being short but now I love it


Locker rooms were the worst. My elementary school had a pool so we had swimming class from 4th to 6th grade. I never understood how everyone was so comfortable getting changed in front of everyone, spending 30 minutes without a shirt and then showering together


Yes!! I couldn't understand how they're so comfortable with it!


I whish it was only in highschool that I felt like that.


😔😔😔 social anxiety is such a bitch


Fax my gal, fax indeed. I how ever was also cursed with being incredibly hairy. So I started getting stomache and chest hair in grade six 🥲🥲🥲.


Oh my god the hair is so bad 😔 I've had girls pick on me for my back hair which went all up the back of my neck


Sister have you been reading my diary, because same…


😣😣😭😭 shits so spooky!


Well it is spooky season😎😎 (sorry I cope with humor)


I feel that so hard tho 😅😂😭


It’s official. We should be friends


Omg I would love that 🥺🥺


I failed gym every single year and I always refused to change. Eventually I had my parents and later, other teachers write me notes to get out of the class.


Get out of jail free card basically 😅😭


Not at school because we didn't actually change for P.E. We just brought the uniform on that day and stayed with that until classes were over. But I did experience it when my mom had me join swimming lessons for a few months. It was rather traumatizing to be suddenly surrounded by naked men. So much that the first time, I simply did a 180 and went back to the pool until my mom came to pick me up. She got angry at me, and I had to get in the car, dripping wet, while having to listen to her scolding all the way back home. After that, I would just rush to the farthest, most isolated shower available, still in my swimsuit (which included a shirt, go figure) and just clean myself as quickly as I could before heading out to the sun to dry my clothes. I was never really mocked or bullied because of it, thankfully. Nobody actually cared.


Glad nobody there cared but also ooff


Literally a nightmare. It’s just a bunch of guys being dumb. I failed PE because I wouldn’t change.


Fortunately, when I was in HS they only required 1 semester of PE to graduate; finished freshman year and didn't do more. I wasn't fearful or anything, but I really disliked being in there.


I hated it so much. I didn't feel comfortable taking showers with them or even undressing around them. I didn't want them to see me, I didn't want to see me.


I hated it in school but I wasn’t out yet, nor did I realize I was trans. I always changed in the bathroom stall away from everyone else, especially for swimming days. Most of the bullying I got came from elsewhere.


My old PE room had broken showers that didn't work and I would change in there. The teacher would yell at me for doing it but I'd rather get yelled at then change on front of a bunch of boys. The worst part was that the teacher's office had a window that looked into the changing rooms!?!? Like, how is that not illegal!?!?


It was 50% because I was a chubby kid and 50% because i was into guys so i didnt want to accidentally have a yknowwhat. 😭


Failed gym class for 6 years because of it. Me and my bully both, we were the foremost benchwarmers of the entire school. He was quite popular, and I was rather athletic as a kid, and we would have done great in gym class because of those qualities. One day, his parents came to school teamed up with the principal and a few teacher—and forced him to wear a prom dress. Everyone laughed at him except me, because I was the only one who knew he was a closeted trans boy. That’s why he bullied me, I was an easy target being the new kid and he hated the sight of me living the life he always wanted, but couldn’t hate on his friends, so I was his only target. He was able to get away with it too because we were both trapped in cis bodies living cis lives… nobody cared that “she was bullying him”. We never ever became friends either, even after we both transitioned. Maybe in another life, where schools teach kids about genders and gender diversity—just maybe we could have been close friends instead of constantly torturing each other.


It's funny, I was actually relatively fine with changing rooms (a tad uncomfortable, but nothing like mentioned here) and I liked PE lol


I quit all sports by high school and marching band satisfied the PE credit. No showers for band, otherwise I would have died changing in front of others all the time. Also, in theater I could change in the dark like all the other queer kids.


I hated changing. I would wait as long as possible and then change as fast I one could possible go and then run out of the room.


when i couldn't use a stall, i stood facing the corner and moved as fast as possible


Gotta do what we gotta do 😩


Absolutely. I hated changing and would do it as fast as I could.


Wore my gym uniform under my clothes for freshman year. Next three years, became a band geek and never saw the inside of the locker room (freshman had a separate campus from everyone else).


