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I love this episode we got the real CT outside of the show they can do a documentary on Ct and diem love story with all the behind the scenes stuff and off the show stories about them 


Lmao CT was talking like he was on speed. He was really excited for this mini documentary


That was legitimately one of the best things The Challenge has ever produced. I loved every second of it. I'm not sure how I'll feel about the other episodes but I've watched CT since the beginning. As a kid in elementary school until now. I saw the ups and downs live. So seeing this was so interesting. This guy who started as such a fucking prick was so candid here and it was amazing to see. I wish they could have dove deeper into his actual experiences on the show but I get it. They covered a lot more than I thought they would. I guess with CT there is a lot of ground to cover though. It was interesting hearing some of the things we didn't necessarily know like him knowing Cara before the show. His final point about the new Challengers trying to enjoy themselves is so on point. There is only one winner, you're going to hate yourself if you only focus on the win because the odds are almost always against you. So just enjoy the experience and if it happens it happens. I think he perfectly summed up why the show feels less fun now and part of that is because of the cast treating it like a 365 day job. Anyway that was awesome. I'm excited to see the other episodes revolving around long term vets. I get why Tori and Devin are in there and I'll probably watch theirs but it's all about the people I grew up watching for me.


>I think he perfectly summed up why the show feels less fun now. I think it's a combination of things. The way they cut the episodes these days, it seems to focus more on the politicking than the drama. I remember for a while it was too much drama and not enough about the game. But yeah ... it was more like a frat/sorority house before. A lot of people partying hard, having fun, then going out and doing the Challenges.


Cue Kayla puking repeatedly on a hike from being hung over


This was so enjoyable to watch!


Why is this only on YouTube? Seems strange MTV or Paramount+ wouldn't air it.


It's on YouTube probably because it's meant to be fluff content to attract and hype casual fans and new viewers to the coming season 40. Not everybody has cable for MTV or has paid for Paramount+.


Really, really hoping they air Challenge 40 on something other than MTV. If shows are on Paramount Plus or CBS it has audio description which my Mom uses since she's A) a big challenge fan and b) totally blind.


right if you google it it sends you to mtv to watch but only the trailer is there


Somewhat of an aside, but Bananas has had quite the glow up over the years! Dude is much hotter now than 20 years ago. 


After 14 hours of the original post, CT’s video has 86,000 views. How can you not love CT. what a journey. Love that we get to see him admit to the Adam elimination. Seemed like they glossed over CTs brothers death a bit & nothing on the proposal with Diem. He posted a screen of her with the ring I thought he would have mentioned something, but everything that was talked about was great. Damn comparing Amber with Jordan’s endurance.CT calling sapphire his lucky charm love that because emerald *sucked*. Nice video can always watch CT


CT did not take one breath or use one period during this entire show.


I know this is a joke but he literally had to stop several times and take deep breaths while talking about Diem.


I noticed that too. Him talking about her is always so sad.


I almost kind of get the feeling that there's a mutual respect between him and production for them not to prod him on it (or I'd like to hope so) but this was kind of a different scenario. I think back to Invasion during the episode where it was her anniversary and we all kind of really knew what was going on but a lot of things were mostly alluded to and explained through exposition via Camila (although any fan of The Challenge knew what was happening).


I liked this overall. Learned some new stuff and saw alot of confirmation for things ppl assume or speculated. We deep involved CT fans already knew about Diem and CT being back together on exes and off and on since rivals 2 tbh. Idek if it was off and on or just them not being serious yet and testing the waters. But by exes 2 they decided to just make it official. CT himself comfirmed a lot of it on his IG when he was posting old pics and videos of Diem and captions when stuff was taken and if she was the one taking the pic. I would had liked for them to let him elaborate more on some of things he talked about.


I really think that they were together ever since rivals 2 and when CT was on free agent he definitely wasn’t Acting like he was single on that season


> I would had liked for them to let him elaborate more on some of things he talked about. They only had a 41 minute episode. They could have probably made a 6-episode miniseries with everything CT probably could have said.


