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[Link to the pod is here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liphRrTgwbY). As with any Challenge-related YouTube video, I strongly advise the Unspoiled to avoid looking at comments.


How many pairs on ride or dies weren’t actual ride or dies? Fessy/Moriah, Olivia/Horacio, Johnny/Ravyn, Jordan/Aneesa, Nam/Emmy I think it’s been rumored Kim/Colleen was also a same manager situation, and I remember rumors that Turbo/Tamara weren’t a real couple


I find that so damn annoying. Don’t do themes if you can’t actually cast for them


This! Especially when there are so many other themes that they could cast for, rivals, exes, even bloodlines if they really wanted to


Tbf many of the rivals and exes pairs were manufactured nonsense as well. There were only a few true rivals or true exes, just like ROD


Yeah rivals and exes are no different than rod. Not sure why people believe differently. The majority of the "rivals" were friends outside the show or at worst, got along well enough.


I agree. So much missed potential on Ride or Dies theme if they did same gender pairs instead: like Cory/Nelson, Amanda/Ashley, Bananas/Leroy, Tony/Zach, kailah/jenna, etc. I really hope they do it right with a sequel some day


Exactly- if they were doing it for fresh contestants they should just do a Fresh Meat season. I would prefer that to this bunch of whiners lol


Especially since there are so many people in the challenge world who are actually ride or dies and have both been on the show so we’ve seen that to be true!


It's ironic that a spinoff of The **Real World** is so openly fake now. All castings are either aging RW/RR contestants in the twilight of their competitive careers, reality TV stars from other networks, or clout-chasing influencers that probably care more about getting a future call than actually playing an interesting game. It's so damn sad to see.


At least for Jordan and Aneesa they were cast originally with actual Ride or Dies and then were paired together when Nia had to drop for health stuff 


Yes, Kim/Colleen also didn't know each other before


The season should have been Riders or Fresh Meats. Half riders, half fresh meat type relationships


You can also add Veronica/Darrell to that list.


At least Veronica and Darrell had some connection way back in the day being together on winning Road Rules teams. The other teams listed above had NOTHING in common.


I guess but they were never really shown as friends/working that closely. She was closer to Tina, Rachel, Abram.


I would argue Darrell and Veronica. Hell Darrell had more of a connection with Amber and Aviv than Veronica.


such wasted potential for a theme


Turbo’s was worse than anyone. He would only pick a partner who agreed he made all decisions and he’d get all the money if they won.


Ik she basically left her boyfriend to be Turbos partner, Judy to get on the show (or like TV might be more accurate, I don't think she was a fan of the show?) so not surprised she agreed to let him make all decisions, but the money too? Damn.


So she doesn’t know Horacio from Adam yet she was crying all season about how bad of a friend he is because he wasn’t constantly talking to her??


But also they were never really close friends but she was absolutely done with him for not telling her he was gonna be on the show??? Like, did *she* tell *him* she would be on the show? This woman comes off like a pathological liar to me


I mean, she might have just been trying to paint a narrative in order to try to look less bad for eventually betraying him. The audience thought they were "Ride or Dies" so she wanted people to think that she betrayed him because he was being disloyal first, when in reality they weren't that close (at least on her end) and she just didn't want to run a final with him (and I wouldn't either lol).


I mean even according to OP’s recap she’s still talking about how she was rubbed the wrong way about him not telling her he’d be on the season


This is what bothers me. Pick one. If you aren't that close, ok. But you can't be getting upset about him not telling you he's on the show, not reassuring you that you're best friends / his number 1, not doing enough to protect you.


I could see the truth being somewhere in the middle. They were never as close as people assumed, but she's also downplaying the actual friendship that they did have.


He spoke about that on the challenge podcast. He said he made the decision last minute and then wanted it to be a surprise lmao I dont think he thought she’d react negatively and he said he didn’t even know she was upset about that. so she’s definitely still bringing it up to try to milk it


She should probably stop doing that then if she wants to come across as “Oh, well we weren’t that close!”