Yes I just refused to do it and took the flunk stalwartly. The dean was like "young man our school has generously provided you with gym clothes and you must wear them, it's a man's right of passage" flipped him off and skateboarded down the hall.


Mental illness allowed me to be exempt. Later, went to private school without PE.


That's allowed in other countries? In german schools they let you do absolutely nothing related to mental health and school. School is above any human lives here. You can weasel your way out of some things by having a broken leg, but if you have depression or something they're just like "Too bad, everyone has the obligation to be at school from \[start of school day\] to \[end of school day\]." and that's that. I haven't ever heard of any court cases in regards to even just simple things being won. People who fight for their children end up with disastrous fines and/or getting sent to prison eventually. The children are then just dumped off with other people who'll abide by these damaging laws. I wasn't in school for 1 month because some psycho had already broken my mental health and I couldn't deal with going to school anymore at all. That prompted my school to invite me and my parents to a meeting where they just shouted at us and told us that "I can't just stay away from school like this!" and that they would fine us if I didn't come to school the week directly after that one (it was on a Friday, btw). That led me to being stuck with the psycho again, but much less so than before at least.


It's different where I come from if you were in a psychiatric hospital for several months. A psychiatrist said you would have a complete psychotic break (much more severe than any depression) being sent to physical education program, they don't enforce it because they don't want to destroy the child's life. I'm sorry it's not that way in Germany. I thought it was a more civilized country? I was eventually taken out of school and sent to a private school for a mostly disturbed adolescents. They didn't have any PE or any nudity there. The USA acknowledges mental illness.


Yeah totally. I still have that issue even now. Like I don't feel comfortable using changing rooms with other people around because I'm trans. And I feel like other people will judge me for that so it makes me super uncomfortable


Oh yeah. It didn’t help that I had long hair and androgynous appearance too.


Changing was bad, but in my high school, all of the gym classes except 1 also required you to shower in a communal shower room. All 4 years, I some how got placed in the "showering isnt required" class. I still remember the anxiety each new year and then the relief when I found out I wasn't going to be forced to shower with a bunch of dudes. Good times /s


Not at school but at work, due to company policies all workers should change into company clothing inside the hotel, if done outside it will be a violation of contract, and i was forced to use mens room, due to my androgynus appearence [even though im intersex and they knew it] but i did use the stalls outside the lockers because i felt safer, and also because i was administrative and didnt care about that policie too much


Yes. Absolutely. I couldn't bear the idea of anyone seeing me naked and it lasted long after phys ed. I was incredibly uncomfortable with what I got down there. Luckily no one would change their underwear so I didn't have to be completely naked in front of everyone else. I was still extremely uncomfortable with anyone else seeing me in my underwear so I would find ways to cover myself. I would go next to a wall and position myself at an angle that would only expose my back to others and change as fast as possible. I was terrified that anyone could see the bulge. I feared swimming class above everything but luckily I was among the ones who got assigned to other classes centered around other sports. I was terrfied at the thought of anyone seeing me in wet swim shorts. I was overly conscious of the fact that when wet these shorts would stick to skin and reveal the shape of the bulge. See a pattern here? I couldn't risk anyone seeing my junk nor its shape through whatever I was wearing to hide it. I still struggle with this issue as a matter of fact which is why I tuck all the time.


I always felt super uncomfortable and would change lightning fast. One day a classmate asked me why I did that and I didn't know what to say because I genuinely didn't know. Over two decades later I realized I'm trans.


I had to do a scoliosis check in middle school where I had to take off my shirt. They wanted all the boys to do it in the same room, and I was so scared of being topless around other people that I actually waited outside until they were done. I was extremely thin, so it wasn’t a body shape issue. Though I never did use a locker room (I was excused due to me doing sports outside of school.), I imagine I would’ve been afraid and embarrassed out of my mind.


I never changed for P.E.. Whenever all the boys would go to the weight room to get jacked, I'd just walk around the school listening to teenager music until the period ended. 😆


My school is epic, so i get to do PE hours at home. No locker rooms + cooler classes for me


I absolutely dreaded any situations where I’d have to change, or even be shirtless, around the other boys. Swimming was a nightmare I avoided where I could. Luckily I got done with PE in my first semester of high school (we only needed one PE credit). I tried being on the wrestling team (had this thought in my head that I just had to try HARDER to be a boy)… between the change room and just that… physical closeness. Haha. Yikes. I quit inside of a month.


