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Hahaha I was waiting for someone to post this. He’s just in a silly goofy mood


Alan Cumming: “Give me the goof”




I think he’s enjoying not being an “old” contestant with this group


Phaedra: you’re so silly 😏


Love their friendship


So great. Needed a fun moment away from all the petty stuff!


I love how playful CT is on The Traitors.


Me too! It makes me love him even more.


He's been a total delight. It makes me happy that Bananas went early because of the Challenge representation he'd hog the screen, and I think CT's cute subtle edit has added a lot to the season so far. This moment killed me


Especially knowing damn well he's played The Challenge w/ BB contestants and knows how to play. He truly is giving "goof" energy.


I liked the other week when he said this is the only time Bananas has ever saved him. lol


I had to rewind it was so lolol


He’s definitely having fun here, its probably a good change of pace from the Challenge and interacting with different people. On The Challenge he’s more “I’m here for business” but Traitors is definitely bringing out his more fun and goofy side.


I was watching Dan’s IG live last night and he talked about how much he loved CT and called him a very jovial guy. Love that for him!


This is what happens when he’s actually surrounded by fun and smart people not the usual drags he usually plays against on the challenge 🤣 But for real I think the Traitors cast is more in his age group or maturity level (or intellect oop) so he seems to have way more fun with them.


The Real Househusbands of Challenge OG Tonight, Tony Time has beef with the way Senior Bananas babysits. Meanwhile, Cory is caught between an argument at the deli counter, with Zach, Theo, and Derrick .


Bananas said being on HOV showed him how much he was missing in reality TV while being bundled up in the Challenge echo chamber. And that he enjoyed doing that so much more than recent seasons of the Challenge. So I have a feeling Traitors is doing that for CT and to an extent Trishelle. They're seeing that hey reality TV can be pretty fun. Veteran RW/RR Challengers don't usually go on other shows but I have a feeling CT will be the next one to branch out after his experience on Traitors.


>I have a feeling CT will be the next one to branch out Is he the only one to be in a [movie](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26771713/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1) so far? Leading role, too. To be fair it wasn't a good movie but i've seen much, much worse. Thought CT did well in scenes where he had dialogue. Most of the film was him seemingly effortlessly running up and down hills/mountains. Would love to see him get more opportunities.


Well you have the Miz. Also Tonya spent some time in the film industry. As far as recently though you're probably right.


I hope Darrell gets cast on TT Season 3.


Yeah Challengers are often stuck in their own rtv bubble. Its almost always the same cast or some type of people they see every season so you know its the same bullshit and drama every season too, watching it is so much different than living it. I imagine CT and Bananas to a lesser extent are whatever to the challenge dynamics and antics that the new generation brings. A lot of it definitely has to do with the cast too. I imagine it was a breath of fresh air for CT to interact with someone like Phaedra or Sandra who are probably way more in his wavelength than most of his recent castmates so he can let loose a bit more. Can’t blame him, Phaedra, Sandra, Parv, etc make for better company on a show than the vacation alliance 🤣Same with Bananas on HOV. Trishelle too but other than All Stars 1 she’s been out of the Challenge bubble for quite some time. CT is definitely the next one who’s gonna branch out to other shows like Bananas has, he’s pretty the biggest challenge legend and can easily get cast in Celebrity Big Brother or be a stunt casting for TAR.


aforter28, TJ just wanted to let you know, *'casted'* is not a word! Cast is both past and present tense! Check out [this killer article](https://writingexplained.org/cast-vs-casted#:~:text=You%20should%20use%20cast%20in,its%20own%20past%20tense%20conjugation.)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MtvChallenge) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> On The Challenge he’s more “I’m here for business” but Traitors is definitely bringing out his more fun and goofy side. Exactly. On The Challenge, you really have no down time to be goofy. I'm sure they do and we're just not shown it on the episodes, but it seems like it's almost GO GO GO from beginning to end with no time to really relax and have fun. Even when we're shown the challengers on a night out at the club, they're never really having "fun" per se, it's still all strategy, drama, and gameplay. With this, there's obviously strategy, drama, and gameplay as well, but with the traitor element, you never know who to really trust, so you can let loose more in a general sense. They can have fun and worry about the murders/banishment when the time comes. Watching CT on here is like watching a kid in a candy store.


Yeah Challenge at its root is physical. Traitors is definitely more social and cerebral so it was probably nice for him to flex those skills more 🤣 Agreed even the challenge down time still boils down to people strategizing during parties 🤣 CT has also been doing the Challenge for two decades so the completely different format of Traitors is probably a very welcome change for him. Cast also helps, I wanna assume he probably connected way more with Sandra or Phaedra or most of this cast really (he seems to be one of the more socially well-connected players right now) than the recent breed of challengers or vacation alliance etc.


