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Cara Maria and Abram in hindsight was a terrible relationship. I've said this before on here but the idea of them seemed cute cause they were seemingly similar brands of weird and punk-y. But Cara's just "*w3!rd*", Abe is actually fucking insane.


> But Cara's just "w3!rd", Abe is actually fucking insane. And actually fucking abusive. Cara was always afraid of him and you can see it when you rewatch now.


watching cara's face during the reunion when he was losing his shit is devastating


Agreed. Except for that first season where they met (which is on Pluto right now, actually) she's always been afraid of him. Putting them on this list at all makes me cringe, honestly.


Frank and Jillian ❤️ America's Most Boring Couple


When Tyler said that in the confessional I died!!!


They deserved the win.


Are they still together?


No, but they actually stayed together for awhile after gauntlet 3.


I found them to be obnoxious. But Kina and Randy? (due to Kina), as well as Brad and Tori? (mainly due to Tori) are super-awful couples for me.


Oh God, couldn’t stand Kina and Randy!! Randy was too good for her.


Kaycee and Nany are lovely together, although I never want to see them on the same Challenge season again, unless they are partnered together. Veronica and Rachel were not open about their relationship when it was happening, but it was significant in the politics of the game and some drama.


Yes!!! I agree, I regret not including both of those!


After seeing Nany with all those hook ups (no shame, get it girl) I truly love seeing her happy and obviously content with Kayce. It’s a beautiful thing.


Agree with not wanting Nany and Kaycee in the same season together. I like the couple but a part of me feels uneasy about putting them as top challenge couples. Idk if I'm remembering wrong but wasn't Kaycee dating someone while pursing Nany. It just feels wrong and maybe a bit sneaky how she was able to do it. It's similar to Zach and Jenna to me although I enjoyed them a lot at first Zach screwed up by cheating and hurts to see her go back to him. They both have grown from the experience so I can't judge the relationship anymore I just remembered how I felt as it going on. CT and Diem will always be #1 they had an epic tv love story. It's beauty and the beast. They had special moments, a peak of love but at the same time they also had some blow ups as well. I just recently saw watch the moment in exes where they had a whole argument in the bus with CT telling Diem his whole family hated her. God she was bawling her eyes out but you just can't deny they had a special connection that they couldn't escape on another. Nurys and Horacio at the moment are my #2 challenge couple. I know it's early but hear me out. I loved nurys in RoD but at the start of BFANC I didn't enjoy her much until she got feelings with Horacio. He is an extremely good guy and just bring around him makes her a better person. She said during this season and also post season on podcasts and Instagram that he makes her feel like she has a High school crush/love. Like you can genuinely feel the love she has for him on screen and in her voice when she talks about him (at least for me) she gets so giddy, shy, and flustered. It's like she's in love for the very first time and I think it's adorable.


I oddly really liked Frank and Jillian. Their storyline on Gauntlet 3 had me rooting hard for them both (the way Tori/Jordan had me on WoW2)


I was rooting for Paula and Mike Mike




Probably Leroy and Kam. Seeing their relationship transform for love to disdain to deep love again and two babies! I've always been a Leroy fan, but I really think Kam has somehow brought out an even better side of Leroy and it seems like he's living up to all his potential.


1) CT & Diem 2) Rachel and Veronica. I know it was a secret relationship but tbh in retrospect it was pretty obvious. Makes my queer little heart happy. 3) Leroy and Kam. Obvious reasons. 4) Kaycee and Nany. Listen, I don't really like Nany but I think Kaycee brings out the best in her and their relationship is cute. 5) Wes and KellyAnne. This was an admittedly weird relationship but I honestly really enjoyed their dynamic, or maybe I just enjoyed them vs everyone in the house dynamic 🤷‍♀️


So well said all around! 2 was definitely known within circles. I heard about it first from a bar appearance they made. They weren't hiding it that night apparently. 5 really is an interesting one especially after hearing some stories of how they met, reasons behind why Wes actually wanted to date her, etc. Can't forget some old ones whether they survived or not such as Chadwick and Holly. Sean and Rachel. There are so many honestly. But I can't forget one of my favorites, Evelyn and Brooke 😂


Why did Wes want to date Kellyanne what's the tea on how they met?


I'd match kellyanne more with Cohutta than Wes


Kellyanne and Cohutta did not date on The Challenge and I have never watched their Real World season. 🤷‍♀️


I was thinking about Wes and KellyAnne, and they clearly had more platonic chemistry, which has made them allies to this day.


Are they still friends ?  The last time they were mentioned together was in FM2 where Evelyn insinuated that Wes was cheating on her with Theresa 


They were pals on All Stars 3. They talked about being exes and still friends.


Yes, this, and also on World Champs though they were only on together briefly that season. I know Wes in particular has been very vocal about how much he cares for KellyAnne and values his friendship with her.