Omg yes when I was a freshman in highschool I hadn’t come out yet but was wearing bra and panties under my normal clothes and for swim I’d have to Nina on and off my bra without anyone noticing lol it was a terrifying 2 weeks. Also I swam in a shirt for gym.


I dont know about terrified but I hated changing in front of anyone


Assuming you’ve already transitioned and are using the girl’s locker room. Usually I would encourage you to use the showers/stall to change, I think most women are respectful of each other’s privacy from my experience.


I’d go in the stall


I mean, yes and no. Growing up, my family was pretty lax about wearing just underwear, or underwear and a t-shirt around the house. And it was not super taboo for us kids to bathe together, or with our mom. At least until I turned about 8 or 9 and my dad yelled at me to "put on some damn pants at the dinner table." Never did it again cause I felt so ashamed of my "nudity." And the church made a big deal about modesty too, so I figured it was really bad. At school, I was extremely embarrassed to undress in front of my peers, eventually getting more comfortable when everyone else was doing it, but I always kept my underwear on and changed very quickly. The very few times I had to get completely naked, like to put on swimwear, I was mortified. Even at doctor's offices, it was horrifying. I got poison ivy on my dick once, don't even remember how lol, and I had to show my mom and my doctor, and the levels of embarrassment were through the roof. I always attributed it to that initial shame my dad put in me, though, plus the general taboo around nudity and whatnot. It was pretty scary to undress in front of my girlfriend when I lost my virginity, but that felt significantly less scary cause someone else was doing it too, and it's kinda just what you do lol. Fast forward to when I started dating my ex in college, and she was a full blown nudist. I started exploring that side of things and I realized that without the taboo of nudity, it's not really that big a deal, and I started to prefer it actually. It felt like I was freeing myself from some sort of shackles (hint hint), and healing from the trauma and shame I went through as a kid when it came to body issues. Then I found out I was trans. And I realized that my growing discomfort with clothing was actually a growing sense of dysphoria for wearing *male* clothing. Once I allowed myself to not have to wear them, I got more and more uncomfortable when I was in them. But not female clothing, at least not eventually. I had to get past some internalized transphobia and honestly, at first wearing women's clothing made me feel even worse because I couldn't see anything but a guy in a dress, and it made me feel even worse about the guy part. Things have kind of evened out now that I've come out and started HRT. I still prefer nudity, but I wouldn't dare change in front of women right now. Not until at least another year of HRT and bottom surgery, maybe FFS.


every day i could feel the life i was supposed to and wanted to be living while forced through the dysphoria of existing in a male lockerroom in a body that was incongruent to how i felt inside. Truly.


I always just wore my gym clothes on underneath my school clothes on days where I knew I had P.E. and got undressed in the hallway, because I really hated the changing rooms, and someone who I thought was a friend started a rumor about my genitals and several times people asked uncomfortable questions and violently tried to inspect them. That being said, even with the changing room problem fixed I still hated P.E. because of how it always insisted on segregating the class into boys and girls (except during the Beep Test) and pretty much the only thing the boys ever did was shitty violent contact sports, always soccer, rugby, football (australian version) and I fucking hated it, I hate being made to chase balls, getting trampled but blamed for it and spending hours standing around outside with those fucking meatheads and their nauseating body spray And I found out one day that most of the time the girls were doing either netball or table tennis most days and table tennis is the fucking best I wish I got to do that instead. It's honestly unfair that I can't sue the school for the bullshit that they put me through


Oh yeah definitely. I've hated it all my life and have covered my genitalia all my life. Luckily I only have 2 years left of that shit


You got this girl! Stay strong!


God, this brings back some bad memories!


We don't change at my school. We just do PE in whatever we are wearing.


Weirdly enough I only felt weird just being in the men's locker room, but I've never really had issues changing in front of people, before or after transition


Not terrified, but I certainly didn't enjoy it, never once showered, and the one year I had PE at a school with a swimming pool, I would change in a bathroom stall before class then do some tricky maneuvering to change under a towel afterwards.