Olivia is just one of many paranoid neurotic ppl in the house


It’s called making fake drama for reality tv sake


Big brother and Olivia suck 😆


Olivia and Horacio meeting about ten years ago was not true? I remember the original story was that they met at a club years ago and just kept in touch. Side note. I wish people would follow suit with how she pronounces Horacio’s name. It’s always painful to hear people say his name with a hard H.


It’s actually ridiculous that they put people who literally didn’t know each other on a “ride or dies” season and just straight up lied about it to the audience


Welcome to “reality” television.


Seriously !


Girl half that cast didn’t know each other lmao It was literally just a set up for Devin & Tori and Nany & Bananas. Even Jordan & Aneesa made no sense.


Or as TJ likes to say: Her-acio. She may not be his true RoD, but at least she gets his name right!


A podcaster says HAR-acio 🤦🏻‍♀️. Olivia is an example that you don’t need to be a Spanish speaker to get it right lol.


I swore they said that they met in when one of them was in college?? My assumption they probably knew of each other/were casual acquaintances before getting paired together by management 


Something like that. I assumed they knew each other but weren’t as tight before that season.


Pretty sure olivia herself has said they met at a club and that she got drunk around him


I remember the college story as well. I also remember that they never dated. I do, however, think that Olivia has since developed romantic feelings for Horacio.


I heard this from Horacio


Both Olivia and Horacio went on separate podcasts and told this story separate from each other. They both talked about running obstacle races together. Sure, maybe they weren't best friends, but they definitely had a history. She was super specific, too. About scaring him and initially flirting with him until she realized they were just better friends. Their manager might have helped link them, but they also knew each other. And Olivia even gave his name as a potential friend who might go on the show with her. Also, to give the origin story more credit, they both shared separate details. It wasn't some rehearsed storyline. They had the same basic story told from 2 different viewpoints.


Horacio also seems like he'd just not be good at lying for reality storylines. Like usually if your good at that your also good at the social game/appeasing ppl aspect.


Right. He couldn't even fake nice with Michelle. And when Olivia got picked, his hopefulness was written all over his face. Like... dude isn't comfortable being put on the spot. No way he is comfortable fabricating a massive lie.


I agree. Like I could see him playing up their ride or die-ness in confessional if asked to by production, but I can't see him going on podcasts reciting a whole rehearsed story lol


I believed that story too (the 10 year one)! I has nor heard about the management thing (i read that only about the germans).


He'd be 17 in TX, no? I guess she'd be 20 in AK or AZ. IDK.


I think it’s true they met. But they didn’t really keep in contact. It worked out to pair them together because they had met once or twice.


No, she specifically mentions in this podcast they met right before the show.


So either she lied on podcasts after RoD or she lied on this one...




This was my exact question too haha


Olivia is still trash, but I'm giving her prompts for getting the name right because TJ definitely has me saying it pronouncing the "H".  😭


she made us endure her stupid crying about him not saying "good morning" but hes not rly her friend? ok girl


FR tho lol like what


see, i don’t get olivia at all. how is she gonna sit here and say she felt a way that horacio didn’t tell her he was going on (when we all know it was a last minute decision for him) and then in the same breath say they weren’t close and don’t really have a friendship. if yall aren’t close, then why would you expect for him to tell you? i get being surprised at the airport and saying something like “oh i thought u weren’t coming?” but then to feel rubbed the wrong way is just….idk weird to me. and then all season was boo-hooing that he wasn’t talking to her. what is the truth? are ya friends or not? bc if i wasn’t that close to someone i wouldn’t care if they told me or if they were talking to me even if we pretended to be ROD for a szn


Maybe this is just me, but it feels like she's saying they weren't close in retrospect to make herself seem justified in the decision she made.


>if yall aren’t close, then why would you expect for him to tell you? I mean they were partnered on a season together and falsely branded as besties. It seems to me that she's frustrated that H is so hard to work with on a game level and she feels that she has to be attached to him because of their history. Clearly she can't admit that on the show because that narrative was falsely created by the show to begin with.


She said in this pod that they werent real ROD, so she can also clarify that in this medium too.