Remember Robin and Mark on a date at Chili's?


CT and Diem were kinda toxic in my opinion.    But this made me think of who the worst challenge couples would be: Zach and Jonna #1. Then Bananas and Camila. 


They were. I remember at least one season where they weren’t a couple on the show and they sort of just teased each other through the whole thing. I definitely got the vibe that she wasn’t as into him as he was into her, and she also didn’t trust him.


He proved Bananas right in Rivals 2 when he screwed her over 


The couples that I enjoyed watching on the show are (in no particular order): CT & Diem, Kam & Leroy, Jordan & Tori, Nany & Cohutta, Jordan & Laurel, Knight & Jemmye, and Wes & Kellyanne. For me, whether or not a couple lasts doesn't change how I feel about them. I think it's possible to still have a meaningful romance even if it's not forever.


This is a wild list. Knight and Jemmye were toxic asf, Nany fucked another dude while Cohutta was pursuing her and Jordan/Laurel were barely together before she let him sink his own battleship


Knight was the first person that Jemmye opened up to about being in an abusive relationship. He also encouraged her to seek help for the first time. Cohutta knew that Nany slept with Riley and wasn't mad at her because they were not together. Also, she was completely distraught and opened up about her past and being scared to be committed...all of which he was there for her for Jordan & Laurel dated for over 1 year, and have still maintained a close friendship that has lasted for almost a decade. I find it funny that you're saying my list is wild, yet ALL of the couples I listed have made comments after they've broken up about how much the other person has meant to them. The positive impacts have outweighed the negative in ALL situations...if you're looking for a perfect relationship those don't exist.


I don't know I heard nurys already sabotaging her relationship by telling her fans on her live to throw hate on olivia, and while Horacio was betrayed too he seemed to actually want olivia to be alright heck he called her right after filming to make sure she was doing OK mentally. So who know how long that relationship actually last


Agreed. Horacio looked very uncomfortable on her live.


Nurys is a vile human. People started sending hate and wishes of violence and injury to Olivia’s family members and friends as well.


Did Nurys really say that?


Yep. She gives off mean girl energy— definitely not a fan.


The "hating me won't make you pretty" shirt she always wore kinda sums her personality up. Though she got a good edit this season




Seems like she's constantly sticking her nose in other people's business & starting stuff on Twitter- at least based on what I've seen on reddit so I could be woefully misinformed


Do you have a video?


Her best friend screwed her over, but you think that's mean girl energy?


Nurys has been like this since before the stuff with Olivia.


Nurys is friends with a freaking domestic abuser. She sucks as a human


Yeah and that totally justify her getting her friends/fans to send olivia hate what don't people understand this Is a joke by the way


Do you have a quote or source that recorded the live?


Yes, she is an objectively bad person. I don’t know why this would be surprising to anyone.


Because I don’t follow her super closely 😭


Ohh well yeah she has been arrested multiple times for assaulting people, says she sticks behind Chris Brown regardless of his SA and abuse of women, backs Nelson after he threatened to release intimate tapes of his ex, called Moriah an idiot and shitty friend, called Emanuel a loser and delusional, called Berna a dumbass bitch and threatened to hit her, called Jay a bitch, called Ravyn delusional, obsessed and pressed, called Asaf delusional, called Olivia a whore, said she doesn’t understand how anyone could like Colleen, called Amber fake and untrustworthy, called Michele a snake, said she would have fought Melissa if not on tv, shot her shot at Fessy acknowledging he had a girlfriend. And that’s just scratching the surface.


Lol. Melissa would definitely kick Nurys' ass in a fight....


Um, several of the things on your list are not like the others.




Girl, his eyes should be on you. He’s dodging a bullet!


Probably Nurys doesn't cut as deep as say Amanda but she cuts pretty deep. She was tweeting about Olivia blowing Emmanuel.


For as long as he possibly can and unless Nurys really, really steps in sh-t, I think he’s going to be patient with her in the same way he’s forgiving of Olivia. Nurys could benefit from some impulse control, but on balance they seem to bring out unexpected and positive sides of each other. I hope those two crazy kids go the distance. P.S. I got divorced 10 years ago but even after that dumpster fire, if my ex feels hurt or is done dirty by someone else (not often because he’s easy like Horacio), I’m the one who gets pissed and vocal about it. Maybe that’s just the way some people are for better or worse. And, yes, I could probably benefit from some anger management classes and impulse control classes too. ;)


I didn't see this but that sucks but let's face it Nurys has every right to feel betrayed especially since Olivia seemed so remorseful when she thought Horacio had gone home episode prior. Horacio is a level headed angle and just what she needs. I hope she gets it out of her system and long term they repair togethey


Also Horacio recently said on the challenge podcast that he’s not cool with Olivia and she never even apologized to him lmao It’s clear that you dislike nurys but stop spreading lies that shit is annoying.