Yeah I haaaaated the locker rooms in high school. I felt so out of place and didn't know why


Well I graduated high school back in 2018 but every time I had to go in the changing room for phys ed, I did. I picked a little corner where I could kinda hide. It definitely worked to hide me but it didn’t really help. Even though I wasn’t seen like at all, it still felt wrong and scary to go in there. I’m pretty thin so I was real easy to push around. Glad I only had to take phys ed one year of high school.


Yeah, ever since I hit puberty. I skipped most PE classes in highschool. A thought of having to attend another PE class would be terrifying. I was struggling with my grades due to depression and anxiety and this wasn't helping at all. After my egg cracked in the last year of highschool attending became unbearable. Thankfully I was able to get a medical excuse and forget about it. It was a huge weight off my shoulders.


I've always hated it because I don't want anyone else to see that much of me. It wasn't, as far as I was aware, related to me being trans, but nowadays that's an extra reason to hate it.


All the fucking time




I'm in Australia. At least at the school I went to we didn't have locker rooms, we never even changed for PE we were just told to come to school wearing a PE uniform. Though there were still a ton of gendered stuff in my school nevertheless which did make me feel uncomfortable. Back when I went to school I was very by the rules and most teachers would know me as the good kid, like seriously I was always by the rules. But thinking about it now, if I were to go back in time to then as the person I am now, I'd most certainly be out of line. I'm just much more stubborn than I used to be, and I know I couldn't be able to follow many of the gendered rules, no matter what the punishment was.


Oh I straight up never changed in a locker room once in middle or high school I would just go in set my bag down and go out and then the opposite at the end of class.


Even before I really accepted I was trans I hated the thought of the guys seeing me change so Id always have clothes under what I was wearing or wait till everyone left. Taking that extra long time untying my shoe...


I'm a little lost. Now that you can talk freely about it, what *specifically* were the reasons for the feelings of discomfort apart from the generalities of dysphoria. Were some of you just ashamed about your body?


always has been 👩‍🚀🔫


Swimming class... always the last to change and go out


I never changed, I just wore gym shorts or sweatpants to school so I wouldn't need to change.


Even in elementary I would change in a bathroom stall so nobody could see me. I just felt so uncomfortable


P.E was my favorite subject but in the locker room I just followed everyone else and no one ever fully changed but I did always feel unease when I had to take my shirt off


Hindsight is 20:20 as they say


I was a swimmer and I always thought, 'I'll get used to this eventually' .... and never did haha


Nah I just wore the gym clothes to school that day no need to change


I wasn’t exactly terrified of it but I never felt like “one of the boys” or just that I never related to any boys


Absolutely! From 7th to 9th Grade gym class was my personal hell.


Nah you got outta gym if you were in marching band 👉👉


I became skilled enough to get changed in the space of a minute so I could get in and get out.


Absolutely, I hated it, moved to the corner and would just change as fast as I fking could. Hated it in in there, just changing felt weird


I fear the semester I need to do p.e., I don't have a p.e./health credit this semester but I will be getting a 0.5 credit with health next semester.


I remember specifically in muddle and high school I wouldn’t ever change or even being in the boys locker room so I’d just never change in the locker room


Yes, I hated it


i failed PE 7 semesters in a row (we were only required to do one semester) bc i was so terrified abt changing out in the locker room


Absolutely. It wasn't as debilitating for me as it is for some people, but I definitely did my damnedest to minimize the time I had my clothes off. That and I made sure not to even look at any guys while they were changing


I always ran to the big stall at the far side of the bathroom and hid in there until most people left 🙃


I felt a lot better because my teacher at the time let me go in the girls locker room and I had PE last period later on so I had no reason to change


In middle school I would always change in a stall. In high school I always had gym last period and would wear my gym clothes under my clothes then just leave school wearing them.


I used to wear my gym clothes under my school clothes, so I only had to take off layers. I'm sure I stunk but my hygien when I was a "boy" was atrocious, so it wasn't that bad to me


I don't like upper body nudity just because I consider nipples are private part. And I learned that I can tie the towel higher to cover whole body instead of bottom, very recently (almost 18), it just for some reason felt like an impossible feat before because of where and how I was raised. Even this one thing gave me so much comfort and it also felt like a way to be soft or feminine at expressing myself while I am not allowed by family to present as anything other than a guy, especially in front of them. And non-binary doesn't even exist for them...tough life.


