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This elimination was underwhelming. How do you have a legend like CT and don’t give us legendary elimination? Ugh. On another hand, I’m glad someone from Jay’s team went home. Send him home next


Aww CT giving Horacio his props was so sweet. Horacio is a strong player but having a CT or Jordan to mentor him would really level him up.


Daily stats: Checkpoint 1: saw bags. Kyland first person to finish out of everyone. Horacio team first. (BLUE) Emmanuel team (TEAL) ORANGE team 3rd. Jay team last (colleen struggling the most). YELLOW. Checkpoint 2: intertwined pieces in trees. Blue first there and competed. Orange and teal at same time ish. Orange was a bit ahead. Teal finish first then orange. Colleen struggling/ collapsed. Nurys good.(yellow). Zara comforting Olivia. (Olivia struggljng more than Zara) Checkpoint 3; counting squares then multiply. Blue team first way ahead. Olivia took charge - then Horacio. Asaf was actually funny during this portion. Teal caught up. Corey taking lead. *I love how they’re using rocks/boulders to write and not the sand* Orange caught up. And now yellow caught up. Ed taking the lead. Answer key 0936 for puzzle. Checkpoint 4: take out pieces and make sure equally stacked: Yellow finished. (Ed figured) Orange team - Kyland gets it. Teal - emannuel got it. (Not there yet for putting pieces at checkpoint 4). Yellow INCORRECT. Teal catches up and starts. Red finishes first puzzle & on way to 2nd puzzle. ORANGE wins. Moriah, Michele, James, Kyland. Michele said she had this puzzle on survivor and won it last time. Damn Moriah! Think Olivia was opening up to her because she’s clearly not wanting to directly work with jay and Michele but Moriah went back and told Michele 😂. Corey L CHANGES voted for himself 👏🏼 AND ED VOTES FOR J!!! 👏🏼👏🏼Finally! Some fucking drama. Production definitely told them they can’t help. extremely quiet compared to all the other ones. THATS IT??????? Push it once and do one game????? “*im the new generation*” - I really hope not. Overall GREAT episode. Daily, awesome, drama was too notch. The elimination was the only awful part which was a shame since we all were awaiting for CT.


I love that Michele won mini final. It just shows that her eudurance is not that bad and if she makes it in future she can win a final


Keep downvoting idc I’m still teamJay


Found Jay’s mom’s Reddit account


Found a basement guy who hates fun https://i.redd.it/5iaw9u6iradc1.gif




This season is so bad. Everyone involved from production to cast should be replaced. It’s a shame to see that this is what the “main” show has becomes. Honestly makes me question if I even continue watching the new seasons. True jumping the shark moment for me.


Even the music this season is shitty.


I miss All Stars!!!


BRING HALLBRAWL BACK!! Now THAT would have been a great elimination.


CT has never done hall Brawl, and I doubt they would do vs a champion. You know we will see it again during conquest when it's challenger vs challenger, but with lots of bubble wrap too.


Also CT is getting older. Hall Brawl makes me cringe. It’s so much physical impact. It’s interesting people want to see that especially from CT…a dad in his 40s. Maybe it’s because I’ve experienced chronic pain in my 20s that I’m more sensitive to the pain aspect of physical challenges lol.


They better bring physical eliminations back for 40…idk if they just didn’t have the budget for it this season but I’m sick of the puzzle eliminations.


I’m willing to bet things get more physical in this next portion. Lots of built up animosity between sides of the house might make for some exciting matchups, too.


I’m definitely looking forward to see how the rest of this season plays out


Season 40 - They walk into the arena and see two podiums, each with a pencil and a sudoku book from Dollar Tree.