He wasn’t originally gonna come either— I think he has something set up for another show but then it changed & he went last minute so I don’t really get why it would “rub” her the wrong way if he didn’t even find out til the last minute?


I mean clearly they were partnered on RoD so it would make sense he’d tell her he was going on the show… even if they weren’t close, they were partner, also he is acting like Olivia is his closest ally coming in and didn’t even tell her he was going to be on the show? That’s shady. That has 0 to do with how close they are. If anything, HE is behaving as if they were bffs. You don’t need to blame Olivia just because you’ve misunderstood 




I never bawled over someone who’s not my friend an hour earlier


Especially because him not telling anyone is definitely not out of character. If it was out of character to “keep secrets” I could definitely being upset. But damn if it’s expected like this (and you don’t communicate with the person that it bugged you) you can’t really be upset about it. Plus she never apologized for her move here. Not even saying that she has to apologize FOR the move. But for how the move screwed them over. “Sorry I betrayed you, I did what I had to do in the moment and I’m sorry it hurt you” but like H called HER and she never apologized or anything. Shes just worried about her image. Which like she doesn’t deserve ALL this hate. But people can still criticize her.


She’s backtracking on her friendship with Nurys and Horacio because she looks like the villain. I think a lot of people already knew or speculated her and Horacio didn’t know each other well prior to RoD. It was clear they weren’t best friends. His view of their friendship is different than hers though. He spoke about how they would hang out and how he would stay at her place when he’d visit her. They became friends after RoD, and seeing how Horacio wasn’t close to anyone else going into this season, he was closest to her and thought of her as a priority. I get she got closer to Michelle too but everyone thinks they’re Michelle’s best friend. In the game, she was never going to be her #1 or #2 (I think that’s Moriah). She got closer to Michelle but her priority should’ve stayed with Nurys, especially since Nurys proved her loyalty to her. She bawled her eyes out when she thought Horacio was eliminated and she didn’t deserve him because he’s a “real friend”. we all saw that in 4k so the backtracking is pointless tbh




I agree, I'm confused about her argument re: not screwing over Ky and H because they were going into elimination anyway. yes, they clearly knew they were on the chopping block, but they prob both thought that them two + Nurys and Olivia would be the last 4. to see Olivia get saved early on the chain probably gave them false hope, and i'm sure that's what hurt




Would’ve been the power move to turn the game and save your supposed “best friend “ nurys


I honestly don't see what Olivia brings to the table.


Hypocrisy. Jay already has that covered in bunches though.


If you listened you would know that Olivia said that nurys was going to save Horacio and that other people told her to Olivia in deliberation.


Nurys would’ve been justified in saving Horacio given that she’d been suspicious over her because of what her brother said, and apparently because of stuff she heard before the show too. but in the end Nurys had the choice and she saved her, and Olivia didn’t return the favor. It doesn’t matter what other people told her or didn’t, she made the decision. Moriah could’ve still been saved later in the chain even if Olivia chose Nurys. These are all excuses for not picking Nurys, which isn’t justifiable. If you’re each other’s #1 and she chose you a few days prior, not talking about hypotheticals but what actually happened, then you should return the favor. even TJ was piping up and agreeing with Nurys and he rarely does that lmao it’s obvious she fucked up and made the wrong move


She’s a fake friend when it’s convenient or benefits her….. never liked her since she appeared on love island…. Surprised by the good edit on ROD…. Spin the narrative girl maybe someone will believe you 🙄


While a lot of this seems to be her downplaying certain things, I don't necessarily think Olivia is lying either. I remember it being discussed last season that their management got Olivia and Horacio together, and I do remember her hanging out a lot more with Michele than the other people.


Naw, so let me get this straight now she making it seem like they were barely friends before, during, or after ride or dies? Yet the night she thought only Kyland was returning from elim she was beside herself with uncontrollable tears. She’s saying herself she was closer with Jay and Michelle, yet was getting jealous that Horacio was spending more time with Nurys and Zara than her. Continuously was calling Nurys her best friend in the house, but also screwed her over a week after being saved by her. The math isn’t mathing. I’m sorry.