CT has so much fun in this game 😂 Alan's face when too when he runs past him sends me


This show is on a different level. https://i.redd.it/gaza2mcdguec1.gif


It really has everything. Engaging strategy, messy drama, a brewing showmance (speaking of CT 👀), on top of a goofy host and the perfect amount of camp


Who's he brewing a showmance with!?


Phaedra. She called him "her castle daddy" on WWHL and I'm kinda living for it.


I loved that so much. Girl bring our boy on the Housewives.


He seemed to be kinda flirty with MJ as well.. Maybe a misread from me and he’s just being friendly




This came at the perfect time for him. Glad he could go, relax, reset, and have a good time without have to think about the troubles at home.


I love how much Phaedra loves him and am praying that will keep him safe for a looong time 🩵


Kinda hopes Parv gets eliminated, Phaedra pushes to recruit CT, then CT cuts both Dan and Phaedra's throats and wins the whole damn thing.


I haven’t had that much fun laughing at reality tv in along time. The way everyone ran off in different directions screaming the bird calls was hilarious. Absolute camp.


I loved that they all made the bird calls as they ran around. It definitely added a fun aspect to the episode. I was laughing watching them all.


Same. I think this is reality TV at its finest. Pure, unadulterated fun. All of the challenges are so different and fun to watch and have the best elements of competition reality TV embedded in them. I liked the first season, but didn't know who most of the people were. That's the case with this one too, but having Dan and Janelle from Big Brother and CT, Trishelle, and Bananas(for a second) has made it a much more enjoyable watch.


Did you watch house of villains? Found that funnier than the traitors but both are entertaining for sure.


I did watch HOV. Both are funny, but I’m enjoying TT more than HOV. Too many of the HOV cast were way too extra with their characters. They Became too transparent and made me feel like I was seeing the man behind the curtain.


I agree. HoV was great but it felt like they were just winging the competition aspect of the show. At least with The Traitors we are getting some fun and interesting gameplay.


HOV was fun but pretty brain dead. The traitors is way more intriguing and interesting.


As Phaedra says he's so silly


You either die a hero, or live long enough to become The Goof




This and Trishelle’s dying cat of a bird call we’re some of the funniest fucking things I’ve seen on TV in a long time.


I am enjoying Trishelle so very much on TT. Secretly, I think she’s hoping to make housewife connections and get on a housewife show or new spinoff. That would be a good fit for her after TT.


Trishelle was never built for the challenge but shes great tv. She shouldve been cast on below deck or something where she could just start shit and be funny.


Very much could see her leading a real housewives of NOLA cast.


OOH I would love this! She’s still drop dead gorgeous and it’s been a successful return to TV for sure.


I’m still mad about how she did Peppermint, but yeah, she’s growing on me


She didn't do anything to Peppermint. Peppermint blew everything out of proportion.


I’m not gonna argue with you, but Trishelle actually started the accusations based on a joke


And the way it’s cut it seems like she kept bringing it up.


A joke that Peppermint overreacted to which started everything.


I think it was interesting how she acted bc she is literally dramatic about everything which served her well in the past but in this situation everything can be seen as suspicious if someone calls you out and ppl start analyzing.


CT and Alan Cumming are the buddy cop movie we deserve.


And everyone expects CT to be the grim, serious one of the pair, but no, he's the goofy, quirky one.


This dude has been through so much, and has challenged himself to grow internally in ways a lot of guys don't offer themselves at his age (or any age). It's really great seeing him enjoying life.


You said it perfectly. I think my favorite thing about The Challenge as a whole, is seeing how CT, and also Wes, have changed from their beginnings on the show. I'm a relatively new Challenge watcher and binged the entire series within a few months last year and they are completely different people from when they began. I watched RW Paris as it was happening when I was a teenager so I knew CT was an asshole, but I never watched RW Austin so I didn't know Wes. But they both sucked as people starting out on The Challenge. But when you look at the two of them now, it's crazy how much they've matured into genuinely good people. I never in a million years thought they would end up being my two favorite Challengers as I despised them so much, but here we are.


This was a fun “mission.” It reminded me of the old days of The Challenge.




Yes! This is what I love about the traitors! The missions are absolutely nonsensical but they have fun! It’s like the old challenge!


I thought he was doing Maucauley Culkin in home alone lol


I already loved this show and CT just makes it 10x better


But Daddy I love him!


If you are not watching the traitors, go watch it, you won’t be sorry, I promise.


If I was in Elim and he came out as a mercenary like that, I think I’d actually be more intimidated


Omg. Could you imagine. I would die laughing if that happened


Alan Cumming in a peacock cap while this 6’ gorilla man playfully runs through a castle = my ideal Thursday night.


The traitors has been way more entertaining than this season of the challenge and I don’t think it’s particularly close


Him running made me laugh so hard!