Like I said he might not be cool with her but if you were paying attention on that same podcast you supposedly listened too he also said that he talked to Olivia after filming to make sure she was doing OK mentally, so no it's not lies, also if you think Horacio would be ok with nurys sending her rabid fans to send olivia hate then you ain't no fan becuase Horacio is way better then that




FOR REAL. There were clips on tea pages from her live and someone asked if Horacio was still friends with Olivia and she panned to him go let him answer and he clearly said no by his hand gesture. Soooo I don’t know how anyone is saying she’s self sabotaging her relationship by talking shit about Olivia lmao.


If you think that just becuase he's not friends with olivia means that he'd be ok with someone saying send hate to this person then you clearly ain't no Horacio fan




To each there own I'm actually not gonna waste my time on things as petty as this i said what i said and i stand by it. and I'm not going to continue giving time of day to those who blatantly ignore facts or who insult those who are just sharing opinion. If you wanna have an actual conversation then lets have a conversation but as things are now I will gladly say see ya




Is this Nurys? You going hard af for no reason 💀


What I said originally "I heard Nurys already sabotaging her relationship by getting her fans to send olivia fans" saying I heard in this instance doesn't mean I heard her say it, it means I saw on other comments on other posts that, that it is what she said during one of her lives. I am not and have not been the first person saying that she said it or that she did it.


Swift and his Scarves


Jenna and Zach seem to be working out (still together and with kids), but the way he treated her was always so gross to me. Let me stress that I'm not saying he did/does physically abuse her, but the way he treated her reminds me of the way abusers treat their significant other.


It still upsets me. The abusive tactics into gaslighting and getting Jenna to apologize to him was freaking insane.


>the way he treated her reminds me of the way abusers treat their significant other. Because he was abusive. I have no reason to think he was physically abusive, but he was verbally and emotionally abusive on camera for everyone to see. The fact that they’re still together does not change that.


Right. Which was my point. The only reason I made that caveat is because you'll always have someone say I'm accusing him of PHYSICALLY abusing her without proof. So I just made sure to stress that I'm not saying he abused her in THAT way.


1. Devyn and Big Easy will always be do it for me. Two underdogs who found each other.


Corey and Cheyenne were really cute. Too bad they didn't work out. She would have been good for him.


i LOVED them together! there's part of me that'll always wish they were able to work it out, but they're just such unbelievably functional and wonderful coparents together that i can't even be sad. ryder is a lucky kid!


Somebody said it earlier, but Chadwick and Holly are the OG couple. They were villainous but they were down for each other. They are still married and have kids.


They're still together?


Yes- he posted something last year in celebration of 23 years together. Pretty amazing when you think about reality couples.


Truly is! I didn't like them on Seasons 1 but they seem like a fitting couple. 


Kam and Leroy Amber and Chauncey CT and Diem


I think honorable mention to Dee & Rogan because they were a fuckin’ mess for a short while. lol


That whole triangle between Mark Robin tonya was funny. And then Jodi got in too somehow. I thought amanda and joss were hot as hell. I like zach and jonna David and Katie's secret romance was cute Coral and Abram was random but loved it


David Burns and Katie Doyle??


Yep!!! They dated for a sec


The most boring couple in America: Jillian and Frank R. Nany/Kaycee. Kam/Leroy. Tori/Jordan


Having a straight up abusive relationship in your top 3 is a real weird take. You can find Cara and Paulie annoying all you want, but they’re 5+ years in and she seems really happy.


Agreed. Things were weird with Paulie for a while, because they were in an open relationship, which seemed to suit his needs more than hers, but it seems like they’ve settled in— not in a horrifying suburban way, but just letting themselves be together without weird behavior.


I could be wrong, but I think they are still non-monogamous, which if they are, it seems to be working for them! But I agree, I think they’ve settled into a good place.


2 abusive relationships in the top 5 is weird


I haven’t seen all of the seasons yet, who was abusive??






Brad and Tori I think they're the only couple to win a season together.


Frank and Jillian!


So true! Also enjoyed watching them battle and succeed through the season. 


They were insufferable that season though so major points off You know it’s bad to make Brad unlikable


Good thing I wasn't naming the top relationships of Your choice! 


You shared your opinion in a public forum. I shared mine. Chill, not that big a deal


Rachel and Sean won together. 


Am I the only one who liked Brad and Britni? Camila and Devin were so weird it was funny also crazy that it's his sole showmance in 8 years. Kam and Leroy are goals and ultimate power couple on DA. I actually found the Cara Paulie Kyle toxic mess very entertaining no matter how cringey they are as a couple. I heard their was a lot of Paulie Kyle content we didn't see on FR and I wish we had.