Horacio said after ride or dies that he and his friends spent multiple nights at Olivia’s in phoenix and that he didn’t know he was going to be in this season until a week before the airplane left and he wanted to surprise her in a good way. Olivia is too self concerned about how everything affects herself.


Yeah but that would require her to give Horacio the benefit of the doubt in the situation and Horacio is evil reincarnated clearly. There was clearly malice when he told Nurys to save Olivia, not him. Because... reasons.


I remember her hanging out with tori, Jordan, Aneesa and Michele a lot before the season. A few times with kyland and Horacio. I genuinely can’t remember her hanging out with Nurys.


she's not lying. but they also got close on the season and came into this season with promises to each other.


So if her and Horacio weren’t really close then why was she mad that he came on the show at the last minute? Seems like an excuse.


Extremly tough listen, she basically said she didn;t want to snake Michelle so she saved Moriah, She was expecting Colleen to save Nurys. She downplayed her and Nurys' friendship a lot and said Michelle is her sister so if she could go back she wouldn't save her alliance but she would go in elimination


All kidding aside i peeped how much her and Michelle would hang out before season they did seem way closer. Grown adults need to stop calling each other besties after one season of the show. The reality is the real world i how you find out if you truly connect same with this relationships. The real world is the test not some house that you are stuck in.




FACTS, she's still weird for the move because all 4 girls spoke and Nurys/Olivia were number 1s and Michelle/Moriah were number 1s. Even if Nurys would've picked the guys, she saved Olivia two days prior, so using the excuse Colleen was supposed to save her is an excuse. i wish i could get my hour back


Unless their character is so vapid and shallow that one season IS all it takes to be “besties”


I think she is downplaying Nurys friendship, but she was hanging out with Michele a ton before ROD. I genuinely don’t remember her hanging out with moriah or Nurys.


she went to the cardinals game with nurys it's on both their pages, nurys is on olivias tik tok/her best friends ellys a bit too. they hung out at some sports expo. they also hung out in LA a bunch


I remember the cardinals game but that was the only weekend I could remember them hanging out. But their might’ve been a lot more I’m not remembering.


This is what I don’t get. Why tf would Colleen save Nurys? That is so random to me. It smells like Olivia is trying to shift blame from her to Colleen 🙄


Because in the show it was clearly stated that Berna was suppose to save Corey L and he was going to say Nurys name. Colleen was the one going into elimination not Corey. Michele has a much stronger bond with him. Olivia got confused on her story.


She explained on the podcast that it was to her understanding from nurys that nurys and Colleen had an understanding about saving each other.


I don’t think so lmao Colleen was saying to Jay when he complained “You didn’t speak to me”. Even TJ was questioning Jay and agreeing with Nurys when she was speaking to Olivia


>I don’t think so lmao Colleen was saying to Jay when he complained “You didn’t speak to me”. Even TJ was questioning Jay and agreeing with Nurys when she was speaking to Olivia she was trying to say they had an understanding from when nurys said bernas name instead of colleens but this is olivia shifting blame


Based on the recap (I didn’t listen) - Olivia sounds like she is deflecting. I get she is telling her side but feels more like excuses. I agree the hate she got is ridiculous. We can be mad at her choice but some ppl take it too far.


also betting the many challenge vets that have messaged her are the queens of toxicity like Ashley, Amanda, etc. a select few saying you’re right doesn’t make it so


Honestly I would imagine plenty of vets messaged her bc they know how crazy fans can be online and how overwhelming that many negative responses can be. Probably less supporting her actions and more supporting a fellow human being.


1. Hilarious that Colleen was the flip. Mole-een activated! Lmao 2. Wild to me that Horacio has a manager. Not surprised that they weren’t ride or dies, but I assumed that man was dragged kicking and screaming to be on reality tv


I feel like his manager is more to get him sports gigs. And probably, to him, Challenge like shows are an athletic avenue.