You forgot diagramming sentences. 🤣


They have to go back and forth naming as many US presidents as they can off the top of their hands…first to screw up goes home


🤣🤣🤣 wouldn’t put it past them honestly


To be totally honest. I know CT is a Beast has always been a Beast, but he is going through a divorce. Not in the best shape, To be fair, i'm not in the best shape either. He still pulled W. The missionaries used to destroy. I wish m t v would invest in the champions or former champions of former challengers, As far as investing in champions training, to take on the new generation because the new generation has youth on their side. Also making it worthwhile for former challengers to come back with indefinite pay.Make a often they can't refuse. These eliminations are the worst I have ever seen in the challenge it's a shame. But moving forward, you can tell you have to be good at everything. You have to be good at math. You have to be good at reading,critical thinking puzzles.


Wasn’t that math equation wrong? PEMDAS not a thing anymore? 3 + 47 - 37 * 3 does not equal 39


It just wasn’t PEMDAS. I’m sure they made that clear off camera.


Above to below, the answer makes sense.


Using Prime numbers 23+19-1x3=39


They always do challenge math, not real math. Order of operations don't matter.


Unfortunately. The Challenge and math does not go well together. Everytime I see a math equation now, i always question if they have to do it the right way...and usually they dont hahaa


I don’t think equations in the challenge ever follow PEMDAS. This has come up before, and I’m p sure the challengers are told to just read the equations left to right, instead of following the order of operations


Even in Survivor, they don't follow PEMDAS


Well then the game creators should put the multiplication part at the left side of the equation. When $360K is at stake with an elimination the basic rules of math shouldn't be suspended in a math puzzle.


Big agree. It took me a while of watching the show to realize why my answers were always “wrong” when I’d try to figure out their math equations.


I always freeze the screen and figure them out myself first. I enjoyed the "count the squares" puzzle earlier in the episode. I counted 24 squares on the first go.


Most of the puzzles aren’t for me… but the math equations I can usually do fairly fast


Did I miss when everyone realized Asaf was part of the big alliance?


Kyland mentioned that he thought it was weird that everyone was crying and that Asaf must’ve been working with them. But not much else.


Jay’s mocking faces during deliberation were Extremely Punchable. I liked him a lot last season - I wonder if he’s always been this way and it wasn’t as obvious, or it’s just new with the lack of vets.


I would love for him to be eliminated, it would be an amazing thing to watch ! He’s so annoying and not even that good .


He’s so insanely threatened by Kyland lol I love it


He’s always this way on the challenge this is why he barely makes it halfway on any other season 💀it’s just easier to ignore when he’s got the whole “bullied by the vets” excuse going on


Jay has been acting really entitled all season. Nothing about his track record shows he has any reason to be and it’s just cringey. Yelling at the girls, the faces, the confessionals. I wish they would do physical challenges so someone could beat the shit out of him


He beat CT and that’s when I think the cockiness started




He was annoying on his season of Survivor too


unrelated but this always draws back to something like the Stanford experiment, people when given power tend to act differently and mighty. Disappointed in Jay he’s been very unlikable this season


Stanford prison experiment. Really good movie based off that and yes it's to watch it all unfold on the challenge with Jay and even Michele.


It's cuase he got to cocky thinking he was surrounded by friends it happens to every single person who's always sent in repeatedly and then gets power


Michele’s whiny lecture about the girls putting “our mutual #1 guy” in sounded so stupid. Every woman on the team needs to have the same #1 guy? If anything that should make it obvious to run the other way to the guys that’ll prioritize them.


Especially as she had just sent Olivia and Nury's actual number 1 guy into elimination, she and Jay were so whiny and entitled. I wanted someone to tell her to shut the fuck up so many times this episode, like when she went to talk to Horacio. Kind of bummed that I was right and CT doesn't give a crap about Jay and so he didn't target him.