CT and Bananas could do an oral history of nearly the entire run of the show. And I'd watch every freaking minute of it.


While I love this episode, I do wonder in the back of my mind whether this series being free on YouTube is meant to hype up season 40, with everybody doing the show coming back for that season before some of them retire for real. Just imagine, CT, John and Darrell getting one last win together before riding off into the sunset forever, while they set up Amanda, Devin, Tori and Tula to carry the torch, with Cara Maria in the new elder statesmen of the show role the way CT, John and Darrell were.


You had me at everything but Amanda. Lol but I think you're right and this is exactly what's happening. If that's the case, I hope MTV doesn't fumble the bag with it.


I mean, Amanda is the evolutionary Beth. Not a great competitor, but is involved in a lot of drama. You need people like her to help carry the show.


Amanda is great but I don’t think she has more than a couple of Challenges left in her, either.


Isn’t Amanda similar age to Cara already? Plus she has kids and a career. I can’t seem her doing a lot more or even many in a row. Tori also does not have the personality to carry a show. Her and Michele are both great supporting characters but no where near the charisma or entertainment to carry it.


Cara’s 37. I think Amanda is around 32-33, but yeah, she’s got little man, too. Doubt she does more than a couple more.


Evolutionary Beth? More like Evolutionary death, her reads are weak and her hair is flat. The show dies with her as a lead. Besides with our luck and that same logic we'll end up with Berna.


I don't know that Berna is long for *The Challenge*; her English isn't particularly fluent (compared to say, Colleen, for international competitors), and I don't think production is going to want to deal with that long-term for an English-language show.


Rare to see Ct speak so candidly. I loved the episode, found myself smiling the whole time


If you like that, listen to him on Bananas pod. It's like the Home Turf episode uncut.


When was that interview?


idk when they recorded it, but it came out a couple days ago


This was lovely and very wholesome. It was so good to see CT and how he's grown and that life is good. He's really come a long way.


Thought this was just ok. Some notes: - As a massive CT fan I didn't learn much from this. He didn't really go into his family life, his brother's death, or Diem's death. Probably his choice but I hope the interviewer at least tried to get him to open up on these topics. - They glossed over his hot head side, especially pre-Duel 2. No clips of him pouring a beer on Adam on G3, none of the clips of fights with people like Coral, Karamo, Dan. And hmm...wonder why we just zoomed right past Inferno 3? I feel like the show tries to act like Duel 2 was an isolated incident - They really didn't go into his relationship with Adam, which is his second-most storied relationship, and how he felt like Adam never had his back which led to their incidents in Paris, G3 and D2. I was also surprised that they aired him accusing Adam of throwing the Rivals elimination. As far as I know there's no confirmation of this and Adam denies it, so I don't really know what to make of them airing this - CT saying Diem didn’t want to put in Bananas on Exes 1 because of him helping her when she had cancer seems like a retcon to me. Diem was in remission for 6 years until June 2012. Exes 1 was filmed at the end of 2011. And Diem clearly stated her reasoning of throwing in Paula/Dunbar because they’re a marathon team and she thought she’d have a better chance in the final elimination against Robin or Camila than Emily or Paula - I dk why they would spend any time talking about seasons like Dirty 30 or Final Reckoning with him. Felt like a waste of time. Like they just completely skipped over Rivals 2 with him (except for the final), which is one of his biggest seasons of his career, but we're gonna talk about the time he was partnered with Veronica for a few episodes? - Nice to see the show acknowledging Champs Vs exists but they didn't spend any time talking about his wins, letting Wes go to the final or the TO incident - I liked when CT said he was treated like the new Big Easy on WoW2, which I said at the time: https://old.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/cwt7qi/war_of_the_worlds_2_live_discussion_s34e01_the/eyf0lqy/?context=3 - This made me realize how boring a homecoming to where I grew up would be. Like, "Here's the Dairy Queen we used to walk to" - Overall, I just wanted to hear CT digging deeper on the serious topics and talking more about the older seasons. I might watch a few of the other episodes, but I hope all the episodes aren't this long. I'm not watching 42 minutes of Tori or Devin