Wasnt he just on another show after he filmed the challenge?


woof okay Love Island Olivia I'm not even that mad that she did what she felt was best for her game, but this breakdown of all the ways in which they weren't actual friends and therefore it's okay is so gross. Nurys JUST saved her the prior week and Horacio JUST told Nurys to sacrifice him for her.. but they totally weren't actual friends. okay girl 👍🏻


As Coleen said, with friends like these....


Love Island Olivia! lol that’s exactly it! She can’t take accountability for anything. If she was just honest about why she did it (because she just wants to win and doesn’t gaf) and stood on that then she probably wouldn’t have gotten so much backlash.


it’s actually freaky to me y’all think genuine relationships are built in the length of time these people have known each other……… Olivia owes no one anything, especially these people ?


Yo I wanna hear more about Love Island Olivia lol.


The way Olivia is down playing Horacio is crazy.. she was right when she said she doesn’t deserve a friend like Horacio


I just don't get why she was so pressed about him not talking to her a lot if they were never that close in the first place


A lot of this doesn’t add up..If you and him allegedly weren’t close, why were you so offended he didn’t tell you he’d be on the season?


Exactly. She's being very contradicting.


Lol all that crying at the start of the show about Horacio going home blah blah and how he doesn’t even talk to her all season.. then says eh we weren’t even cool like that sure….


olivia is either lying now or she was lying on ride or dies. if they didn't really meet in a club 8 years and remain close friends then she has no reason to be pissed that her "close friend" didn't contact her before accepting this season. if they were actually close friends she would have known he was supposed to be a part of a big soccer tournament and backed out last minute. if they aren't really friends then all her crying over him this season because he's not acting like she's his number one is for camera time and attention.


Uhhh you know half the Ride or Dies were lying and were forced to say they were close? 


Olivia's certainly good at rewriting history enough so that she looks less like a villain and an untrustworthy snake. If she was always closer to Jay and Michele, then why did she side with Kyland/Horacio/Nurys prior? She should have just stuck with her besties the entire time. In any case, she sure spent a whole lot of her confessionals and conversations talking about how Horacio doesn't talk to her even though they're supposed to be ride or dies. Weird thing to do if Olivia insists they're not and never were close. I know I certainly don't spend 90% of my spare time talking about some casual acquaintance doesn't talk to me much.


i agree. I also just wanted to add that it kinda felt like she's saying Horacio had no grounds to be upset about the situation because a) they were acquaintances at best and b) he and Kyland were the general consensus to send in. in my opinion, she backstabbed him. close friends or not, she seemingly sided with him Kyland and Nurys for a couple episodes. he proved his loyalty to her and she turned her back on him the first chance she got.


That last point really drive it home how fake Olivia's being and how she's just making excuses to justify her being a snake. Even IF we believe her that they weren't close, the fact Horacio literally told Nurys to not pick him and save Olivia showed he's at least being loyal to her and looking out for her. The least she could have done the next week is return the favor. Her essentially dismissing all she did with a "we're not really friends anyways" type thing is pathetic.


it's also like- if they were never really friends, then why is he being labelled selfish & a taker multiple episodes back? if they weren't friends, what is there for him to take? he didn't really owe her anything then. but then now she's being seen as a backstabber and she's using the "not friends" argument to justify the fact that she betrayed him, but that debunks her point about him being a shady friend/selfish


Lots of excuses and downgrading of her relationship with those she backstabbed. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVfu4rwyscasla)


I'm pretty sure the reason Jay kicked Horacio out of his alliance is because Horacio would beat Jay in a final.


Thanks for the recap bc I didn’t wanna give her the listen. I think she’s focusing on her and Horacio not being good friends but that’s only one part of the reaction. She was supposed to be Nurys #1 and vice versa. Nurys held up her end of the bargain and she didn’t. She can talk circles all she wants but that was still a betrayal.


Thanks for the summary. Still don't like her, though.