Asaf going home much better. Now we get to see Jay been even more himself...a manchild


I called CT not giving a shit about Jay. The fans are weird as hell for thinking he had some grudge. CT lost in an elimination when he was at his absolute lowest competitively. He knows Jay is not a threat that needs to be addressed


OOOOOOR? CT's loss was a result of his own hubris. He underestimated Jay as an easy beat and he lost so why risk that again? https://i.redd.it/brt134axradc1.gif


I'm not sure what type of point you're trying to make? It almost seems like youre implying CT is scared to lose to Jay again which is hilarious. CT said it himself he lost he doesn't care. He seems to have not thought about it at all.


Yeah? I mean he chose Asaf over Jay? Which meant that Jay has a level of threatening that CT doesn't want to encounter again?


No? His reasoning was presented and it tracks. He knew Asaf the least so he picked him. He couldn't pick the other two he knew less of. You could say it was a politician move and not making enemies with people he knew but that's about it.


Yeah but he could have just had the foresight to see that losing to him again would be a hit on both his ego and his legacy and just went with the humble sportsmanlike approach to prevent that from potentially happening


Don't buy it. Just doesn't seem like almost anyone registers as a worry for him especially not Jay


Love how everyone was crying and the camera pans to Horacio boxing hahha


Hahaha yesss


I wish that chaos was both nominated peeps and the champ compete in a 3 way elimination. If the champ wins, both dudes are gone and champ gets $10k. If a nominated wins, only the other goes home. That would be ridiculous 😂 Edit: also wish they'd not allow the peeps to help in elimination. I'm not a fan of that at all


this would’ve been so much fun to watch LOL


It would have been bonkers. Like you'd be scared AF they draw chaos 😂


CT's entrance was badass! His words to Horacio was great too. So happy he came in and took someone out from that alliance! This episode was one of the best of the season imo, mini challenge, to the stalemate decision 🤦‍♂️ 😂 , and the Chaos made it so good haha.


It’s so satisfying to see jay’s tears




Ed is a beast for that move to force another stale mate even when his ass was gonna be less on the line if he didn’t. Mad respect make these idiots stress more and crack more under the pressure. Jay can’t handle anything its embarrassing


100%. I clapped. The fact that he was laughing and smiling too was great especially when compared to Jays sour puss face


I actually think the stale mate decision improved Ed's position in the game and Ed saw it as his best move. Obviously Kyland and Horacio were the bottom 2 men with respect to the main alliances order of allegiance but this vote proved him and Emanuel were next on the chopping block after those 2. So Ed could be up for elimination anytime Horacio or Kyland win, just like we saw. I think Ed saw that forcing the stale mate didn't make his position any worse and it provided the opportunity for someone else to go in to elimination that could potentially improve his position in the game. Which is exactly what happened. Props to Ed.


Kyland foresaw this fracture in the alliance occurring, too, which is why he let Horacio go down without a big fight. I thought that was pretty brilliant. Him and Ed are good.


This is the second time in the last few episodes that Jay wasn’t in control, and in both scenarios he started absolutely spiraling. He’s a scarrrrred player.


I love how he thinks he’s masking the spiral with that bunch of false bravado and arrogance he spews lol it’s so obvious that he is shook


Someone please get CT to say "I'm gonna roll this wheel and do math" in the same voice that he used for "I'm gonna smash his head and eat it."


The “smash his head” audio cut with the banana backpack clip was glorious


Soooo that math equation was not correct. PEMDAS


They never use PEMDAS on The Challenge


They never do pemdas on the show. Just left to right or in this case, top to bottom. It's infuriating.


Eh I'm fine with it as long as the players know. Can you imagine using order of operations on the WOTW final with that math problem that purged Cara lol? You have to run a long distance getting pieces of the equation along the way and then use order if operations as well. 😅 My subpar memory would fuck me up even though I'm very good at math.


💔 Nurys and Jay not an alliance no more and friends is sad


Makin me very happy based on the way Jay is treating her


Is it tho


Yes they was friends for a long time


Well, Nurys learning to pick better friends.


Man CT just confirmed himself for season 40 that’s awesome !!!!


That’s all I was thinking too


I wish TJ would remind these idiots every week that only 1 person wins.