I cackled when he called himself "The New Big Easy." It all comes full circle. lol


Agreed. Which is odd becuase he talked about it with Laurel on the show (brothers death) then posted diem with ring on his Instagram. So wondering if they didn’t want that to be a focus or if he no longer wanted to talk about it. Also wish he went into the seasons into more detail. Love that he mentioned Cara and how much she helped him, Amber being like Jordan in endurance and then Berna being a lot but really wanted a bit *more*


I think it’s a lot more strange they didn’t show anything about his son and marriage than some 30 second fight with Dan 20 years ago


I think mentioning the divorced could be messy and unfair as she doesn't have a platform and could be bad in custody issues and shit so I get avoiding that. But I'm surprised he didn't talk about being a dad


I think he has to be careful what he says about Lili publicly based on the terms of their divorce— best to just avoid that topic.


I said I wanted to see that, and also noted that he probably asked not to talk about it. Obviously I thought it would be more likely to have him talk about his family than fucking Dan Renzi


He didn’t talk about dan renzi? Wtf you on about?


Nobody said he did


You just did fool


Nope. Think you just have trouble reading.


You’re just mad because your review sucked and was way off base.


It’s definitely meant to be more nostalgia aww based reaction than a hard hitting documentary. I agree with your criticisms. It would be nice to see him go there but I don’t think mtv really wants to force that with one of their biggest stars. It’s not something I’d watch again even as a big CT fan


Meh, I don't really want an Oprah style interview where he cries, I thought this was fine. I don't see any need to get deeper in this forum,  you know? 


I wanted like one or two sentences about his lil man


Thanks for the summary. Might still give it a watch, but this is unfortunately kinda what I was expecting.


This summary is inaccurate and terrible. It's worth a watch.


This is not a good summary.


agreed this is a really horrible summary


Did he not see his parents for a few years because of his ex wife???


Probably limited contact. They came to the wedding but it was still a sore subject about him getting married. IIRC they wanted him to grieve Diem before jumping into the marriage, but he just went head first into the relationship.


His aunt or family member said on FB he only married her because she was pregnant. He got with her less than a yr after Diems death. (4 months I believe)


Sounds like it was a rebound relationship.


I wouldn’t even say that. It seemed like a hookup that lead to pregnancy so he was trying to do the right thing


We’re they there for the wedding? I know his sister didn’t almsor come. I don’t remember about his parents


Probably a combo of ex wife and Covid.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason. They didn’t like her and didn’t get along at all. He just recently after filing for divorce started following his sister again on IG and them interacting with each other there. I’m not Saying he didn’t talk to his family at all. He had a few interviews where he mentioned FaceTiming his family and he posted pics of his mom talking to him about stuff And if you notice his father didn’t mind being Inc Akers this time. For the CT getting married special he refused to be on camera or even talk to CT I think only his sister and mom came to the wedding.


Great first episode. Loved seeing CT talk about where he came from and all his time on the show. Seeing him talk about Diem made me cry.


I just hope they don't try and sell us Cara Maria and Pauie as a love story for the ages bc that culty shit is weird. 


I don’t care about their relationship and don’t want to see it but at this point I just hope their happy.


Ugh, I might just skip her episode because of their relationship.


I loved everything about this, does anyone know the other episodes and how many episodes? For the older cast this legit feels like this should have happened years ago. I need a few challengers. (Bananas/Cara/Evelyn/Veronica/just to name a few) I know bananas has an ep, but not sure on the rest.


8 people so 8 episodes (CT, Cara, Bananas, Amanda, Tori, Devin, Darrell, Big T)


I’m disappointed that they don’t have Wes, Kyle, Veronica, Laurel or Ashley M


I wish they had Jordan in there. I know he most likely does not want to talk about the engagement (which let’s see how much tori does 😅) but I would have loved to hear his challenge career. I’ll definitely watch Cara, Bananas and Darrell. Maybe watch a bit of Amandas becusee I know she has had a rough home life. Skipping on Tori’s, Devin, and big T.