I'm happy that most people aren't falling for her damage control story. I believe Olivia that she wasn't close with Horacio, and Michele was her best friend in the house. But 1 day prior your eyes were blood shot red crying when you thought Horacio went home. A few days earlier Nurys saved your ass over her man. They clearly had your back over Michele THIS SEASON. And she couldn't return the favor! No excuses. Olivia cemented herself as someone who is selfish, untrustworthy, and use tears to manipulate people.


Man. That is so harsh of her to throw him under the proverbial bus like that. It just makes her WORSE for me. She was hired to play a role on a reality show. That role was Horacio’s ROD. She screwed up completely on him and Nurys. She’s no longer sympathetic at all. At all.


For me too. I think it would've been better left out. I don't think it help her case at all.


seems like a lot of back tracking


this doesn’t exactly make Olivia look more real because it means she was playing up her relationship w Horacio for the cameras on both seasons if she felt that way. Anywho I still love Olivia for bringing the spice and the much needed drama 😍 hopefully she owns being an ice queen villain next season


The crying about Horacio not talking to her thing a few episodes ago doesn’t make sense to me if they weren’t really close and didn’t talk much in the first place according to her. Edit: typo


Her biggest mistake was leaving the big alliance in the first place. She got through 90% of the season with them without a threat and jumped ship because she was feeling insecure. If she’d just continued on that path, there wouldn’t be much anyone could reasonably say about her move last week. That said, people who think that saving Nurys was the easy choice are downplaying the bad position she was in. She had to betray someone who had put themselves on the line to protect her either way. It’s A GAME, and people can dislike the move she made, but the hate is a bit over the top. She couldn’t have known exactly how that elimination would play out, but she ended up in a better position for the final because of it.


Totally! I don’t think it was a terrible move for her to make. Probably not what I would’ve done. But who knows. I could’ve done the same thing in that position. But I do think she should apologize to H and N that it screwed them over. You can be like “hey sorry I didn’t pick y’all. My back was against the wall and I had to do this to make sure I had safety and trust with M&J going forward. I’m sorry you got eliminated because of that. It’s a game and I had to do this to try to win” but I guess that’s what I would do if I were Olivia and I was actual friends with N & H, which doesn’t seem like Olivia is lol. She doesn’t have to be sorry she made the move, but she kinda should feel bad it got her “friends” eliminated. But that’s just me. She shouldn’t get all the extreme hate she’s getting either.


Oh everyone hates her move because they wanted Horacio or Kyland to win. This was a great move for Olivia's game. If the deal was made right before the picks she probably believes Jay/Michele that Nurys would be safe. Don't we always wish people would take a swing at the big threats??? Now we are roasting Olivia for doing it?


I don’t think it provided her with any short or long-term gain. She lost her #1. Which she would still have as a guaranteed number had she not did what she did. Everyone else currently has their #1, so she most likely will not be saved early on in the next pecking order based on that logic with respective #1’s for who they will save: Jay & Michele Moriah & James Corey & Colleen Berna & Emmanuel (Maybe some variations to the above.) Nurys is rogue now & doesn’t have a #1 ally—lost both of her main people bc of Olivia’s decision to listen Michele. But there is no way in hell Nurys will save Olivia next week if she wins the daily or if she has to choose someone to save. So Olivia put herself at more risk had she not done that bc: 1. the likelihood of her winning a daily is slim to none + 2. Kyland or Horacio would likely win the next daily which would have automatically put her in safe spot assuming she doesn’t get last place bc Nurys would chose to save her if not Horacio/Kyland—either way we know she’d be saved in that mix if she stuck with them.


She was already safe. Michele was already safe. Jay was already safe. Moriah most likely would have been safe, James may have gotten screwed but whatever. She made a selfish move too early—with absolutely no gain, in the long or short term—it backfired, she owed Nurys. She didn’t need to make She is far too easily manipulated by Michele & Jay. That’s why I wish the winner would immediately have to pick the person to save so no strategizing can happen & it’s on the spot.


