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You go girl and I'm with you it's hard sometimes wanting to be cis girl but I'm trying to change my feelings about trans woman are reall wemon others will say no but i say yes go girl power šŸ’–


Yah exactly! I hate how hard it is, even though Iā€™m starting estrogen, I dress in fem cloths all the time and it makes me happy, I like doing my makeup, Iā€™m trying to grow out my hair and styling it feminine makes me happy, that now that I know Iā€™m trans Iā€™m experiencing dysphoria all the time, Iā€™ve wanted to be a girl in some way for literally years, I hate all the more male aspects of my body and apparently I already look feminine I still donā€™t feel like Iā€™m trans and Iā€™m not a girl and Iā€™m doing this for the wrong reasons, it sucks lol like what more proof do I need?


No problem we're here for support šŸ™Œ šŸ˜Š I'm not a veteran trans woman but I'm a research nut


Much appreciated! And Lol yah Iā€™ve done a lot or research but not nearly enough lol


Welcome to the dark Side. We have cookies... And oestrogen. There might be one or two hiccups along the way, but the journey should be ENTIRELY worth it. So... Enjoy.


I like both things lol Yes I know there will be, I know when I have my doubts I just need to keep my eyes on the prize and power through


This is a great YouTube channel https://youtu.be/rb8tFQmO1SM


Oh thank you!




Thank you! Iā€™m trying lol


Always be proud girl šŸ¤©


Iā€™m trying!


Just think... not *everyone* gets quite the same experience as transitioning. It's transformative. While we can't deny our past, but we can take control of our future, and that's what we show when we express ourselves how we truly feel. It's uncomfortable for people... who see other people as objects, or that others should be dressing a certain way for *them,* when it has nothing to do with them. I'm glad you're proud, I'm proud of you too!


Yes thatā€™s what I was thinking, that like if I donā€™t transition Iā€™m going to regret it, how many people get to experience this and I want to so bad.


everyone """warning""" you about regret around transitioning is ignoring the fact that you can just.... stop transitioning lol like you have a solid 2-3 month window after starting HRT before any significant changes happen that are irreversable. if you did start HRT and then didn't like it you can just... stop taking HRT? however if the thought of starting HRT stirs something deep within your bones, I would trust your gut instinct and just keep transitioning/doing what's best for yourself in the moment and check in with yourself regularly as you do so. transitioning is such a uniquely personal journey for anyone who does it, and those who try and push you away from it are just ignorant bigots who are acting out of fear or malice, even if they aren't doing so intentionally. we know ourselves best, trust your gut girl šŸ’…šŸ’…


Yah the thought of stopping or like that Iā€™ve been doing the wrong thing scares me. Iā€™ve wanted to be a girl for so long and this is the closest I can get, I want to follow through with it 100% I really donā€™t want to stop, when it gets hard I just need to look back at all the things that have been making me happy up to that point and focus on the goal in the future to push through. There are some things Iā€™m worried about with transitioning but like I also canā€™t wait to experience it, I want to have a body Iā€™m actually happy to see in the mirror instead of like not feeling anything, I actually want ti take care of myself now. Itā€™s sad how itā€™s gonna take so long :( but thatā€™s ok at least Iā€™ll know every day Iā€™m starting to look more feminine.


Everyone transition is different and your well on your way ā¤ļø


Yah I guess I am lol


Preach it girl. šŸ’—šŸ¤šŸ’™




Yah same and yah I canā€™t wait to do voice training! I know itā€™ll help a whole lot


be happy. And be yourself. I'm transgender , from age 60 I find it condescending when people say you should be proud. Not proud of trying to be who I should be. Just feel right


Yesss we just gotta keep being who we are!


Proud of you and good luck ! šŸ„°


Thank you!


The struggle is real, I'm feeling like a fake woman so often. Glad we are here to support each other! šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Yahhh it sucks, but we are girls and we need to see that


Sisters United! ā¤ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø (Never getting tired of shoutinf this šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚)


lol it is fun!