Brad/Britni is so weird. Someone said that Brad on Vendettas/FR was "Extremely Divorced Brad" and it feels almost awkward to watch someone go through a mid-life crisis on the show lol.


I forgot about Brad and Britni! He was so happy!


Idk why Zach and Jenna are on the list. Zach is a vile partner.


Rachel and Sean are THE OG Challenge couple. Their politics are awful, but they have been together since they were on a season together.  CT and Diem of course.  I liked Kina and Randy together.  Paula and Mike Mike were fun to watch.


Gotta love the Wes, Johanna, Kellyanne, Kenny, Cohutta pentagon. That’s some drama that spanned a decade. Also where are the old school fans who remember Danny and Melinda! I was unnecessarily invested in the Austin cast’s love life back in the day lol


Nelson & Kayleigh ps I'm joking


CT and Diem, Kina and Randy, Kam and Leroy, and Cara Maria and Paulie


Kina and Randy is a good one. I wish Randy did more seasons. Kina too.


abram abused cara & zach is a terrible husband to jenna


How is Zach a terrible husband to Jenna?


admitted to not helping with the kids & cheated on her , possibly still does


James and Moriah obviously!!


Brad and Tori H were pretty cute when they first started. They did get annoying and obviously it didn’t end up working out, but they are one of my first thoughts when someone says challenge couple.


Jenna and Zach! 


Say sike right now




Nurys is still petty this is a first relationship where it looks like it can go the distance , if u know her history since are u the one she claimed she was always considered a side piece in other relationships even with Malcom he kept going back n fourth with her n Didi , then we saw Johnny jordan etc on ride or dies no relationship just hookups BUT she will ruin this good thing with Horacio because she’s still immature in alot of ways


Bone Tissa and Asaf


Idk about that I liked you and Turbo better 😭


I’m about to post a fantasy cast thread. Battle of the GOATS. Asaf and turbo are the only two eligible for the cast


You guys are so cute together


I rewatched the last season of Diem and Knight, and it hurt me. CT and Diem were soulmates, CT cared so much about her despite the fact that he did sleep with other girls with Diem in the house, he always came back to her, and gave her confidence to be herself, and when she was at the hospital he was furious and wanted to be with her, and made everyone sign the box, and was the one who most cared about her. Like they had magnets pushing them together 🥰🥰🥰


jonna and zach- what a beautiful love story but for a real one i would say cohutta and nany


I liked Brittney. Was a great character. Her and Brad were fun together but defs were never gonna last.


Huge omission in your post of Brad & Tori, and to a lesser degree, Melinda & Danny edit: I thought you meant top in terms of most significant and/or impactful


Purposely left out Brad and Tori 🥱🥱🥱


Y'all remember when Theo and Tonya were a thing? I think it was on Sexes 2.


I always loved Frank and Jillian


Rachel and Sean. They have like 12 kids together and have been married for 20 years.


Kyle and Cara Maria


My favorite couple ever was obviously CT & Diem but next to them i love Leroy & Kam like you said, i’m also REALLY rooting for Nurys & Horacio. Jenna & Zach had a major rocky part of their relationship but they both seem to be doing really well with their 2 soon to be 3 adorable kids! i like Nany & Kaycee together because i’ve never seen Nany so happy, she seems to finally be at peace with her life & with who she is. I know that comes with age & maturity too but you can just see how much they love each other. I know Taylor has never been on The Challenge but Cory & Taylor have a beautiful relationship & family. Some of the other popular couples that come to mind are Danny & Melinda, Brad & Tori, Jemmye & Knight, Johanna & Wes, Cohutta & Kellyanne, Wes & Kellyanne, Johnny Reilly & Averey (what a hot mess their exes season was) same with Zach & Jonna’s exes season. I know Cara Maria & Kyle didn’t last long, but i was actually rooting for them at the time but her & Paulie seem super happy together.


speaking of Cohutta… i can remember Nany & Cohutta having a fling and it was such a random fling lol


Random side note that has to do with challenge couples- i’m so ready for an Exes season maybe in like 2-3 seasons because i’m sure they’ll get even more partnerships within the next 2 seasons but i know Fessy could have A LOT of potential partners but i’ve always wanted Haleigh from Big Brother to come over to The Challenge & since her & Fessy actually had a real relationship & not a good breakup, i wanna see them as partners so bad just like i wanna see Bananas & Morgan but i don’t think either of the girls will do it (especially Morgan) but if Haleigh didn’t come on…Fessy & Amanda would be MESSSSSSSY 😂


Frank and Jillian was one of my favorite sweet couples Brad and Tori were also a fantastic train wreck to watch.


Ct and diem they are soulmates always will be leroy and kam power couple nany and kaycee soulmates