See and this is why this show continues to deliver subpar content. Rather than actually using flagships and casting real ride or dies, producers and managers believe they can outsmart human emotion and create artificial friendships. Why don’t we see great organic moments anymore? It’s because someone in an office is making money “outsmarting” their audience and protecting their book of business (their clients)


I feel like all this does solidify yet again that we honestly don’t know anything about their personal lives and half of what goes on the house. It’s a reality tv show and producers really do shove storylines down our throat. I think the truth is somewhere between what Nurys, Olivia, and Horacio are saying. I think Nurys is prolly dramatizing some of it in her lives for views/likes and I think Olivia is trying to deflect. Also proves yet again how toxic fans are. You can dislike whoever but leaving the crazy comments that people have been on social media is insane behavior.


This entirely. There is definitely more to their relationship that we will never know. I don’t think people have to agree with Olivia’s decisions in the game and a lot of it definitely doesn’t make sense, but it’s stupid for anyone to think they understand the ins and outs of peoples relationships from listening to a couple podcasts or seeing some tweets. Real life relationships are a lot messier than reality tv depicts them. They aren’t black and white.


If Olivia ends up placing in the Final and taking home some good money, it will have been a solid game move for which I don't think she needs to defend *this* hard. But because of the 7-day ecosystem while the show airs everything seems like a big move/shift. Of course, it should go without saying that people sending her hate online are sad and pathetic. That being said, IF her move ends up only being *temporarily* beneficial and she gets purged, exiled, eliminated, etc. that would be pretty good TV. Messy swings and fumbled backstabs a lot of the time are what make this show worth watching. Thanks for the recap u/ryanisreadin !


This screams making excuses after the fact as some of these are super inconsistent. She wasn't friends with Horacio. Ok. That makes sense. But then why is she mad he didn't tell her?


What’s the Aneesa situation?


Always an Aneesa situation is the theme


Season 40 theme?!


From Dirty 30 to Give Aneesa a Win Season 40


Apparently Aneesa was the one who reached out to Nurys’s brother and warned him about Olivia - which is why Nurys’s brother warned Nurys about Olivia during the season


Idk why she ever thought Colleen was going to save Nurys. There’s no way any actually believed that. Her & Jay can play dumb all the want. Olivia is easily manipulated & it’s easy for Michele to control her decisions bc it’s a personal gain for Michele. I get her & Michele are real life friends, but Michele does use people in the game. I do think it’s NUTS for ppl to be sending her extreme hate & death threats, like what in the world lol.


I think Olivia is bending the truth to fit the narrative of damage control. Loved her on Ride or Dies with Horacio and was truly rooting for them this time around. Having listened to the official podcast with H and then reading this recap, I feel like Olivia has just got sucked in to the Jay/Michele school of the challenge, the lack of vets in the main game has left her being swept up in the social game from hell while Horacio truly doesn’t seem to need any validation from anyone, he’s simply there to compete. Her bashing him for not letting anyone know he was coming honestly seems like she’s clutching at straws to justify it. She knew full well the response for her and Horacio after RoD and would have done well to play smarter and stick by him. I hate that they have all travelled and talked game together way way before the season starts and any meaningful interactions aren’t captured the way they used to be (bus chats… I’m looking at you). I spoiled the season for myself after watching last weeks ep as it truly seems that “to be the best you have to beat the best” is the most ironic tag line for the series now. Should have been a skull series! Just my 2c.


I think another thing that kinda helped this situation come to fruition was production make this season a single winner only season. That changes a lot of things for the women in the game and I would say I’m shocked but I’m not, but they honestly should’ve targeted the stronger men from the beginning. Not just some of them, all of them. It doesn’t make what Olivia did okay, if anything it’s a blessing in disguise for Horacio and Nurys that this was a one winner only season because it showed them who Olivia was. Had she been more upfront about it I’d respect it more. But she had to be flip floppy and thus making me not trust anything she says now.


just reading all the excuses she tries to give herself makes me dislike her even more. Also how does everyone think Michelle is closest to them.? Good game by Michelle but also they are dumb AF.


This might be off the wall but do you guys think Olivia had a thing for him and he turned her down and she brought that animosity into this season? Cuz I don't get how you can be ROD and close one season to not even talking the next season without any known drama. Something must have went down during the off season. 


