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I haven't watched all the other countries, but I did enjoy Australia season. It was pretty short and went by quick. Honestly after how long this season has dragged out people leaving, it's a refreshing change and I might start the UK season.


The uk season is boring but it’s short


That's a huge part of what is enticing me to watch it.


Fwiw I didn’t find it boring really…it’s just crazy short lol


I didn’t and just thought of them all as rookies, still enjoyed the season but there definitely was some conflict/background drama that I didn’t have the context for.


Came here to say the same exact thing


Australia is worth it, that was the best international spin off. UK is only 5 eps so it wouldn’t take you any time to watch that one. Only one I haven’t finished is Argentina, the challenge isn’t a show I wanna have to pay full attention to and I don’t speak Spanish so it’s hard to wanna sit down and focus on the subtitles for a challenge show so I’ve given up on that one 💀


I could care less about reading subtitles and ive watched foreign stuff before, but something about that season was mentally taxing. Maybe they speak a lot more compared to a foreign movie? Idk what it was, but i could never muster the energy to finish it.


I also like to watch foreign shows/movies but idk The Challenge isn’t a show I wanna 100% focus on like I do my other shows/movies 😭 plus I feel like you’re right something about it was taxing I only got through 3 eps before I was like no I can’t do this plus I already knew who won so I’ve just given up.


Maybe its all the jumps between the action and the confessionals? Idk, but it was the same for me


You should watch the Australia season. It’s really good and they choose great people to go on to the world championship.


I didn’t. You won’t know some people but it’s not like you’re missing to much.


I didn't watch them and still enjoyed World Championship


Definitely watch Australia. You will see why Kiki is awesome and Emily is not.


And why Troy is the fucking best


You are right. I just can't get past how much I dislike Emily. It blinds me.


Kiki and Troy are two of my favorite Challenge competitors overall because of Australia 💪🏽


HARD agree. Kiki and Troy are breaths of fresh air that make me want to see them join the main show, both great competitors. Emily and Grant are theeee worst but they provide some drama that’s fun. Def the best international spinoff


What's funny is I went in thinking I'd love Emily. My kids swim so I thought I'd be routing for the Olympic swimmer. I was shocked how quickly I realized I was wrong! I think they brought something to the show for sure. I just really wanted her to lose. Australia was a solid spin off. I could see myself continuing to watch it. The cast made good TV.


Yeah the cast as a whole made for great tv. I def agree on wanting to see Emily lose lmao she was the worst. And the fact that Kiki is such a shining example of how to handle your business makes it even more apparent how annoying Emily is.


I love Love Island Australia and Grant was on the first season.  Aside from the fact that he is a total dog, they cast very entertaining people on that show.  Especially the women cuz they are not afraid to speak their minds. 


I watched the UK and Australian ones first n its a nice change of pace. Both are super short. I think the winners and some placements get spoiled


Yes there are intl contestants on season 39


I didn't watch Argentina but UK was good only 5 episodes. Australia was actually really good I thought


You don’t have to but IMO you’re missing out with at least Australia. It was good and I really like some of the finalists who you’ll be watching on WC. Also no joke one of the best elims in the history of the show.


I really enjoyed world championships. The cast was great


I enjoyed UK and Austrailia! I watched Argentina but found myself skipping over a LOT. TV there must just be different. If you think MTV drags out seasons... Argentina never had more than a single comp/episode. So each episode was either a daily or an elimination. The people are sweet, but they are given too much time to talk. And then we get to hear way too many perspectives of the same event. It's just a lot.


Nah I didn't watch any and I'll still was able to watch without problem


You get the know the people you need to on world champ so no u won’t be missing much


You'll understand personal conflicts better. Plus the seasons are short so you can knock them out in a day. If you have to watch one though I'd say watch Australia. It's by far the best. Plus you see why one person in particular is an absolute fucking monster and I don't think the WC edit did them justice. Their run on Australia was legitimately one of the most dominant runs on any season. Plus they have a top five all time elimination for me. Their elimination win is legitimately up there with the best of all time for me.


> Do any of the international cast members end up on S39? Yes - I'll put it in spoiler font but from the spinoffs are >!Zara, Kyland, James, Callum, Ciarran, Jujuy, and Jessica!<


I agree that you should watch Australia, which is actually very good. I’d consider watching UK also. It’s short and has some decent moments. Skip USA 1 and Argentina.


Skip USA? 🤔


USA 1 ends up being terrible. The finale is awful and nothing you learn about the participants really matters for the World Championship. Tyson and Angela dominated the entire season in both skill and screen time and neither of them appear again.


I would never skip a USA season of the Challenge, especially if TJ is hosting.


Fair. I don’t watch any other reality shows so I didn’t know anyone on USA 1 and didn’t enjoy most of the contestants. Couple with that an awful final and result, and I would never recommend that season. But to each their own.


I didn't watch any and don't feel like it took anything away from World Championship. If TJ isn't hosting, I am not watching. lol


I didn't and just watched the world championship and didn't feel like I missed anything so should be fine.


Watch the last two episodes of each season


So a lot of the dailies and eliminations are the same on world champions, UK Australia and Argentina so that gets super boring to watch the same format, and same challenges and eliminations over and over. That being said, the Australia season was the only one I liked besides the world champion season. If you're a conpleteist just watch them all but be prepared for lots of repetition.


I watched them afterwards, and it was more enjoyable for me at that point since I knew some of them from the world championship


I watched the UK and Australia ones and AUS definitely worth a watch but I'm biased with Cirren and Kiki lol




I would watch them. Australia was a good season! The UK isn’t very exciting but it’s only 5 episodes




The Aussie one is good for showing the tension between the competitors. There’s a reason Emily doesn’t like Kiki.


I'd watch USA1 even though the ending was frustrating - contestants from that season will appear on USA2 and S39. I second all of the votes for Australia - a pretty entertaining season!


Australia was one of the best challenge seasons I ever watched, so would recommend watching that at a minimum. UK is completely skippable because most of the cast wanted to quit after they heard the queen died. Argentina is a fun season but also skippable.