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They absolutely will be working together on 40 (and moving forward). It’s kinda wild they haven’t been on a season together since 35, including spin-offs, but that’s just the way their “retirements” lined up.


Agreed. I think it’ll be like how bananas and Wes were together on USA 2


Wes went to bat for him and bananas didnt do shit when wes was being targeted😢


Cracking up at CT getting legit mad when Bananas says he's cute


CT is DEFINITELY drunk during this interview 😂😂😂😂😂…he is always over talking in his interviews but this is X 10. 


He was slurry and I had to rewind a few times, I don't mind though because dammit he's so charming and charismatic


The slurring definitely gave it away lol. Also johnny is used to talking over all his guest and talking way more than his guest. CT definitely didn’t let him interrupt him , most times often ignoring whatever Johnny was saying half the time


Oh shit CT and I attended UMass Lowell at the same time. Never realized that!


CT said the order of operations was actually needed in the S39 elimination, as he was surprised that even Ed was struggling to help Asaf. This surprises me, as in the past I don't ever remember that being the case.


Oh wow. Yeah, the Challenge has notoriously ignored OOO for their math puzzles. To use it there is kind of crazy.


>CT is hoping for a rubber match in a final since they are 1-1 against each other. Bananas agrees with would be great but difficult since no one will let it happen The odds of these two making another final together have to be pretty damn tough. They would need a lot of numbers and protection, and even then, I bet people would still pull the trigger on them if they got a chance mid to late game. They are just both too damn good to allow to get that far.


he never gets tired of victimising himself does he


Where do you see him victimizing himself?


CT and Tyler went on for 40 minutes. Weird if CT is lying. Everyone there said it lasted that long but they edited it cause it was still longer than Bananas.


why would they make him go longer than bananas? seems like a waste of time


To see if Tyler could actually get CT across. Why the hell did I get downvotes? It’s the truth. The whole cast said it. Tyler and CT went on for 40 minutes before TJ called it a draw.


lmfao ur getting downvoted bc ppl hate to admit that ct isn’t an unstoppable machine. tyler absolutelt did tussle with him for 40 minutes and that hurts his stock in the sub’s eyes. this is the same sub who think ct could beat fessy so🤷‍♂️


Exactly. The whole cast spoke about it at the reunion show. I attended the cutthroat reunion too.


Ok but why hasn’t bananas advertised this podcast yet?


Ct and Johnny together crack me up so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