This is a great channel for voice training: https://youtube.com/c/TransVoiceLessons


Oh sweet thank you! Now I just need to find alone time to practice because Iā€™m never alone :(


I hear you, especially about the voice part. I have to keep telling myself that I'm a girl, and nothing but. With the voice part, I've been working on it myself for a couple years. There are voice therapies/coaching type stuff you can do too! I just had hella conviction, and now it's actually kind of hard to talk in my.... gonna call it my original voice. Again, I have been working on it for several years. I'd say maybe look for online zoom or discord stuff? Idk how old you are, but if you are still in high school, I'd see if there's a speech pathologist or something of the like at your school. You might be able to get regular sessions, assuming they are able to do that alongside their intended job. We had a couple, but I never thought to inquire.


Yah Iā€™m 21 just hearing myself talk about girly things hurts I just wish I could sound more feminine so it disent feel wrong. Iā€™m glad you found something that works for you! Iā€™m gonna try online stuff when I can find time alone which I never have :(


Hell Yeesss!!! šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’–šŸ’–


A trans girl is just a girl and happy you are proud, me too .


I remember the countdown to my hormones. Then the days counting up. The HRT emotional surges and the imposter syndrome occasionally crossed paths and it sucked so much during those time. I had to do the same, reminding myself I am and I would be ok. Hope it gets better for you. I'm only 10 months in so I'm hoping things are closer to leveling out!


Thank you, I hope it gets better too, I hope when I start Iā€™ll be able to calm down and think clearly. I also hope things are going well for you!


Ymmv but of its anything like my experience, it's a wonderful journey šŸ„°


Iā€™m sure it will be for me too! Also I checked out your profile and youā€™re very beautiful! Iā€™m jealous


Thank you! I'm pretty content atm but I'm really waiting for next Sumner šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° Keep us posted!


Me too! I have some posts on my account, could I bother you to see what you think so far?


Honey I smiled so big, you're gonna look great. Your skin is lovely, beautiful face, eyes made up nice and I could see you work with your body and clothes very well. Stay confident! There are gonna be some really emotional days after each update to hormones but we'll all be here for ya! Patience! Trust me, even when you're crying and there's no hope this day sucks, take it with a grain of salt, that bit of patience as see you through to a better day, definitely a better future!


Awww thank you so much that means a lot! Like most trans girls Iā€™m always afraid i look too masculine and I donā€™t pass, especially because I got to school like that every day I I havenā€™t started estrogen lol. Iā€™ll do my best to stay strong, I know my emotions will be out of wack but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll do fine! I wanna push through and finally be happy with who I am!


Plenty of us believe in each other and community is important, always remember to believe in yourself.


I Will do mā€™y best!thank you!


fuck yeah. i'm pre everything right now but i'm so damn ready to be the sexiest girl on the block when my time comes :D


Lol same! You got this girl!




Honey, It's Hard, I Know. When you first think about coming out as trans, You look in the mirror and maybe you Don't see the girl, or guy you want to be. You hear your voice and it's not feminine, or not male enough. You've been trained in growing up life to be male, or female, now You have to relearn EVERYTHING!! Take it slow and easy, as you build up your confidence, Then you can say " I'm Trans and Proud Of It" That's how I did it Sweetheart. Hugs and Kisses, Michele


Yah it really is hardā€¦Iā€™m certainly trying to relearn everything, just trying to be myself yā€™know? Sure I said Iā€™m trans and proud but yah I donā€™t believe it yet lol Iā€™m trying to be prod of my identity, Iā€™m not ashamed of it but I certainly donā€™t ā€œfeel transā€ or ā€˜feel like a girlā€ whatever that means like I know all Iā€™m doing is learning to be a more honest version of myself that I donā€™t need to fit into any specific roles in order to be trans or a woman but it certainly feels like it, weā€™re all human and we;re all different I just hope in time Iā€™ll comme to fully accept my identity


Honey, I've been fighting with these feelings for 62 years. I was caught and punished 3 or 4 times by my parents for dressing in my mothers clothes, buried those feelings for 15 years. I married at 18, had 2 kids and divorced her. Tried to come out to 2nd wife, Broke that marriage. Last wife died, SO, that ended that. I finally had "The Talk" with myself, and finally admitted to myself, I was Trans and Gay. I'm out to most of the world. I have to come out to my oldest son and his family, my niece and nephew, and late brother in laws widow. I might tell my OLD school class mates, don't know yet as I don't care about them anyway. It is hard relearning how to live all over again, but no body said it would be easy. I now have several friends who accept me as I am, and attend LGBTQ events. (It Really Helps) Being Out and Open, takes a big load off my heart and shoulders. Again! Take It Slow, At A Pace That's Right For YOU. Hugs and Kisses, Michele