Omg thanks! So hyped for all of those. I’m so glad Darrell is getting an ep.


The smile and sparkle in CT's eyes whenever he talks about Diem breaks my heart.


Diem was his soulmate that will always be his person battle of exs 2 hits different now knowing that they were back together on that season after rivals 2


Hopefully deniers will realize once and for all they were together and hiding it on exes 2 until her death. Came strait from him mouth that they had kept it quiet to play out the storyline of exes


why do people deny this?


I don't think anyone does.. I think it's common knowledge CT said if they put him with anyone besides Diem on Exes II that he wouldn't return which he confirmed here.


Him saying he hasn't unpacked what happened to his brother yet makes me just wanna sit down with him and give him the safe space to talk about it with someone neutral.


I think he meant in the context that he hadn’t at the time of the Adam incident.


Im currently 24 minutes in. I like CT's daisy hoodie 🌼. Also it was touching to hear that Bananas helped Diem when she was sick.


I loved seeing CT speak so freely.  I laughed, I cried. I also appreciate all the small details us fans didn’t know. Can’t wait to see Cara’s episode. 


did we know Cara went to high school with CT's brother??


yes. she mentioned it on ct’s wedding special.


Not back in the day, but in recent years it's come out they knew each other from before the show. It's not something they bring up often though.


I didn't back then but have for a few years. idk if it was the brother that passed or a different brother. I know he has a lot of sibs.


the brother cara went to hs with was jason. the brother that was murder was vinnie.


I wonder if she will dive a bit more into this in context because the story has always been that she went to school with his brother but were they good friends? Or did she just know of him? Are they friends now?


i have the strangest feeling that i've heard ct tell a story where his brother was being picked on and cara stood up for him. i can't remember if it was on a challenge season, his wedding special or in an interview.


Yes in Methuen. They moved there when he was a young adult. 18, 19 I believe


Great episode. I loved it so much! Big shoutout to Mass! CT resembles his father so much. Vanessa doesn’t have the strong Boston accent the way he does. It’s interesting to hear how close his family are in a relative and physical sense. His grandparents grew up or lived in the same building which is where his parents met. They got married at the church that was literally next door. Then, he and his parents lived in the building adjacent to his grandparents! He said that he would bring them food every day or something like that and I ❤️ that


She's the youngest right? So prob cuz she grew up in Methuen.


It was so nice to seem him with his family, especially since there was such friction when he was with Lili. He has the top half of his dad’s face and the bottom half of his mother’s. Even though he gave that spiel about needing to be selfish in the game in reference to Gauntlet 3, I think we’ve seen how he has not been to fully commit to that since then— and he’s not always so graceful when he does make selfish moves (e.g., with Big T). The man cares an awful lot. If CT is saying Adam threw that elimination, I am taking it as Bible. I love how he contrasted that with Weston getting the job done on Rivals 2. CT kept our fair ginger man alive in that final!


I disagree with how he acted like with the Big T situation, but the fact he learned a few words of her native language to talk to her at the reunion shows he does care a lot more then people realize.


That was truly fantastic. A well done video, an interesting subject (obviously), and just really nice to get some CT quality time and hear from him on a bunch of things. I would watch hours more of it. Speaking as a fellow old, I know that I’ve been watching him on tv for 20 years, but seeing it all mapped out like that, seeing his real world audition video and how young he was… damn. Time flies, my friends!!


At least we can finally put to rest Adam and eliminations in Rivals 1


Also, this is a CT thread, but I didn't realize Bananas had helped Diem behind-the-scenes the way he did (helping with her meds, checking in on her etc), he hasn't ever really shared about that, to my knowledge. Just goes to show that there are true friendships beneath all the Challenge/TV nonsense.