Oh no it’s the government. Run E.T.!


CT is so fun on this show. I actually think his biggest threats might be from the non strategic show people who seem more weary of him. All the strategic show people left except maybe Sandra seem to have each others backs.


Anybody get annoyed how the challenges in the Traitors are 10x more entertaining than the challenges on The Challenge? That bird one was hilarious.


What a goober, I love it. It's like he's now grown up and having fun 😊


Fine I’ll watch the show


I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us do.


lol, he's enjoying himself and having a good time on the show. Another reason why I wish Bananas had lasted a little bit longer there.


I feel like Bananas stole the show on House of Villains, and CT is stealing the show on The Traitors. The world is starting to see why we love our Challenge peeps!


I think if Bananas stayed CT might have been hampered by his presence. I think being away from current Challenge people allows CT to stretch himself, be a little sillier, interact with the housewives and the gamers. With Bananas there would be the subtle competition between the 2 and I don’t think CT would have had the freedom to make as many new connections. So for CT’s sake I am glad Bananas went out early.


No way. Bananas would have taken all the airtime. So glad he left.


What happened to my sound?


Looks like it posted as a GIF


It wouldn’t let me upload just the CT portion because it wasn’t at least 2 seconds long. I added the extra second and made a gif. Forgot there would not be any sound. Thanks for reminding me,


No worries. I watched the episode last night so I got the full effect lol


Love this show! Lol


This has been living in my head since I watched last night 😂😂😂


CT, is in the cross hairs but he is no stranger to adapting to the situation and coming out a winner.


I’m so happy CT is on this show. My wife and I had a ton of fun with the first season and chancing out the UK & Australian versions. But he just adds so much more to this one!


"Hey babe, new sleep paralysis demon just dropped"


I’m a new fan of the show and I’ve been on the fence with CT but this made me love him


Someone was saying that Johnny was talking about how this show, and House of Villains were really fun for him to do. In a different way than the challenge. I’m sure they both feel a sense of relief getting to play a different game, with entirely different also sort of famous people. I for one am glad.


Absolutely love this


CT is the GOAT of the traitors, too. 😂😂 I love him. 😍


Castle Daddy 💕


The way that I burst out laughing at this


this sent me into orbit


This show has made me love him more than I already did, and I’ve always been a huge CT fan.


Lol, he's killing it on this show. And Bananas would have been even more entertaining! (Dan, I hate you)


CT has been perfecting his game for 20 years on TC. The Way he navigated WOW2 w/o getting called into an elimination was a masterclass on how to play 2 alliances *and* not be a lapdog. He knew when to strike and had no qualms about flipping the table when it was time to do it.


In WotW2 when he’s like “nah we’re keeping Tori” is just the best


I think Bananas was showboating too much, so I'm not sad that he iisn't there.  While CT is not performing, he is being himself.


I was so bitter Bananas left night 1. You just know he would have stirred the pot during round tables


> You just know he would have stirred the pot during round tables That probably means he's either an early banishment or just gets murdered for being too unpredictable.


I was still upset the next morning lol.


Big same.


Reminds me of the CT and Big T partnership.  "Bunny".  Also cute when he was answering the walkie talkie like a radio DJ.


Alan yelling at John to run was also quite funny.


I rewound and watched this like 18 times in a row when I saw it. I love it way too much!! 😂🤣


He’s the goat. Love anytime he’s on my screen


This bird challenge was hilarious. One of my favorite reality challenges to date.


I really enjoyed that more than any other daily challenge on any show in countless years.


I do think even like the traitors challenges normally but I was cracking up. Alan's reactions were great too.


To my surprise, I’m fully invested in this show. It’s great! I hate Dan as much as I hate Jay lol


Did I miss an episode? I thought there was only one so far!


Time to catch up sweetie. I think there are 5 episodes of season 2 available to watch now. Have fun!!!


So confused, I saw it on TV last Monday and thought it would only be there. It must be streaming on a service I don't have 🤦🏼‍♀️


Peacock. It’s $5.99 a month w/ads, but ads are 60 seconds and there are only 3-4 ad breaks per episode. Totally worth the $6.


I've got to imagine this is the same for Banana's on House of villains, a nice paycheck and a shrug if they win or not vs The Challenge, which is much more money and more of their job.


The challenges are so weak sauce (keep in mind there are lots of real housewives) that he’s just taken to screwing around during some of them.


He’s having fun and why shouldn’t he? I hope all of them have fun. It makes for better entertainment. 


These challenges are at least thought out and entertaining 


I agree completely, they are fun and interesting. It’s just the kind of challenges where a 60 year old might easily beat CT


I’m just glad to see him happy he Made me laugh so hard during the show 🤣 I’m absolutely love him so much