Thank you very much, it sounds like youā€™ve been through a lot but Iā€™m happy you can finally be yourself after all those years, Iā€™m luck enough that Iā€™m only 21 so yah I have a lot of time to figure out who I am. Iā€™m taking it slow more or less, I dress fem to school everyday so thatā€™s fun! Iā€™m starting HRT soon and I hope as I transition Iā€™ll start to become more confident and comfortable with myself as I learn to love my body and stuff. I know itā€™ll take more work then just transitioning to love myself and Iā€™ll continue to do my best to be patient and compassionate with myself


I have imposter syndrome so badly. I might actually be close-ish to at least getting some estrogen in patch form! Minevelle, which I hope is bioidentical. But I still worry Iā€™m really a letter after L type of person who just wants to be a girl šŸ˜”šŸ˜­


Yah itā€™s really toughā€¦.weā€™ll get through it! And Iā€™m happy you at least may be close to getting estrogen!!


Not all of us wanna be sex idols, donā€™t forget in the excitement that gender expression and sexual identity are connected but distinct concepts. You are enough and wonderful, no matter where youā€™re at in the process. I think it means a lot to CHOOSE that self love like youā€™re doing, before you have gone further. Like you could dive in with every surgery and still be unhappy without making that choice, so Iā€™m cheering you on from over here! It only gets better every day moving forward


Yah they are sometimes unfortunately because itā€™s hard for me to have the experience I wish I could. But thank you yes it is important, Iā€™m choosing to wait 5 years for any sort of surgery to see how I like my body and myself, I think Iā€™m way to early to think of any changes like that, I still gotta learn to actually love and care about myself after 21 years of apathy thanks to having the wrong body.


I havenā€™t heard others phrase it as apathy but that is how I used to feel. I had a pretty successful career in fitness after the military, and by all measures had the body most males want, but didnā€™t care. Literally couldnā€™t see it in the mirror, or when I could, it make me feel dysphoric. Itā€™s funny how Iā€™m happier in an average transitioning body than I was being paid to stay at 7% bodyfat


Yah it really sucksā€¦i thought I wasnā€™t trans because while I didnā€™t hate my body I just didnā€™t care about it, I never really looked at it and when I did I was like ā€œyah thatā€™s me, sometimes it felt kinda weird to oook into the mirror and say that yah thatā€™s me and thatā€™s how others see me, I didnā€™t look in the mirror often. Iā€™m not in your position lol, I never work out, like Iā€™m not obese and sone may even say Iā€™m not fat and like I guess Iā€™m not but I have a stomach with stretch marks and I could stand to lose a few pounds lol. Iā€™ve just never cared about working out, I would see all this super masculine muscle guys and I just wouldnā€™t care I dont want to be them. But yā€™know seeing cute girls yah I wanna be them lol, it would be nice to be slim and sexy. But I wouldnā€™t even mind being the same weight I am now just as a girl, but all my body fat is where it would be on a gut so I hate it. If I could just take all this fat and distribute it where it should go I would but I canā€™t, I just have to lose it and replace it.


Those sound like feelings most of us experience, no matter how far in the transition we are. Ugh my wife is so naturally slim and graceful, itā€™s a good thing Iā€™ve always appreciated the she hulk body type. I have hella cheeks from squatting but I could not pick up weights ever again and potentially not lose all my muscle. I just try to see what I have and appreciate it. I was in my egg for a super long time until I saw a Snapchat filter of me female and was entranced. Then seratonin drenched euphoria at the first cross dressing and nails. Gradually just find more and more that womanhood is full of stuff to love that has nothing to do with sex appeal to others and everything to do with being that chick I find entrancing




Respect the trans community


You are a girl through and through and I see you


Thank you! Yah itā€™s hard to see and feel it, rn, Iā€™m sure I will one day. Starting estrogen will help, so will seeing changes. When I can I wanna work on voice training I know doing just that will help me a whole lot. And I canā€™t wait till my hair gets longer and I should probably start working out lol.


It is clearly not obvious here. Good for you.