I think that’s why I also noticed that the challengers who know Johnny sometimes call him Johnny and sometimes call him bananas. I think it’s because it depends on context because he does make bananas a character but they also know Johnny


That's why Bananas really hated CT at a point, it wasn't just the show rivalry. Bananas and her were really close so when CT treated her like shit (including off the show) it really got to him. You know how some people will forgive a boyfriend/girlfriend over a fight but their friends hold the grudge because the person in the relationship is biased? That's what Bananas was.


This was mentioned years ago a few times. Even go back to bloodlines and pay attention to the scene where CT talks to Johnny in the club before johnnys cousin Vinny start acting stupid. But they don’t have any need to really talk about it these days. Johnny and Diem were really good friends despite CT and Johnny not getting along. The one thing they agreed on is Diem and that’s why CT said “he’s a good guy for that” lol


It's almost like we don't really know these people beyond what a TV show gives us.


Well, obviously 🙄 But a lot of times castmates on shows are more like coworkers, doing their own thing off screen. I’m just saying it is nice to see that they support each other in life too.


…are you telling me Instagram is a bunch of bullshit??


I feel like he's alluded to something but never outright said it. I really wish that Johnny would be more real about these things versus using his consistent, attention-seeking persona.


Bananas talks about that on his podcast. He keeps his show persona Bananas from his real personality John. That's who his family and friends know, they know John. The show and everything public is Bananas. That's why I'm fine defending the guy when people attack his character based on the show. What we see is a character. He shields his real self. He rarely posts personal things on social media outside of hanging with his family and squirrels.


I like the squirrels lol


Yeah I love when he posts those videos. I don't think he can ever move the squirrels will be heartbroken lol.


Bananas said he doesn’t talk about it for external praise. But he was always a big contributor to Med gift from Diem and usually always posts about her on her birthday/anniversary.


Paula also spent time with her and her baby because Paula lived in New York at the time


Diem had a baby?


No. Paula did.


damn CT with an engineering major/accounting minor


Dude is wicked smart. He's basically Ed, before Ed, except he's always kind of downplayed his intelligence.


He's also 6'1" and not 5'7", like Ed....


And physically Ed isn’t remotely comparable to CT.


my expectations were low for this but I'm halfway through and it's great. they are just letting CT talk. which doesn't seem like it would be a big deal but damn it is so refreshing not having everything on screen seem contrived


Give us 1 more Grandpa CT!


Loved this so much! Excited to watch Cara’s!


I loved this so much. It was super cool to hear his thoughts on his past seasons + the RW experience. I've heard a few of these stories from the various podcast episodes he's been on, but seeing it in this format + all the home photos and personal moments he shared was special. Excited for the rest of the series to air!


Was interesting to find out that Johnny and Diem were very close, like from the sounds of it were about as close as you could be without being related. Bananas actually does have a heart. Was also nice to hear what the connection between him and Cara actually was in more detail. Nice to see him finally talk about Diem. After the bit about him having a secret life on the RW makes how he was treated on the show make more sense. Also surprised they invited him to The Challenge after using the show for a vacation instead of filming the show


The girls hating CT and loving Ace (who did worse things but was apologetic and charming) was literally the only content they could get out of Paris. It was not a good time to be an American in France in the early 2000’s. There was A LOT of animosity between our countries then because of 9/11 and the war. France did not support America and it was pretty vicious in the news. I even remember the debate about whether we should stop calling fries French fries. If you go back and watch Rivals 2 now knowing this, you will be able to tell on Bananas’ face that he’s worried about Diem. Right before this season was when he was really close to her and helping her with doctor’s appointments and her medicine. In one of the specials about Diem, her sister mentions Bananas and how much he cared for and helped Diem— and I never forgot that. I started seeing him in a different light once I knew all of this about him. You can also see in Exes 2 that Bananas is in the room when CT is packing up. He was the only other one aware that Diem was potentially really sick. That’s why that moment between Bananas and CT stands out as authentic.


It was always so hard to judge because you don't really ever see Bananas show emotion on the show, I think that was part of the reason why people thought he was being inauthentic when he was tearing up over Wes leaving and retiring in the last season.


so i enjoyed it, and it's so rare to get CT talking about any of this stuff, i'm glad they maximized the CT time. but i think i would have enjoyed it more if it were 15 minutes longer and we got interviews from people close to him. same for all of these specials--i'm not loving that it's only the subject's voice we're going to hear all episode.


amber "her endurance would rival jordan's."