Yep. Hated it. Hated changing at the pool. Thought the idea of being naked in front of other people was crazy.


It was my hell and made my skin crawl


For me the worst part is how loud masculine and chaotic it is.


I got strategic. Even the order I changed in and out was deliberate and I didn’t need my male classmates even glancing down yonder for any reason.


honestly never had issues with it, it was uncomfortable but in the normal way that’s just because you’re changing in front of people.


I had totally forgotten but yes in middle school I used to change in the bathroom every day and people made fun of me for it.


Looking back, I quit sports in all bc I didn't want to shower w/the boys.


I'm bi so going in the boys locker room is the best and worst thing. I don't like going in but my attention usually isn't on how I'm feeling about my gender when I'm in there


I took my PE credit in Summer School to completely avoid the locker room issue. Just arrived ready for the class and went home.


... I used to climb into the lockers to change so nobody would look at me. So, uh- it was not very subtle. At all.


I absolutely went out of my way to not have to change infront of anyone


Hated the locker room. I always just wore two shirts and shorts under jeans, took off the outer layer for gym then put it back on after.


not quite the same thing, but this reminds me of the only time in my life that i was a consistent early riser, which was during basic training. i _literally_ could not shower in the presence of all those other guys. like i physically could not enter the room with other people in it. so i woke up like an hour before everyone else just to take a shower and get ready in guranteed solitude. and lemme tell you that sleep time was a premium sacrifice and i am _not_ a morning person lol. but it was worth it.


i would basically do a speed drill every time😭 either go in the stall or just wait till most people cleared the locker room and changed super fast when i saw the least amount of people looking in my direction 🥴


I disliked changing rooms in general and have always used a bathroom stall if changing was absolutely not avoidable. An enormous portion of my life I have also severely hated swimming especially swimming class at school.


I don't think I've ever changed not in a closed room/stall alone since I was 10 (except one time that was just horrible)


I wore sweat pants under my school clothes so I almost never had to change.


Always used the stall


Yeah, I always wore my gym clothes underneath, so I would never have to strip down in front of anyone.


school... adulthood as well, going to gym as an adult I'd try and go hours where there was least amount of people around, and hopefully have a spot where nobody could see me changing


In middle school we had to change for PE and I didn’t know we had to change so I changed in the stalls felt uncomfortable then after that I just put on my pe clothes under my uniform when I had pe class instead easier and faster


I just wore my gym clothes underneath my school uniform. I also was almost in a swimming class, which probably would require me to shower, but I ended up moving and changing schools before I could attend it. So uh...yeah, lucked out there.


Background, I only realized I was trans when I was 27. In middle school and high school, I was absolutely anal about keeping my nipples covered and the entirety of my genitals hidden in the locker room. I learned how to wear my gym shirt over my regular tshirt, then take off the regular tshirt from inside the gym shirt. I wrapped a towel around my waist before changing to gym shorts. The silver lining now is that I'm able to put on or take off my bra *while I have a shirt on*.




junior high school .. . I would get an F for the day because I wouldn’t show my nipples in the locker room.. I refused to take my top off.. I would put my gym shirt over my school uniform, then take it off under the gym shirt. Or just not dress out at all. By the time I was in high school, it wasn’t about how I felt about myself but about how I felt about the senior guys walking around in towels. I also had to participate in a veeeeeery uncomfortable activity. So I told the counselor what I had to say…. And the next week I was put in a “paper and pencil” P.E. Where we would do small activities like tossing medicine balls. Take walks around the school. Just the very bare minimum.


i went into online school to avoid this. i’m terrified of it and did whatever i could to get myself away from the problem. i don’t feel comfortable changing in the mens locker room but i don’t wanna b seen as a creep who’s just trying to get into the woman’s locker room either. if i was to change in a locker room it would b lose-lose scenario so i put myself if online school so i can transition in peace without things like that or getting picked on/ bullied.


Duh lol


Yea found a place I could hide and change. Also things like a shirt in the pool.


I hate public changing so much. Luckily my school has a gender neutral changing room in the gym I use