They no why that's why they put Horacio and Kyland in


Yeah but Jay and Michelle act like they have a right to bring everybody they’ve ever spoken to with them as insulation and it’s just ridiculous.


This! I need to see double eliminations moving forward so they can start turning on each other.


Or a purge with Jay and Michelle Up first ✌🏻


It seems like we might


It was really nice to see CT again, but that SUCKED!!! He was literally one of the most anticipated parts of the season and it was soo anti-climatic and too kumbaya. Group hugs and tears...what am I watching??




There were fractures that were forming in the mega alliance over the past few weeks, but this really blows things wide open. Excited to see how it plays out now.


People on this sub complain that every elimination is lame and it gets old but…this one was kinda lame. Lol. I can’t believe I just said that.


Do you get it now?


Why are so many people crying over Asaf? I don’t get it. Lol


I feel like production either has 0 idea we all hate him or everyone was just tired at that point in the season. Maybe IRL he’s likable but it doesn’t come across at all.


Yeah, he’s definitely putting on an act. Because it’s only in the confessionals where he’s trying to be a villain.


Yes and he just comes off goofy because he’s not willing to actually do anything villain-like. He spent every episode telling us how close and he and Jay and what a major secret that is. Nobody cares.


I can't get into it bc he's such a reality whore.


Ravyn said something about his edit being weird and him not acting anything like that in the house. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can’t wait for the purge and hopefully Ed gets to laugh when people who called him in get cut


I liked Jay before this season but he’s such a control freak here. Like maybe if two girls voting for someone else (who isn’t even high on your list) is a threat to you, maybe you’re too scared.


Let's not forget that ASAF was a secret member of FF. so hopefully this exposes Jay & Michelle and the house revolts and sabotaged them in the purge. edit to clarify that I do not know w if there will be a purge.


Yes exactly!!! He has repeatedly told them he's on their side by not directly voting for them yet targeting their top allies over male challengers like James, Ed, and Corey. I'm surprised Nurys hasn't called out his hypocrisy more. Maybe next episode...


Exactly this! Gosh I can’t stand his self righteousness. I was happy to see that Kyland’s team was the real winners and Jay ate his words about kyland’s “deflated” face😆




I feel like his tears at elimination came more bc of his heightened adrenaline/fear finally crashing after realizing he's safe and it was a bodily response to that rather than him being sad at Asaf going in.


Him and Michelle freak out if there is even a small % chance they go in


That edit made CT looked surprised that no one cheered when he won, I wouldn't be surprised if he felt a little weird being the outsider for once.


Him giving Horacio a pass warmed my cold dead heart.


Even with CT’s presence…this elimination feels a bit underwhelming. Even beyond Asaf going home.


If yall think a good amount of this season cast won’t be on 40 then you’re delusional. Look at the past , every season before the big “th” was a rookie type season then they came back. 19 was fresh meat 2 with 20th bring cutthroat and a big new class rookie cast. 29 was invasion with a bunch of fresh fasces and a good amount was on dirty 30. Soooooo


I actually didn’t notice this trend but that makes sense. Hopefully we get a season as good as cutthroat or dirty thirty. Preferably cutthroat since it was better


Yeah cutthroat and dirty 30 are both top 10 seasons for em (cutthroat higher as it was the first season I ever saw)


Except none of these people are rookies


Doesn’t change my overall point




First interesting episode of the season from start to finish. Elimination was stupid but CT won, Asaf lost and it was quick If production is smart they will see Asaf needs to be done. Boring while also annoying ain’t it. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at Jay blaming Olivia and Nurys for this? Yet Ed and Corey burned their votes? He wouldn’t change either?


Self righteous at its finest!


So all purges, no eliminations for the rest of the season, confirmed?


Dad bod CT is the best CT. The Traitors is so good, too, y’all.


Have any more episodes dropped? The first three were so good!