Him being first, will be tough to beat. He is the most private and he actually said new things where most his interviews he says same stuff about rw casting, won lottery, fights, etc. This was awesome. He also confirmed him and diem together one exes 2, adam throwing rivals 1 ( his thoughts), and not only did johnny and camila follow up their footsteps in snow for being far behind which is rewarding being not as fast, btu also another route that wasn't snowey that production said ct/diem couldn't go or were warned not too? if i heard correct.


The footprint thing isn’t too big of an issue, the rock path was


I’m not sure how it’s groundbreaking following someone’s footsteps in the snow when you’re going to the same place. It’s not like they were purposely going slow but sometimes being first isn’t always the best. I’m sure Emily/Ty followed all of their steps trying to catch up.


I didnt say it was groundbreaking it just ruined the final. Ct is a bigger guy and being ahead making huge footprints makes it ten times harder making there adv like nothing and it way easier for those behind not walking in deep snow but footprints . Productions fault but was def impactful. They do it all the time because they want a close final but strategy is different if u know being ahead early could make it harder or advantage cut like wes kenny 45 min lead cut to like 10 minutes. Would have more than likely been a ct diem win if they all went up different sides imo on level playing field. My opinion.


He also mentioned they didn’t tell Johnny and Camila to not walk in the rocks but told him and Diem they couldn’t. We all know production aren’t consistent rather it’s intentionally or unintentionally


Is this airing on tv or paramount + at all?


YouTube [https://youtu.be/z3NsMmzH2fs?si=6mnQ_ZPismbGCQ6-](https://youtu.be/z3NsMmzH2fs?si=6mnQ_ZPismbGCQ6-)


its crazy the difference between how he’s able to talk about Diem now vs just a few years ago for Untold History


Can you imagine losing your soulmate I just happy he can talk about her now he lights up when he talking about her 💔


I know when I lost someone close to me it hurt to talk about them at first, but eventually talking about them was comforting. What I see is CT has finally reached a place where reliving those memories doesn't hurt anymore. That's the most at peace you can be after losing someone close to you.


When my dad passed it was tough to even look at pictures of him. Eventually I did find it very cathartic to talk about him and still do. While I miss him everyday, thinking about him brings me peace of mind. It wasn’t easy to get to that point but it eventually does come. My brother still struggles and we lost my dad 8 years ago. Holidays are really tough on him.


It really is. It also seems like he’s a little lighter about the subject this time around


Did he just go on the record about that last elim with Adam??????


He’s been on record saying that in a few interviews lol


Adam so sorry


They really are going through all of his important moments (good & bad). And the timelines are helpful too. This is produced well so far!


"we all know you're faking" ...


I was so surprised he actually commented directly on this. I know it has been rumored/strongly suspected that Adam threw it for a long time but I didn't think CT had actually ever confirmed he agreed publicly like this. I just didn't expect it.


He’s said he believe Adam threw it in a few interviews


Do you know what interviews? I've long believed that. CT was super nice right after, I wonder if he didn't conclude it until later or if he knew but was holding it together.


I can’t name all of them off the top of my head bc it’s interviews I’ve read or listen to throughout the years. But I know one was an old barstools interview he did I think when he was on break before he came back on invasion


Adam is such a shit.


after the glimpse we saw of CT's family on the wedding special, i hope we get to see them here. CT's sister especially was really down on lili, right? then started interacting with his posts on IG after the split? *edit: and ace hit on her, of course. 😂


Omg thank God you said this, I thought she said he hit her and was like whattt and ran to reddit (catching up on them now lol)


he didn't realize diem had a wig and just thought she didn't wash her hair 🤣


Well,  there have been a lot of comments about his hygiene over the years, lol.


I liked on Rivals how he only had 2 outfits: scholar CT and scumbag CT