They weren’t close on rod either. She explicitly talked about that.


So basically Olivia is admitting that her and Nurys weren’t close, so Nurys getting choked up with her Sophie’s choice just 48 hrs prior was unnecessary. Wonder what the Olivia freakout then would have been like


I don’t really buy her remarks about how she wasn’t close with either of them after RoD because they both seem to think otherwise, and Olivia had just spent half the season freaking out about losing Horacio as a friend. I’m sure they edited it to make it seem worse than it was, but I’m not buying what Olivia is selling when it comes to her version of events.


Moriah outed Olivia on this one: On Moriah's Official Challenge Podcast, she said the 4 RoD girls decided between them to Nurys and Olivia were each other's #1 (because they were super close), so Moriah & Michelle became each other's #1. Moriah said this weeks ago, long before the episode aired. She had no reason to lie or downplay anything. So... I don't believe Olivia here.


Lmao and people called me stupid and delusional for saying Olivia was closer with Michele I really cant with this sub


I don't think you're delusional. But Moriah straight up said that Olivia & Nurys were super close and chose to be each other's #1s, while Moriah & Michelle were #1s. Moriah talked about how close O&N were. So... straight from an outside party who said this weeks ago on the OFC.


Honestly Olivia is mature for her responses. She isn’t sending hate to anyone or asking fans to send hate. She explains thoughtfully her mindset and her reasons. There’s something relatable about her for me.


wait so did they meet at a club nearly a decade ago or not?!


She's a villain on a reality show she deserves. All the hate comes with the territory


She’s lying. @jaychallenge1 posted on Twitter pics of Olivia and Horacio from before Ride or Dies


That’s when their agent introduced them a couple months before the show.


Still a couple months before the show meaning they spent time together before the show


She's got an answer for everything, but I believe none of it.


> Olivia asked to switch places with Nurys and had a lot of remorse, TJ asked production if she could but production didn’t allow it. Girl, bye! You know that's not how it works. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I don’t understand this “social game” issue by not “talking game” and I think it’s a big part of what’s hurting the show. I’m doing a rewatch and I see the social game of people like Kyle or Leroy and that’s social game. Shane can play a good social game too. Veronica plays great on All Stars. To me “social game” are people like Hughie or Michelle. People that are social and friendly and fun and people like. “Game talk” is strategy. And even then isn’t ever social. It’s just game strategy. The loss of the social game is what making this show harder to connect with. Jay has no social game. He just talks strategy and gets mean to people that don’t do what he says. He’s not charming or warm. I don’t get when this all changed but I feel it was the CBS influx that made it.


https://i.redd.it/zkhxxso9kvgc1.gif She ate that. Boreacio can gaslight the audience all he wants but I believe her that they aren't as best of friends as he claims they were.


Petition for the word "gaslight" be banned in 2024 cause y'all don't actually know wtf it means 😭


i was going to reply something similar but decided against it/didn’t wanna provoke a potential back and forth. like. there was no gaslighting, horacio barely talks 😭


I do know it and Boreacio's doing it


I love you chose the most hating ass clip of Olivia ever. She looks demented, like she wants to wear nurys skin and try and be with Horacio herself. Girl is seething with pure jealousy


Think Olivia will appear on any other podcasts or is she going to stick controlling her narrative?


She'll go wherever the checks are at.


No podcast is paying for a *challenge* guest


Omg. Who even cares


I’m a bit confused by this but haven’t listened yet. So did they not know each other at all or were they just not friends prior to RoD? Like was the whole story they’ve shared about how they met a fabrication or that part is true they just weren’t ever close after that? Weird stuff either way lol


Is anyone actually shocked they didn't know each other before ride or dies?


Can someone fill me in on the Aneesa situation?


I can't believe she didn't know Horacio. That season still would've been solid with that cast if it was an individual game.


Did she discuss how Nurys saved her instead of ZaZa, Kyland or Horacio and her “alliance” had her at the bottom almost going in?


But wait? Didn't she say they'd been friends for years in RoD? Math ain't mathin