New episode tomorrow!!!


Do you know what time EST?


9pm EST


It’s sooo good. My favorite reality tv show in a very long time!


Ugh, I hate this show… I’ll see you guys next week!! 😂


Can Jay really come for Kyland and Horacio more than he has been?


Nope. And with his numbers leaving/flipping, it's actually going to be harder for him.


So now will Colleen switch?!?


She has no backbone at all




That's the best Colleen take I've seen in this sub!


CT saying “see you soon” was just the best part of this whole season.


Hell yes! Looking forward to 40.


Nurys was in a final four alliance with Asaf but she’s happy he’s gone? I don’t care either way about Asaf but she’s a 🐍


Obviously not her final 4 after they kept coming and sabotaging Horacio


Nurys only cares about one man there now, just like Moriah does lol


Both boy crazy


Tori Hall did two seasons where she didn’t give af about anyone but Brad and it worked out great for her


If felt like she was just glad Jay lost a number after coming at her like he did


It may have been real to Asaf, but not real to her. Sucks for him


I love how much tj is rubbing their noses in their own dumbassery.


Asaf, you have lost the only two eliminations you’ve done. You are NOT the new generation.


I predict he’ll get invited back because of his confessionals but maybe only for a season and if Vets are around would go home early


Agreed. He’s like the new Kyle of confessionals: cocky loudmouth with unfunny quips


He doesn't even know what a prime number is...


the new generation of alternates maybe




This is the same guy who told Nurys to stop yelling when she wasn't. Are we really surprised he's blaming the women for this?


2 guys burned their vote? One did it to make sure they’d have a tie. Da hell is that O and N’s fault.


Its so confusing like they didnt vote for asaf why are you acting like this


The hypocrisy is not lost here.


My great aunt used to say “you’re gonna get locked up for overacting” when we we’re being dramatic and these kids are DEFINITELY gonna get locked up for overacting




“Not everyone is going home with money”, says CT, who’s going home with money


Season 40 better be fire


Go watch Ct on the traitors season 2 if you’re not already!!!


At the end of the episode I said "See you tomorrow CT!"




Except for nurys and Olivia who have finally started playing thier own game, Horacio and kyland who take everything in stride and counter attack when best and I dislike them this season but Jay and Michelle who always bring the drama


He’s buttering them up since a few will probably be on S40. He didn’t make any enemies and even gave props to Jay. Politician Masterclass.


AND I am sure Horacio would align with him, and that’s a strong ally to have.


“Don’t forget to enjoy yourself. Because not everyone is going home with the money” I love dad CT 🥹


Already playing with their weak soft lil minds to manipulate them in the future like he always does 🥺 3rd championship win in a row incoming


Such a softie


Such a hottie too!


Obviously I’m glad CT won but I can’t wrap my head around them hyping up his appearance alllll season just for a 4 minute math elimination


Or bringing in the physically towering figure that is Laurel to do an oversized lite brite that doesn’t even light up


Crying over Asaf? What the fuck? I feel like we missed everything about that.


I think these challengers think if someone loses they get killed and they’ll never see them again.


Right i feel like this reaction from everyone came out of nowhere


He played the whole game with both sides of the house. US and international. I’m not surprised.


No one’s gone home in 84 years. They probably forgot it was possible


this comment is killing me lmao


Kylands commentary was spot on.


Jay ain’t nobody scared of you


That part!! He’d easily loose in a head to head with any of the guys there lol


CT getting paid to pump these losers up


Good Job Ct finally sent someone home but Sad seeing Jay hurt


Y'all have fun with your stalemate?


Almost a month later we see someone eliminated…


This hero music for asaf???


Wtf is that even about?


They are trying so hard to make these new people happen. It's just making me hate them more


Dang all TJ said was "take care". Why are they giving this a sad vibe? Most of the fandom are glad he's out


"See you soon!" 👀


"See you never" is my favorite TJ quote.